[many/many] Orctober, a pansexual erotic flash fiction anthology

Last October I challenged myself to write a very short piece every day about orcs, based on a crowdsourced list of prompts from friends. It went well enough that this year I decided to repeat the experiment with two differences. One, my length limit is slightly longer. Two, this year, it’s all porn.

[Orctober 2021](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34179484/chapters/85046791) is an anthology of short pieces of erotica, featuring characters of all genders in all kinds of pairings. Some are straight-up porn. Some are pretty experimental. Some of them really, really stretch the definition of “erotica”. Regardless, I hope you find something here you enjoy.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qnm738/manymany_orctober_a_pansexual_erotic_flash