My Best Friend’s Mom

During the summers, while I was in college, a couple of friends and I often got together to drink. None of us had real jobs, and we all lived with our parents. Broke college kids. It was normal for us to crash in someone’s basement for the night, and we usually went to my best friend Robert’s. Robert’s parent’s, Mr. and Mrs. S, were well off. They had large TVs, a fully stocked pantry, and a roomy finished basement. A perfect place for young men to hang out. It didn’t hurt that Mrs. S was hot as well. Her dark hair and portioned curves, perfectly held on her petite figure, were always a welcome sight.

On this particular night, Mr. S was out of town on a business trip. All of his wealth had a cost, and he traveled often. Mrs. S was particularly friendly as usual when her husband was gone. We always thought she was just lonely, or afraid to be upstairs alone. She would come down and offer us food, drinks, or see if we needed anything else before she would saunter back up the stairs. Nobody else seemed to pay her much attention, but the more I drank, the harder it was to push her out of my mind. I always had a thing for older women, and the thought of warming her bed crossed my mind more than once.

As the night went on, Mrs. S’s visits became less frequent. On her last visit I noticed she changed out of her business casual attire and into her pajamas. They weren’t revealing attire, but the way the loose fabric hung on her curves drove me crazy. I stared at her for as long as I could before my friend commanded my attention with some stupid video. When I looked back she was gone, and I returned to my drink. Haze obscured hours passed before I noticed how late it was, and that it had been several hours since Mrs. S had come around.

I went upstairs around midnight, motivated by the urgent need to pee building in my bladder. The bathroom was right across from the basement stairs, and I knew it was bad news when I saw light spilling out from under the door. I gave it a quick knock.

“Hey you almost done in there?” I ask in a gruff whisper.

“Use the upstairs one.” was Robert’s muffled and mumbled reply.

I quickly moved down the hallway, towards the stairs. As I ascended I kept reassuring myself that it was okay. I don’t know why it made me nervous. It felt like I was violating a boundary, but that was ridiculous. I had been in this house a hundred times, and the upstairs was never off limits. Tonight it felt like it should be, but I choked that up to my buzz from the alcohol. The only one up here was Mrs. S, and she was long asleep.

I reached the top of the stairs and quickly made my way to the bathroom. I flipped on the light, and closed the door. I raced to the toilet and a smile crossed my face as I relieved myself. Delighted to be resolving my discomfort, I looked around the bathroom. That is when I spotted the dirty closed basket, and Mrs. S’s black thong hanging over the edge. Instantly I felt blood rush to my penis as it grew hard. I walked over to the pile of clothing and picked up the underwear. My cock was as hard as rock as I looked at the dirty thong laying over my fingers. I was to intoxicated, either by lust or alcohol, or both, to resist jacking off. Touching myself felt so good it sent shivers over my body. With each stroke my pleasure built. I had never been so hard. Every vein was exposed on my lengthy girth. As I got closer to climaxing, I pressed her panties to my nose and inhaled. It was a moment of bliss.

It was also at this moment that Mrs. S walked in on me. In my rush to use the toilet, I had neglected to latch the door. I quickly balled her thong up in my hand and hide it next to my thigh. I was unable, however, to hide my lust swollen penis. Her gaze fell on me and she froze. Her eyes lingered on my cock for a long moment. She herself was just wearing a long white tee shirt. Her nipples hardened under the soft fabric as she processed what she saw. She pulled at the bottom of her shirt as she looked, teasing to reveal herself to me in an unconscious act of surrender.

“Oh! I didn’t think someone was in here. I thought I just left the light on!” she stammered quickly, forcing her gaze to the floor.

“I’m sorry!” I exclaim, embarrassed by my feeble reply. “This is so embarrassing I…”

“Nothing to be embarrassed about.” her eyes widened and she covered her mouth. She stared at me as the realization of what she just exclaimed dawned on her.

“Well…” I start.

She turns quickly and steps out the door before I can finish. I stand there in shock, not sure what to do. On one hand I was so shaken by the sudden encounter that I wanted to run out the front door. In the other hand, however, were her panties. The fresh image in my mind was to persuasive. I took another deep inhale and let her smell flood my senses. Pleasure washed over me with every involuntary stroke of my hard cock. It wasn’t long before cum erupted from my cock. I stood there shaking, still smelling her and imaging her body as she stood there looking at me. The look of shock was hard to ignore, but it was her look of pleasure that excited me. She want’s me I told myself jokingly as I pulled up my pants. I stuffed her garment into my pocket for later. If she missed it, I was confident that at least she wouldn’t mind. With the adrenaline clearing my head of the alcohol haze I headed out into the hallway. I didn’t see Mrs. S standing there as I exited. The sound of her first words made me jump.

“Can I show you something?”

“Uhh sure!”, I respond a little to loud, without thinking.

With a soft “shh” and a laugh she takes my hand and leads me down the hall to the master bedroom. A dim orange nightlight is the only thing illuminating our path. As we cross into the room, she turns and shuts the door behind us.

“Don’t want anything to disturb us.” she states.

“Okay, sure.” I mumble, refusing to believe what was happening.

Mrs. S lead me over to the bed before crawling across it to turn on the bedside lamp. Light washes over the room and she is on her hands and knees, illuminated in front of me. Her shirt is barely long enough to cover her, but still long enough to deny me a peek.

“What did you want to show me?” is all I can think to ask as blood rushes to my cock.

“This…” she said.

With a sheepish grin she turns over and pulls her shirt up to reveal herself.

“I want you to have it.”

Her forward nature and sudden show of affection made me want her more than I thought possible. It took everything in me to not rip off my clothes and jump on top of her.

“I know you want me.” she encourages. “I saw what you did in the bathroom.”

She saw me? She also sensed my hesitation! The revelation scared me and turned me on at the same time. She was right though. The woman I had dreamed about in the bathroom was showing herself to me, and I was stalling. I started to undo my pants and my excitement was solidly visible. Before they hit the floor I was moving towards her.

As I got close, she moved to the edge of the bed and helped remove my shirt. She pulled me between her legs as she did this, putting my cock painfully close to her soaking pussy. I put my hands on her hips and looked deep into her eyes. She appeared just as excited as I was. She leaned back and wrapped her legs around me. With a firm press on my lower back I was inside her.

The sudden feeling of pressure and warmth tantalized the tip of my cock. The feeling moved swiftly down my shaft as I pushed further into her. Over and over again I penetrated her. The warmth of her embrace drove me to thrust deeper and harder. Soft moans escaped her lips and turned to quiet screams as I continued to pounded her pussy. I had dreamed about fucking her, but my dreams were nothing compared to the real thing. My hands explored her every curve as I fucked her, vainly attempting to carve her figure onto the canvas of my mind. I wanted to remember everything about her.

As I got closer to climax, I rolled her over onto her knees. I was getting more confident with each thrust. I wrapped my hand in her long dark hair and pulled her towards me, desperate to push deeper into her pussy. My other hand was clapped over her mouth, attempting to stifle the sounds of pleasure escaping from her with every push. I pressed her into the mattress without a care for her well being. All I cared about at the moment was filling her with my hot seed. Waves of pleasure overcame me as my thick load sprayed into her. With each thrust I had more to give her. I kept thrusting until cum overflowed from her. It drip down my balls as I buried myself deep in her one final time.

Panting we lay next to each other. For a long time we lay in silence, breathing heavily, waiting for the sound of my friends coming to investigate. Those sounds luckily never came. We held each other for what felt like hours before she got up to use the bathroom. When she returned I was putting my clothes back on. The clock said it was 4 am.

“That was fun.” she said as I walked to the door.

“Yes it was, but I hope Mr. S doesn’t find out.”

“It will be our little secret.” she whispered into my ear.

I turn to head down to the basement and collect my stuff. My friend’s are all sleeping, including Robert. Things might be awkward after this. As I head back up Mrs. S is waiting for me.

“Don’t be a stranger.” she winks as she stands at the door.

“I won’t, I’m Robert’s best friend.” I remind her with a smile as I walk out into the cold morning air.

“You might be mine too.” she laughs.

I fucked Mrs. S several times over the summers, but none where as good as the first time.
