[F] 22 A Halloween Hook-Up, Flashing at a Football Game, and just a General Update

Hey Y’all

Lots of folks have been asking me for an update… so here it is lol.

Unfortunately there isn’t much to update. It’s been a really busy part of the semester so I haven’t had much of a chance to get into anything crazy (at least not crazy like the other things I’ve posted about here lol).

TBH it’s actually been the driest spell of this whole “slut phase” of mine (till this past weekend that is lol). So I apologize if this isn’t as exciting as y’all hope it would be lol.

First off E and I have actually become decent friends with the volleyball player I hooked up with a month or so ago. Like surprisingly decent friends. To the point where E became one of her pre match hook up (she didn’t believe me when I told her how rough she could be… she barely made it back to the apartment the next day lol). But all of that is to say that I now get invited to student athlete parties now? Which is kinda cool. But I’ll move on before talking about new friends becomes to wholesome for this sub lol.

In terms of the scavenger hunt I have made some progress. I checked off flash at a football game. Ultimately the game itself ended up being far more interesting than the task lol (again can’t tell you why without y’all figuring out where I go to school). But basically I told E early on in the game that if we scored a touchdown in the end zone we were near I would celebrate/reward the player by flashing my tits at the end zone.

Now we were in the student section (which was crowded) with a bunch of our friends (the usual crowd). It was also a night game so we all were pretty drunk by the time we walked in (and so was everyone else…) so by the time we scored it was pretty easy to pull off unobserved lol. Which I know isn’t typically the point of flashing, but I wasn’t trying to get kicked out of the stadium. In the clamorous celebration it was pretty easy to get my tits out (I’d gone braless which I came to regret later that night when it got really cold). E participated too (unsurprisingly). I know a few people around definitely saw us, but security didn’t and that’s what mattered lol. I like to hope we made a few drunken frat guys nights.

Which brings me to Halloween. Outside of being drunk pretty much all weekend it was pretty uneventful. The usual shenanigans. E and I decided to go in sort of a “couples costume” (myself as a sexy angel and her as a sexy demon lol).

Like I said it had been a bit of a dry spell (if you can call a month and a half a dry spell lol). So I wasn’t as worried about the scavenger hunt and more worried about finding some dick lol. Unfortunately those plans were put on hold Friday night when E got to drunk and I ended up taking care of her all night. But ultimately it worked out cause she stayed soberish on Saturday to pay me back. We ended up at this big frat party where E helped wingwoman me off to one of the brothers she knew (he was dressed as a referee which if we’re going off of costume creativity didn’t score him a lot of points).

We ended up in his room at the house towards the end of the party. It was a pretty quick hook up all said and down. He bent me over the bed and took me from behind. Didn’t even bother to get my dress off (I had really leaned into the costume and had on a really nice matching white bra and thing that I was a bit disappointed to not get to show off).

After he finished up we actually ended up wandering back down to the pretty dwindled party. Luckily E was still there (leading on some poor brother she’d hooked up with before) and we were able to walk back together. Again not super adventurous but definitely got the appetite rolling again and now that we’re in the slower lull before finals I’ve got a chance to maybe get more adventurous? Who knows we will see. Also he was a Junior so that’s another grade level off my list lol.

So that’s the update. In other scavenger hunt related news I’ve decided to observe my own version of “No Shave November” and fully commit to growing out my hair down there for the month. So we will see how that goes.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qkva6l/f_22_a_halloween_hookup_flashing_at_a_football