Step Sister Corruption Part 177 – Day 102 Grill (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat in my new house….ok it’s not **my** house.  More like the person’s house who was sitting across from me while we sat at the dining table.

And like *we* had thought my dad, step-dad, didn’t look happy as he gave me the dirtiest look.

After my conversation with my mom and all the hints.  I quickly talked to Kel about what I thought was going to happen so we needed to get our stories straight, plus we spent some time cleaning up.  And I spent some extra time going through both *my* room and *Kel’s* room making sure there wasn’t ANY evidence that either of us had been in either room….especially our bathrooms. 

Then Kel and I sat down talking about EVERYTHING so we could get our stories straight and told Kel she **will** have to tell dad the truth about her site and the true nature of the offer.  It was probably the only thing that was going to save our asses.  If we lied and it came back in any form that Kel might be starting an *adult* career he would be furious.  It’s better if he hears it from Kel herself than finding out like that.

Mom even came over right before Kel left for the gym to confirm my suspicions and why she had acted so weird.  She had told me in case dad gets home he *might* check the surveillance videos and see our *performance*.

My dad had gotten home and it wasn’t too long before he was over here at *Le casa de Gabe y Kel*.

And just like we thought he was in full *papa bear* mode as he grilled me with questions ranging from: why does my daughter want **you** to be her agent?  What has my daughter done?  Which channel is this for?  Why wasn’t **I** contacted about my daughter’s channel?  Who contacted her?

And the big questions: Is there something I should know?  Is there something going on between you two?

I veined ignorance as I answered each question with a flat out lie.  So I kept answering with the simple…..You need to talk to Kel about this.  And to answer the **BIG** question, no there isn’t something going on with us.

I could tell he was getting more and more irritated when I kept answering with *You need to talk to Kel about this* at every question….well the majority of the questions.  When the whole *I’m insinuating that you’re fucking my daughter I just need confirmation* I looked at him and told him “Come on you really think there’s something going on between me and Kel?  You know **my** relationship with Summer *just* started.”

He just eyed me when I flat out told him he was wrong.

Still he gave me looks as we sat quietly waiting for the girl’s to get home.

Can’t tell you how many times I wanted to get up and sit on the couch and watch some TV.

While we waited I had to get up and get some vitamins and electrolyte juice from the fridge.

Of course, Dad asked me what the vitamins were.

I looked at him, “The experiment.”

He looked at me then nodded, “Right I forgot about that.”  Then he looked at me, “Did you change like you said you would?”

I looked at him and simply nodded.

He looked at me, “And Kelly?”

I looked at him and nodded.

He growled, “I still hate you two didn’t come to me right when you were offered this.”

I shrugged, “We made the decision plus we are getting paid a good amount of money for taking part in the experiment.”

I left out the whole *you weren’t fucking home for us to come talk to you about it* as that would surely cause a fight I was currently trying to avoid.

He sighed, “I know I know.  It’s a great opportunity and all that.  I still wish you would have told me about it, not when you all did.”

I looked at him, “You do know me and Kel aren’t kids anymore right.  Technically we’re adults.”

He looked at me, “Watch it son.  I can still kick you and Kelly out.”

I frowned, “Sorry dad.  But my point still applies.  You have to let us stumble so we can learn.  That doubly goes for Kel.  Hence the whole wanting me to be her agent.”

He sighed, “Still.  I want to protect you for as long as I can.  You know what I mean?”

I sat down with my tall glass of electrolyte juice as I took my pills.  I looked at him and spoke in my best kind voice, “I know dad.  Besides, it’s not like I won’t protect Kel from this new opportunity.”

He looked at me and nodded.

It was a nice father son moment. Haven’t had one of these in a while.

Just then we heard car doors close and my dad quickly looked at the door.

It’s now or never.  Let’s see how this plays out.

Kel and Summer came into the house laughing as they were obviously talking about something.

They instantly froze when they saw dad sitting at the table.

My dad stood up and addressed Summer, “Summer do you mind giving us some privacy.  I need to talk to my children about something.”

Summer nodded, “Sure thing Mr. M.”  She looked at Kel, “I’ll be in the shower if you need me.”

Kel meekly spoke, “Thanks.”

Summer walked into Kel’s room and closed the door.

Our dad waited for Summer to close the door before he looked at **his** daughter, “I think we need to have a conversation.  Have a seat.”

Kel visibly gulped but walked over to the dining table and sat down next to me.

Our dad looked at Kel, “What’s this I hear about you wanting Gabe to be your agent?”

Kel looked at me as we *knew* this was going to happen but was obviously not ready for this.  I looked at her and nodded.  She looked at **her** dad, “Yes that’s right.”

He looked at her, “Why?”

Kel spoke, “Because.”

He spoke, “Because why?”

Kel was about to open her mouth but dad spoke in a booming voice, “The **TRUTH** Kelly.  NOW!”

Kel gulped, “Because I think it’s for an adult company.”

He looked at her, “What makes you think that?”

Kel blushed and gulped as she spoke softly, “Because I have an adult account.”

Kel’s dad stood up, “WHAT???”

Kel looked up at her dad with tears in her eyes but didn’t waiver, “I have an adult account.”

I saw our dad’s heart break as he heard the news.  He slowly sat down and spoke, “Why?”

Kel started to tear up, “Because it helped me.”

He looked at her confused but even he had tears in his eyes, “How does having an adult account help you?  Help me understand?”

Kel tried not to look at me as she remembered our *script*, “Because I was having self image issues dad.  I couldn’t keep a boyfriend as they kept cheating on me.  I came to Summer wanting help and told me I needed to work on myself.  I needed to have confidence.”

My dad spoke, “But you are confident.  You’re the most confident girl I know.”

She looked at him, “No I’m not dad.  You only think I’m confident because of what you see….when you’re home dad.  You don’t see my heart break every single time I catch every single boy I’ve been with to cheat on me.  Do you have any idea how that feels?”

He slowly shook his head as he hung his head, “No.”

Kel continued, “Exactly.  I needed a way to feel confident so I tried different things and stumbled on an adult account.  At first I was scared to show myself to mysterious unknown men.  But soon it was invigorating.  It was fun.  I was feeling confident again.”

Dad listened to her and asked, “How long have you had this account?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know.  Couple of months maybe.”

He looked at her and I could tell his heart was still breaking.  Kel caught it too.

She leaned forward and put her hands in front of him.  He looked at her hands and reached out to grasp it.  She cried as she spoke, “I’m still your little girl daddy.”

That made him start crying.

Hell, even my eyes were watering.

She didn’t stop, “That’s why I asked Gabe to be my agent and not you.  I trust him dad just like I trust you.  I *Trust* **him** to protect **me** just like **you’ve** always protected **me**.”  Then she said the next words, “If I told you this **and** you remained my agent *and* **WE** went to this meeting can you tell me you wouldn’t want to knock out whoever was in front of you?”

He looked at her and shook his head, “No.”

She lightly laughed, “My point exactly dad.  I asked him because *IF* this is an adult company and it is an adult contract would you want me protected and have someone watching my back?”

He sighed and meekly spoke, “I guess. Yes I want you to be protected.”

They looked at each other, “So you’re not mad?”

He looked at her with renewed fire, “Oh I’m angry.  But not at you….I’m mad at myself.”  He sighed, “Alright I’ll let Gabe represent you and he can be your agent.”

He broke from squeezing her hand and reaching down to produce a card, “But I want to help.  This is a card for Deiter Phillipsburg.”

Both of us looked at the card as dad continued, “He’s our lawyer and helps me with all of *our* contracts including all of yours.  Give him a call before you go and tell him what you want and what you don’t want. If they give you a contract, have them send it off to him to look over before you ALL sign it.  I’ll let him know to expect your call.”

Kel looked at her dad, “I don’t….”

He held up his hand, “I’ll be sure to tell him to NOT tell me anything about **YOUR** adult contracts because I don’t want to know.  You’re right when you said I would hurt the people there and any person that wants to see my daughter…..,” he looked away, “naked.” He looked back at us, “Just call him before you go to wherever you go and tell him what’s going on. He’ll give you the same information he has given me.”

Kel and I nodded.

He looked at Kel, “Out of curiosity who contacted you?”

Kel shrugged, “Some guy from Vuse Studios.”

He looked at her wide eyed for half a second before he recovered and looked at me, “Make sure you **REALLY** protect her.”  He looked at Kel, “That’s a big adult studio honey.”

He got up and walked two steps before he turned and held up a finger, “Also Gabe.”

I looked at him, “Yeah dad?”

He smiled, “Do your research on both the guy and the company. Just a bit of fatherly advice.”

I nodded.

He smiled and nodded before he left.

Before he closed the door, I heard dad chuckle, “My daughter got called by Vuse. Hahaha.”




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