Necessity – [noncon, breeding/impregnation, dystopia – fiction]

The girl was brought in from the wasteland – one of the first they’d found in the past few years. Cal had to admit, her story was impressive from what they gleaned for her file. Most people didn’t last a year without a safe camp or community, and she’d survived three, apparently all on her own. She’d done well too. The ones they saved were usually half dead from starvation, infection, viruses, injuries, but she was largely healthy; underweight, sure, and a bit malnourished, but she’d obviously done a lot better for herself out there than the others. Cal had been in the village since the beginning, seen the hundreds of people brought in half dead (seen the hundreds brought in all the way dead). He wasn’t a doctor, but his job kept him in the medical wing pretty much all the time. It was small enough that the stretchers were wheeled past his offices whenever someone was brought in or out. Really, it was practically a miracle that the new girl had all four limbs attached and would get to keep them.

Things only got better when her file was dropped onto his desk, complete with all her medical test results, predicted recovery date, and the big green stamp on the cover that meant his department would be taking her in as soon as she was healthy.

Freya, last name unknown and not all that important anyway, was nineteen, with no underlying health conditions and no genetic anomalies. She was perfect. It was hard to believe that such an ideal candidate had dragged herself across the wasteland right to them.

It was only two weeks after she’d arrived that she was transferred to one of Cal’s rooms, almost completely recovered. She’d be kept on a special diet for a while, but if she continued at this rate, they’d be able to switch her over within the month.

She looked more confused than afraid when he first walked in. That was always a good sign too – the good girls only needed an explanation and a few days to adjust before they accepted their role, and Freya seemed like the smart and kind type. Of course, even the difficult ones settled in eventually, but it the success rates were a lot higher and results a lot faster if they didn’t fight too much.

She was a pretty one too – big blue eyes and brown hair. It’d been cut short, probably matted and unsalvageable from her years out there, but it still looked nice on her. The privacy gown covered most of her, but Cal could see enough of her shape through it. A little skinny, but he could see she’d have great curves once they got her back to a healthy weight.

“Hi, Freya, I’m Cal.” He gave her a bright smile; some of the other guys were cold and curt to the girls, but Cal didn’t see the point in being rude. They were here fulfilling their roles just as much as anyone else, and it never hurt to be nice.

Freya blinked at him, obviously unable to reply through the ball gag in her mouth, but her eyes seemed to soften in relief. He never liked making them feel worse than they typically already did.

“I’m going to be the one in charge of you for the foreseeable future, but don’t worry, you’re in good hands. I’m the best we have here.”

She gave a hesitant nod, but still squirmed a little against her restraints. Thankfully, she seemed to realise that there was no way she was getting off the table on her own. At least it was relatively comfortable. In the beginning they’d had to use regular metal slabs and cuffs, but they’d since upgraded. Now the tables were more like large chairs, still down flat but shaped for the body and padded. The old design had always seemed a little cruel to him. The girls were stuck on the things for weeks if not months at a time.

“I know this might seem a little scary right now, but you’ll settle right in in no time. You’re here to fill one of the most important jobs we have. Now you know first-hand what the world out there is like, but you never have to worry about that again. You’ll be well taken care of, and you’ll be helping us fix it. You’re biologically and genetically perfect for our project.”

He stepped forward and laid a comforting hand on her stomach. “Repopulation is the only way we can make sure humanity can recover and get back to the world we used to have, Freya.”

Predictably, her eyes flew wide open. She tried to say something through the gag and thrashed a little in her cuffs, but the new padding wouldn’t even let her bruise.

“It’s alright, don’t panic. Everything we do is scientific and ethical, we’re not going to hurt or damage you. A couple of things might be uncomfortable, but you’re in the best facility on the planet!”

Tears started streaming down her face, but that was to be expected. Cal still had high hopes she’d settle in quickly.

“We’ll be getting started soon, but I’ll give you some time to calm down. Too much stress isn’t good for your chances.”

With a gentle pat, he turned to ready some of the equipment. The stuff here was top of the line; they really did have the best breeding facility on the planet. She’d doubtless heard horror stories of some of the other places, but she’d understand soon enough that this wasn’t one of those – even Cal shuddered to think of them. Dirty tools and facilities, insufficient food and water, most offspring lost before they were even carried to term. Cal could proudly say that only two miscarriages had ever happened to his girls, and both had been followed by successful pregnancies. From her file, he doubted Freya would add another to that short list. She really was perfect.

By the time he’d checked and cleaned everything, she’d quieted down to sniffling and occasionally tugging at her restraints, but the worst of her panic seemed to be over.

“Good girl, you’ll be fine,” he praised. “We’ll get your first session over, and then you’ll have until tomorrow afternoon to get yourself settled in.”

There’s no point, he reasoned, in dragging it out. Even the most docile ones tended to struggle and cry the first time. The new chairs were automated, so all he had to do was press a button and it started rising up with a quiet whir and splitting in two at the bottom, mechanically pulling her kicking legs apart far. Well, she was trying to kick, but the cuffs were snug enough that all she could do was jerk her limbs with a very limited range of movement. Cal tugged on a pair of disposable gloves (obligatory, but it always seemed a little ridiculous to him considering just how much skin-on-skin contact would follow) and leaned in to inspect her more closely.

Freya was bare under the gown, and the new height and position put her lower regions fully on display. She was shaved, which was probably done when she’d come in – personal grooming was rarely a high priority when one was fighting for one’s life every day – her labia was small, leaving her opening on display and exposing the tip of her clitoris under its little hood. Cal considered himself a professional above all else, but couldn’t help the way he felt himself hardening as he pressed a gloved finger in, spreading her further open. Behind the gag, she let out a low wail, but she’d calm down soon enough. She was assumed to be a virgin based on the exam the doctors had done, so she’d undoubtedly be nervous. Cal ignored her as he lubed his fingers and pushed one in, feeling the heat and tightness as she instinctively clenched down on the intrusion. She was tighter than most, so he’d have to loosen her up, especially if he wanted to get the machine in there later. With the other hand, he started gently rubbing her clit in small circles. She let out a gasp, tension flooding through her body, but after a few moments relaxed into it. Soon she was squirming for altogether different reasons. It was hard to tell if she was trying to push her hips towards or away from him.

He made the process of fingering her open as fast as he could without causing unnecessary pain. Of course it would hurt a bit, but he wasn’t a sadist – and the slide of her wetness as he rubbed her clit eased the way even more. The faster it was over for her the better, anyway. He got two fingers in before gently advising her to try to relax.

“I know it’s uncomfortable, Freya, but it will be done sooner if you don’t tense up like that.”

Really, she was a good girl. Cal had worked here long enough to know that no one came into their first session calm, and she didn’t even start hyperventilating until he reached down to unzip his fly. Some called it cruel or crude to do it like this, but the data didn’t lie – and anyway, artificial insemination was also used. The facility liked to cover all bases.

Cal was a big guy – both in stature, and proportionally. It could be a bit overwhelming for the girls, but it made him all the much better at his job. Hitting the cervix might be painful in some cases, but it really improved their chances of impregnation.

He looked back up at her face as he took more lube and stroked himself to full hardness, giving her a reassuring smile. She was flushed red, tears streaming down her face, but still managing to look beautiful as she did. Drool slid down from around the ball gag between her teeth as her chest shook with now silent sobs. It would have been nice to see her breasts – though her nipples were tenting the thin fabric, undoubtedly from unwilling arousal – but forcing the girls to be fully nude would be a little undignified. Still, it didn’t take long before he was achingly hard.

She screamed, muffled, when he slid in, bracing his hands on her thighs, and her walls clenched down vice-like around him. He paused, and let her slowly relax around him as she tired herself out. Honestly, he was glad for the little delay. Freya was overwhelmingly hot around him, silky walls squeezing him repeatedly, and without a moment to catch his breath, he would probably finish much sooner than was ideal. Technically, it didn’t matter when he came, as long as it was inside her, but this was an aspect of the job he liked to savour.

Soon enough, she was loosening, but not by much. Even with prep, she was tight. With every quiet sob, she twitched around him, but there was enough room to start gently rolling his hips.

“You’re doing so well, Freya,” he praised, meeting her now glassy blue eyes.

He started relatively shallow, teasing deeper and deeper with each thrust. His size meant quite the stretch, but she took him well, letting him ease in deeper each time.

“Good girl.” His voice came out breathy. “You were made for this, good girl.”

Freya seemed calmer now – or at least exhausted enough not to fight – and the slick of lube and her arousal made each slide smooth. Looking down at where they were joined, it was almost hypnotic to watch his cock slip in and out, shining with wetness. Each press back into her sultry heat tightened the coil in his gut. He brought a hand back to her clit, now stiff from stimulation, and rolled it between his fingers; she whined and clenched around him, but this time it seemed to pull him in more than push him out. That seemed to calm her further, so he kept it up as he slid in deeper. And then finally hit her body’s resistance.

Freya cried out as he brushed against her cervix, buried deep in her core. He shortened his thrusts there, nudging against it each time a little harder as she tried to writhe in her restraints once more – but this time, seemed less concerned with escaping. She fit around him snug and hot, but he couldn’t resist the urge to push in just that bit harder. He was almost fully inside her, only one thing keeping him from grinding all the way in. Cervix penetration hurt, he knew that, but… wasn’t it his job to make sure she got pregnant? And with the way she gasped and whined on his cock and fingers, he doubted it would be too bad for her. There was no point in missing the opportunity, he reasoned, even as lust clouded his mind.

And then Freya came with a long, stuttering moan, fluttering and clenching wildly around him, velvet heat squeezing and urging him in until his resolve snapped. He managed one last thrust, drawing out as much as he dared and then slamming back in with a wet slap of skin. He moaned almost as loud as she screamed when his cock head breached her, prying open her tight cervix and spilling deep into her.

He wasn’t sure how long it took him to come down from the high of the orgasm, her inner muscles straining around him and milking out all of his seed, straight into her womb, with her own aftershocks.

“So good,” he half slurred, catching his breath as he looked back up at her face. “See, wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Freya didn’t attempt to reply, dazed eyes sliding closed as she panted under her gag. That was alright, they were almost done. Just one more thing. She winced a little as he eased himself out, wiping off his cock and tucking it away before hitting another one of the bed’s buttons. It tilted her bottom half up at the waist, preventing any valuable seed to slip out – not that he really expected that to be all that necessary. Other than a soft murmur, she didn’t respond.

Not until he had brought out the machine and lined it up with her swollen pussy. Freya’s eyes snapped open, post orgasmic haze clearing as she took in the apparatus. It was really just a technicality at this point, but Cal liked to follow the rules. Just in case.

The dildo was just smaller than his cock, and slipped into her with ease despite the lack of lube – it hardly seemed necessary as her slit glistened with wetness. It was angled down, so her hips could remain raised while it was used and minimise leakage.

She let out a broken moan as it entered her for the first time, starting up its gentle but relentless rhythm, then another when Cal pressed a vibrator to her clit, taping it down to her thigh. The modified fucking machine really was brilliant. It was hooked up to a tank of sperm, collected from the best donors at the facility. Almost a hundred men, but the technical father of each baby wasn’t a huge concern. They were all vetted and genetically healthy, so as long as there was a pregnancy, it was a success – though Cal had to admit he did love the feeling of being the one to have been successful each time the baby was determined to be his.

Watching her moan and squirm under the machine’s ministrations was intoxicating – he brought himself to another climax as he watched, finishing into the machine’s tank. Sated and sleepy, he gave everything one more check before heading out, flipping the light off as he left. Freya would have plenty of time to get used to her new life overnight, as the machine gradually spilled almost a litre of seed into her, endlessly bringing her to climax over and over again as it did so.

Cal was sure she’d be ready to accept her new role by morning.


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