Disciplined for Cheating (Part 1) [MF] [femdom] [spanking only] [no sex]

It had all happened in a blur. One moment Ben was simply attending a local kink meetup and in the next he was laying bare a secret to a woman he barely knew.

He had noticed her when she entered—the swish of her long brown hair as she walked across the bar and the way her flower print dress lifted just a little as she leaned on the bar top to order a drink. Although he couldn’t place it, she looked vaguely familiar. She was not much older than him, perhaps 35 or 36. But she moved through the room with a confidence that he had never known himself. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her and was surprised when she approached him.

“Jo,” she said, extending a hand, her dark eyes flicking upwards to meet his own. “Short for Josephine.”

“Ben,” he replied. “Nice to meet you.”

They talked for ten or fifteen minutes at most. And yet somehow he felt at ease with Jo, as though he could tell her anything and it would be alright. That’s how he let slip that he was newly single and the cause was his infidelity.

“Do you feel guilty about it?” she asked after a pause, fixing him with a gaze that was difficult to read. Flirtatious perhaps, but containing an edge to it.

He thought on it for a moment. Yes,” he said at last. “I do feel a bit guilty.”

“Guilty enough to be punished?” she asked, in a quieter tone than before.

His heart skipped a beat. “I think so.”

She leaned closer to him, cupped her hand around her mouth, and whispered in his ear. “If you’re really feeling guilty, come by my place tonight at midnight.” She told him an address. Then she leaned in further so that her warm cheek was pressed slightly against his own and her breath was hot against his ear. “I’m going to beat your ass until all your sins are forgiven.

”She withdrew from his side without saying another word, placing a hand on his shoulder as she passed by. He turned to watch her go, almost not believing what he had just heard.


The rest of the evening passed by slowly as the clock ticked down to midnight. While he talked to others, his mind looped back continuously to those words. *Beat your ass*. While he had long dreamed of getting spanked by a woman, now that he was on the precipice of receiving one his thoughts raced. How much would it hurt? What would she use? Would he cry?

When she left around 11:30 he departed soon after. The address she had given him was for a small house in a quiet neighborhood. When he knocked on the door, she answered in the same floral print dress. “I’m glad you could come,” she said.

Upon entering the living room he noticed it almost immediately–a spanking bench pushed into the corner and a collection of canes in a tall holder next to it. The bench was leather upholstered with two padded runners for you knees and a long sloping back for your torso.

Jo must have noticed his gaze, because she turned to him. “Could you pull that out for me?” He nodded. The bench was heavier than he expected. She picked up a cane in her right hand and stepped to the side, then extended it outwards to measure the distance between the end of the cane and the bench.

“A little bit more,” she said. “I should be able to extend my arm completely.” He obeyed and she measured the distance again, taking a mock swing. “Perfect,” she said. “Need a water or anything before we begin?”

He shook his head.

“Okay then I want you to strip,” she said.

“Right now?”

“Yes right now.”

He nodded and pulled his t-shirt over his head. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them to his ankles, conscious of her eyes on his body and the erection pressing against the fabric of his boxer briefs. He hesitated, then slid the briefs off too. Instinctively he put a hand over his penis–it felt wrong to be so exposed when she was still fully clothed beside him.

“Get your hand away,” she said, tapping his hand with her cane. “In fact, get your hands over your head.”

He took a deep breath and raised his hands. She looked him up and down, then crossed behind him.

“Your safeword tonight is cuddlefish,” she said. “Though I hope you won’t need it.” He felt the end of the cane press against his bare bottom.

“I’m going to use a leather strap and a cane on you as many times as I think is necessary,” she continued. “You’ll be tied down to the bench–you won’t be able to move.”

She crossed to his front again and pressed the end of the cane against his now completely erect penis. “Tonight your dick and your balls belong to me. I reserve the right to beat them if I have to, or not if I feel like you’ve been properly punished without resorting to that. Do you understand all of this?”

“Yes ma’am,” he said.

She drew the cane away and looked him straight in the eyes. “If you don’t agree to any of that, you can leave now. I don’t negotiate on punishments–it’s either take what I’m giving or don’t.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said again. “I agree to be punished by you.”

“Good.” she said. “And one last thing.” She stepped closer to him and said in almost a whisper. “I’ll admit to you that I absolutely despise cheaters, so this one will be a bit personal. I promise this will hurt. Is that understood?”

“Yes ma’am,” he repeated, feeling his heart thumping in his chest.

“Good,” she said. “Then up on the bench you go.”

He positioned himself so that he was kneeling on top of the two runners at the back of the bench. They were farther apart that he had first noticed–a little over shoulder-width–meaning that his knees were farther apart as well. He bent at the waist and pressed his chest against the padded front board of the bench which was sloped downwards slightly. It had the effect of making his bottom the highest point on his body. He felt off balance and unexpectedly vulnerable in this position. His balls hung limply between his spread legs. They’d be available to her all night, he thought.

“Stay there,” she said, and disappeared into down the hallway for a moment before returning with a set of black cords.

She made deft work of his wrists, tying them together and then anchoring them to the bottom of the bench so that his arms were stretched out in front of him. Occasionally while she worked, he would glance at her, confirming over and over how gorgeous she was. Once she caught his gaze and before he diverted his eyes, a knowing smile ran across her lips.When she had finished with his wrists, she moved to his thighs, the intimacy of her fingers against his skin surprising him at first. She looped a rope around the bottom of his right thigh and drew it tightly against the bench support, then did the same with the left. Lastly she secured both of his ankles to the runners and took a step back.

“I think we’re finally ready,” she said. “Do you feel ready?”

“Yes ma’am.”

She went into the back of the house again, and upon returning bent down next to his face.

“We’re going to start with the leather strap Ben,” she said, holding up what looked like a thick belt doubled over and affixed to a wooden handle. “And while I realize that you aren’t going to be thinking about much outside of the pain, I want you to try focusing on why I’m strapping you. You deserve this Ben.” She pointed the strap at him. “You cheated on Erica. You broke her trust, and you deserve each and every stroke I’m about to give you.”

“Yes ma’am,” he said, surprised to hear Erica’s name. Had he told that to her at the bar and forgotten?

She stood and walked behind him. Though he could no longer see her, he could sense the moment that she raised the strap back. And in the next instant it came down hard against his bottom. His body tensed with pain, but before he could even register the burning sensation beginning to creep over his cheeks, she brought the strap down again. Then again and again, settling herself into a steady, deliberate rhythm. *Snap* *Snap* *Snap* *Snap*

“Oww,” he whispered, gritting his teeth. “Oww.”

She worked the strap up and down his bottom, finding new spots to strike and returning to old ones. Every inch of his cheeks quickly felt as though it was on fire. But she didn’t let up.

“Oww, oww,” he said a bit louder. “Just give me a minute.”

“I think not,” she said, delivering a particularly vicious smack that landed across his sit spots. He jerked forward at the impact. “That one hurt didn’t it?”

“Yes ma’am,” he whispered.

“I can’t hear you,” she said.

“Yes ma’am,” he said a little louder.

“Speak up.”

“Yes ma’am!” he spat back with a shortness that he didn’t intend.

Suddenly a cool hand wrap tightly around his balls. “What was that?” she asked, squeezing her grip tighter. The effect was immediate–a pain that caught him in the pit of his stomach.

“I’m sorry ma’am,” he said.”I think you’re forgetting whose in charge here,” she said.

“No ma’am I’m not, I’m not. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”

“This is your only warning,” she said. “If I catch even a hint of that tone again, I’m going to knot a rope around your balls and beat them with a riding crop. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes ma’am,” he said, straining to get the words out.

“Good,” she said. “You’re going to learn how to take a punishment tonight.”

She released his balls and came around to the side of the bench. She placed her hand on the small of his back. Then she began a series of light quick strokes that caused him to pull against the ropes holding his arms and ankles. He would’ve reached back to stop her if he had been able, but the ropes were too tight. All he could do was lift his hands and wiggle uselessly.

She stepped back again and delivered another flurry of hard smacks. He looked back and saw her wind up, her eyes fixed on his bottom, and then bring the strap down at the full force her small frame could muster. He started to grunt at each smack, then the grunts turned to short shouts.

“It sounds like I’m starting to get through to you Ben,” she said, without letting up.

“You’ve been getting through,” he said through gritted teeth. “I promise.” Another smack landed. “Oww–oww–oww–oww.” He started to whimper. “Please ma’am–oww–please.”

“You can beg,” she said. “I don’t mind hearing it, but it isn’t going to make a difference.”

“Please ma’am owww,” he said as another stroke fell. Then came another and another. His whimpers grew louder and louder. “Oww ma’am, oww, oww, oww.” Three more hard horizontal strokes cut across his bottom and he struggled against the ropes. He was getting desperate now–the pain was almost unbearable. “Please stop ma’am,” he said, the hint of a sob in his voice. But she drew back the strap again and brought it down. Again and again the strap fell, pulling him past the threshold of pain he thought he could bear. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t think you really are yet,” she said, landing a smack on him. “But you will be by the end of this.” She paused and for a moment, he thought it was over. But she walked over to stand beside him again, and he felt her hand on his right cheek, pulling it open wider.

“Don’t move,” she said. “Or I might accidentally get your balls.” Then she brought the strap down angled in such a way that the end caught the inside of his cheeks. He yelped. These stung like the others, but also there was an element of embarrassment to it. She was spanking him in his most private areas–places that not even ex-girlfriends had really ever paid attention to before. She didn’t let up–continuing to smack that same tender spot again and again. Then she moved to his left and pulled his other cheek open and proceeded to smack it with the same methodical, placed strokes.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I mean it.”

“Sure,” she said, then leaned over a bit and delivered a light smack directly to his balls.

He shouted in pain and surprise.”I see that got your attention,” she said, then stepped away from him. “Hold still.”

The next strokes came in a flurry–hard, horizontal lines across his bottom. But where previous flurries had stopped this one continued. Rapid, hard strokes.He screamed and began to kick his feet. “Owww–owww.”

But Jo seemed to have no intention of stopping. “Maybe next time you’ll think before you cheat,” she said, continuing to bring the strap down. “Maybe you’ll remember getting your ass strapped red. Maybe you’ll realize you ought to respect women. I hope whoever ends up dating you next knows how to handle a strap or a cane. If it was me, you’d be getting this once a month at least.”

“I’m sorry ma’am,” he cried. “I won’t cheat again. I promise I won’t.”

Then suddenly she stopped, and the pain began to register in full. His whole bottom was on fire and he realized he was breathing heavily and had started to perspire from the pain.

“I hope you mean that Ben,” she said. “I really do. Now thank me for using the strap on you.”

“Thank you ma’am,” he said through a muffled sob.”I need a glass of water,” she said. He heard her go to the kitchen, and then water running from the tap. She walked over to him put her hand on his forehead and pushed it back. “Do you want some.”

“Yes ma’am.”She placed the glass to his lips and let him sip. Then she pulled away from him again. He looked back and saw her pull a chair from the dining table and position it a few feet behind the spanking bench. She sat down, and for a moment they were silent.

“You know I was cheated on once,” she said, almost as though to herself. “It was when I was a lot younger, a lot more naive, a lot more forgiving. But that shit hurt Ben, you know? It hurt me to my core. I’ve never forgotten the moment when I found out.” She took a long sip of water. “It was devastating.”

“And the worst is that the cheater never faces any consequences,” she continued. “I mean sure, they might feel guilty, but it isn’t the same is it? I can approximate some consequences with my strap and my cane, but it doesn’t get close. Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t try.”

She stood and walked over to the container with the cane ends poking out the top. Ben watched as she pulled out a thin wooden cane. She whipped it through the air, as though testing its give and heft.

“We’ll start with this one,” she said, bending down next to his face again. “You’ll get ten with it, and you’ll count out each stroke. Miscount and we’ll repeat the stroke. Is that understood?”

“Yes ma’am.”

She stood and moved behind him again. She tapped the cane against his bottom. “Oh and one other thing Ben, before we begin. I’m afraid I haven’t been entirely upfront with you. You see, I know Erica. Or rather, I knew her. And you may not remember it, but you and I have met before.”

He glanced back at her, startled by her words. Had they met before? Who was she? Jo met his eyes with an expression like a challenge, daring him to confront her. But he remained silent, his mouth slightly agape.

“Prepare yourself,” she said, a small smile forming on her lips.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qkt4dr/disciplined_for_cheating_part_1_mf_femdom

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