My bf obliterated me with my friend’s showerhead until I blacked out [MF]

I’ve [22 F] always mentioned to my new boyfriend [22 M] that the most effective way for me to finish when I’m alone was in my shower with my handheld showerhead on its highest pressure setting. Holding the adjustable showerhead aimed straight at my clit while splaying my legs out across my bathtub always drove me wild super quick.

When I stayed at my parents’ house during school, I’d wait for them to leave for work before showering so I could take a long shower, let the water pressure absolutely wreck my clit, and moan as loud as I wanted. I remember vividly the first time I let the showerhead stay gushing at my clit, even as my legs started to shake uncontrollably. I had no idea that could happen, but I didn’t want it to stop.

A few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I were both back in our college town for a reunion and were crashing at a friend’s apartment while she was out of town for work. It was the ideal situation – we’re long distance, so we don’t get much alone time every month and we usually end up staying at very impersonal hotel rooms when we meet up. Getting to stay at our friend’s place was a happy win, since her place always smells cozy and has cute decor everywhere. Her living room was spruced up with candles, she left us a note on how to use her Roku if we wanted to watch a movie, and she even left some banana bread she baked right before her trip. Every corner of her studio definitely reminded me of home. I was describing how much I felt at home to my boyfriend as we both started walking into her bathroom to wash our faces and brush our teeth for the night. I turned on her sink faucet and washed my face and realized my boyfriend was giving me the dirtiest grin ever when I looked up. His hands were gripping the sink counter, and his eyes were looking so intensely right at me through the bathroom mirror.

“You said everything reminded you of home, right?” He spoke so coolly that I could feel a wave of ice run right through me, the way a deer feels when it knows it’s being hunted.

“” I said back, a little more fumbled than I would have liked to.
“Look at her shower, babe, “ he said as he put his hands on my waist and turned my body to face my friend’s shower. It looked way more chic and stylish than our bathtubs at home, and I definitely appreciated her taste, so I started to clabber to my boyfriend about how I loved the blue mosaic in it and how I appreciated the long bench ledge inside in case someone wanted to sit or get a better angle to shave their legs.

My boyfriend tugged on my waist and laughed dryly. He lifted his hands and started to walk forward a few steps, opening the shower door. “You’re really cute, darling”. It was only after he opened the frosted door of the shower, I saw what he was alluding to.

There it was. A handheld showerhead, just like the one I had at home. It looked newer and shinier than mine, and the head seemed to have a lot more settings than my one at home. I could feel all of my insides clench up, especially right in between my thighs.

He lifted the showerhead off of its wall clasp and ran his fingers around each of the head’s tiny nodes. I locked eyes with him and smirked. “Home sweeeet home”.

He placed the head back on the wall and started running the water. He notioned for me to come closer. I instinctively began to strip and unbuckled his jeans as we waited for the water to get hotter. I knelt on the bathmat in front of him and pulled down the rest of his clothes and began to suck lovingly on his cock. I let my tongue run up every inch of it and took him in as deep as I could as he patted my head. I wanted to give him a loving treat because I knew what was about happen would leave me too drained to help him finish after.

I lost track of time as I was sucking his cock until I saw steam rise up behind his body. The shower was definitely hot enough by now. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from my knelt position and nudged me into the shower first. The showerhead was in a misty/rainfall setting and sounded so romantic as it roared down. I stared back at my boyfriend, who was still dry, and I let the shower water rinse over my hair and body fully. He took a second to check me out head to toe before he stepped in too, shutting the shower door gently behind him. He reached out for the shower gel that was neatly placed on the deep ledge. He squeezed some gel out and slowly started to lavish my shoulders with the foamy soap. His long fingers grappled around my neck as he massaged it in, and then he slowly made his way down to my shoulders and chest. He paused for a second. He looked so perfect there – his sculpted torso, his soft lips, his dark hair. I got on my tip toes and leaned in for a kiss, but he pulled back and smiled. “Not so fast, love”.

Goddammit. He really knows how to toy with me so fucking well. He reached over and removed the showerhead from its wall clasp again so that he now held it in his left hand. He neatly started rinsing over my body, using his right hand to softly scrub away the body wash from my chest. His hand drifted its way over to my breasts and he squeezed them tight. He looked so fucking hot, so I leaned in again and kissed his chest.

He pulled me away yet again, but this time harder. He took me by the neck and walked us back towards the ledge. My heart stopped and I was stunned at how easily he could command me.

He shifted his position so that he was behind me, and sat us both down on the long ledge. He handed me the showerhead for a second as he used his hands to stretch me out on his lap. He grabbed the showerhead back from me once we were both firmly on the ledge, my body encapsulated by his.

“Be a good girl and stay right here, with your legs out just like that, okay?”. The anticipation was already driving me nuts, and I could feel my heart start racing. Oh boy, oh boy. I couldn’t muster up words but I let out a “Mhmmm!” accompanied by some fast head nods. He moved my hair out of the way and kissed my neck gently at first. I closed my eyes and let myself enjoy the sensation of his soft lips right as he bit down way harder on my neck. The shock made me let out a high-pitched loud “AHHHH” and that was right when he turned the showerhead all the way up to the setting I was dreadfully awaiting – the single stream power jet. All shower nodes besides the center ones shut off, and all of the water began to gush from the head in a surging stream.
He had all the power with the head in his hands. He let the water rinse slowly over my thighs, moving to a different body part as soon as I started to feel the tingle in one. It’s damned how well he knows my body. He started to finger me and pull my lips apart, finding my clit and using his right thumb and forefinger to keep my clit wide and in sight.

“Oh my fucking god here it comes” I said to myself. He jerked the showerhead right into line with my clit and oscillated it back and forth. I shrieked so fucking loud. All of my nerve endings were feeling flooded and attacked with no stop. My abs clenched in hard and he pulled the head closer and closer to my clit. I was going to fucking heaven. I started to breathe real heavy and whimper.
“Aww, you really like this babe, don’t you?” his voice was cooing me but the shower head was still a relentless force right on my clit. I leaned my head back to press up against his chest, and he softly kissed my cheek. I opened my eyes to try to look at him, but my body was not handling all of this sensory overload well. Just when I thought I couldn’t feel more, I felt his finger crawl down and feel inside my pussy. My eyes rolled back and I let out a soft whimper. I could hear him smile and chuckle, clearly pleased at how much he controlled my pleasure. He inserted a second finger in my pussy, not changing a thing about the showerhead surging right at my most sensitive nerve endings. His fingers moved in and out steadily and the water on my clit started to feel even more intense. My eyes were already shut but all of a sudden, I felt like my body had just shut completely off. I let out a moan I’d never heard myself make before. My thighs started to tremble and I winced real fucking hard. His grip on my legs was too tight for me to fucking move an inch- I was buckled in. My eyes were shut so tight that I started to see different colors – a purplish black, and then an orangish blue, and then a strong ass red. I was blacking tf out right here, on my boyfriend’s lap in the shower.

I couldn’t even make words come out. I moaned a low, primitive moan and my mouth gaped open. I could feel myself salivating and drooling uncontrollably. I opened my eyes and saw everything so blurrily. I started to try to snap out of it, and I think my boyfriend clutched my thighs harder to try to stop me from shaking so much. He slowly pulled his fingers out of my pussy and turned the showerhead back over to the rainfall setting and rubbed my clit. I slowly caught my breath and just stared blankly at the shower drain. I’d never moaned or drooled so uncontrollably in front of him. Heck, in front of anyone. I felt a little shy and timid. I felt like I had done a whole ab workout and marathon in that shower. My eyes were still spazzing out my vision – I don’t think I would have been able to properly stand if I tried.

He carefully grabbed my waist and got me out of his lap so that he could get up and rinse himself. I sat on the ledge, still looking down at the drain while he stood slowly and washed his body. He gave me another head pat and tenderly giggled. He bent over and kissed me on the cheek.

I finally gathered the courage to look up. “Mhmm”.
We walked out of the shower and dried ourselves with random towels from my friend’s towel rack.

The rest of our night was rather quiet. I was still catching my breath hours after the shower. Even when it was time for bed, I couldn’t look him in the eyes without thinking about how fucking hard I came.

On our last night at my friend’s place, our friend had gotten back into town and came by her apartment right as we were heading out.
She hugged us, mentioned how happy she was to see us for a quick second.
“How was your stay?? Did you eat the banana bread? I hope y’all didn’t fuck in my bed” she said jokingly. We froze up and turned super red before we could mutter anything.
My boyfriend smiled and scoffed out. “Nah, we didn’t – but even if we did, could you blame us? You’ve really set up your place like a romantic bachelor’s pad!” He winked at my and have a devilish grin.
My friend smiled and wished us well for our flights back home.

I’m still shocked at how perfectly I got to play out a childhood fantasy of being blasted out of my mind in the shower with some extra hands to help. My body still feels shaky just thinking about that night.



  1. Invest in one of those showerheads, and an in-shower seat so you don’t fall and die. Then go for broke.

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