
You were standing in your kitchen, cooking. We Said hello, pleasantries like normal. Conversation around us. I felt like you were conscientiously trying not to make eye contact with me, because I caught you staring on previous occasions. All conjecture, and my perspective based of feelings I wished you had.

You had a hat on. It made me focus on the base of your hairline. The back of your neck just inches from your ear.

Skin pale, winter. Hair black, what a stunning contrast. My mouth salivated.

I was struck with the desire to wrap my mouth around that part, that specific part of your body.

Sniff first, let out a breath, hot on your skin. Your little hairs tickle my lips. Then, a small kiss, then a full open mouth wet one, brushing your earlobe with my chin…. Then a lick. Mmmmm I bet you taste so good.
