Permission to play [F/M]

She met up with him outside of the restaurant. His eyes were as she remembered, his hands still strong and capable.

Her heart raced knowing that her husband was at work and that she was having thoughts of infidelity. At least she felt like she was. John didn’t mind her flirting. Didn’t mind when she looked incredibly sexy when they went out. Didn’t even mind when she went out with friends and didn’t get home until the wee hours of the night. But Lynn was worried her heart had a certain amount of unbridled desires for her former lover, Cooper.

They had emailed back and forth for years. Keeping in touch rather harmlessly. She had told John about him, who he was to her. But not about how they used to fuck for hours and hours at his apartment by the park. How his hands gripped her sides every time he pounded her from behind, or how capable his mouth was at making her scream in pleasure into the night. But she did tell him that he had moved away.

Perhaps this was reason for the anxiety she was feeling. Perhaps it was that she had recently invited Cooper to have lunch with her when he came into town for the holiday, and didn’t say anything to John.

Normally, Lynn and John shared everything from their pasts. No secrets, no skeletons, no shame or judgement. But details about Cooper were generally limited to him being gone now. And this wasn’t the past, it was right now. A bit of guilt welled up inside of her. But as soon as she saw Cooper, something else began to swell deep inside. Something more primal. She realized this when their fingers touched and he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

Lunch wasn’t awkward. The two of them weren’t being coy as they ate and drank their mimosas. It was charismatic and lively; flirtatious and provocative. She knew he was coming on to her. She knew that she was inviting it. Watching his lips as he talked. Moistening her own with her tongue whenever she saw him staring, ogling. And when she excused herself to the ladies room, she noticed her panties had absorbed the wetness from underneath.

She never once thought about her husband John while sitting across from her former lover at the table. But as soon as he left her view, she thought of only John, and acknowledged her guilt, strengthening her resolve to remain faithful. What she longed for was permission.

Lunch was not brief. They talked and drank for over an hour. Her mind drowning in fantasies and memories. When she caught her breath, finding herself out of time and a goodbye looming, she thought of kissing him. And when they paid the bill and stepped back outside, she did just that. Friendly, but tender. Her lips lingered for moments, her mind afloat in a sea of tranquility.

After getting in her car to return to school, she regretted it. Feared that secrets would now rule over any contact with Cooper in the future. That she would be followed by guilt for having betrayed her husband’s trust, even if it was just a little. Her anxiety returned when she realized she would be telling John about her day, and decided that she wouldn’t be hiding anything when she did.

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That evening over dinner, she told John about her lunch. Stumbling around just how flirtatious it had all been. Omitting the details about her panties soaking up her lustful desire. He looked intense, and curious, but said little as she elaborated about their conversations earlier that afternoon.

She looked into his eyes and admitted that he had kissed her on the cheek at greeting. John’s curiosity continued as he asked about it made her feel; whether Cooper was coming onto her. And intensified when she then admitted that she kissed him on the mouth when it was time to leave. That she was sorry she took it that far.

His response was casual. She found him oddly forgiving considering her confession. No anger was detected, but questions marked his face. Most were answered candidly and honestly.

Remorse lingered enough for her to hold back on some of details of how she felt. How she was incredibly wet, her fixation on his lips (before, during, and after that kiss), the memories of his hands on her hips.

But John never looked away, didn’t look upset for even a second. He seemed to be looking into her thoughts while Lynn’s recollections and intentions were laid bare. His mind fixating on each developing desire her. At last he simply told her that he was happy that she had told him. Grateful for her honesty.

When asked if he was okay with her continuing to occasions talk with Cooper, he said that he trusted her. Now and always. But advised her to never have too much fun without him. That it would be crossing a line.

She felt relieved. Mostly. Confused slightly. Was she really honest enough? Did she dare tell him how long she lingered after softly kissing an ex lover’s lips at the end of a secretive date? The fact that it didn’t bother John was, at least, not much of a surprise. She always felt comfortable talking candidly to him. Rarely had it ever made him upset with her.

So her mind wandered in and out of her fantasies and memories over the next few weeks. Tracing the feelings of unbridled lust for another man, exploring the truths buried beneath her fidelity.

It persisted. And her excitement felt mischievous when Cooper told her that he would be back in town that weekend.

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Lynn told John this time. Before she met up with Cooper. She had been anxious about asking him if it was cool or not, gave John the opportunity to speak up. Instead John insisted only on having the final say about her outfit before they met. But he did suggest dinner instead. Said he’d be working pretty late anyways. And reminded her about not having too much fun in his absence.

So after classes on Friday she went home to shower. She shaved her legs. Decided to remove her pubic stubble too, and tamed her wild chestnut hair. Then she picked out a substantially more modest outfit than would normally be chosen when going out with John, and sent him a photo.

It took only a few minutes for John to respond with a thumbs down. He told her it was too formal.

Her second outfit consisted of a dark green denim skirt and a tight multi-colored striped top that hugged her tits. When asked what her choice of underwear was, she sent him a photo of her black lace thong. All were approved, and her mind drifted into thoughts of the skirt sliding up and Cooper’s hands gripping her hips.

They met outside of a small sushi restaurant in the neighborhood. A cozy little place with wood trim decor and dim lighting. Again he greeted her with his fingers touching her own and a kiss on the cheek. And again something primal stirred within her.

She laughed at her awkwardness, and apologized for how nervous she felt. Cooper dismissed her worries of infidelity by telling her that John was a lucky man. She didn’t mention her confessions to John, but she did apologize for kissing him like she did, when they last parted. Cooper blushed a little remembering how her lips lingered.

The conversations shifted once they were at a table drinking a couple of cold beers. Back to musings of the past, pondering of the future, current situations. They talked at lengths about concerts and parties, school and work. It wasn’t until the second round of beers and a sizable serving of sushi was brought to the table did he compliment her everlasting beauty.

Her phone dinging brought her mind back from flirtations, but she ignored it. Cooper’s eyes seemed to explore everything about her now. His phone dinging was ignored too and they continued to flirt, ignoring too the ideal of monogamy.

Once the sushi was gone and the beers empty, the bill was paid in full by Cooper. Lynn checked her phone to see a message from John. It instructed her to let Cooper take her to a bar after dinner, and another to advise her not to ignore his messages. And much to her surprise, Cooper did indeed invite her out for a drink saying he wasn’t yet ready to say goodbye.

They ended up at a smokey little joint with two pool tables, a jukebox, and a bar adorned with a dozen old guys chatting about baseball. They decided to play pool and ordered a pitcher of beer. Lynn dropped a ten into the jukebox and selected some heavy metal. Cooper racked the table and fired a breaker at the tightly clustered triangle of balls.

The first game went by with plenty of smiles and bragging, but without much actual conversation. Sly looks whenever Lynn bent over the table for a shot, competitive laughter whenever she finally sunk the eight ball. Then they sat at a high top next to the pool table, drinking and flirting for a few minutes until she excused herself for the restroom.

She saw a couple of texts from John again. He wasn’t happy that she missed his text from thirty minutes ago asking if Cooper was being a gentleman. She told John how he was flirting pretty hard with her, and that they were playing pool. Lynn was briefly curious about both John’s and Cooper’s intentions. Her heart beat surged when he told her to remove her panties as punishment for not responding to his text. She did. And she sent him a photo as proof.

She didn’t think that Cooper would notice. But her intentions were that she secretly wanted him to. She refrained from crossing her legs when she sat back down across from him, but kept them closed. She felt invigorated feeling the cool air occasionally wafting between her thighs and felt a heat growing inside of her pussy.

Her phone dinged and she was instructed to play another game.

She racked this time. After gathering the balls into the triangle, she bent forward as much as possible to show some cleavage and teased him about being a distraction. Cooper playfully asked if she needed a hand which made her hips tingle.

She bent over the table every time she had the opportunity. Her skirt inching up, her pussy lips feeling the air circulating, her nipples hardening enough to stab at the fabric of her colorful top. Several times she sat down across from him when it was his shot to give him a potential view beneath her skirt. He kept smiling. But he never seemed to notice her bare mound hiding in the shadow between her legs.

Ding. Tease him.

She looked around the bar, realizing there wasn’t anyone else milling around, just the old heads at the bar chatting with the bartender. So the next time he was in position, bent over low for a shot, facing the table, her legs causally opened enough for him to see. His eyes left the game and he missed the next few shots he took. She was getting wet playing this game, and longed for him to get closer.

After winning the second game, and finishing the pitcher, she sat back down across from him at the table. Their knees were closer now and they fixated on each other’s lips. He fantasized about her lips wrapped around his cock, and she imagined his nibbling on her nipples.

His hand found it’s way from his own knee to hers when she laughed at his joke and smiled. His fingers started in slow circles when he saw her bite at her lower lip, tickling her leg and igniting a fire in her lap. She was soaking wet. Hornier than she had ever remembered being.

Ding. Kiss him.

She stared at this text. Cooper asked what was going on, but she ignored the question. Should she? Her question was also ignored and she reached up to touch his cheek, pulled his face in slowly and pressed her lips to his. Their tongues swirled together longingly while Cooper’s hand slid up to the hem of her skirt, flirting with the possibility of going further.

She opened her legs a bit more as she continued to hold his face and kiss his lips. Drink and desire overriding any inhibitions she may have had. His fingers slid further up and around her thigh, squeezing as he explored her mouth with his own.

Another ding. But this one she ignored momentarily as she gazed into his fiery eyes. Cooper smiled as Lynn giggled nervously. Her heart was racing, her cleft moist and throbbing with heat. Now questioning her own motives of what she really wanted, she shied away. Excused herself for the ladies room once more.

Sitting down, she noticed that she hadn’t missed any texts. But she informed John of her obedience. When asked to describe the kiss, she told him it was wonderful; that it was making her super horny. His next instruction was to let Cooper take her home. No more teasing.

She wondered if he was done letting her explore her desires. Whether he was getting jealous or upset with how far she was willing to take it. But she conceded with having had a great time tonight, then headed back to the table where Cooper was fidgeting with his empty glass and looking a bit anxious himself.

She apologized for the kiss, but she wasn’t really sorry. Neither was cooper. He obviously didn’t want to end the night like this, so he offered to take her home. She didn’t even have to ask.

There was less conversation in the car. She didn’t want to say goodnight yet. Especially once Cooper’s hand found her thigh again. His warm fingers tickled her skin. She looked at him and put her hand on his. A mounting dilemma. She held it for a few moments, unsure, until she slowly started to pull his hand underneath her skirt. She leaned back and breathed deeply as his fingers slid across her pubis and his thumb rested on her slick little clit. Breathing became labored as he pressed his thumb over and into her sex, spreading her juices over her lips and labia.

Ding. Startled, she instinctively reached for her phone. Coopers hand retreated. Her head was swimming in lust, and she put her phone back down and reached for his crotch. No, she decided. She wanted this. Wanted him. And it wasn’t time to say goodnight.

To his surprise, she eagerly reached over, undid his seat belt and unbuttoned his pants. His engorged dick sprang out as she pulled his zipper all the way down. Taking his warm erection in her hand, she stroked him and bent in to lick the underside of the shaft and head, then took his whole length into her mouth. It was a mouthful and worked her tongue up and down with his cock edging down her throat.

Coopers hand grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled gently, guiding her mouth up and down his throbbing hard-on. He moaned in pleasure as she sucked him enthusiastically. Her mind was made up, and she gave in to her lust.

He leaned his seat back a couple of notches and pulled his pants lower, freeing his balls for her to fondle. Ding. She took him deep into her throat and bobbed slightly, using her whole tongue to caress his cock and coax it deeper. Gagging and drooling, she pulled back to catch her breath. He pulled her hair hard this time, commanding her eyes to his. He was speechless.

Lynn sat up and her senses came back, noticed that they were parked in the driveway. John’s truck was parked outside. She pulled her skirt down and grabbed her phone to see John’s text message. Seeing her stare at her phone, Cooper asked if everything was alright? Her husband said to invite him in. He wanted to watch her get fucked. But he wouldn’t be inside, and they wouldn’t even see him.

Lynn looked at Cooper and smiled. Told him everything was more than fine and invited him inside. The only lie she told was that John wouldn’t be home for a few hours. And Cooper smiled mischievously.

Walking through the door, he reached out for her hand and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Lynn melted as the door closed behind them and his hands grabbed her ass under her skirt, spreading her naked cheeks, pulling her against his throbbing bulge. She stepped back and pulled her top up and off in one quick motion, then jumped up and wrapped her legs around him.

He walked with her and sat her ass on the table. Kissing feverishly, she hiked her skirt up and leaned back with her legs spread wide, inviting him to taste. Her hands pushed the back of his head in forcefully when his mouth found her wet clit. He lapped at her juices, flattening his tongue to press against her labia and slid it up and down rhythmically. Her legs trembled. Her thighs squeezed his ears every time his tongue flicked her nub. Her hands gripped the tablecloth as he worked his tongue deeper inside of her pussy.

When she put her legs down and stood up, her hand holding his, she led him to the bedroom. Sitting down on the bed, she ripped at his jeans, pulling them down and freeing his stiff cock. He stepped out of them and flipped her effortlessly onto her knees on the soft bed.

She felt his hands reach around and cup her breasts in his hands, felt his dick between her legs pressing against her clit. She rubbed her wet lips against the head, rocking her hips slowly while he gently pulled at her rock hard nipples. She looked back and told her to fuck her.

His hands squeezed her hips as he slid smoothly all the way into her. She could feel the head of his sizable erection move though her insides. She reached down to rub her clit as he slowly pulled her back and forth by the hips. Each thrust filling her with pleasure, each withdrawal sending waves of release into her abdomen. His pace quickened, her fingers sliding across her clit matching the accelerated rhythm.

She came hard, her pussy squeezing his slick shaft, her stomach tightening and releasing. She moaned loudly each time he pushed deep into her. Their bodies slapping against each other. She bit her thumb and gripped the pillow. Orgasming twice in a matter of minutes before collapsing face down in front of Cooper.

He lay down next to her out of breath and Lynn rolled over exasperated. They laughed and breathed wildly for a minute until Lynn climbed on top of him and kissed his neck and ear. She reached down and inserted his full prick back into her cunt.

When she sat up, her hips rocked back and forth, riding him sweetly. Her tits bounced slightly and she pulled her hair back, moaning. It wasn’t until then that she saw John. He was outside, looking through the window. His eyes fixated on hers and she saw him smile.

She locked eyes with him as she began to ride Cooper’s cock faster, grinding it deeper and deeper with each motion. Moaning loudly, she leaned back and rubbed at her clit, Cooper’s hands fondling her bouncing tits. His legs stiffened and his breathing changed. He told her how great her pussy felt, that she was so fucking hot.

His body went rigid and she jumped off grabbing his long slippery dick, and stroked him to orgasm. Catching every drop of his cum in her mouth, cooper twitching each time her tongue ran up his shaft swallowing. John stared at her, smiling deviously. Smiling back, she collapsed on the bed next to cooper.

They lay there for a few moment before spooning. His hands wrapped around her tenderly, cupping her tits. She felt at ease, even though she knew her husband was watching. Perhaps it was because she knew he was watching that gave her such comfort. Her body relaxed and her mind wandered into a dreamlike state, but still fully aware of her audience. She heard Cooper whisper that he was glad her husband had allowed them do this. And she wondered how he knew…
