The perks of going nude, part 1 [MF] [incest]

The decision to go full nude in his house wasn’t a new one. Jason had been working towards it for about an year now. He had slowly started taking off his clothes; his tops first, and then his pants. He kept a pair of shorts and a shirt on while his parents were home of course. They were gone for quite some time which had prompted him to progress more rapidly, and he was looking forward to spending his time *how* he wanted. It was just him and his sister Chloe, who was out meeting a friend out of town; he didn’t expect her to be home for a few days at least. So he had taken his clothes off entirely.

His parents hadn’t exactly been approving of his idea to go nude. There had been taunts and jeers, especially from his father and sister at first. But a few months of workouts later, they had grown quieter. His body wasn’t exactly body builder-esque at this point, but it was quite leaner and fitter. Definitely someone you’d look at twice, whether with jealousy or attraction. In fact, his sister was somewhere in between. He had caught her looking at him more than once, with what he hoped was appraise, but it could’ve been ridicule for all he knew. She was confusing like that.

Jason was reclining on the couch, texting one of his friends when the doorbell rang. He hadn’t been expecting anyone so he wondered who it could be. The pandemic had reduced visitors to his home down to zero. Instead of bothering to put his clothes on yet again, he decided to just open the door nude. He wasn’t sure if that was legal but it seemed too bothersome to care. He swung open the door to find his sister on her phone. She looked up immediately and said, “Jason! Why do you-”

Her eyes fell on his dick and for no reason that he could think of, it gave a little twitch. Chloe immediately looked away and covered her eyes with her forearm, “God Jason! What the fuck! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Step aside!”

He tried mumbling an apology but nothing came out; she pressed her hand against his bare chest and tried to push him. He moved aside and let her through, but as she went by, her skirt brushed past his dick. That and the touch on his chest turned him on immediately. He went hard instantaneously and tried covering it up with his hand, which only made him harder. When Chloe was past and in her room, he started breathing again. Why did that happen? It made no sense to him and he tried to dismissing it as a random boner. It had been a while since he had masturbated, anyway, which was probably the reason. He went back to his couch and turned on the TV, but he couldn’t stop thinking.

His dick wouldn’t go soft and several times, he stopped himself from stroking it, banishing images of his sister. It wouldn’t do if he made a mess here. That would put his lifestyle in an even more negative light. He had to admit that it was arousing to be erect in the open where anyone could see him, but this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. He started gathering willpower to get up and finish the job in his room when his sister, completely ignoring the fact that he might still be naked, barged in the living room. His dick stiffened even further and he ignored the impulse to hide it.

She halted right as she noticed he was still naked, blushed deeply and turned away, saying, “Oookay, so you’re actually serious about this? Not a ‘I’m gonna stay nude at home alone’ sorta thing? I’ve done that before; no shame in admitting it.”

Jason decided to be honest, “Well, parents aren’t home. Gonna take full advantage of that until they get back. You weren’t supposed to be here but not gonna let that jeopardize my plans.”

She dared a quick glance and his dick gave an involuntary twitch. What on earth was wrong with him? He noticed Chloe swallow, and then she continued breathlessly, “I’m… just gonna stay in my room then. You have fun… or whatever you’re doing.”

As soon as she was out of sight, he allowed himself to relax and stroked his dick slowly. It seemed like it was going to be a long day.

Jason was horny.

He had never felt *this* horny before. His dick was constantly erect when his sister was home. He would tug one out and be hard 15 minutes later, sometimes even less than that. And the worst part was that she always noticed. Whenever she thought he wasn’t looking, he’d seen her glance at his dick surreptitiously. She probably thought of him as a sick fuck fantasizing over his sister. Or she might think he jacked off all day. For some reason he couldn’t bring himself to care what she really thought. He simply pretended she looked because she was… interested in the male anatomy.

Two days after her return, she entered the living room and plopped herself on the chair closest to him. This was highly unusual, as she usually stayed in her room when at home, or simply went outside despite the quarantine. He resisted the urge to cover his cock’s throbbing and let it expose. She glanced towards him once—or his dick—and then started texting on her phone. His heart raced. He thought of something to say but nothing came to him.

“I’m going to pretend that this is normal. I’m going to try to ignore the fact that you’re…naked, and live my life in this house as I want. So get used to it.”

She sounded so bored that Jason could quite easily tell she had rehearsed the words before. He tried to still his beating heart and pulsating dick, but it only made him hornier. It got even worse when he noticed Chloe giving him, or rather, his dick, little looks. He pretended to watch the TV as best as he could but it wasn’t cutting it. He finally got up with an “Excuse me.” and went to his room where he immediately began jacking off thinking of his sister giving him head on the couch. He did not even need lube, as the amount of precum he leaked was humongous. Only a few strokes later, he orgasmed, and immediately felt a surge of guilt for being so horny over his sister. What would she think of him? When he was finished, he stilled his breathing and went back out to the living room. He’d done it so quickly that he doubted she’d suspect a thing.

He sat down on his towel covered couch and exhaled in satiation. His sister didn’t spare a glance and he tried not to care. Eventually, she stretched and claimed, “Quarantine is boring as fuck! There’s nothing to dooo!”

She looked over at him, and of course, looked at his now soft dick. Her eyes widened for just a moment before she assumed a bored expression and stood.

He prayed that the inevitable wouldn’t happen, but it did. His dick twitched and slowly started stiffening. She covered her mouth, stifling a laugh, and went back to her room without another word.

He was so *tired*. It hadn’t even been a few minutes and now he had to jack off again. He debated putting his clothes on and nearly gave in but decided to stick to his values. So, his sister knew he had jacked off. Big deal. She probably would’ve punched him if she thought he was horny over her, so that part was probably still a secret. Or so he hoped.

The next day, he stayed out of the house. It felt strange to be clothed again, but he endured it. When he returned, he immediately discarded his attire, took a shower and went off to sleep. He did not want to encounter his sister again, but there was no help for it. Next evening found them both reclining on their respective seats. Jason wanted to just stay cooped up in his room alone but it would’ve been something like admitting defeat.

Chloe broke their hours long silence, “You know what? This is boring as hell. Do you wanna like, do something?”

As always, whenever she acknowledged his existence, his dick twitched. “Do what?”

“You know…*that*.”

Jason did not know what she was playing at. He felt himself blush furiously, to which Chloe laughed and said, “That was so worth it! I *mean*, let’s play a video game, or a board game, or well, anything that doesn’t involve us sitting here wasting away the time of our lives.”

“We don’t really have any board games, do we? Besides, they’re all boring as hell.”

“Umm…hide and seek?”

Jason gave her a flat stare.

“Come on! It’ll be fun. Tell you what, if you find me faster than I find you, I’ll do dinner and the dishes. Deal?”

“And if I lose?”

“Then you do the dinner and the dishes, dummy. You on or nah?”

Jason thought about it and decided he didn’t have anything to lose, really. “Alright then. I’ll seek first and keep a timer.”

“Oh no, I keep the timer. You’d screw it up.”

In the end they both decided to time it, just in case. Jason waited for about five minutes on the couch before giving a call that he was coming. Well, he *did* want to come badly, but that would have to wait because of this idiotic game. He searched the ground floor first but knew he wouldn’t find her here. Eventually, he made it to the upper floor and began searching his own room, and then Chloe’s. After that, he searched the guest room. He stepped back to avoid making his dick collide with the wardrobe door and stepped forward to rummage through the clothes in the upper compartment. His dick brushed against the clothes in the lower compartment and he quivered. He moved a bit more forward and his dick bumped against something soft and warm. Chloe. He stayed in that position for a second, uncaring and mesmerized, until he felt her move, making his cock give an involuntary twitch, releasing some small amount of precum onto his sister’s face.

She yelped and Jason dodged back while she crawled out of the lower compartment. He saw a smear of pre-ejaculate on her cheek, but she beamed at him, on her knees with his throbbing cock looming over her.

“Be careful what you bump, dumbass. What’s your time?”

He snapped out of it and checked his phone, “Four minutes and seventeen seconds.”

Hers was around the same, indicating Jason had not paused his for an advantage. She finally got up and Jason couldn’t help but notice the smear and said, “You’ve got…uh…on your cheek?”

She wiped it away and, seeing the look on his eyes, said “Come on. It’s just a fluid, like your spit or something. Don’t make it weird.”

As if it wasn’t already the weirdest kind of weird that had ever happened to him in his life. He nodded and waited for her to move to the ground floor. This game was simply about luck; you just had to hide somewhere where the seeker would look after checking everywhere else. So he waited for about a minute and sneaked downstairs. It wasn’t easy at all. One cautious step at a time, making sure his penis didn’t accidentally set something over, until he was in the basement. Jason was sure this was the place she would search last.

There were some unused curtains hanging on the side of an ancient cupboard. He hid behind those, in a crouch, sure she might miss him on her first try. He stilled his breathing and then his throbbing dick but that proved impossible. It remained erect, and thoughts of him grazing Chloe’s face flashed in his mind. He absentmindedly began stroking himself, and stopped soon because he was so close to an orgasm. A dirty idea was beginning to unfold in his mind. Dared he try it?

He quickly got up and dragged a chair to his position, hidden by the curtain but still clearly visible. This would make him lose the game if she came searching here, but he didn’t care. Lust overrode his mind. He climbed the chair and judged where her face would be when she turned the curtains aside, and carefully positioned his dick on that level, pointed towards his abdomen. He bound the curtains to the wardrobe, and himself, and then waited. His dick made quite a noticeable bulge on the other side, twitching as if it had a life of its own.

After some time, he heard her coming downstairs. Not much time had passed, meaning he’d already lost, but it would have to be worth it. He judged her position from her light footsteps, until he heard them stop right next to him. His stomach fluttered and he actually felt dizzy with excitement. Chloe pulled the curtain aside with blazing speed, freeing his cock from its prison and smacking her right on her forehead. She yelped and closed her eyes, and then remained still. She hadn’t moved back like he had expected. His dick rested on her face, dripping precum. After a few seconds of bliss, Jason pretended to laugh, “Got you good there, didn’t I?”

She opened her eyes, her eyelashes giving him a shiver. She gave him a smile, rolled her eyes and said breathlessly, “Heh. Yes you did. You have to be careful though, it might have ended up in my mouth!”

His heart pounded against his chest. God, she looked so beautiful with his dick on her face. He wanted to grab her and shove his cock right inside her throat. Then she plucked his dick off her face, and held it for a second before giving it a pat and letting go. She turned and skipped out of the basement without a backward glance, calling him to make dinner.

There was, of course, nothing to do but immediately jack off. He had no spare tissues, but that didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except those few seconds where her hands had touched him. After a few strokes, he was done. He quickly grabbed a spare cushion and started cumming. The first spurt went over the cushion, and onto a couch. There was so much that it quickly became apparent that the cushion wouldn’t be enough. Some of it fell over the side, and his nostrils filled with the smell of semen. When he was done, he fell to his knees and breathed deeply of the stank air. He decided he’d clean this place later. And he couldn’t care less whether Chloe noticed if he was no longer hard. Not that it would stay that way for long, of course.



  1. So dang hot and sexy, loving this so far, can’t wait for part 2💖💖

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