Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F] Part 34


*** Bella ***

I’m sitting across from Alana and Roxxy, wearing a pretty pissed-off look on my face.

“So you two don’t have any ideas? Nothing at all? For fucks sake, his birthday is coming up!”

Chris’ birthday is the 21st of January, and frankly, while it is a week away we still have no idea what to do. The only thing we can come up with is basically to have sex with him the entire day. I want it to be more than that, more than sex because otherwise, we’re nothing more than a bunch of sex-crazed lunatics!

“Theme park?” Roxxy piped up, “but… but it’s wintertime and it’s cold.”

“It was a good idea,” Alana sighed as she rolled over to her back, “I was thinking of a water park but it’s winter and it’s fucking cold.”

“We need to do something, and we can’t just ask him because that’s something an idiot would do, and we are not idiots.”

So we call up a reliable source of information. Victor.

“For Chris? The only thing I can think of is video games and shit.”

“Wow, thanks, Vic. How are you guys doing?”

Victor was a bit silent for a good dozen seconds until he gave me a sigh, “we’re still working on it, thanks for asking.”

I gave him my condolences and we said our goodbyes. The next plan was to ask Raissa to host it in her restaurant but that’s out of the question now.

Shit, I could just ask Albert! Silly me!


“What the fuck, Laura?! Are you over his house?”

“What, no! Albert is over at mine!”

“Laura… has he left since the last time we spoke?”

She gets quiet. “Laura! He’s still in your home after Thanksgiving?!”

“Let me live my life! Bella, come on! He’s been acting like a dad to Saleen, a good dad and we even spent Christmas together and we exchanged presents with each other. We spent New Year’s Eve lighting up fireworks! We feel like a family, we really do!”

I’m frustrated. Frustrated at her inability to take things slow. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe they’re doing it right and I need to back off and stop acting like a mother hen. Maybe she and Albert are really soul mates or whatever.

“Ok, whatever, can I talk to Albert?”

“Hello, Albert Patterson speaking.” Came his deep, rugged voice. It’s a stark contrast to how Chris’ voice has a slightly higher pitch when he speaks, but when he gets angry or turned on he speaks in such a low tone that it’s kind of scary… or arousing… or both. Focus, girl, focus.

“Cut the shit, listen Chris’ birthday is coming up. What do you guys usually do for him?”

“Chris? He stopped celebrating his birthdays when he moved out of the house. He normally just calls up mom and they talk for a bit, and that’s it.”

“That cannot be it,” I said, refusing to accept it. There’s no way he doesn’t celebrate his birthdays! “Is there a reason why?”

“No, he just thinks it’s childish to celebrate it.”

I hung up, bewildered and perplexed at this. Why doesn’t he celebrate his birthday? Why? I’m running out of ideas, and frankly, I’m quite desperate. Useless, all of us!

What to do, what to do… think, bitch, think! My mind keeps going back to us just having sex that day, but we do that almost every day! Should we let him rest? But, we do that every couple of days. My poor man has to regain his stamina, let his impressive cock rest and build up his reserves.

Roxxy and Alana can cook food for him, that’s a given. I can go buy a cake maybe? But what kind of cake does he like? Does he even like cake? Someone knows, someone has to know but I don’t want to call up his family. I got an idea.

I called up the one person who may know if Chris likes eating cake.

“What? How the hells should I know if he likes eating cake.”

“Lanie! Do you guys not have celebrations or whatever in the office?”

Lanie laughed at me, laughed at the dire situation I’m in, “you don’t know what to do with his birthday coming up. Oh, sweet summer child, just fuck his brains out! That’s what Haruna and I do for David! Incidentally, did you know he brought over a different girl here a couple of days ago? I have a stress relief room for my workers, and he brought this Filipina girl over. Pretty, a little petite, nice tits. Just thought you should know.”

“Stress relief room? What? A-Anyway, I can’t just have sex with him on his birthday, that’s what we do almost every day! I want that day to be special.”

“Well, we had a celebration for a going away party 6 months ago or something. I think he said he doesn’t really care for cakes, but he does like Carrot or Red Velvet cake.”

“Thanks, Lanie! I’ll ask him about this Filipina girl, but thanks!” I said while I gave a wink to Roxxy, who shyly looked away.

I gave a heavy sigh as my body felt heavy and spent. “Roxxy, what’s this stress relief room Lanie is talking about?”

Roxxy shifted in her seat a bit, “it’s-it’s a room for workers to, um, relieve their stress by…. by having sex with one another.”

“Sex? With each other? You mean that girls have been asking Chris to have sex with them at work?”

“Yes! He told me a dozen or so has asked him, and he refused all of them. He got fed up with the girls so – so he called me up.”

I can tell she’s a bit scared. Of what? Of me? She shouldn’t be. I went over and sat next to her, pulling her close to me and I played with her hair a bit while her arms wrapped around my waist. “Don’t be scared Roxxy, you did the right thing. I’m kind of pissed he didn’t call me first, though, but I’m guessing he wanted to send a message to the people he worked with that he’s taken. Were there a lot of pretty girls?”

“Oh yeah, all of them were beautiful. I’m kind of surprised that he didn’t want to have sex with any of them since they’re all so pretty. And-and he told me, when I was about to leave, that he didn’t want to show any favoritism with his girls, and that’s why he didn’t call you first.”

“I guess that makes sense. Oh, I want him to call me soon.”

“I think he wanted the girls at work to leave him alone, but seeing as he fucked me for 45 minutes that just made him a bigger target,” she giggled and I understood almost immediately.

I laughed. I laughed really nice and loud. She’s right, though, some thirsty bitch would want to know how Chris can last 45 minutes! Chris, in all of his wisdom and intelligence, didn’t really think of that. Well, to be honest, neither did I. I’m suspecting that he’ll be calling us up soon.

“So there’s a lot of cute girls over there?’ Alana giggled as she finally tore herself away from her phone to talk to us, “like, a lot of cute girls?”

“Oh yeah, I think all of them were cute and pretty. There are a few guys, but it’s mostly girls from what I’ve seen.”

I feel threatened. I feel like I need to protect what is mine. I’m furious that he’s not calling right now, furious! Then again it’s only 9 AM in the morning. Focus, bitch, you’re supposed to be planning a birthday party not hoping to get laid in his office!

Are we just going to go with the original plan of fucking him or being fucked by him? Do we go another route? I don’t want our relationship’s main glue to be sex, I want us to be close to one another, be loving and caring. Like a regular, healthy relationship! We do talk about any issues coming up, I’m surprised that Alana and Roxxy have kept their promise to never fight again, but they do sometimes squabble. I also think they’re starting to get close to one another, which is adorable and cute.

In the end, I can’t really think of anything. I’m kind of pissed at myself because I’ve been with him the longest, damn near 3 years. I realized that I never spent any birthday with him, even when I was a bitch to him but he spent all of my birthdays with me.

Roxxy and Alana cooked lunch, and I so desperately wanted to go and help them but these two harpy’s kicked me out of my own god damn kitchen. Roxxy proved to be just as skilled in the kitchen as Alana and honestly, I’m pissed off that they’re not even letting me hold a knife.

That’s it! That’s it! Oh, why didn’t I think of this sooner!

Oh wait, he doesn’t like hiking because of bears. Fucking bears, I mean everyone is afraid of them what makes his fear so god damn special? Ah, I’ll save it for another time, but I still have a great idea.

Roxxy and Alana made some flatbread for us, with slices of fresh mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and a few sprigs of basil, and a sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil. This is probably something even I can do, but they both looked at me like I’m some worthless husk in the kitchen. I’ll show them. I’ll show them all!

The flatbread is delicious. The tanginess of the tomato paired well with the slight sweetness of the cheese. The basil enhanced it with freshness, and the oil simply tied it all together. The flatbread gave the dish texture what it needed. I’ve tasted this several times when my parents and I went off on vacations in Italy but having someone that loves you prepare it gives it that extra flavor.

God damn it, these bitches make me mad sometimes. Mad that I can’t even cook for them! Roxxy is just as relentless in the kitchen as Alana, and I think they both found common grounds in that regard. Fuck, now there are two assholes in the kitchen instead of one.

My stress meter is almost to the brim until I got a text from Chris. “Come to the office, please, I’ll send you the address. Wear your old clothes.”

“Oh, thank god,” I said out loud as I quickly went for the room to change. Should I shower? No, he said he likes my natural smell so I’ll give him that.

Old clothes? What old clothes? Does he mean the pencil skirt and blouse and blazers? I mean, if I wear that it’ll look like I’m part of the office I guess. Oh, I see, now. How delicious.

I replied with a simple smiley face.


Caitlyn is a lovely girl, a bit older than us but not by much. I can see the engagement ring on her finger and she gave me a smile as I walked in. “Oh, hello, are you here for a meeting?”

“Yes, I’m here to meet a Mr. Patterson. Chris Patterson,” I said in the best English Accent I can muster, “My name is Isabella Campbell, a pleasure to meet you.”

I got my hair in a tight bun, and my fake glasses on. I’m wearing pink lip gloss and I’ve got simple make-up on, nothing fancy or anything. I’m wearing a simple black pencil skirt with a black blazer and a white blouse. Underneath, however, I’m wearing a matching red lacey thong and bra. I’ve got a few buttons undone on my blouse that it shows a little bit, and I’m sure Caitlyn has noticed it.

“Chris? Hi, sweetie. There’s an Isabella Campbell here to meet with you, are you available right now? I see, alright sweetie I’ll let her know.”

Sweetie!? How dare she! How fucking dare she call my Chris ‘sweetie’! She gave me a smile, oh I want to punch her pretty little face.

“He said he’ll be by in a few minutes, he has some things to finish. If you could, please have a seat. We have refreshment over there, coffee, tea, whatever you would like.”

“Thank you, dear. I’ll wait for Mr. Patterson here then.”

A literal minute passed and I can see Chris walking towards me from behind the glass door. He gave Caitlyn a quick wave as he addressed me.

“Ms. Campbell, it’s a pleasure to meet you. So, let’s go over and talk,” he said with a gentle nod and we shook hands. Oh, this is fun, pretending to be actual adults!

“Thank you for having me, Mr. Patterson, please lead the way.”

We walked side by side through the office. Me, being the tall giant that I am, could see the beautiful people that populate this place. Lanie stood by the water cooler and gave me a nod as she smiled from ear to ear. Roxxy is right, that bitch has a plan with all of these people. Maybe to show her boss that sex in the office could be utilized for better productivity?

We stopped by his cubicle. I could tell the tension in the air as a lot of women stood up and looked at us. A lot of women. If there was a line forming, I’m willing to be these women would be standing in it to get a share of Chris.

He got me to sit down with him at his desk, talking shop about… well, about nothing in particular. I have no idea what he’s talking about, to be honest, and I’m just sitting there smiling and nodding along. Eventually, Lanie came over.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Lanie Brooks, the supervisor, and general manager of this branch. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Campbell.” She extended her hand towards me which I shook and she gave me a nod, “I hope Mr. Patterson here will take care of you.”

“I do believe he will, Mrs. Brooks.”

After that she walked away, looking over her shoulder and giving me a wink. “Now, Ms. Campbell, would you be willing to join me somewhere?” Chris started as he took his blazer off and set it against his chair.

“Oh? Where is this ‘somewhere’ Mr. Patterson?” I asked with a sly smile. He returned that smile as he stood up and grabbed a key from his desk, then bid me over. The girls are clamoring behind him, talking in hushed tones as they watched us disappear behind the corner.

“No! Chris, no!” I hear one of them say, “come back! Oh, when will he give us a turn!”


As soon as we disappeared into the room he took my hips and pulled me over to his lips. “See! See what I’m dealing with! Horny, thirsty girls all day long!”

“Poor you!” I giggled as his hand went over and started bunching up my skirt around my waist, “poor Chris, getting horny girls wanting him.” He started inserting a finger in my asshole, making me gasp and moan instantly.

“Shut up! Shut up!” He growled against me as he pushed me over to the bed, but I’m not about to let him off easy today. I have my wants and desires too, so I pulled him onto the bed with me and held him down while I get on top.

“Hmm, baby,” I purred against him, still wearing my badly invoked English accent, “Tell me what you’d like me to do.”

I pulled out his buttons, slowly, one by one while he sucked on my thumb a bit. “Mr. Patterson, you’re going to need to convince me about our trade agreement.”

I laid down next to him and brushed his thick, shaggy hair softly and slowly. My hand started to drift south a bit, causing him to gasp and exhale at a rapid rate while his hand moved to free his stiffening rod. “Oh, what have we got here Mr. Patterson? You’re trying to bribe me with some this tasty token of gratitude?”

My fingernail gently brushed against his shaft, working in small circles as I tease him gently. He tried to kiss me but I push him away softly, wagging my finger at him, “now, now Mr. Patterson, we’ve still got some things to do here. Please, be patient with me. I’m new at this, so will you please tell me what you would like to happen?”

I spat in my hand and then wrapped it around his cock head, gently coating his throbbing manhood with my spit. “Come on, Mr. Patterson, I’m waiting.”

“I – I want you to wrap your lips around my cock,” he said as he swallowed hard, trying not to push my head down to where his cock is, “I want you to bob up and down m-my cock.”

“Oh my, that’s might bold of you, Mr. Patterson. Luckily for you, I have the proper credentials for this… activity. Now, if you’ll allow me.” So I slowly went down to his crotch, adjusting my glasses a bit and I made sure he saw me do it. I gave his cock a few licks and then I slowly wrapped my pink lips around him, making him moan with pleasure. As I go up and down his shaft, I slowly twist my hand as it glides up with me. “Oh, Mr. Patterson, you have some hard material for me to work with,” I cooed at him while my hand jerks him off, “it’s going to take me some time to process it. I hope you have some time to spare while I… work on this issue.”

“F-Fuck, fuck k-keep jerking me off, baby,” he gasped as his eyes are fixated on mine, “Shit! I-I didn’t think your old clothes could turn me on, but they fucking are!”

“Well, I’m glad to be of service, but please save your reviews until after we’re done here.”

I purred softly against his ears as I jerk him off, “Mr. Patterson, would you like a sample of my products?” He eagerly nodded. I swung my leg over his torso and planted my pussy over his face. His hand immediately pushed my red thong aside and I felt his slick tongue enter my already wet pussy. “N-Now, Mr. Patterson, do take y-your time reviewing my products. There’s p-plenty to spare!”

I continued to jerk him off while I tease him with my pussy, slowly rubbing it across his face and then taking it away, then I lay it back down on his face again. He eventually just held me down with his hands while his cock throbbed against my grip. “Stop being a tease,” he complained but I only laughed at him lightly.

“Leave a customer wanting, that’s marketing 101 Mr. Patterson,” I continued to giggle, but that giggle slowly turned into moans of lust as his tongue entered deeper, “Mr. Patterson, please you m-must allow me to try your own products. It’s hardly fair for you to be the only one to enjoy a product, you must allow me to do so as well!”

I can hardly contain my lust and my hunger for his cock. His delicious, throbbing cock with a thick pre-cum forming at the entrance of his urethra. I gathered it between my index and thumb and then slowly spread it across my tongue. So sweet, so good, so delicious! I want more, I want his cock inside me, but I mustn’t let him by just like that. I need to work on my teasing game.

“P-Please, let me put it in, please,” he whimpered against me as he gave my ass a squeeze.

“Oh, would you like to? Would you like to make a delivery Mr. Patterson? Would you like to dock your ship in my port, Mr. Patterson?”

“I want to. I need to. P-Put in the proper paperwork, and let my ship dock in your shipyard.”

Oh, I like that he’s playing along, but we need to get away from the ship analogies. It’s starting to feel kind of… gross. “Of course, Mr. Patterson. Would you like to put in your stamp of approval?”

I maneuvered myself so that I’m straddling him, that’s his most favorite position. He likes any position where he can see our faces. Missionary, cowgirl, and reverse spoon fuck. I mean, he’s not complaining about using any other sexual position, but I’ve noticed that he prefers to use cowgirl and missionary the most. He cums the hardest when he can see our faces become wracked with pleasure.

Our lips wrapped together once again, with our tongues dancing with one another while I maneuver myself over him, straddling him. His hands went up and down my thick thighs, making sure to caress and squeeze my ass as his hands pass over. “Would you like to sign the paperwork?”

I gently lowered my pussy on top of his cock, but I kept myself hovering just shy of penetration. “Go ahead, Mr. Patterson, sign it.”

“Sign it?” he asked with a quizzical look on his face.

“Yes, sign it so you may dock your ship. Sign the paperwork, Mr. Patterson.” I pumped my eyebrows at him and made a gesture to my lower body, then blew him a small kiss.

He took his cock and held it, then started moving it. “C-C… Chris… P-Patterson… Fuck!” Using his cock as a “pen” he gently scribbled his name on my pussy, with him dotting the “i” by pressing his cock on my clit and gently rubbing it in a circle. I must admit, it made me incredibly aroused to have his thick, massive cock rubbing and teasing my quivering, hungry lips.

“G-Good, now, we can proceed wi-with docking.”

I finally lowered myself onto him and felt him fill me up completely. All the teasing I did to him has gotten me so hot and heavy that I’m already at the brink of orgasm as soon as he entered me. “Allow me to measure the size of your cargo, Mr. Patterson.”

I slowly lowered myself down his entire length, savoring each inch as it entered me. No matter how many times he fucks me, it still feels so god damn good when he’s inside me! Twitching and shaking, throbbing and quivering, it always feels good! I gasped as soon as my hips connected with his, and glowered at him, “Mr. Patterson, it seems we need to carefully inspect your cargo. If I may, I’ll have to d-do so.”

I continue to go up and down his massive cock, marveling at how the rim of his head would rub against my walls so dangerously addictive. “M-Mr. Patterson, some of your cargo seems to not follow the standard protocol. I’ll need to… carefully examine them.” I unsheathed myself from him and then return his cock into my mouth-scabbard. Hungrily I devoured his cock, tasting and lapping up all the juices I’ve coated it. There’s even a dry spot where my pussy didn’t reach, so I made sure to properly coat it with my saliva. Just watching his cock turn red with blood and fury, how the tip is engorged and willing, and how he’s starving for me to grant his release, well one could say I’m brimming with power.

But, I held power over him once before and that did not end well.

“Mr. Patterson, let us continue with the process.”

He got up and I got down to my knees and my face down on the sheets, with my ass sticking up in the air. “If you would, please, inspect my cargo.”

It didn’t take much to coax him into doing what I wanted him to do. His face is already buried on my mound and his tongue exploring my caverns. He gave my ass a few slaps, but he still refuses to take my thong off. That’s one of his kinks, what can I say. That’s the only thing I can give him. I can’t do cutesy shit with him on account of my height. He can’t carry me and fuck me unless he’s got me pinned against a wall. I hate being this tall, I hate it! I wish there’s a way for me to become a bit shorter, shorter than him at least. But he doesn’t seem to mind, he doesn’t seem to care that I’m tall and slightly butch. I try to be cute and beautiful for him, but there are times where I don’t feel that.

He took me away from my thoughts when he entered me. I gasped as I feigned shock and looked back at him, “Mr. Patterson! I did not give you permission to enter my facility just yet! You need the proper credentials to do so! Now, come here so I may give you the proper paperwork.”

I switched over to my back and let my head hang over the edge of the bed. He took his cock and placed it against my chin while his heavy balls entered my mouth. I entertained it, I like sucking his balls and his cock, and while I did so I made sure to jerk him off smoothly. When his balls are nice, wet, and red he drew his cock back and slid it down my throat.

Feeling him just take me for his lust, as a stress relief toy, I never knew it filled me with a unique sense of happiness. I guess the 18 months of me torturing him, never letting him fulfill his wants and needs, has caused me to really submit to him. While he fucked my face, a little bit rougher than what I’m used to, his hand went up to my blouse and cupped my breast.

“W-Would it be alright if I assess your other goods?” he asked me while he’s got his eyes closed. I held onto his dick while kissing and giving it a few runs with my tongue and enjoying his general taste.

“My other goods? Whatever do you mean, Mr. Patterson?” I coyly asked him as I straightened up with my tear-stricken face and lines of saliva running up to my nose. I’m not sure why, but as soon as he got a look at my face he took my cheeks into his palm and he started making out with me.

“Bella, you’re beautiful, so beautiful. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you, and Alana and Roxanne, but I am grateful to have my girls in my life.”

This son of a bitch! You son of a fucking bitch! Fuck you, Chris! Why are you ruining this moment with your god damn flattering words that make my heart skip and dance in my chest! I was so into this little role play, but then again this is probably his first time, I actually felt like a god damn product manager or whatever the fuck I concocted in my head. But shit did it kinda ruin the moment a bit! Fuck!

I gotta play this off. I gotta keep the momentum going, so I kissed him back. “Mr. Patterson, I appreciate your continued support. I’ll make sure the company executives receive your reviews. Now, you wanted to know about the other services the company offers, am I correct in hearing that?”

I already know what he wants. I got down to my knees and I was about to remove my blouse, but he instead brought me up a bit higher, untucked my shirt from my bunched-up skirt and slid his cock right in between the loose part of my blouse, in between buttons and under my bra. “Oh, Mr. Patterson! So eager to try out our services, are we? Now, allow me to demonstrate it for you please.”

His cock burned hot in between my breast. With how tight my bra is as it hugged my breast, I didn’t really need to squeeze it around him. He eagerly fucks my chest while my hands held onto the back of his legs. “How is it? Is it to your liking, Mr. Patterson?”

He nodded as he continued. His cock is long enough that it’s actually poking my chin a bit, so I tucked it in against my chest and took his head into my mouth. He moaned loudly as he thrust faster and faster and then he took his cock out from in between my breast, got me up to my feet, lifted one of my legs up and hooked it over his arm and proceeded to penetrate me again. “Mr. Patterson! Y-You mustn’t be so hasty in trying out our services and products!”

He’s not hearing me anymore. His mind is in a single-minded mission of release. But, he’s lucid enough to wrap his lips around mine. “I fucking love you, Bella. I fucking love you so much!”

I gotta tell him how to roleplay properly, Jesus Christ what an amateur.

“W-Will you be paying directly or indirectly?” I asked him and he nodded, “Mr. Patterson, will you be making a transaction directly, or indirectly? Should I expect your payment directly into our accounts, or will you be mailing a cheque?”

I think he got the gist of it. For someone so smart, he can be ignorant in some places and I love him for that. “D-Directly, Ms. Campbell.”

“Oh, I see. Now, I’ll just wait for your accounts to finalize. Until then, please do enjoy the accommodations I’ll provide.”

I’ve managed to hide my orgasms from him, but every one has been hitting me like a god damn truck. I’ve kept my cool during this entire role play that seems to fucking get me so aroused like no other. Did I accidentally find another kink? Did I find another kink that he enjoys as well because he seems to be so fucking eager and willing to do this with me. My pussy has been quivering and shaking with joy, and I’m glad that I’m finding another outlet for my lust other than seeing and watching him have sex with other women. After finding out that he doesn’t really enjoy doing having sex with other women, even with my consent as he felt it borders on cheating and that’s something he has no intentions of doing, I’ve been trying to find ways for me to scratch the proverbial itch.

He held onto my hips while he thrust deeply and roughly, while my hand rest against his shoulders. I thought we were going to continue, or rather finish, standing up but he got me on my back again. He came up and over me, his feet on the bed, with his hands pressing down on the back of my knees and with his cock basically piledriving down in me. He continued to hammer me, moaning with each pump, and when he finally unloaded he gave me a long groan as his warm seed flowed into me.

His twitching cock, pulsing with each length of hot, cum flowing into me caused me to orgasm another time as my pussy clamped down around him, milking as much as it could from him. I held onto my breath, focusing on that feeling and I didn’t want to let him go so I held onto him tightly, shaking and trembling around him. He kept pumping his hips into me more and more, unloading his load deep into me.

“T-Thank you, Mr. Patterson. Your transaction was s-s-successful. If there is a-a-anything else, please feel free to contact me once again. We continue to look forward to our continued partnership.”

He came up to my face and wiped his cock on my cheeks, chin, and lips. I cleaned him off and savored the taste we produced.

“Go outside with my cum all over your face, babe,” he growled at me.

He helped me clean up a bit, and as I push my thong back over my dripping pussy, I scooped up the bits that went over to stain my thigh. I licked my finger clean and gave him a wink.

We left the room with a line of women against the wall, looking at us with their hands on their crotch and amazement on their faces. I strolled past them, with my head held high and my hair a complete fucking mess, with lines of white cream smeared across my face. I felt powerful there and then, that I have something over these women who clearly wanted my man. As Chris and I parted ways, I blew him another kiss goodbye. “I’ll see you again for our meeting, Mr. Patterson,” came my words to him as I left the facility.

~ End of Part 34 ~



  1. That was good. It turned me on and made me smile. Nice change. As always I look forward to the next chapter.

  2. I can see all 3 girls doing a role play and teasing Chris by denying his touch for as long as possible.

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