I’m Your Biggest Fan (Part 2)

This is part 2, please check out part 1 in a previous post or the full story in the link at the bottom.

Lexy left the convention room and went into the hallway to find the bathrooms. The Men’s and Women’s rooms were separated by a partition with a water fountain when she found their location. Naturally the line to the women’s room was far too long to wait on. She took a drink and began to walk by the Men’s room to perhaps find another restroom but noticed no line here. With the partition nobody would see her and as risky as it may be, she needed a place of quiet to herself for just a moment so she slipped in.

Carefully Lexy went through the door and peered at the urinals to make sure nobody was there. With the coast clear she hurried into a stall and immediately locked it behind her. She stood there for a moment to catch her breath and then took a seat cover down, put it on the toilet, and pushed her pants to the floor to have a seat. When she rolled her panties down she saw they were soaked. Oh my, she thought and felt herself go flush again. Ration came to her at last but it didn’t bring any sort of guilt as expected but rather realization about her crazy insides. The flushing bouts of heat? The jelly legs that barely got her this far? She was excited! And more—she was horny! She was silent but made the facial expression of laughing at this—horny. She was fucking horny at a nerdy convention and not just because she was flirting and flashing a bit of skin but because… She paused as if to wait for some sort of remorse to come but she closed her eyes and smiled as the recent memory triggered. Because I was hotdogged, grinded on, dry….fucked. And she jumped, almost spastically, at something touching her vagina. Her minor heart-attack abated as she opened her eyes to realize it was her—her own hand had crept down between her legs without her even knowing and it was shaking but hovered right over her smooth, clean shaven pussy. Her eyes darted from this to her soaking wet panties and back to her hand and she smiled and closed her eyes as she touched herself again.

All Lexy could see in her mind was what she thought the young voyeur must’ve seen, her getting grinded from behind. A stranger, pressed against her and rubbing—ah—her fingers grazed over her clit—a stranger rubbing his cock—uh—her finger circled the circumference of her button—rubbing his cock against her ass—mmmm—finger and thumb pinched it just slightly but enough that her butt raised off the seat for a second. She pictured the view and could see her cleavage and here in the stall her other hand now grabbed the opposite breast and squeezed it through her shirt. She visualized and thought of the hands, the stranger’s hands that stayed on the comics but now as she went under her shirt and into her bra to grope herself, she thought of HIS hands taking her breasts, both of them, into his hands and squeezing just as she squeezed now. It was too hard and didn’t feel very good but it DID feel good because it felt right because she felt like HE would’ve squeezed her too hard and she silently gasped and her fingers rubbed her clit in no pattern now. The image of his cock—his meat—his thick and long cock going up and down the crack in her ass and she took her nipple between her fingers but kneaded at it, not pinched it. Up and down between her ass and her fingers circled her clit, racing around and around it then rubbing it and then around and around again and again. Her breathing tightened and she knew enough of where she was to keep quiet but her body was seizing with pleasure.

Unbeknownst to Lexy was the show she was putting on now. There hadn’t been anybody at the urinals, no, but she’d come to a stall that had a neighbor already in it. When she had scared herself with that first touch, the man in the stall had saw her feet twitch and cocked his head slightly over and down to see her feet—and to notice women’s underwear within the jeans crumpled at the ankles. He listened at first, intently and with his ear poised towards her wall but her breathing was low and hard to make out. He moved slowly and carefully to stand on his toilet and balanced to peek over the barrier between them. At first all he could see were her legs spread open as her head was down and forward and blocked anything good. He could tell what she was doing though, especially as her breathing quickened and she began a bobbing rhythm that had her pushing her head first forward and then up and back. Her eyes were closed as she fantasized and her mouth was slightly open and breathing heavily. Once he saw her face her knew her at once and knelt down for a moment to take this in. He was in a bathroom, in a stall next to Lexy of Geek It To Me and she…she was masturbating! That red hair; those made up eyes; that glistening red lipstick; that face he’d seen a hundred, if not thousand times on YouTube—it was here! Right here in the stall next to his! And it was in pleasure as she finger fucked herself! He creeped up and peeked over again. Her face now looked forward so even if she opened her eyes she wouldn’t see him, but she was pressed all the way against the back wall. She had one hand furiously rubbing away at her clit and every moment or so she would randomly dip a finger or two into her pussy for two or three times before rubbing again. Her other hand had pulled her shirt up to one side and a single breast was bared from her bra where she cupped it and flicked her nipple and circled it.

Lexy did not know of the show she was putting on and only thought of the one she’d left with the thick cock working up and down her ass crack. She simply continued to please herself with one hand copping her breast as she’d envisioned the stranger doing while the other hand touched her. She would play with her clit and then poke a finger inside of herself, then another, and in and out but it was all too much and she would return to her button which only drove her more insane. She still knew she was in the bathroom and tried to keep quiet but it was getting harder to not shudder uncontrollably. With her eyes closed tight to keep the fantasy in view she had no idea of the man looking over the stall at her, watching her masturbating. She had no way of knowing that he had begun to caress himself until hard and now was slowly stroking his cock while she fingered herself silly thinking of another, the one that was in her ass crack.

FLASH! It hit her hard and she seized physically but only made soft moaning noises under her breath as she came. She hadn’t even realized she was there; it surprised her and she slipped on the toilet but didn’t fall. Her pussy gushed free and her knees closed in so tight that her hand was clamped there until it was over. She huffed to catch her breath and slowly took her hand from her breast and clasped the toilet paper dispenser for balance as she shook out the rest of the sensation. Her knees slackened and she could have her hand back now. Lexy opened her eyes and vision came in blurry bits with the sparkly floaters that meant she’d had them closed too tight. Immediately her breath was coming back to her and though she still felt red and hot inside she also began to feel cool as her breathing regulated. She was able to put her breast away in her bra and bring her shirt back down. She took some paper to clean up and just sat for a moment.

“…ggest fan….” A whisper. And again, repeated like a whisper from the next stall over “I’m your….gest fan…” In between harsh breathing it seemed. Lexy aimed her ear to the wall and it sounded like somebody was furiously wiping something from their clothes with the “shh-shh-shh-shh” sound. “…ggest faaaannn…” Again she heard it. Lexy pulled her leg from one pants hole and slipped the panties over her foot then repeated the process before pulling her pants up. She didn’t want to go commando exactly but she also didn’t want to walk around with wet panties on so she stuff them into her pocket for now. Carefully, very, very carefully she climbed atop the toilet and sneakily peeked over the barrier and into the next stall. Her eyes grew so wide—there was somebody there and they were…they were… “Jacking off” she said in her mind and the flushed feeling returned to her body.

Lexy stared intently as this man had his hand wrapped tight around his dick and stroked it so fast. He seemed possessed with how hard and how fast he went, like his seed was a demon he needed to eject from his body. His breathing was sharp and short and he kept repeating low and under his breath, though broken, the phrase “I’m your biggest fan.” She watched his hand go up and down in a blur and felt herself again biting her lip as she watched. Though she’d just taken care of herself she already began feeling ready for round two. In fact one hand had already undone her pants and was reaching down between her legs. Her pussy was already wet again—not good now with no panties on—but she couldn’t help it and she touched her clit as he stroked his cock. That phrase—had he seen her? Lexy wondered as she touched herself, thinking of HIM where she was now, looking over the barrier as SHE had touched herself. She breathed harder now and tried matching his speed but it was too much for her. He beat it so furiously and then, just as she was enjoying her own hand again, he began to grunt. Short and broken grunts as his breathing broke apart and without warning his head, which had been bent downward, now snapped back and looked up at her—he KNEW she was there—locked eyes with her and he said clearly “I’m your biggest fan”—one last stroke upward and cum blasted from his cock. Lexy dropped into her stall and tore her hand free of her pants. She stared up at the wall, waiting for him to look over now but he did not.

Lexy left the stall and hustled to the sink where she gave her hands the worst handwashing of all time, barely soaped and watered but it did enough. She tore free some paper towels and did just as poor a job of drying them before she left the bathroom, not even looking to see if it was safe but nobody was around besides the women in the line for the ladies room on the other side of the water fountain partition. She walked the opposite way, further down the hall, and rested against the wall until she caught her breath. As she calmed she realized her pants were undone and fixed this. She then made sure her panties were pushed down far in her pocket and not visible. THEN she began to look about her body and felt around her face and hair—that cumshot was enormous and she worried it had gotten on her since she didn’t stick around to see where it had went. She had convinced herself that she was clean and clear and got her breathing fully in check but stayed here just a moment longer. It was mere moments later that the men’s room door opened and a man walked out—THE man, the one jacking off and who had seen HER masturbating. He looked down the hall, directly at her as if he knew she’d be right here. He smiled, winked, and left.

“I never knew I had so many fans.” Said Lexy to herself and she smiled and rolled her eyes. Her head was swimming….

More parts to come!
Here’s the full story:


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq584y/im_your_biggest_fan_part_2