[MF] LEXIE (Part One): The Time I (M18) Fingered A Childhood Friend (F18) While Being Sandwiched Between Her And My Sleeping Sister

I intend for this to be a three part series documenting my experiences with my childhood friend turned girl-next-door. Names have been changed of course.

This happened over 10 years ago, so a lot of details are blurry but I tried to be as descriptive as possible.

There is some background that I hope to get through in Part One and not repeat again. Skip to ********* for the sexual part.

I first met Lexie at age 15 when my family moved into the same gated neighbourhood that she lived in. Because of how welcoming her family was, and probably also due to the fact that the four children (two from each family) were of similar ages, our families became fast friends. I remember cycling around the neighbourhood together, having joint family lunches on Sundays, racing at the nearby swimming pool, having barbecues in their backyard, and also going out on their yacht once in a while. Lexie and I were the same age (I was a few months older), my sister was a year younger than us, and Lexie’s brother was 2-3 years older than Lexie and I.

Even though I had started jerking off and exploring my sexuality, I would say that prior to the titled experience, I never saw Lexie in any romantic or sexual way. This was mainly because Lexie was rather boyish, goofy and outspoken, and generally unlike the women I knew as viable partners from TV, movies, or porn (e.g. Megan Fox). And so, while I flirted and made moves with the girls at school, Lexie was always just a female person that I knew in the neighbourhood who would beat me at swimming races (she was also competitive).

When I was 17, I was sent off to boarding school in a different country on my own. Honestly, it didn’t bother me too much that I wasn’t going to see Lexie anymore. Being two teenagers at different schools, we had much deeper connections with the friends at our respective schools. On top of that, Lexie was much closer to my sister because, I assume, they were both girls and had similar interests.

Anyways, while I studied abroad, I would travel back home during Christmas and summer breaks to see my family and old friends. It was always a good time because I got to drop in on the old classroom and I had stayed very close with my closest friends there. During the Christmas before my 19th birthday, however, Lexie’s and my families had planned a trip to Tokyo, Japan. It was the first time any of us had visited Japan but I was pretty bummed about it. From my perspective, I have been away for months from my closest friends. I was going to have a rare three weeks to hang out with them but now I would be losing five days to Tokyo?? Long story short, I managed to persuade my family into inviting my best friend onto the trip. This worked out because Lexie’s brother did not join us and therefore I would’ve had no-one to room with during the trip.

While on the trip, we travelled as a group to certain tourist attractions and occasionally split up into smaller pairs to look around before meeting again and returning to the hotel. As it turned out, sightseeing in Tokyo is pretty synonymous with shopping. I recall one particular tourist area called Shinjuku where it was just long streets of vibrant shops. This is pretty much all you need to know for the story.

It was our final night before flying back home, my friend and I were already in bed watching TV, when Lexie and my sister knocked on our hotel room door. Apparently they had done too much shopping, tried everything on, and could not be bothered to tidy up to sleep. Therefore, their solution was to join our bed for the night. It seemed quite impossible but when we peeked into their room next door we saw suitcases splayed open on the floor, paper and plastic shopping bags thrown into one corner of the room, and clothes covering the queen-sized bed that they shared. I guess what they meant by “not bothered to tidy up” really meant “needing to buy a new suitcase”. Reluctantly, we agreed to let them join us. At this point, I still had not considered Lexie in any romantic or sexual way. To be honest, she seemed more like a nuisance barging into our room and bed. Of course, at that time I still hadn’t considered the possibility of what would happen next.

So the four of us sat in the bed for a while watching TV. If you were looking towards the bed from the foot of the bed, you would see (from left to right) Lexie, me, my sister, and then my friend on the right. Thinking back, it probably would’ve made more sense that my sister and I swapped places but I honestly don’t recall how we ended up in that order.

Because there were four people in one queen bed, we couldn’t sleep flat as our shoulders would be in each other’s’ way. So we all kind of positioned ourselves on our sides. Imagine this convoluted IQ question: There were four people sleeping in a girl/boy/girl/boy pattern. They were all sleeping on their sides, how do you make it the least awkward? Being in my position, I definitely wasn’t going to spoon my sister (since she already had her back turned towards me). So the natural option was that I turned to face Lexie. And she wasn’t going to face me, because then our arms would be scrunched up between us. For the purpose of this story, all you need to know is that I ended up spooning Lexie facing the left side of the bed. Our bodies were not touching yet. I had my right arm under the pillow that Lexie and I shared for comfort while my left balanced uncomfortably on my left side. Still, at this point in the story, I had not considered Lexie sexually.

Eventually, deep breathing sounds signalled to me that people were falling asleep one by one behind me. Not knowing whether Lexie was still awake, I waved my right hand (which went under Lexie’s head and our shared pillow and was hanging off the left side of the bed) in front of Lexie’s face. Her body stirred but there was no definitive response. In a teasing manner, I pointed my right pointer finger towards her face, slowly moving it forward and threatening to poke her in the eye. It was then that I felt her body move, as she snapped at my finger with her mouth.

We continued this for a few seconds and even then, as I fished teasingly for her bites, I did not think anything sexual would come from it.

Our relationship changed instantaneously when Lexie, instead of continuing to be teased, grabbed my right hand by the wrist and put my finger into her mouth. She began pushing and pulling my hand as my finger pushed through the tight threshold of her pursed lips, slowly sucking my finger as I laid there behind her frozen. No words were spoken but my mind was blown. Countless thoughts ran through my head (“Holy shitttttttt”, “This is really hot and nasty” were some examples) as I simultaneously wondered how I never thought of Lexie sexually and how far I would be able to get that night.

Eventually, after a few seconds, I unfroze. I curled my pointer finger inside her mouth as I felt the texture of her tongue and voluntarily moved my hand to the established rhythm of her sucking. She responded by backing herself into my body, closing the gap between us and starting to grind herself into me. Of course, I did the same and pushed myself into her as well. (Now, Lexie has two cylindrical parts of my body captured in hers.)

Lexie and I were (and are) both average looking Asian people. I don’t have an outrageously large penis and Lexie doesn’t have insane lumps and curves. But that night, with the dim light at the door of the hotel room, the sudden discovery of a new sexual adventure, and the thin fabrics which separated us, my body was consumed with lust. Lexie definitely acted as if she was enjoying herself too.

Probably only about a minute had passed since Lexie started sucking my finger when I realised I was not taking full advantage of the situation I had found myself in. Keeping my right pointer finger in Lexie’s mouth, I moved my left hand off of my side and onto her waist. I grabbed her there firmly as I pushed my body further into hers, securing my penis in between her cheeks as she continued to gyrate her pelvis up and down.

My left hand didn’t stay on her waist for long though. It swam towards her belly button and then made a sharp turn south towards her vagina. Her thighs parted slightly as my hand arrived at her vulva. The arrival of my hand triggered a soft, muffled moan from her (it would seem, that she had been waiting for my arrival). With a gentle pressure I cupped and pushed ‘down’ on her vulva through her pajama pants, again following the rhythm she had set with her pelvis but also attempting to push our bodies even closer. And as I pushed her between her thighs, I could feel the distinct moistness and heat that radiated from her which only motivated me even more.

It was then that, with my right hand, I slowly pulled my finger, which she seemed reluctant to release, out of her mouth. I didn’t leave her disappointed for long though. Before my pointer finger fully disconnected with her lips, I brought my middle finger and inserted myself back into her mouth. With two fingers now inside Lexie’s mouth, I played feverishly with her tongue as she continued to suck on me. The way that she swirled her tongue on my fingers told me that what I was doing, with both my left and right hands, was pushing the right buttons for her and testing her limits.

Now that I had, it seemed, successfully upgraded Lexie’s oral stimulation with my right hand, it was time to continue with my left. I lifted my left hand off from between her thighs and placed it just on the outskirts of her pajama’s waistband. I slowly crept my left hand under the waistband of her pajamas & underwear, past her pubic hair, and in direct contact with her undeniably wet vulva. Having already spent some time pleasuring the vulva while my hand was still outside her pajamas, I did not waste too much time. I glided my left middle finger down her slit from above and, when I found her vagina, I hooked my finger into her. Lexie’s body twitched as I moved my finger in and out of her. (For those keeping count, she now has three cylindrical parts of my body ‘captured’ in hers). Lexie’s mouth even lost suction on my right hand fingers momentarily as she seemed to have lost focus but her enthusiasm returned quickly.

My fingers were entering Lexie at both ends while she grinded her ass into my penis. Half an hour prior, I would’ve never thought this was a possibility. But from then on, even now, this is one of my most vivid sexual memories ever.

We continued this way for a little while until Lexie, finally, started using her hands again. Lexie reached her left hand into her underwear as well and grabbed my hand. Still sucking my right hand fingers with her mouth, she pulled my left middle finger out of her vagina and placed it atop her vulva once more. Then, with her hand on top of my hand atop her vulva, she pushed my hand, up and down, into herself. (It took me quite a while to realise that, at the time, Lexie was giving herself clitoral stimulation through my hand). She continued to rub my hand into herself as I stiffened my fingers in order to help her. I also started pushing and pulling my fingers in and out of her mouth in the speed and rhythm that she was using my hand.

It was in this way, that we quickened, and quickened, and quickened, she twitched and froze, and then we stopped.

Lexie pulled my left hand out of her clothes and wrapped it around her waist. At the same time, I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and wiped it off on the side of the bed. We cuddled, not speaking, until Lexie’s body went limp, asleep.

I hadn’t gotten my release yet and I had just experienced the hottest experience I have ever had (at that time) so I slowly extricated myself from between Lexie and my sister, and tiptoed into the washroom. I feverishly jerked off to what just happened, jizzed in the toilet, and returned to my spot on the bed.

The next morning, I woke up in a spacious bed. Lexie and my sister had returned to their room to sort out their impossible scenario. It was not until later when we were all in the lobby waiting for the two girls (and their room keys) to check out that I saw Lexie again. She popped into my view as I was gazing down. She looked up at me with wide eyes, an incredibly sly smile, and said “Good morning! :)”.

This was the first of a few experiences that I had with Lexie. As mentioned before, I intend to continue writing this down even for my own enjoyment and it is perfect if it brings you all enjoyment as well.

As this is my first time writing something like this down, I would love any comments, suggestions, or feedback that you may have. I will likely try to improve from them!


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qnjwvy/mf_lexie_part_one_the_time_i_m18_fingered_a


  1. > Thinking back, it probably would’ve made more sense that my sister and I swapped places but I honestly don’t recall how we ended up in that order.

    The women probably planned it that way. Lexie wanted some fun with you, your sister wanted some fun with your friend. Great story of exploring young sexuality!

  2. Wow. Amazing story. In my mind, I felt I was a virgin again. 🤣🤣🤣

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