Streak night at beach condo

I was at the beach and my parents have a house at a condo there, it’s a really big condo, being probably 5 blocks long. For my luck (I think), one of my guy best friends lives there, this will be important. Since it’s hot, I sleep naked, and this night I get woken up by my dog wanting to piss. I go to the back door and open for him, and after he is back inside I decided to get my skate that was laying outside on the ground. I closed the door so my dog won’t go out again, but then I realised my mistake, the door only opens from inside. I trying throwing little rocks at my parents window but they just didn’t listen, and I couldn’t scream because I would wake up the neighbors. My only hope was my friend, that lives on the other side of the condo. I just started running as fast as I could without something in feet, and trying to hide myself as much as possible. Even being late night, it’s a beach condo and vacation period, so some people were obviously awake drinking or going around the condo. I got spotted by a group of guys playing basketball and some ladies drinking wine, but I made it to my friends house. Luckly he was playing videogames at his living room and saw me there, naked. I’m glad he is just my best friend for years now, it would be way more embarrassing to me if I knew he wanted something with me. He gave me a short of his and a big shirt, then I slept in his mattress and went back home the next day thinking how crazy and arousing it was, but hoping that no one had seen my face so it wouldn’tbe so bad, and my parents didn’t even ask what happened, which is probably good.
