Andromeda & Perseus – Part 1 (OP)

Andromeda was tied to a rock, or not so much but it did feel the same, locked inside the house, not allowed to go out…

She thinks she might have forgotten the way whiskey tasted, or the sweet sensation of touch, or the last time she felt kinky or naughty. But, maybe she always did feel kinky and naughty, no thanks to the long dry run. Being grounded by your dad for 8 months is not such a good trip for your desires.

Perseus, lived on the 4th floor of the same building… Perseus, has always been charming with his words, one might not give him a second glance but they always paid attention when he talked… Though the only time he found himself at a loss of command and a lack of focus is when he saw “Andromeda”, leaving his building lift…

Both of them glance at each other, if eyes could fornicate, this was the instance they did… In the open, amidst the crowd, two eyes living every second of sensual pleasure in a single moment. Something had happened, both of them knew that they really want the other, they didn’t just crave each other they claimed each other.

After days of efforts of waiting in the lobby and in the parking lot to catch up with her in a lift came out futile. Perseus beginning to doubt himself. The few ties that he had had a chance to be with her in the lift were, only limited to those sensual glances of a second or two… as there was always someone by Andromeda’s side, her maids, her butler, or on one occasion her father. Although Perseus enjoyed being in the lift with her and her father… he felt more confident somehow…

Those brief moments of eye contact were all that Perseus lived on, but they are not enough, he didn’t know whether this was love but he knew that the desire that he feels is supernatural, this is something out of the blue.

And one day after weeks of just hoping to have a chance of talking to her, there was a magical moment, she entered the lift, followed by her maid, but as the maid was about to enter she got a phone call and stayed behind. As the doors closed Perseus could feel that a new dimension was opening…

So happy and euphoric by all the things he could say to break the ice that he couldn’t say any.

They were standing side by side, her anticipating, wishing, yearning for him to say something to start a conversation. But, Perseus no matter how hard he tried his heart was going at a pace at which words were an unnecessary interruption and thus just kept on trying till the lift reached his floor…

The door opened and closed, Perseus had been frozen at his spot, 3 more floors and it’d be her turn to get out…

“Come on dumb ass, say something. Aren’t you supposed to be smart with words” Perseus thought to himself. His chains of thought were only broken by the ting of the elevator, the saddest ting ever. She is supposed to get off on this floor.

Her Heartbeats running at lightspeed pleading him to say something with her eyes, she started to move. As she was at the lift door, she felt her hand being held by him, Perseus for some reason knew he didn’t want to miss this opportunity he might regret all his life… so if words aren’t being his friends today, his actions will be…

With that thought in his head, he grabbed her hand from the wrist he slightly tugged her back, out of the way of the door. And as the doors slid to close, so did his hand slide on her waist, to secure her right in front of him, pressed tightly to his chest, as she stood there with a bag in one hand and a mobile in another, her eyes were filled with adventure, mouth half open and desires rushing in her head with blood.

Not a word shared but their bodies had already started syncing to one another, she could feel his heartbeats and he could feel her heavy breaths. His breaths now syncing perfectly to hers, brushed against her naked shoulder, his warm breath cascading on her sensuous body, started a chain reaction of emotions, she felt as if “pleasure” came gliding to her body with his breaths and melted all over her ecstacy served hot. As she felt a soft pair of lips pressed against her neck she let go of the bag, closed her eyes as if to live more, and moved her hand in his hair…

While planting soft wet warm kisses on her sleek neck, sculpting desire on her, with his mouth, he pressed the button for the topmost floor.

Andromeda was dying for this, she wanted this to happen so bad… she bit her lip as he bit her neck softly… she wants to be fucked, not rough, but definitely not passionate and boring. She wants to feel the desperation brewing between both bodies in the actions they are about to perform. As if listening to her thoughts, Perseus took his hand and grabbed the outer side of her thighs and slid his hand upwards, his hold on her tightening and yet sliding nonchalantly along her curves. As he reached the waist, he let his hand inside her T-shirt and kept going up as if in no hurry at all, the leisure of pleasure riding him as if she is a map he is trying to read with his hands and explore with his fingers.

His cold hand on her warm body, felt like Christmas being naughty, he explored her wings and without touching her breasts he had managed to reach her shoulders and her neck and as he grabbed/choked her from the neck, he slid his tongue from her neck to her shoulder… she had never felt this before, someone was making love to her skin, not to her ass, or breasts, or feet, but just her “skin”, it was being sensualized and it was working…

She moves her ass against her groin to feel how hard he is, between all these touches and feeling his cock pressed hard against her ass, a moan escapes her hushed by the ting of the topmost floor. And both of them straighten out before the door opened.

So wet, so hard,
Standing a feet apart.
