[MF] I feel like I won the lottery or something. I am a 19 year old college student who responded to a much older married Redditor’s R4R post and am getting 8 weeks of education from them

So, I responded to the below post in the Bay Area R4R posted by /u/legendofzelda3

This is posted with their permission.


They told me they got a lot of responses so I felt very lucky. I am 19 years old and currently going to school in the South Bay. When I first read this post, I felt like it was written for me. I have good friends, but I’m a guy who can be a little goofy and awkward at times and I feel self conscious a lot around girls. I had a girlfriend for a while in high school, but things never got too crazy with her. We would made out sometimes and messed around, but it never got too intense or went super far. She was like me, kind of nerdy and in similar groups. In high school, I ran cross country and played guitar with some friends but I really wasn’t in the popular groups.

I am posting this with permission from Mark and Amy. They just asked that I don’t share their real names or disclose their exact location or details.

I gave it my best shot in my response to them. I worried it was too long, but I wanted to really share who I was and what I was like and I attached a few pictures. I’ve always kind of had this fantasy of an older woman but didn’t really ever expect it would happen in any way. I thought Amy was beautiful based on the pictures they shared. I didn’t hear anything back until the next morning but I got a really nice email back from Mark. He said that he and Amy really loved my response and that Amy thought I was cute based on the picture. They asked me some more questions about my past I think trying to understand me better. I could tell they were for real about this as they told me they would want to verify my story when we met and would ask to see my drivers license to verify my age. We went back and forth a couple of times and then they said they had narrowed things down and asked if I would be open to a zoom call that evening. The minute I read that I got really excited and couldn’t believe it was moving forward. I told them I’d be happy to and we scheduled it for that evening.

I was super nervous the rest of the day thinking about the call. I knew my roommate would be around that evening so I had to go find a place where I could be alone. I knew a good spot on campus where I knew I would be alone. We started the call and I was really happy because they were both super nice and easy going right from the get go. Mark started things and introduced him and Amy. They could tell I was really nervous and they were just really nice about telling me to just take a deep breath and not worry about how I looked or sounded and that they understood this was something very different for me. They asked me a lot of questions about school and friends and stuff I like to do. A ways into the conversation I finally felt better and they were really funny too which helped. I didn’t know what to expect with someone who was older like that, but they were totally cool and it was easy to talk to them. Amy was beautiful. She was just really kind and nice and it got me turned on whenever she would talk to me.

The conversation went a while, and finally at one point Mark asked me if I would mind waiting a minute and they need to go off camera. I thought maybe they just needed to take care of something there at their house. They were gone about 5 minutes and then they came on. Mark started off by saying something like “Amy and I talked about it and we really like you and we’ve made our decision and have decided to do this with you.” I couldn’t believe it. I was stunned, and I think they could tell. I felt like an idiot sitting there. Mark started laughing and asked if I was ok. I said I was but just couldn’t believe this was happening.

So then I was basically like “so now what?” He brought up the fact that they wanted me to get tested. He told me he didn’t want any of this to put any strain on me so he said he would just get something set up with their doctor. He said they are friends with their doctor and that he knows they do swinging and stuff, so he said he would get it all set up and their doctor could get me an order at the lab to go get testing done. He said they would take me to the lab and pay for it and it would be good to meet in person. He said he would call him the next morning and let me know what I needed to do. They never gave me their phone numbers and I still don’t have them, he said he wanted to keep it that way, so he said he would just email me.

The next morning I got an email message from him and he gave me the number to their doctors office and told me to call them , they’d already have my name and that I needed to give them my information and they would put in the order for the test. I called in and they got it all set up at a lab. I messaged Mark and let him know it was ready to go and he told me to get a late afternoon appointment for this last Monday and he said he and Amy would pick me up and take me to the appointment.

Monday afternoon came and I got all ready and I met them out in the parking lot of my apartment. So, these guys are really well off. They pulled up in a really nice Mercedes that looked newer. They both got out of the car. The minute I saw Amy I couldn’t believe how gorgeous she was. Mark came up and shook my hand, then Amy came over and gave me a huge hug. She really smelled good and she even kind of lingered for a minute when she hugged me which got me super turned on. We made small talk for a minute and the Mark said let’s get in the car and go. I sat in the back and we talked the whole way. They are so cool! Amy turned around and talked to me a lot and she was funny and made me laugh. I think the other thing I really appreciated was they talked to me like an equal and didn’t talk down to me.

We got to the lab clinic and went in, Mark took care of paying for everything up front and then I went in and got blood drawn and peed in the cup. It didn’t take long and Mark suggested we got get coffee. They took me to a spot they like and we sat for a bit talking. Mark told me at one point that Amy was going to go back to the car to catch up on emails and what not and that he wanted to talk to me one on one. I got kind of nervous again. She left and Mark and I sat back down.

Mark told me they would like me to come over Friday night to start and wanted to know if that was ok. Of course, I was like “yeah, definitely.” He wanted to talk about some things ahead of time and set expectations. He went into this big thing about expectations of what this would be. He wanted to make it clear that this whole thing would be a lot of fun and he felt I would really enjoy it, but that when the 8 weeks was over, we’d need to bring things to a close and move forward. He wanted to make sure I understood this wasn’t a long term thing and they wanted me to have this experience this and learn some things and then take what I had learned and move on. He didn’t want me to feel bad about that or feel like they were being jerks about it, just that he didn’t want me to get attached. He basically said it wouldn’t be unusual for me to feel some emotions there and probably get a bit of a crush, but that I needed to keep a level head and know this was only a short term thing and be able to cut it off when it was over. That was why he said he didn’t give me their cell number and just to communicate through email. He didn’t want me to feel tempted to text a bunch and to save communication for email when I wasn’t physically there.

I told him I understood and that when things were done, I would move forward and gave him my word I wouldn’t be overbearing or anything. I think he could tell I was sincere and told me he appreciated that. He then went on to tell me he expected that when I came over Friday night that I dress up a bit. Not that I had to go overboard, but jeans and a jacket and he re-emphasized that I come totally clean and showered. I really had no idea how the night would go, so I kind of asked him about that and what to expect. He just told me to not worry about it, just show up ready to spend several hours at their house and that Amy would take me through things. He said just come relaxed and ready to learn and that if I approached it with an open mind I would have a good time. He said assuming all my tests came back clean, I didn’t need to worry about bringing condoms or anything.

He asked me if I was excited. I told him he had no idea how excited I was. He laughed and said good and that they were excited for me as well and that he knew I would really enjoy this.

We went back to the car and they drove me back to my place. They both go out of the car again to say good bye. Amy gave me a big hug again and this time pulled me in really close and she shocked me when she leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

They left and I went up to my room. I laid in bed a while just thinking about all of it. I was kind of in a daze and couldn’t believe it was all happening. I knew it would feel like the week would take forever to go by.

Wednesday morning I logged on and my test results were back. I knew they’d be all clean which they were and I downloaded them and emailed them to Mark and Amy. He replied and thanked me and then sent me their home address and said to be there at 6 on Friday night.

I couldn’t focus on anything this whole last week. Finally, yesterday afternoon, I got showered and cleaned up. I took one of the longest showers I’ve ever taken, using soap twice and just make sure I was super detailed. I got dressed, put on a jacket (luckily I have one) and drove out to their house. They live in the east bay, and when I got to their neighborhood it was super nice. I knew these were like really expensive homes.

I found their address and parked in front. I was a wreck breathing really deep. I couldn’t believe this was about to happen. I took a few minutes to get a hold of myself and got out and went and knocked on the door. Mark answered right away, shook my hand and was really excited to see me. He was welcomed me in and Amy was sitting in the entry room. She looked amazing. She was in high heels and a beautiful dress. She looked so sexy. The front was low and I had a hard time keeping my eyes up. She came right up and hugged me. She was very straightforward and told me how she wanted me to really just feel at ease and comfortable and not worry about anything. She leaned in and kissed me, this time with tongue. She whispered something really sexy in my ear and then said let’s go into the front room and sit and chat a bit. We moved into another room that had a bar on the side and sat down and Amy said she would be back and was going to get some snacks for us. When she walked out, Mark asked me if I had ever drank before. I was like, yeah, I’m in college, of course. He said “I know you are under 21 and we shouldn’t do this, but do you want some wine?” I said yes, and he was was like ok, but just a little bit, not too much. He poured me just a little bit in a glass and gave it to me. Amy came back in with a plate with some cheese and crackers and grapes. We sat and chatted for a while having food, and honestly I just barely sipped on the wine a bit. I didn’t want to get drunk at all and wanted to really be alert for everything that might happen.

Finally it got kind of quiet and Amy stood up and came over and sat right next to me. They both kept talking and she put her arm around me. She crossed her legs and her one leg was bare because her dress kind of fell away from it and she reached down and put my hand on her leg. She turned to Mark and told him it was probably time to get on with the evening. He smiled and told us he was going to leave us be and wished me luck and said to enjoy things. He got up and walked out. She turned to me and asked if I’d like to go back to the bedroom with her.

My heart was beating a million miles an hour. I could feel myself getting a cold sweat. I didn’t know what to say. She held my hand and just reassured me. She told me to not worry at all and that I would be just fine. She told me to do my best not to be self conscious and she said she’d guide me through everything. She asked me if I was scared and I said no, just really nervous. She said not to worry, we’d take it slow. She stood up and took my hand and I went back with her to the bedroom.

Their house was amazing inside. Everything was super nice and expensive. We went up the stairs to their bedroom. She closed the door behind us as we went in and she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed.

I sat next to her. She told me “Ok, first lesson is kissing.” She told me she wanted me to look her in the eyes and study her face. She told me to look at her like I knew what I wanted but in a way that let her know she was safe. She told me to be confident, and that when I went to kiss her, to first put my and up on the side of her face to cup it with my hand with my fingers wrapped a bit around the back of her head, and then lean in and kiss her gently on the lips at first but then work into it. She said don’t go for it all at once and shove my tongue in her mouth but to take time gently kissing her lips first and feeling the sensation contact. She told me that being sensual was key.

I slowly did what she said and put my hand on the side of her face and leaned in to kiss her. I tried to just kiss her lips at first and really felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. She kind of stopped me and laughed and told me to relax. The way she put it was like, you are too stiff..relax and just kind of melt into me. I liked how she put that, so I tried again and this time just tried to let go. I started kissing her again and then while i was close, she pulled back a bit and whispered and told me to move hand to wrap more around the back of her head and to use a little bit of firmness to pull her in closer. I did that and pulled her in kept kissing her. Finally she opened her mouth a bit and I moved my tongue inside.

I can’t even tell you how amazing it was and how I was just overwhelmed by tasting her mouth, smelling her scent and the softness of her. We kissed a bit longer and she finally paused again to talk. She told me variation was really important. She said whether it was kissing or things we’d learn later, she said its good if I always change things up a bit. She said when a guy is to repetitive and keeps doing the same motion or movement or whatever over and over, it can actually start to be a turn off. She said to vary things between kissing lightly on the lips to kissing more firmly, to brushing my tongue along her lips to full making out with my tongue in her mouth. She said every woman is different, but she said she likes it if sometimes the guy grips the back of her head by the hair and pulls her in close and even gets a bit forceful. She said let’s keep going and I did, this time trying the things she said. We kept kissing and as we did, we pulled in really close to each other. I could feel her boobs pushed against my chest which really got me turned on. Finally, we kind of stopped and she said she had a surprise for me and wanted me to wait.

When she did this I didn’t know what was going to happen. She stood up and walked to the bathroom and closed the door. She was in there for about 10 minutes. I was sitting on the bed and thinking about everything happening and how overwhelming it all was. It only got better. I heard her open the door and looked up to see her in black lingerie. She had thong panties on and this full push up top thing that was all lacy. I felt my jaw drop when she came in. She had a huge smile on her face and asked me if I liked it. I just nodded. She came over took my jacket off and unbuttoned my shirt all the way down and took it off. She sat on my lap and started to kiss me. I felt like I was in heaven. I could feel her bare skin on her arms and legs and couldn’t get enough of rubbing my hands all over her while we kissed. She finally stop and stood up and told me to look and touch as much as I wanted. She turned around, kind of doing a little dance as she did and pushed her butt out toward me and told me to feel it. I ran my hands up and down it and it felt great. She finally told me to slap it hard once. I was pretty uncertain but I gave it a try. She laughed and told me to to do it harder so I did. She turned back around and straddled my lap and grabbed my head and pushed my face into her chest. It felt amazing having my face buried in her boobs and I kissed them all over where they weren’t covered by her bra and lingerie. We just spent time kissing and touching.

She finally told me she was going to give me a female anatomy lesson and that she wanted me to undress her and then she would lay down on the bed and take me through an exploration of her body and what to do. She stood up and said, “ok, first lesson is getting a woman’s bra off.” She had me reach around and explained the hook on the back. It took me a second to figure it out but I finally got it. The rest of her top was laced up in the back like a shoe, so I had to unlace it and finally go everything off. She turned around with her bare boobs. She smiled and grabbed both my hands and put them on her chest and told me to just take a minute to feel them.

Her boobs were pretty big and they felt amazing as I rubbed them and kissed her more. I felt her nipples and kept squeezing and massaging her boobs and couldn’t get enough. She reached down while we were doing this and started to rub my cock through my jeans which was really hard. She told me to take off her panties next. I got down and slipped them down over her legs and off her feet. I stood back to look at her completely naked. It was such an amazing sight! She climbed up on the bed and laid down and told me to sit next to her.

I remember exactly what she told me because of how excited I felt. She told me “We are going to take some time. I want to show you where to touch and how and what everything feels like.” We started with her boobs again. She had me feel her nipples first and showed me how to squeeze them and tug them with just the right amount of pressure. I laughed when she told me to not treat them like a video game controller where you push the buttons as fast as possible repetitively. She told me variety is good and to alternate between pinching her nipples, pulling on them a bit, gently caressing them, and massaging her whole breasts. Then she started to teach me how to kiss and suck on them.

I LOVED putting her nipples in my mouth. That was one of my favorite things. When I started to suck on them it was a huge turn on when she started to moan a little bit. That really got me going. She had me feel her stomach and again, she had me caress with my hands and kiss my way down her stomach. She encouraged me to use my tongue. After playing with her boobs and upper body for a while she told me it was time to explore her pussy.

I told her I had no idea what to do down there and she told me not to worry. She said the key was to go slow and gentle at first. At first she had me take my fingers and feel the parts of her upper waste. She had me glide them along the soft spots along side her hip bone and had me stroke her upper thigh.

Finally, she told me she was going to spread her legs and she wanted me sit in between her legs so I could have a good view and access. I got up on my knees and she spread her legs wide while I sat in between her legs. I looked down and this whole thing was new to me. I mean, I’d seen plenty of porn, but seeing this in person was a new experience. She told me to start by just feeling the inside of her thighs and rubbing my hands along them. After that, she told me to lean forward and get a good look at her pussy. She took my fingers and put them on specific parts and talked me through what she was feeling with being touched in different areas and in different ways. She walked me through feeling the lips of her pussy in between my fingers, running a finger up and down the opening, and she spent a lot of time talking about her clit and how to touch it. She emphasized that the clit is a complicated thing and there no rules. She said even with the same woman, what feels good can change each time. She said she can’t give me a set of rules, but just to do my best to pay attention to how the woman is responding and when it feels like she is enjoying something, go with it but not so much that it becomes annoying. She said a lot of it just comes with getting to know a woman intimately and that takes time and doesn’t happen over night. She kept guiding my fingers up and down and around every part of her pussy. Finally she encouraged me to push a single finger up inside of her, slowly so that I could experience each inch. She had me push it up in as far as it would go and then slide it back out, gradually getting some motion going.

I loved the sensation. She was so wet and I the warmth and wetness felt amazing! Finally she had me push a second finger in and to slide both finger along the inside top of her pussy. As I did that, she clamped down on my fingers a bit and had me take my other finger and start to rub her clit while I ran my fingers inside. She started to moan a bit as I did this and I was really into it. She kind of sat up while I did this and told me to lean forward and kiss her which I did. After kissing for a minute she told me to look back down at her pussy and watch closely as I moved my fingers in and out.

I could tell she was starting to get kind of worked up, but she finally had me take my fingers out and she grabbed them and put them in her mouth and sucked off the wetness. This really got me turned on. She then wanted me to see what it tasted like and had me put my fingers back in and then told me to taste my fingers. I did. It was certainly different. It wasn’t too strong or anything. I’m not sure how to describe it, but I liked it.

She told me it was time for me to get undressed the rest of the way. She pushed me off the bed and had me stand at the side and she unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off, then she slowly slid my briefs off. I felt kind of dumb standing them with my dick hanging out, but she made me feel really good and told me she loved my cock and how it was bigger than she was expecting. I don’t know if it was true, but it made me feel good. She reached out and started to gently stroke my cock and balls. She looked at it intently for a minute while she played with it and then looked up at me and could tell I was really enjoying it. She asked me how I felt and I told her really good. She laughed and asked if I was going to lose it. I told her maybe yeah. She stopped and said, “Ok, come lay next to me. I want you to feel what it feels like to be skin to skin. She pulled the bed covers up and crawled in and I followed. She grabbed me and pulled me in close until we were completely pushed into each other, side by side. Her body felt magical. I could feel every inch of her against my body. She just quietly rubbed my side, going from my hips up my side and back down.

She told me to pull her in as close as I could and to wrap my hand over her hip and to squeeze her butt as I pulled her in. I did that and it felt so natural. I could feel my hard cock pressed up against her stomach. We started to kiss and make out. She would stop now and then to give me little hints. At one point she told me while I was kissing her to grip the hair on the back of her head and pull. She said pulling hair can be sexy if done right. She said to pull at the base and not on the ends. I gripped the hair on the back of her head and kissed her hard and pushed my whole body into her.

I started to rub up against her with my cock until she stopped me. She said ” you want to fuck me, don’t you?” I told her yes. She said not yet. She said if she let me now I would cum in about 5 seconds. I knew she was right. She said, “I’m going to give you a blowjob and make you cum, then when you recover in bit we can do it.” She told me to stand on the side of the bed. I got out and stood there and she climbed out too and got on her knees.

It was great to see her down there. She reached up and started to caress my cock and my balls, cupping my balls and tickling them with her fingers. Then she reached around with a hand and grabbed my ass to pull me in while she started to put her mouth around my cock. She started slow and kissed it and then she put it all her in mouth. It felt like heaven. She started slow and massaged my balls while she did it. She started to go faster but I don’t think I even lasted a minute and when I came it felt amazing. She kept my cock in her mouth while I came and I could tell she was swallowing it. She sucked everything off clean. When she did that I wanted to push her off because it was so sensitive. I could barely keep my legs under me and she told me to sit down. She sat on the bed next to me and ran her fingers through my hair and asked how I felt. I told her I couldn’t even describe it. We kissed again while she reached down and rubbed my cock again that wasn’t hard anymore.

Then she told me it would take some time before it got hard again and that she wanted me to learn to eat pussy. I was really excited at the idea of this and she laid down on the bed again. She talked me through everything. She said “I want you to start kissing me, then go down to my boobs and lick and suck those for a bit, then down to my waste and kiss and use your tongue on the sensitive parts I showed you.” Then she said instead of going right to her pussy, I should get between her legs and tease her by kissing and nibbling the inside of her thighs before going for it. She said the more I can tease a woman and get her worked up, the better it would be.

I did as she asked and we kissed and I started making my way down. I enjoyed spending time on her beautiful boobs again. When i finally got down between her legs, I tried to do my best and started kissing and licking the inside of her thighs. I heard her start to breath heavier and make noise which was nice. I worked my way up until I got to her pussy. She told me to start by licking and kissing along the sides and edges, going gently and teasing as I did it. I did this for a bit until she told me she wanted me to taste what it was like inside. She spread her legs wide and told me to stick my tongue in as much as I could and taste her. I did this and it was very different. It strained my tongue a bit, but I actually really liked the taste even though it was different. Finally she told me to use my tongue on her clit while putting a couple fingers inside of her. I pushed two fingers back in her and got up so I could start to lick her clit. I was scared at first about hurting her until she told me to apply more pressure. I finally found a rhythm and moved my fingers in and out while licking her clit up and down. She really started to get into it and at one point she grabbed my head by the hair and pushed my face into her pussy. She started to moan more and more and finally she started to cum. When she did I was loving feeling her hips move up and down as she smothered my face in her pussy.

She came longer than I did and told me not to stop. When she finally came to a rest, she told me to quickly come up beside her and to hold her. She told me “Now is the time to make me feel safe.” I pulled her in and held her and she went kind of quiet. We just laid there for a while and she snuggled into me and laid her head on my chest. It felt so good. I started to feel something for her in that moment and was just so happy I was there. She kind of started to get a little sleepy as we snuggled until she realized she was falling asleep and woke herself up. We started to talk and she asked me all kinds of questions about how I was feeling. She reassured me at how good she thought I was doing and she really appreciated how open I was and willing to listen. We talked for a while longer and as we did, she started to rub my thighs and my cock and I started to get hard again. She kept teasing me with her hand until I was super hard. She gripped her hand around my cock and asked if I was ready to take this to the next step. I knew what she meant and told her I was.

She told me she wanted me to lay on my back and she would take care of most of. She pulled the covers down and knelt next to me. She reached down and put my cock in her mouth again and sucked it just for a moment until she came up and threw her leg over me and was up on her knees straddling me. She told me to just stay relaxed for a minute and that she’d take care of things. She reached back from behind grabbing my cock and she lowered herself down on it. She held my cock to get in the right spot and she finally lowered herself down over it as my cock slid into her pussy. It felt amazing! It was different than the blowjob. Her pussy felt really warm, almost hot around my cock and it felt completely covered.

She told me to reach up with both hands and play with her boobs while she fucked me. I did as she asked and grabbed them while she started to go up and down. She threw her head back and really started to get into it. She grabbed the headboard on the bed above me and really started to go up and down. Each time she slid up and down on my dick, it felt so good and she would come down hard on it. She would make a lot of noise as she did this, kind of moaning and yelling and talking to me as she went faster and faster. She told me what to do with my hips, how to hold her boobs, how to talk to her. Finally, things started to build again and she went more and more until I finally felt myself cum in her pussy. She kept going as long as she could but I lost my hardness and she stopped.

She rolled off of me and collapsed next to me. We went back to snuggling again. She told me to put my fingers inside of her and to feel how wet it felt. I did that and it really was very wet and warm and felt nice. She sucked my fingers off again and I pulled her in close while we talked about the whole experience. We just spent a long time talking and she gave me feedback about what went well and what I could work on. She was just so nice and kept complimenting me and made feel really good. We were there for quite a while and eventually I got hard again and she let me fuck her one last time in missionary position. Just like before, she talked me through everything and gave me very detail instructions.

Finally, it was time to get dressed and to leave. She helped me get dressed and she put on her pajamas. We walked out and Mark was in watching TV. She went in and snuggled next to him on the couch. I sat down and he asked how it went. We talked for a bit and Amy did a lot of talking explaining things to him. He asked me questions and I did my best to answer. Finally, they let me know our next meeting would be Sunday afternoon and asked if that was ok with me. I told them it was and I couldn’t wait. I got up, Amy came over and hugged and kissed me goodbye and she grabbed my hand while we were kissing and put it on her butt. Mark just sat there and watched us. I finally left and got in my car and drove home. It was around 11 o clock when I finally left.

This morning it all seemed like a dream. It’s all I can think about. I can’t wait to go back tomorrow night to see what we do next.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qo6rep/mf_i_feel_like_i_won_the_lottery_or_something_i


  1. Holy shit. That was amazing. You did win the lottery. Enjoy every minute of your 8 weeks.

  2. /u/electricbase76 is a great kid! She had a wonderful time with him last night and thought he was very respectful and exactly who he said he was. We are looking forward to teaching class going forward.

  3. This education is worth way more than anything you can learn in college classes!

  4. Amazing. I hope that there are updates over the journey. Welcome to the lifestyle.

  5. I just want to comment on the level of skill that you have in your writing. Dude you put so much detail and heart into this. You kept me intrigued and always on edge. I hope you have a very fun 8 weeks learn all that you can.

  6. You have absolutely won the lottery. They sound like 2 amazing human beings. Enjoy yourself kid this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
    Great writing.

  7. This is awesome. Please keep us updated on your journey. When I was 18 I had a 42 year old woman do something similar with me. She taught me things I still use today 30 years later. Learn everything thing you can and enjoy yourself. Your future lovers will appreciate what she teaches you.

  8. Amazing story and amazing people.
    I think more guys should read this and learn how to behave in the bedroom and treat women.

  9. Damn, just reading the original post, I wish I could’ve gotten the same lesson. Lot’s of awkward phases as a high school/college kid and awkward interactions with girls. Took me till I was 25 to really know what I was doing, now I’m married with the love of my life.

    Life throws lessons at you in weird ways and I’m glad you got a chance to experience this,

  10. great story I think all experienced women should take a leaf out of your wife’s book and pass on the very important information to young inexperienced lads

    I bet by the time the wife finished her lessons there’s going to be a lot of young girls and their moms who would be very grateful to her cause their getting a man who knows how to pleasure them

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