I had Sex with my Boss for money [MF]

When I was in college, I was looking for money anyway I could find it. This was just when apps were coming into prominence and I signed up for one of those ‘5 Dollar Jobs’ apps where people have you clean out their attic or fix a cabinet or take their trash to the dump or even mow their lawn.

This was going okay and I got jobs pretty frequently but it wasn’t glamorous in any way. I was always dirty and sweaty and tired.

I got a request from someone to unload boxes as they had just moved to the area. I accepted the job and saw a large moving truck full of boxes as I pulled up to the address.

It was a mansion. Classic “old money”looking place. Marble and lime stone, gold finish on everything. The massive front gate was open with a stone driveway leading to the pillar clad front doors.

I saw a second moving truck pull up. I agreed to unpack boxes, not unload a whole fucking truck!

I turned my radio up and tried to psych myself up to have a good attitude and accept a hard days work. On the bright side, the longer I took me to do the job, the more money I would get!

As I turned my car off I looked up and saw 4 burly men in blue jumpsuits and back braces start unloading the trucks.

I watched confused as I walked to the front door that was currently wide open. I knocked on the door jam.

*knock knock*

“Five Dollar Jobs”

I heard a mature woman’s voice echo from another room as I walked into the marble floored foyer.

“In the kitchen!” Said the voice.

I followed it to the very impressive kitchen and saw a woman in a blue business suit sitting at the kitchen counter with mass amounts of paper in front of her.

She was talking on the phone as she signed a piece of paper that a moving guy was holding for her.

She smiled at him as she signed and he nodded his head and left the kitchen to help his crew unloading the trucks.

She waved me over as she said goodbye to the person on the phone and hung up.

“Hi” she said with a frazzled smile.

“Hi” I replied. Checking her out.

I guessed she was around 35 years old. Her smooth long legs were folded and her foot was propped up. Showing off her black strap heels and dark red toe polish. She had a wild side underneath this professional exterior.

She was wearing big framed glasses and had her blonde hair up in a tight ponytail.

“How can I help you?” She asked after I hadn’t said anything as I was too busy checking her out.

“Oh, sorry. I got a request to unpack some boxes.” I said as I held up the app on my phone.”

“Oh yes!” She replied as she jumped off the stool.

“Follow me.” She instructed as she walked out of the kitchen. The click clacking or her heels echoed through the empty house.

I followed her down a long hallway and into what I assumed was the master bedroom. It was at the back of the house and had a lovely walk in closet and massive bathroom attached.

The room was full of boxes and furniture and a bed frame and mattress sitting against the wall.

“So, I’m heading up the Fisher’s move and transition. They’ll be arriving at 6 o’clock and this room needs to be ready before then.”

I looked around the room. This was going to take a while.

“Here’s a list and layout where everything should go. Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll come check on you in a bit.”
She said as she handed me the paper and walked out of the room.

I looked at the layout and saw it like a giant puzzle and got right to work. I wanted to impress this ‘all business’ babe and I know that there’s nothing a ‘no nonsense, didn’t party in college, anal retentive’ girl likes more,than a job done well and done fast.

An hour later, all the boxes were unpacked and all I had to do was move the bed into position in the middle of the room.

I had worked up a sweat and and had taken my shirt off and was getting into position to move the bed when I heard the click clack of heels echoing throughout the home.

I started moving the bed into position and saw her head pop out from around the bedroom door.

I watched from the corner of my eye as her mouth fell open and eyes went wide at my progress. I placed the bed down and wiped the sweat from my brow.

Her dumbfounded face changed from shock at a job well done to shock at the shirtless, muscle clad, glistening young man standing in front of her.

(I was flexing hard)

“I, umm, I came to uh, check you out, uh, check out your progress….”

“Yeah, i think im done! Wanna take a look?”

Her eyes scanned the room quickly and then landed back on me. I watched as her eyes trailed down to my chest, my abs and then my package.

“Looking good” she said softly. Obviously not aware of where she was anymore.

I chuckled to break the silence and she blinked a couple times and snapped out of her trance.

“Uh, yes. Well done.” She finally said.

“Wanna test the bed out?” I asked genuinely.

It wasn’t until the words left my mouth that I realized it could be misconstrued as a come on.

She looked at me as her cheeks went red.

“Oh, I mean, do you wanna make sure it’s good to go?”

Oh shit, that didn’t come out right either.

“Oh, I mean, uhhh.” Now I was getting flustered.

She started giggling.

“You’re so cute.” She said softly as she looked down at her phone as she bit her lip.

There was movement and talking coming from the movers down the hall.

She looked out the door before stepping into the bedroom and shutting the door behind her.

“I thought you were going to take a few hours. We’re ahead of schedule thanks to you! I might even get out of her before the sun goes down.” She said as she showed me her phone and it showed the time was 4:30pm.

“Well I’m glad to help you out! You think you could give me a 5 star review?” I asked as I bent down to pick up my t-shirt.

“Definitely.” She replied. She paused for a moment. Contemplating.

I looked at her inquisitively.

“Can I hire you for another job?” She asked as she slowly pulled her glasses off her face.

“Whatever you need.” I replied as I let my shirt drop back to the floor.

She locked the bedroom door.

“Take your pants off.” She instructed as she walked over to me and gave me a light push so I fell to the bed.

She started to unbutton her blue blazer. Her white blouse was off next to reveal her dark red satin and lace bra.

I unzipped my pants and peeled them down my legs. Before I could kick them off my feet, she was pulling her skirt up over her hips, revealing her dark red matching panties.

She got on top of me and peeled her panties to the side and slid my cock inside her. She started riding me slowly, letting her body weight fall so my cock would go deeper inside her.

She quickened her pace until she was riding me like she was galloping on a horse. I laid back, holding on to her hips to keep her steady as she continued to bounce.

A strand of hair fell from her perfectly sculpted ponytail. She pressed her right palm against my chest as she used her left hand to brush the strand behind her ear.

She leaned forward and I got a face full of cleavage. I moaned in delight. This was wild!

She sat up and unhooked her bra and let her mature tits swing free. I burried my face in them and started sucking on her nipples as she started to moan.

She started riding me even harder and faster until she climaxed as she grabbed a pillow and screamed into it so the movers wouldn’t hear her.

She collapsed on top of me. Her bare chest on mine. We breathed heavily in unison together as we caught our breaths and came back down to earth.

She stayed on top of me until I was soft. She sat up and hopped off me, fixed her panties and pulled her skirt down and got dressed.

I pulled my pants back up and put my shirt on.

“Well, you’re a hard worker in every sense of the word.” She said with a chuckle.

“I try” I replied with a cheeky smile.

She went to the bathroom to put herself together and when she returned, she was back in work mode.

“Thank you very much for your hard work. I’ll be sure to give you 5 stars.” She said as she unlocked the door and swung it open.

She held her arm out to show me the way out. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the bedroom. Her heels clacked as she walked me to the front door in silence.

I turned to say goodbye as her phone rang. She answered and haphazardly waved as she turned and walked to another part of the house.

Feeling used and a little dirty, I walked back to my car, half satisfied and half rejected.

I sat in my car as my phone buzzed. I had gotten a 5 star rating for unpacking the boxes. I sat there looking at the 5 stars blankly.

My phone buzzed again.

I had gotten another 5 star rating for –

“Miscellaneous Work” as well as a tip of $500 dollars!

I looked up towards the house and saw the blonde business babe standing on the front porch with her phone in her hand. She was smiling at me.

I smiled and waved and she waved back.

I started my car and peeled out, looking as cool as I could.

It wasn’t until I got home that I realized that I had been paid for sex. As I was struggling with my moral code and how I felt about it, I got a text from an unknown number.

It was business babe! She had gotten my number from the app and asked if I could do another job for her the next night.

She explained that she had told one of her friends about my “service” and had asked her to reach out to me.

But that’s a story for next time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qlc7pv/i_had_sex_with_my_boss_for_money_mf


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