Bad Luck Cleo [Chapter 1][Tags in Story]

*Trigger Warning/Author’s note: Though this chapter itself is fairly tame, it begins a series where the main female character will be used, abused, and tortured physically, mentally, and emotionally. All individual chapter tags will be posted in story, but please use discretion before reading. -Zee*

**Tags: [Prologue][Threatening behavior][No sex]**

Bad Luck Cleo:

Chapter 1: This Year’s Bonus

You know the old saying. If Cleo didn’t have bad luck, she wouldn’t have any luck at all. Sure, she was as healthy as they come, her own place, wasn’t left wanting for food or material comforts. She had a well paying job, albeit her recent promotion to manager was likely to get her fired.

She had some pretty good ideas on how to incoporate new technology to an old system, and between employees leaving and vendors of technology not doing preventative maintenance on it, it was costing more money that it was making.

Her bosses had decided a good remedy for that would be to cut employee bonuses for the year. Hopefully, her second year as manager would be more profitable, and if not, then her salary contract’s expiration date would not be renewed for a third. And of course, her bosses tasked her with breaking the bad news during annual reviews.

Most employees were understandably upset, and more than one had threatened to quit, but none followed through with it. She had saved Dale for last. He was the warehouse manager, and always had her back during her short tenure, and she hoped his laid back demeanor and generally positive attitude would leave her with a slightly less crap taste in her mouth.

“You know a lot of us rely on that bonus, right?”

She scrunched her face up in what she hoped was a look of sympathy, “Yes, I know. Hopefully once we get these bugs worked out with the new system, we should be able to give a better bonus next year.”

The tall, lean man sat back into his chair, the gears clearly turning in his brain. He rubbed the stubble on his cheek, “I don’t know. I’ve worked here for quite awhile now, and I’m starting to see the writing on the wall. I think it’s best if I find something new. I’m sure my crew will want to do the same.”

Cleo swallowed. Dale had a lot of heft around here and almost half, if not all, of the warehouse crew would follow him right out the door.

“Dale, please. I’ll do what I can to get all of this lined out, but I need you to help me keep everyone working.”

“That’s the problem, Cleo. You clearly need me more than I need you. This company will keep chugging along and shut this place down and forget all of us. I can find a new job. You’ll always have this failure hanging over your head.”

He looked her straight in the eyes, a dark look twinkling across his pale brown eyes, “So I’m going to need that bonus.”

A shudder ran across Cleo’s shoulders, “We just don’t have the capital for that this year. But as long as we get things better, we can probably angle for twice a bonus next year.”

Dale shook his head slowly, “We either work out something, or me and my crew walk, Cleo.”

She sighed, “Fine, what do you suggest?”

“Take off your shirt.”

“Excuse me?”

“Take off your fucking shirt. That’s the last time I repeat myself. Me and my crew will walk and you can suffer the consequences alone.”

Cleo swallowed nervously, then slowly unbuttoned her shirt and removed it. Her pale skin contrasted against her black bra and she sat there. She refused to cover up, trying to keep any semblance of control and confidence she could muster.

Dale got up and moved around behind her chair. He unhooked her bra and ordered her to remove it, which she did. He grabbed her small breasts and began squeezing them softly in his hands. Cleo stayed stone faced, not giving him the satisfaction.

He squeezed her nipples before slapping her left breast, quickly leaving behind a blush of red on her pale tone. He repeated this process on the right breast then ordered her to stand. When she didn’t quickly enough, he grabbed a fistful of her red hair and pulled her to her feet.

Her five foot two inch frame dwarfed the tall man as he dragged his hands back down her torso, his fingers stopping to play with her nipples before continuing their journey to her stomach, her light semblance of abs being traced.

“So here’s what I’m thinking. For every week until this new bonus comea in, I get a piece of you. Whether I want that piece to myself or want to share, or call upon you to do something, it will happen. If you want this job and want success, then you’re my fucking toy for a year. Do you understand?”

Cleo gulped. She nodded tentatively and he pushed his face against her hair, sniffing deeply, “First off, stop with the lavender shit. Buy yourself some vanilla shampoo.”

He grabbed her waist and pulled her back into her chair. He gazed over her small breasts before locking eyes with her.

“I’m glad we could come to an agreement, Cleo. I will start collecting the first of my weekly bonuses next Monday. Give you a chance to settle in.”

He swiftly made his way toward the door, poking his head in before closing it behind him.

“Oh, and make sure to buy a camera. I want this all well documented.”

The door slammed and Cleo finally let her shoulders slump and laid her head down against the desk. He was right. She needed this job and a shutdown would basically blackball her from her industry. All she could do was hope he wouldn’t get too mean with it.

But when had she ever been so lucky?


*Author’s note: Thanks for reading. Please give an upvote if you enjoyed. It gives me a good idea on whether or not I should continue a series or maybe change up how I approach it.
Also, this story has a slight interactive feature to it. If you want to see Dale make or do something to Cleo, message me your idea. If I like it, it may be includes in a future chapter.*



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