Mr. Key’s closset

It’s 1 pm, and school has just started. The only thoughts on your mind are driving you insane. That demn test you did last week. Mr Key is known for being really harsh on his grades, and he will find any reason to flunk you. You look up at him. Strange, he’s looking right at you, with an impatient steer. Does he always do that when you’re not looking?

People are getting called up. You see many relived faces, some indifferent. A dude covered his face and ran out the room upon seeing his grade. Honestly, you’re surprised he’s the only one, to be honest. Your friends all get out, looking very happy with their scores. You happened to hear one of them say “A-“. Your friends aren’t normally that bright. There are 5 people left now. Then 4, 3, 2… then it’s just you and him. He shuffles his papers and calls you forward. “Holly, your test score is here”. He looks dead into your eyes the whole time. You feel it like a hawk stalking it’s pray. You hold up the paper to your chest.


“what the fuck?!” you could not believe it. You studied all night for that demn thing. You basically knew the answers from the back of your hand. How the hell? “Sir! M-mr Key. Are you SURE you haven’t done anything wrong in the…” you couldn’t finish speaking before he interrupted. “There is nothing that can be done. You failed, get over it”. His voice felt rough, like sandpaper. Still had his hawk eyes directly on you. Where were they?

“Well… there might be something I can do for you, ms Stellar”. Your eyes lit up, in innocent excitement. Having just turned 18, your childhood innocents still hasn’t left you, so your mind doesn’t think of what a powerful man like Mr Key could do to you. “Yes sir! Anything!”. He stood up, with his big body looking like it could crush yours if he rolled over you in the night on accident. He approached a room in the back.

This room had some legend about it. Many kids, and even some teachers had said that if you go in the closet, there’s a 30% chance of death. It’s normally followed by laughter, but right now standing in front of the door, you were wondering if there was any truth to the rumor

You started having second thoughts, and took one step away from the door. “huh, so you don’t want to improve your grade I see. Well your lose”. At hearing that, you swollowd your pride and took two steps forward instead. “no sir! I do. I’ll do anything”. He smirked, in a calm way. He looks over at the door. “I know you do. You girls always do”. He laughed a bit, but you had no idea what he was on about”. You went to his side, and looked at him close up. His arms were massive beefy things, and he himself looked almost 1 and a half heads taller than you. His hair is jet black, and well kept. And his suit looks just as good

He opened it, and you saw the room was dark. Scary dark. But you were too focused on trying to fix your grades that you went in without even looking at the walls for the switch. As you went further in to the dark, you heard the door close behind you violently. It startled the shit out of you. You were now in total darkness. No windows, no switch in sight, nothing. You can then feel something tightening over your mouth, and you can hear some grunting behind you. Suddenly a lot of things happened in the flash of an eye. You could feel yourself being dragged somewhere quickly, and roughly. “You wanted a better grade right!?”. You wanted to yell out to him, to say no. but with his hand over your mouth, there was nothing you could do but try to struggle. But you started falling weak. Maybe spending all your energy instantly was a bad idea. You now felt yourself being slammed down onto some sort of wooden platform. A table of sorts. He’s holding you down with his strong hands. There is no way you’re getting out of his grip.

The impropriety started instantly. He quickly put his hand all over your body, while the other was tying your hand to something. At this point, your night vision had sort of started to set in. you could see him, with a look of lust you’ve never seen anywhere before. He was tying your wrist to a pole in the middle of the table. He took of your hoodie, with great force. You are still in shock that this is happening, to the point that you hadn’t even noticed that the hand was removed from your mouth. You could yell. You could try to stop this. But at this point, you’re too scared. He starts to rub his hand under your skirt, then under your panties. It felt so wrong, what he was doing. His strong hands seemed so gentle on your clit. It felt kind of like, you didn’t want him to stop

You couldn’t believe it. You were actually being turned on by this. Your mind is racing as he rubs his finders around your clit. It felt better then any guy you’d done it with before. “You dirty sluts all deserve as”. He sounded like he was ready to explode with sexual desire. You didn’t notice, but his pants were off, showing his veiny cock. It looks hard enough to cut rock, and can easily cut you in half if he’s not careful. Despite your bf having fingered you, you’re still technically a virgin. But right now, that doesn’t matter to him. He lifted your skirt enough to see your juicy pussy. “Your pussy is going to be broken by the time I’m done with you~”. He started shoving the massive cock into your dripping wet pussy. He also started leaning over you. His entire body feels like about to fall on you. His hand is stroking your cheek gently, giving you a strangely warm feeling inside “don’t worry, I’ll make sure not to hurt you. Too much”. After a bit of quiet, you heard yourself say “p-please do…”


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