My (M) GF’s (F) Sister Watched In Rearview Mirror

This encounter took place about 3 1/2 years ago and while it was brief, it was one of the hottest things I’ve ever experienced!

I was dating a woman named Jenny at the time and we were both recently divorced. She was (36) nine years younger than me at the time and a sexual fireball. Her ex was apparently very vanilla sexually and she was looking to expand and explore her sexual horizons! A prolific squirter, I kept a stack of towels next to the bed and stocked up on sheets. She was a smaller girl, 5′ 3″ and maybe 115 pounds with “A” cup breasts. One of my favorite things to do was lay her on the edge of the bed, slide my cock into her tight little pussy, have her wrap her legs and arms around me, and then I’d stand up. With both hands under ass, I could easily support her weight and we’d fuck standing up. This really seemed to hit her spot and in no time, she’d be squirting like a fountain. I loved the feeling of her juices streaming down my legs! But, that’s not what this story is about.

It was a Saturday and we’d been invited to her aunt’s home about an hour outside of town. Most of her family would be there and it was the first time I’d be meeting many of them, including Jenny’s sister. Nikki was a couple years younger than Jenny and lived on the opposite side of the state. From the stories I’d heard, her bf was somewhat of a slug and he refused to make the drive with her. Jenny and I rode to the bbq with her parents. She was wearing a pair of loose fitting denim shorts and tank top. As we made small talk with her parents from the backseat, I kept sliding my hand onto Jenny’s thigh, attempting to ease a finger or two up the leg of her shorts. Several times, she discretely removed my hand and mouthed “behave.” But I could tell from the heat coming from between her legs everytime my fingers got close, she was enjoying it. Finally on about the 6th try, she allowed my middle finger to find the edge of her panties and the outer lip of her pussy. She was clearly wet and gasped as I touched her. She quickly clamped her hand on mine and held it still. One thing about Jenny, she wasn’t good and being discrete or quiet during sex. Once she got turned on, there was no hiding it. She slowly removed my hand again and mouthed “just wait” to me.

Her mother’s voice came from the front seat, “Everyone alright back there? You two are awfully quiet.”

“Sorry, we’re good,” I replied, “just enjoying the scenery.”

A few minutes later, we arrived at our destination. There were probably about 35 people there already. Various aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, etc. As we walked towards the backyard, Jenny pulled me close and whispered, “Try to behave yourself. This is my family. I promise I’ll fuck you silly when we get home!”

The first to greet was us Nikki. She strode across the yard with a grin and introduced herself. She was built virtually the same as Jenny. Short, slim, small breasts, but with long blonde hair unlike Jenny’s shorter spiky brown hair. It was a pleasant enough afternoon with plenty of food and beer. Jenny’s family seemed nice enough and we made the rounds meeting everyone. As afternoon turned to evening, Jenny’s parents announced they wanted to start back before it got too dark. Jenny was just catching a decent buzz and voiced her objection to leaving. Nikki piped up, “I can give them a ride back and I’ll just crash at Jenny’s tonight. I don’t want to drive all the way home tonight anyway.” And with that, her parents were on their way and we headed for the fire pit. Someone emerged from the house with a bottle of Fireball and shots commenced. Two hours later Jenny was flying high and now she was the one becoming very handsy, rubbing my chest and grabbing my thighs. Nikki suggested it was probably time we get rolling. We said our goodbyes and Jenny and I climbed into the backseat of Nikki’s car. A rather large and luxurious Buick. It didn’t strike me as the typical vehicle of a single woman in her mid-30’s and I jokingly pointed it out. She explained that she’s on the road a lot for work and wanted something comfortable. Her company made the lease payments and this was one of 3 options they gave her. As Nikki pulled out onto the highway, Jenny’s hands were immediately in my lap. I was talking to Nikki about her job while Jenny bit my earlobe and rubbed my hard cock through my cargo shorts. A few minutes later, we merged onto the interstate and Nikki announced she needed to pee.

“Sorry guys, should’ve gone before we left. Anybody else?” She pulled into the first rest stop she hit and said she’d be right back. As soon as the car door shut, Jenny began undoing her shorts. “Take your shorts off, I wanna fuck you now!” To her credit, she was never shy when she was in the mood (especially when drinking). I reminded her that her sister would be back any moment, she said she didn’t care, and started undoing my shorts herself.

“Lift up your hips!” I obeyed and she yanked my shorts and boxer briefs down to my knees. She pulled her shorts and panties completely off, tossed them aside and swung into my lap. Straddling me, she put her tongue in my mouth and sunk her dripping pussy onto my cock. She groaned into my mouth as I grabbed her hips and held her firmly down me, my entire length buried inside her. “I’ve been waiting all day to fuck you,” Jenny growled. We were in the middle of a rest area and I could now see Nikki returning from the bathroom. I figured there wasn’t anything I could do so I’d just go with it and enjoy. I’m not really sure how Nikki didn’t initially notice that her sister was in my lap grinding on me as he got back into the car, but apparently she didn’t. She pulled the door shut, I heard the seat belt click, and she then turned and started to ask, “you sure you don’t need…oh fuck…”

I was seated right in the middle of the back seat so Nikki’s immediate view was the back of her sister wearing only a tank top grinding on my cock. Nikki turned back around and began backing out of the spot. I looked into the rearview mirror and we made eye contact. Nikki grinned a bit and shook her head. Jenny was now pumping her ass up and down on me. The car was filled with the sounds of her slapping against my body, the wetness of her pussy, and her unashamed moans. As Nikki pulled back onto the interstate, I watched her reach and adjust the mirror, tilting it downward. I realized she was probably trying to get a better view of my cock in her sister’s pussy. The whole thing was so surreal. Very weird on one hand but wildly hot on another. So I slid myself forward a bit to give her a little better view. I knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. Jenny wasn’t either and called out, “fuck, I’m gonna cum!” One thing that was unique about Jenny, when she was about to squirt, her pussy muscles would clamp so tightly it was really tough to keep my cock (or fingers or a toy or whatever I was using) inside of her.

Suddenly from the front seat, Nikki spoke, “goddammit Jenny, don’t you fuck up my leather seats!” Apparently Nikki was aware of Jenny’s proclivity to squirt a lot, but it was too late. She bucked violently in my lap and I felt the flood cascading over my legs, cock and balls. Felt a puddle forming on the seat between my legs and it sent me over the edge. I began to cum and Jenny quickly slid off my lap and took my cock in her mouth. Sucking down the last drops of cum I hadn’t already shot in and on her pussy. She took a minute to clean me with her tongue and slumped back into the seat besides me. I was drained, sitting back with my legs apart and my cock still at half mast, shining with the combination of her juices and saliva.

Nikki’s voice came from the front seat again, “Nice cock, but you guys are paying to have my seats professionally cleaned.”

Jenny pulled her shorts back on as I hiked mine back up over my hips. Within minutes, Jenny was asleep with her head in my lap. Nikki readjusted the mirror and we could now see one another’s faces again. She smiled and softly said, “Nice.” I nodded, somewhat embarrassed but definitely flattered. She turned the radio back up and we drove the rest of the way in silence. They dropped me at my house, and continued back to Jenny’s apartment. I got a text the following morning from Jenny asking if I wanted to come over for lunch. When I arrived, Nikki had already left. I wasn’t really sure what to say about the night before so I simply offered, “your sister seems pretty cool.” Jenny nodded and said, “yeah she a lot of fun.” End of conversation.

We never talked about what had happened again, and I only saw Nikki one more time. It was at a family gathering for Christmas later that year. We were polite but there was no mention of the drive back. In February, Jenny and I broke up. While we had a number of public/semi public experiences along the way, none was hotter than that drive home.
