Step Sister Corruption Part 176 – Day 102 Request (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I sat in front of my computer writing in my new blog that Muschi and Dr. Braxter provided for each of us to start notating our changes either through the booking system and/or video logging system.

I decided for today that I would simply enter in my information into the blog seeing how it’s been roughly 48 hrs since our release.

I didn’t have much to enter beyond the fact that my dick was larger than my previous dick and notating that currently it takes *forever* for me to cum. And by the time that I do cum I’m pretty much spent.

I lightly wondered if this was a permanent result of the change or I’ll get used to it and can go again like I have previously.

I only knew about the *forever* part is after my desperation last night in trying to find another pussy to fuck so I can cum after fucking both of my girl’s stupid I was about to go back to them and *finish* myself off.

Though until Kel came out looking for me I was pretty frantic in looking for a willing pussy to fuck as all my options were pretty much busy with their own lives. And my only options to handle my problem was either a ice bath or possibly breaking out one of my pseudo pussys and using that after having retiring the collection of velvet sleeves since I started my whirlwind life with Summer and Kel.

You can’t imagine how happy I was to find that Kel was conscious but she was ready to go again so I eagerly re-joined their bed and went back to work fucking my girl’s.

Granted I had to make *love* to Kel. Then do a double fuck session with both girl’s as they laid on top of each other then a final throat fuck session before I finally came.

If I hadn’t cum by the time their jaws were sore my only option left was to hit the dirt road on their backsides. At least both girl’s gag reflex was non existent as they were able to deep throat my new length without much fighting though I had to pull back often enough so they could breathe.

Give you one guess who I shot my load into….that’s right Summer. Though Summer was kind enough to share the remaining load with Kel as they kissed and swapped my cum in their mouth’s. If I wasn’t so exhausted and light headed it was hot enough to where I wanted to go again but we just ended up going to sleep.

This morning after my morning pee, it went into the shower again as I couldn’t bend my morning wood, and helping of vitamin’s I asked the girl’s what was on the agenda for today.

Summer had to work and would be helping Kel with her workout videos to appease our dad this afternoon. Kel wanted to do some video’s on her channel now that she had a new bod that she was sure to bring in more *donations* until this afternoon when she was going to go to the gym and workout with Summer when Summer got off work.

With the girl’s plans already made I decided that I would pump out as many videos as I could onto my channel….right after I do Muschi’s blog.

I kept most of information fairly general until I get further guidance from either Dr. Braxter or Muschi.

Here is all I put in my blog:

*dick is definitely bigger (will measure later)*
*i have high stamina*
*sweat profusely; need high amounts of electrolytes to counter balance*
*nuts are definitely heavier; came buckets (not sure exact measurement)*

That’s all that I had to put. It’s not like I’ve noticed much else.

I sighed but shrugged as I hit post and logged off.

I was about to set up for recording when a knock came at my door.

I looked over to see Kel standing in my door way….dressed in her panties and a cupless bra.

I smiled at her, “Change your mind about something?”

She looked at me and shook her head, “No but something strange happened when I logged into my adult account.”

I looked at her, “Strange how?”

She walked over to me, “I got a message from a company requesting a meet and greet.”

I smiled at her, “That’s awesome Kel.”

She fumbled her hands together and blushed, “Normally yes but…..”

I looked at her with my one of eyebrows raised, “But what?”

She looked at me, “I don’t know what it’s about. And seeing how it came from my adult account I don’t know what to do.”

I looked at her and felt I knew where she was going with this, “And you’d like me to go with you?”

She nodded as she spoke the next part, “And maybe be my agent.”

I looked at her incredulously, “Your agent?”

She nodded again, “Yes. If it turns into some type of contract or something I’d feel safer if it was you.”

I sighed as I ran my hand through my thick hair realizing exactly how long it has gotten and made a mental note to go get a haircut. I looked at Kel, “I don’t know Kel. Normally dad is the one who does all our *agent* stuff when we get contracts. I wouldn’t know the first thing to do.”

She looked at me, “Come on Gabe you’ve been at more signings with dad than I have. You’re more suited and know what to do. I don’t.”

Which was true.

Dad had taken me to a few signings and have watched him *wheel and deal* but not all of them.

I looked at her, “I still don’t know Kel. What if I get you the wrong deal?”

She looked at me and gave me her puppy dog eyes, “Please Gabe???” She cozied up to me pressing her open breasts against my head, “You’re the only one I trust.”

Damn her and her feminine charms.

I groaned, “Fine I’ll do it. When is it?”

She pulled away and smiled, “I’ll call them now and find out.”

She got to the door and looked at me, “You might want to talk to dad to get some tips though.”

She laughed as she exited my room.

I stared at her and thought *GREAT!!!!!*.

A talk with my dad about **his** daughter and being **her** agent.

Yeah this was going to be as fun as getting a root canal….with no Novocain or any pain medication.

I walked over to the house knowing dad was out and should be home shortly but was happy to see mom’s SUV was home meaning she was home. Good I can enlist her help with Kel making me her *agent*.

I went into the house and quickly found my mom in the kitchen cooking and getting everything ready for tomorrow’s early, what I like to call, *lunner* or *dunch*, it’s where you mix lunch and dinner together.

Every thanksgiving and Christmas my mom spends an exorbitant amount of time prepping and pre-cooking everything for the next day. Along with cooking all the desserts for the next day.

And my mom usually goes all out. She makes home made pies from scratch. Home made goodies. And a slew of other things…. most of which are healthy as can be.

It’s who I learned to cook from…. and it’s another one of her * ahem * adult channel’s at her studio, which is another reason why our studio is expanding. Granted she *may* cook at the studio but never brings any of it home. Usually she brings home leftovers or picks something up before coming home.

My mom the *adult* entrepreneur….and dad’s keen marketing.

I watched my mom whisk whatever she was whisking that made her *breasts* sway fast while she concentrated on the task.

I spoke, “Hey mom.”

She stopped to look at me, “Hey honey. What can I do for you?”

I spoke, “I need your help with dad.”

She went back to whisking, “Oh about what?”

I spoke, “It’s about Kel.”

She stopped and looked at me then looked towards the ceiling indicating Samantha and Jasmine upstairs then towards the camera’s. Both indications meant I needed to watch my *wording*.

She never moved her head. She just used her eyes.

I quickly got the hint.

I nodded one solemn short nod that was quick.

She smiled and went back to whisking, “What about her?”

I looked at her thinking how to exactly word this but decided to be straightforward, “She has a possible offer with a company.”

My mom took a spatula and started folding whatever was in the bowl, “So she has a possible contract?”

I spoke seeing how her back was to me, “Yes.”

My mom sounded chipper, “That’s always exciting news. I bet her **dad** would be happy to hear that.”

It was obvious she was laying it on thick because she was speaking clearly and enunciated every word clearly.

Looks like we were putting on a show for the camera.

I spoke, “That’s the thing….Kel asked me to be her agent.”

My mom stopped and looked at me. Knowing the camera angles she carefully mouthed ‘*website?*’.

I again nodded one quick solemn nod.

My mom sighed and went back to being chipper as she spoke clearly, “That’s weird. I wonder why she wants you to do that and not her father?”

Her eyes quickly darted to the camera twice before returning her gaze at me.

Ok…..this is weird.

What the fuck is going on?

She was acting like dad was actively spying on us.

I gave her a look but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t move. She didn’t do anything.

Was I in trouble? Was mom protecting us?

Was dad catching onto something?

Did my text last night fuck everything over?

Or was this some ruse for dad’s benefit?

I couldn’t tell but it definitely made me scared.

I choose my words carefully as I chuckled, “Na I just think Kel is embarrassed to ask her father. That’s all. You know how Kel can get.”

My mom looked at me and smirked but quickly reverted to her motherly face as she spoke clearly, “Well I’ll talk to your father about Kelly wanting you to be her agent. Don’t be surprised if he grills both you and Kelly.”

Meaning once he hears about it he might storm over and demand what was going on.

Meaning we better be clothed.

Meaning our place better be clean.

And also meaning we better have our stories straight. Might have to be honest on why Kel is getting this offer.

I laughed, “Yeah I know. I just though maybe if I can talk to you **and** dad, because Kel is embarrassed maybe he’ll give me some pointers.”

My mom smiled, “Sure honey. I’ll mention it to your father when he gets home.”

I nodded and left.



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