[Part 1] Lisa Galaxia – The Ambush! A choose your own adventure erotic story. (female, solo, masturbation, public nudity)

“Mmmm….” Lisa whispered to herself. After a long day of offloading cargo at the port on the desert world of Nexer she was now back in orbit and enjoying some personal time. Her small pink cargo ship drifted lazily along on autopilot as she retired to her cabin.

An AI controlled vibrator, an erotic holo-novel, and a glass of Nexer’s famous desert-bleached wine all joined her in bed. “Mmm… Is there anything better?” She wondered aloud, arching her back slightly as yet another orgasm approached.

“Ahhh!” Lisa finally cried in satisfied delight as she pinched her legs tightly together. Her passion crested gently and began to fall back. Her cries echoing through the empty hallway outside, with just the heavy lifter bots to take note of it.

As she lay there in the afterglow leafing through the last chapter of her holobook she heard a muffled ‘whump! whump!’ sound from outside her door. “That’s odd,” she thought, sitting up to investigate.

Crack! Crash! A mighty thunder echoed down the hallway as a siren started to wail from the cockpit.

In a second Lisa was up and out the door. Down the hallway to the cockpit she ran. The door slid open and she ran to the control console. There were alarms everywhere!

“What the heck?” she shouted, feeling completely befuddled. “It’s almost like…”

A bright flash of light illuminated and the disintegrated part of the nose of her vessel!

“… I’m under attack!” Lisa finished her sentence with a strained voice. She quickly flipped a couple of dials and a dim blue aura enveloped her space craft. Her shields were up, but looking over the readouts on the monitor they wouldn’t be for long. The ship’s power supply must have been damaged, and power levels were draining fast.

A couple more buttons pressed. Well now, whoever was attacking her didn’t have proper ID for their ship, or was it really another small freighter?

Lisa took half a step over to the side window of the cockpit and peered in the direction of the last flash. A sleek curved black silhouette could just be made out against the darkness of space. The hair on her arms stood straight up. It was a site that would terrify any space traveler. The outline of a Black Claw vessel, notorious pirates and slavers!

Just the Lisa’s comm started to buzz. She reached over and flipped a switch. A hologram of a slender Lizardman flanked by large muscular men appeared.

“Ahh greetings traveler!” came the Lizard’s voice. “I suppose you know why I’m here?”

Lisa fumbled with words for a second, “Who are you? What are you doing to my ship!?” She spat out in her bravest voice.

“My dear, we’re simply traders trying to make a living here, now if you’ll kindly lower your shields we’ll need to be taking possession of your cargo.” The lizard hissed.

“You’re too late! I already dropped my cargo in port,” came Lisa’s snarky reply.

The lizardman perked up an eyebrow, “oh really? Well that’s too bad. See my boss is a real slave driver, and he’s not one to let me come back empty handed.”

Lisa gulped nervously, “Well sorry, can’t help you there.”

The lizard smiled, “Well from what I can see you can.” The lizard leaned forward, “you’d fetch a pretty decent price. Nice clean shaven pussy, tanned skin, very healthy. Perhaps we can just leave with you instead?”

Lisa looked down in horror and for the first time realized that she had never put on her pants when she left her room! Her face turned bright red as she quickly hid her naked bottom behind the pilot’s chair.

The intercom roared with laughter. “Nothing to be ashamed of missy. Better to fetch a high price than a low one!” came the mocking reply. A couple of whistles and a hoot rounded out the lustful cries from the pirates.

The lizardman chuckled a minute longer than continued, “How about a deal then. We’re coming onboard, lower your shields and my boys here will fuck you a bit less roughly, maybe even let you enjoy it some before we sell you.”

“Over my dead body!” Lisa snapped back quickly.

“Hopefully not!” The lizardman replied, “don’t try anything dumb we’ll be there in 2 minutes, and we will expect a warm welcome!”

The communicator went dark and Lisa kicked her chair in embarrassment and frustration. What to do now? She spun in circles trying to think, there wasn’t much time.

She looked at the controls one more time. A ton of damage, but her emergency power coils still held a lot of charge. Maybe she could dump the power from them into one of her ship’s subsystems for one last gambit? But which one to choose? Lisa wracked her brain for a minute, but nothing else was coming to her. The slaver’s ship was almost here!

Option A: All power to weapons! Nothing like a surprise lazerbeam to the face to teach them who not to mess with!

Option B: All power to the engines! We’re a pretty darn fast ship, let’s make a run for it!

Option C: All power to shields! Let’s buy some time, maybe get on the comm and play the damsel in distress, maybe we can think of something else? Anything is possible with a few more minutes…

Option D: Lower the shields. Naw this is a bad idea. Yes being raped and sold into slavery sucks, but it’s better than upsetting them and maybe winding up dead in the process.


Hello again horny friends and strangers! 👋

So which option should it be? A, B, C, or D? Let me know in the comments or by PM. I’ll write the next chapter with the top choice! Trying something completely new here, so I hope you all enjoy this little adventure!

Have an awesome day! 😊

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qn3v81/part_1_lisa_galaxia_the_ambush_a_choose_your_own

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