I’m Your Biggest Fan (Part 1)

Console-Con was in full swing and the attendance was impressive. This gaming and nerd culture event was celebrating its tenth anniversary and had seen so much growth in such a short time and this year found it to be booming not only with vendors, artists, and guest stars but a plethora of online influencers and content creators of all sizes. There were people from Instagram and YouTube who had thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of followers that very well challenged the celebrity of the TV and film stars on hand making their own special appearances. Deep within the crowd there were also the smaller channels and accounts, all sharing in the good times and many working hard to carve out their own niche. Among them were “Geek It To Me” a husband and wife duo on YouTube with only a couple of thousand subscribers. They thought themselves already lucky to have come this far but pushed to make it even further as they tried to move their brand here with their own nerdy kind.

Don was a tall and stout man in his middle age and looked like he may have done the sport scene in his school days but had left much of that glory behind at the bottom of a few beers. Currently he busied himself with an already out-of-date DSLR camera attached to a hand rig with microphone that he used to capture b-roll footage of the convention floor, seller tables, and occasional quick take conversations and interviews with workers and visitors alike. He looked over his shoulder to make sure his wife wasn’t lost in the sea of people yet and shot her a bearded grin as she was right behind him.

The redhead Lexy was a good foot shorter than her husband with a body to make Pixar MILFs proud. This THICC chick still had a year before her 30s with breasts still ample, firm, and filling her top out nicely. She wore a T-shirt with the name of their channel on it but had cut out the neck and the V in the front dove deep down her cleavage. Her blue jeans were so tight and one only needed to picture the dance she must do to pull the denim up over her big, round ass until finally it heeded, slid over both cheeks and she could fasten them to her pear shaped figure. She sent a vibrant red lipstick smile back to her husband with her green eyes and their dark eyeshadow. A head nod bounced the curled red hair away from her fair complexion while she handed another business card out.

Lexy tapped her man on the back, her sign that she wanted to stop at a booth. He nodded at her and then vaguely towards a direction, telling he that’s where he would be, filming the floor. The table was covered with a variety of fun little trinkets to be used as charms or clever jewelry. It wasn’t crowded here but a man possibly in his 30s came over and stood next to her, looking things over himself. One of his hands held the shoulder strap to the backpack he wore as the other hung down at his side and in between them. It had brushed against her hip right after he approached but she hadn’t thought anything of it. Now, however, it rubbed back and forth nearly the width of her leg. He wasn’t moving and wasn’t crowded into her and she was about to say something when it pulled away. She moved down just a bit and a few seconds later so did he. This man looked to be one of the most stereotypical sorts that you would see at a convention, nothing to raise a red flag. Yet there it was again, his hand rubbing against her thigh at a constant rhythm. She opened her mouth and turned to say something but he was already looking at her. His eyes behind his glasses widened in shock as he spoke.

“Hey! You’re Lexy from Geek It To Me! I love your guys’ channel!” He sounded sincere and she was stunned, mouth still open but unable to speak. They hadn’t come across “fans” before so this was all new to her. He continued, “I was one of your first 10 subs! I watch all your stuff and always give it a like. You guys are so funny!” At last she was able to close her mouth and muttered a thank you. She felt her face flush red and her body seemed to drop its tension.

“Could…” He started, so easy to speak before but now so nervous and shy, “Could I actually get a picture…um, with you?” He now looked incredibly red as well. Lexy’s eyes fluttered as she smiled and said sure. He fumbled for his phone and stood beside her as she posed for the photo. He was pressed against her but it didn’t cause any alarm as this was for a picture. She asked if he wanted her to find Don to which he replied, “Nah, just you—you’re my favorite anyway.” Flash and click, and then his hand firmly clutched her ass. His fingers sunk into her left cheek with such purchase that it popped her up on her toes. Flash and click—her face must’ve looked quite shocked in that photo. He had already taken his hand away and had parted from her looking at his phone. Again she opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off and said, “Thank you! For real thank you so much this was probably my favorite moment here!” He waved the phone at her but the screen was blank and she couldn’t see anything. He then left by moving behind her and he did this so closely that she felt it. There was an unmistakable bulge, semi hardened, in his pants and he MUST have purposefully made sure it grinded against her ass—the perv!

Lexy still felt red but rather than from embarrassment it was now shock but not quite anger as she darted through the crowd to find Don. She pulled him from the flow of people and off to the side of the show floor and told him what happened in detail. Don looked bewildered but not worried or angry and she wasn’t sure how to feel about this. He was silently reading her face, his eyes darting back and forth between her eyes.

“Don!” She exclaimed, “He grabbed—GRABBED—my ass when he took that picture!” Don jokingly asked who wouldn’t as HE then grabbed the other cheek. She reddened and looked around quickly to see if anybody had saw. He told her the guy probably meant to just put an arm around her and didn’t actually realize WHAT he had grabbed, “Until it was too late,” he said, “That’s probably why he ran off so fast.”

“But then he rubbed…it…against me.” She pleaded but Don laughed and told her at THIS place, with it being THIS packed that HE had probably had a few dicks rubbed against him without his knowing. He saw that she looked worried and so he consoled her, “Hey, he said he was a fan, right? And he ONLY wanted a picture with you—well, it’s not an excuse but it’s a helluva compliment—the guy got a chubby from you and trust me” he kissed her forehead “I can see why. Look, this place is packed with pervs, we both know this. Unless it’s making you uber uncomfortable, at which point you just shout, scream, and make a scene for security, they’re not going to try anything and it’s not going to hurt to play it up. We don’t do the whole sex appeal ON the channel, but while here it might be fun to drum up some new interest.” She was smiling now, she knew where he was going and it made her feel good; it made her feel sexy. His fingertips running up and down her arms didn’t hurt either. “Bend waaaay over that table and show that badonkadonk; squish those arms together while you’re looking for something, and whatever gets in between them—squish that too. If you’re down low and your shirt rises up….” His hands were now caressing her ass as he trailed off. “We’re on YouTube to give ‘em a show, right?” She rolled her eyes at this but liked where he was coming from.

They made their way back out onto the main floor and it cycled through her mind—unless it’s making you uber uncomfortable. Yeah, anything that was just TOO far she knew she could have security over in a second. A wink and a smile, a bend and a show—a little flirting couldn’t hurt. They made a few passes through the aisles together, posing for photos together, and looking over items for sale to make mental notes of possible returns later in the day.

A quarter ‘til 11 had Don and Lexy parting ways. There was a panel he was interested in but as it was over camera work it held absolutely no interest to her. Fortunately it was only an hour so this meant she could look around some more while he attended and then they could meet up afterwards and figure out what to do for lunch. After a kiss they went their own ways and it didn’t take long for her to find another table that interested her.

Table two was as disinteresting as the first after that initial draw in but here she was flipping through a longbox of comic books. She looked up and across the U-shape of the vendor’s booth and opposite her was a young man staring her way. It took him a moment to realize she was looking at him and he shyly went back to digging through his own box. Lexy smiled—he was staring down her shirt as she was bent over. Pretending to have not noticed she moved to the next box and began flipping through these now but this time she moved her arms in to push her breasts forward giving a much more pronounced boost to her cleavage. She could look up through her hair without moving her head and see that he was, again, mesmerized by what he saw. Poor thing was even a bit slack jawed. She felt a smile grow on her face and a flash of warmth swept through her as she thought, okay, this IS kinda fun. Lexy was leaning on the comic boxes now and propped herself up on her elbows as one hand absently flipped through the next row of comics while the other seemed to mindlessly trace the top curvature of her left breast down into her cleavage and then back up again, over and over. Again she looked through her hair to not give away that she could see him and he was still staring. He even licked his lips and that REALLY made her hot inside with excitement.

Lexy bent back down to look through the comics, again pushing her breasts against the boxes and almost out of the top of her shirt. Her eyes never strayed from her voyeur but then a hand rested on top of the comic box on either side of her. A voice from behind spoke, “Lexy of Geek It To Me? I’m your biggest fan.” And then she felt him press against the back of her, pinning her to the boxes. She began to raise up but froze in disbelief. She genuinely did not know what to do between reason and excitement. Had this man also been watching her from afar? She wondered this because she felt him, her mind flustered for the word, him-him-him-his….HIM. She swallowed down a nervous lump caught in her throat and the word came to her now. Cock. She felt his…cock. It was his cock, hard, hot, and thick. It felt long and wasn’t pressed just against her, no, it was wedged between her butt crack in her too tight jeans. She was the bun and he was the hot dog—no, the sausage—with his lengthy cut of meat filling her buns. So thick feeling and long—was THIS what he meant by saying her was her “biggest” fan?

He moved. His cock that had made contact at the bottom of her butt crack now slid upward with ease, following the groove in her denim valley. Lexy gasped quietly at this; it was just a puff of air that came out. The cock then slid down from the top of her crack to as low as he could go before it went up again, along the same groove, and down. Lexy’s eyes were wide with shock and ration was held hostage somewhere within because she couldn’t move; she couldn’t bring herself to stop this. He rubbed up and he rubbed down again; up and then down, hot dogging her, his cock sliding up and then down between her ass cheeks. In her frozen state only her eyes moved and she found herself looking at the young man she’d been showing off for a moment ago. This fellow who’d gotten an eyeful of her cleavage was now getting a whole new show as a stranger had come up behind Lexy, pinned her between his arms, and was now dry humping her right in front of him. And Lexy was staring at him. She hadn’t broken eye contact and hadn’t said a word or made a sound but her breathing had quickened and her mouth was slack. Her lips parted slightly more when the man went up her crack and then would close only a little as he slid back down, again and again. And her eyes, not calling to him for help, not frightened or scared, just surprised. Each new grind put the slightest bounce in her breasts; it wasn’t an aggressive movement and the man was very careful to not make what he was doing really that noticeable. And Lexy seemed to help keep it that way as she kept that eye contact and made those silent gasping expressions with her mouth.

Up and down she felt it, that cock, that strange piece of man that was long and thick and rubbed her top to bottom. It radiated heat and not just from the friction but it, the cock, was just hot to feel against her. Up and down and up and down. Lexy kept her eye contact on the young man across from her but through her peripheral vision she saw the hands on either side of her tense up. One more thrust up, one more slide down, and then it pressed into her, pushed for whatever deeper space it could get just below her butt and between her legs and the twitching from the cock was unmistakable. Eye contact in check she now closed her mouth and bit her bottom lip in satisfaction. Her ass had done this and she hadn’t needed to do a thing herself. She felt it throb and jump and knew it was pumping up semen and the man was flexing it to push out every drop. His body pressed against her entire back for just a second and then he pushed himself off of the boxes and he was gone. Maybe she took too long letting her lip free from her teeth or blinking and breaking eye contact with her voyeur but when she first glanced over her left shoulder and then turned around, there was nobody there. At least, there was nobody there that seemed to have been the culprit. Her hand slid down her back side and felt at the rear of her pants but there was nothing there, no incriminating mess. She felt flush all over and her legs were unstable. In fact all of her insides felt like they were going crazy.

Lexy left the convention room and went into the hallway to find the bathrooms…

More parts to come.

Full story here:

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qq3bv4/im_your_biggest_fan_part_1