Bathtub Man

There once lived a man, who goes by the name bathtub man. He was a man, who was part bathtub, part man. Really looked like a melted man merged with a bathtub. Other than that, he was a good man. Oh he could love, speak, and sing. Most things a real man could do. Except there was one problem, bathtub man was lonely, and he couldnt go anyehere. He wanted company. He wanted someone to love him. For months and months, bathtub man groaned in loneliness. Until one day. A woman came into the bathroom. She said, “oh dear, I heard your moans, are you okay?” Bathtub man replied, oh thank goodness you have come. Ive been here lonely for years, nobody loves me, let alone wants to see me. The girl replied, ” well i’m here now, anything you need, you just tell me”.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned to months. The girl visited bathtub man every other day it seemed. They talked, laughed, and cried. Even celebrated the holidays together. Then one day, something *exciting* happened. Candles were lit, the lights were off, and the lady was dressed in a short red dress. Bathtub man said,” oh my my, you are so beautiful. The woman replied, ” thank you dear, this is all for you. She kissed bathtub man. He groaned and moaned, and the pipes in the wall shuttered. “Oh my, the girl replied. Looks like you are excited to see me now..”
“Bathtub man replied, “i’m so sorry, it’s been ages. My drain lever is all out in the open”. It was evident, the sexual tension was growing. Bathtub mans drain knob was huge.

The the girl replied” let me fix that for you.” As she stroked it up and down, water trickled from the faucet.”
“OHHHH yes. Ride me my love, RIDE ME”. The lady hopped in the tub, and inserted herself on his drain knob. Pumping up and down and up and down.

“AHHH” Bathtub man lets out a roar. Water floods out of thr faucet with the lady still gyrating. “Yes YES YES”. Then everything got quiet. The lady laid down on top of bathtub man. Then he said, this is all I ever wanted. I’m sorry, but I cant let this leave.

The lady was stuck, and couldnt move. Wha what are you doing? He-HELP”. Bathtub man said ” it will alll be over soon my love”. As his bathtub flesh turned into hers, while she was screaming.

Many months later, a group of teens entered the house. It was dark. The only illumination they had was from rheir flashlight. They heard a baby cooing, and people having a conversation. They walked in the bathroom and shined the flashlight on the bathtub, only to find three faces that looked human. One that appeared to be a baby.

Bathtub man said, “would you care to join us”?

– i wrote this in the bathtub


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