Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 30


*** Chris ***

Apparently, Roxanne was the fourth member of their little troop that they picked up around 6th grade. She was the awkward girl in class that nobody took a liking to because she was “ugly”, in Alana’s words.

“You’re still an ugly bitch,” she spat at her but Roxanne only laughed and flipped her hair. I guess she’s got some confidence in her.

The falling out happened when Alana came out of the closet to her friends. While Bella and Laura were receptive and accepting, Roxanne, because of her strict religious upbringing, immediately denounced her. She had tried to “convert” her to heterosexuality which caused Alana to grow an intense hatred of her, and ultimately they parted ways.

High school was when their “glow up” phase happened. Roxanne and Alana both turned into beautiful young ladies and while Roxanne was cordial to Belle and Laura, she and Alana exchanged choice words every time they cross paths.

“Still gay?” Roxanne quipped with a smirk to which Alana replied with she’s bisexual now. “Hah, make up your mind! Either you fuck girls or fuck guys. You can’t have it both ways.” Alana clearly wanted to tell her off, but Bella held her hand and whispered something in he ears.

“So, Roxxy, this is my friend Chris and he’s been looking for a new place around town, that’s why I asked for you.”

Roxanne beamed with a big smile, with her perfect white teeth and red lipsticks. She’s attractive, that’s for sure, but something about her feels off to me. Roxanne showed us around the house, with the rooms and the bathrooms. Everything. It’s the perfect house, to be honest, and it’s something I wanted.

But the way she’s talking down to Alana like she’s superior, and it irritates me and Bella knew it. “Grit your teeth, babe, let’s just get through this,” she said to me softly. Where does she get off? Where?

“So, Alana, how do you know each other?” She asked with a side glance.

“He’s my boyfriend, obviously. We just asked Izz for help in finding a home.”

“Oh? But aren’t you gay? Wait, is he a beard? Does your dad even know your gay?”

“He’s NOT a beard! Bitch, I’m your fucking customer, how fucking dare you.” Alana snapped but Bella held her back.

But I think that certain confidence that she has is a bit alarming. I wonder if this is her real self. A condescending, neurotic, vindictive, judgmental bitch of a woman who thinks she’s god’s gift to everyone. She needs to be put in her place, that she’s down here with us in the same shit trudging along. But who am I to do that? Bella is right, I need to reign myself in.

The rest of the showing was cordial between the two. Alana and I held hands like a normal couple and I could immediately tell that Bella wanted to hold hands as well.

At the end of the day, we sat down together in the living room. Roxanne’s dress is starting to ride up her thigh but she did nothing to fix it. I noticed, Alana noticed, Bella noticed, and she noticed me noticing her. I guess I’m not as smooth as I thought I was. I wonder how many girls think I’m some pervert because I look at their butts?

“So I don’t know if we can change the bathtub into a standing shower. That’s going to be a lot of work. Well, I know a guy that can fix that for us, but I’ll need a… favor from you guys.”

“A favor, what kind of a favor?” Bella implored.

She glances over to Alana and to me. “I want to fuck Alana’s boyfriend.”

Bella just about exploded but she kept her cool. Alana, not so much.

“What!? W-W-What!? What the fuck Rox!”

Roxanne giggled while she covered her mouth with her fingertips, “Oh, bitch you don’t deserve a man like him! I’ll show him a real woman’s touch. I mean, let’s face it, you’re gay so you probably don’t even touch him. Do you even know how?”

“Of course I know how! Izz, why aren’t you angry about this!?”

“So, you’ll give us the standing shower, on all bathrooms, in exchange for Chris having sex with you?”Roxanne nodded eagerly. ‘We’re going to need a moment.”

The three of us got up and walked away from earshot. “What the fuck, Izz? You’re gonna let this bitch sleep with our boyfriend!?”

“I mean, we let Jackie sleep with our boyfriend. How is this any different?” Bella answered to which Alana was taken back, “and I let you and Laura sleep with him too.”

“Babe, you’re pretty lax about this whole relationship thing. Are you alright?” I asked and Bella only rubbed my forearm.

“I’m fine. Maybe it’s my way of punishing myself for what I did to you for so long. I fucking love you so much, but I feel the need to… to share you if you get my meaning. But I’m rational enough to need something in return for it.”

“Babe, that’s what a pimp does to his whores. The johns get sex and the pimps get money,” I pointed out and Bella just looked at me, blinked once, and then punched me in the arm.

“Focus! Do you want those showers or not? Huh? Do you? Well, go fuck her brains out then!”I felt cheap. I felt like a used whore! Oh, mother. I can never look you in the eye ever again! Your boy is a prostitute who fucks women so he can have standing showers in all of his bathrooms!

*** Alana ***

I don’t know what Izz is thinking! Do we really need standing showers that bad?! That bad!? What’s wrong with bathtubs? What’s wrong with them?

“Don’t you get it? She’ll be totally vulnerable! Haven’t you always wanted to… fuck your enemy? Don’t you just want to fuck them to submission and make them kneel to you?” Chris grinned at me, obviously formulating a plan.

“But she’s not your enemy. She’s mine.”

He just gave me a wink.

I’m not picking up what he’s putting down, but I guess we’re going through with this. Izz went back over to her and told her the stipulation of their fornication. The apartment, tomorrow, bring two sets of clothes.

Wait, two sets of clothes?

The purchase wouldn’t be finalized after the work on the shower is done with the new cost, but Rox assured us that it’ll only be a couple of thousands added on. Of course, Moneybags Chris and Izz didn’t really bat an eye at the new cost, but I was livid. I didn’t give a fuck if we have showers or bathtubs! You could fill up a large bucket and give me a pail and I can bathe with just that! Fucking, rich people have different priorities.

So we got back to the apartment and I went over and cooked the steaks. There’s no other way to cook a steak other than the correct way, medium rare and basted with butter, garlic, and thyme. I decided to season the steak AFTER I cooked it. I’m trying to see if it makes a difference.

I’m honestly pleased with it. I added the pepper last, and I tasted it a bit better. Chris and Izz, however, couldn’t tell the difference. Feh, what unrefined taste buds.

We sat together on the couch, just taking in our new relationship. Chris has her arms around us, me on the left and Izz on his right, and his hands are resting on our shoulders and my head is against his chest while Izz is on his shoulder.

“Are we really doing this?’ I asked and Izz only sighed, “like, are we really doing this?”

“Honestly, I’m having some second thoughts. She thinks she’s just defiling your relationship, which is actually our relationship,” Chris lamented and added another sigh. It’s probably from the steak.

“Well do you want a standing shower or not?” Bella retorted.

“I – of course, I want a standing shower!”

“Who gives a fuck about the standing shower!?” I blurted out as I stood. “Where do we stop? Where? The moment we let Jackie get fucked was the floodgates opening! What’s next, do we let Chris fuck the mailman because mail is so fucking slow? Do we use Chris to fuck the people who owned Lazarus’ Pizza because their sauce isn’t as good as Luigi’s pizza? Where do we draw the line!”

Izz sat up straight, while Chris looked down. “You’re right, love. You’re really, really right. I’m sorry. I’m letting my self-hate dictate how I go about in this relationship. But trust me, love, this is the last one alright?”

“Fine, the last one. Please, I don’t want to go through this again.”

We didn’t have sex that day like we normally do, I think we still needed a bit of rest after the other day. The time came when Rox arrives, and boy did she show up. She’s wearing a little black dress with a side slit opening all the way up to her upper thigh, almost where her hip is. She’s got on her make-up and mascara, and I’ll admit she does look beautiful. Like, she’s so beautiful that I’d bang her myself.

“Rox, why do you want to fuck my boyfriend in the first place?” I asked her, fully realizing she’s going to give me a shit answer.

“Why? To humiliate you, of course! After all, when I’m done with him he’s not going to want you anymore.”

This fucking bitch. This. Fucking. Bitch! I’ve just about had it. I want to punch her. I want to smash her face in! But sweetie took me aside and whispered something in my ear. Something delicious. Something evil. Something I’m really into.

So Izz and I sat across from them while Rox and Chris sat together on the opposite couch. Rox is going on and on about giving Chris the perfect “girlfriend” experience and how she’s going to show him how a real woman fucks. She’s so, ugh… Filipino’s are weird. On one hand, they’re pretty damn open and accepting of sexuality, any sexuality, but on the other spectrum because of how long the Catholics ruled their island nation that religion is deeply rooted in their culture so there’s still sexism.

So they started kissing and making out, and while Chris has opposed the idea of this, Rox made it clear that she’s going to give him the real “girlfriend” experience and not the one that I’m apparently bad at.She took his hand and brought it up to her chest and even put it into her dress for him. He gave her a squeeze and pinched her nipple. She apparently liked that because she gave me a sideways glance while kissing him, to make sure I’m paying attention.

“Now, let’s see what you’re working with.”

I smiled, Chris smiled and Izz smiled. She got down to her knees, her dress flowing wonderfully as she lands, and Chris stood up before her. He dropped his pants and her facial expression quickly lit me up. She’s wearing such a shocking response that even Izz stifled a laugh.

“My… my god! What the… what!?”

Her hand went to rub his semi-erect cock and as she slowly pull his boxer brief down did it bounced up and flick her chin. “What the fuck!? Unh-unh, no, I can’t! Not with this!”

She was about to get up and leave when Chris held her wrist. “Now, now. Don’t be a tease. You agreed to this and I really, really, really want those fucking standing showers in my bathrooms.”

“N-No! You’re too big!”

“Oh? Alana takes care of me all the time. Are you saying she’s better than you? A lesbian is better than a straight woman in sex?”

Man, he’s got a way of poking holes in her defense. She straightened up and looked at me, intensely, and took his cock in her hands. She started off by licking his head slowly, circling it with her tongue, and gently sucking on it with her enclosed lips. Her small mouth could barely fit his thick head in, and I’m quietly laughing as she struggles.

“You know, Alana can go down to the mid-part of my shaft.”

I could see Rox glaring at him, just furiously looking at him while his cock is in her mouth. I know he gets off on that and I could see the small, giddy smile on his face as he enjoys the view. But damn did Rox give it the old college try! She tried to go past his head, she tried to, she really did! But it’s far too big for her to take and she coughed and gagged whenever her mouth get past the head.

“That’s a shame. You’re telling me a lesbian can give me a better blowjob than you can?”

He playfully slaps her face with his cock, drumming it against her lips and tongue. She continues sucking him off and I can see that he’s enjoying himself. Chris then lifts his cock up and shoves her face down to her balls, “Lick them,” he told her and she did, to her credit. I can see the look of disgust on her face, though, it’s oh-so clear and tasty!

He lifts her up slightly and placed her on the couch where he parted her leg and push aside her dress.

“You smell really good. You were looking forward to this, weren’t you? And then you wanted to leave?”

“T-That’s before I knew you were so big. If I knew, I wouldn’t have…. have…. A-Agreed to this.”

Chris parted her panties aside, her lacy, lingerie thong. “Oh, freshly shaven too? You really went out for me, didn’t you?”

She covered her face in embarrassment, but then quickly her hand went over to Chris’ shaggy head as he started feasting on her mound. Rox whined and moaned as Chris’ tongue licked and lapped up her sexual juice, and he sucked on her clit and her little pussy lips. “G-God! N-no one has e-ev-ever done this to me before!”

“You haven’t been eaten out before?!” I laughed aloud as I cackled, “aww, poor Roxxy! No one wanted to put their mouth on your smelly pussy!”

“Sh-Shut up – *ahhhh ohhh* – y-you just got lucky finding him first!”

Chris started sucking on her clit while fingering her. She threw her head back and gritted and bit the fat of her thumb while moaning and whining.

“Hey Roxxy, how many times did you cum?” Izz called out, which Roxxy only whined.

“F-Five,” she groaned softly as she hid her face from us. “F-Five ti-ti-times!”

“Wow. When was the last time you had sex?” I wondered out loud. She didn’t answer.

“Months?” no answers. “A year!?”

“St-Stop! Okay, stop!”

“Ha ha! Poor little Roxxy, couldn’t land a boyfriend, and now has to resort to manipulation just to get laid!”

Chris’ hand slithered up and massaged her breast, which is smaller than mine I may add, as he shot up and planted his juice-soaked lips all over hers. I could see his right hand grab his twitching cock and gently place it in front of her entrance.

“Please, please be gentle. Please? Please, please please.”

He merely nodded as he entered her. She gave a pained shout as his massive erection went inside her, gasping and groaning and grabbing at his back and shoulder.

“Wait. Wait, are you? Were you a virgin?”

“Yes!” she shrieked in shame as her hand covered her face. I gasped as Izz and I look over between Chris’ legs to find a small streak of red mixed in with her pussy juice. “Yes, I was a virgin!”

“Oh, imagine that! A lesbian beating you out of a first time!” I chuckled as I slapped my thigh, “shameful, shameful! So pretty, but so sexually repressed that you’re still a virgin at this age!”

“I’ve been trying to find a boyfriend, but… but the ones our age are immature and they only care about stupid shit like video games! I wanted a mature man, someone who has his shit together!”

“Hey! Maybe you should get to know them a bit better. Just because they’re playing video games doesn’t mean they don’t have their shit together. Chris plays video games, are you saying he doesn’t have his shit together?” Izz pointed out with her tongue lashing, but then added “I don’t play video games, and I sure as hell don’t have MY shit together! I’m 25 and I’m fucking jobless, alright!”Rox was silent after Izz’s outburst, and Mother Wolf sunk back to her seat and shook her head with disappointment.

“I’m going to start moving now,” Chris said as he broke the silence, and the little mewling protest Rox gave didn’t stop him. She moaned loudly with each slow thrust, letting her vagina get used to his size, and she grit her teeth and huffed while he draws out.

*** Chris ***

God damn, a virgin’s pussy feels different. Tighter, would be the word to use but I guess for larger dicks it’s almost way too tight. It almost hurts with how much her walls are hugging me and when it contracts from her orgasms it hurts more. I’m slightly enjoying teasing her and seeing how far she’s willing to go to prove to me that she is the perfect girlfriend.

I think the perfect girlfriends, for me, are sitting on my couch right now.

I think that her being a virgin also adds to the “perfect” girlfriend part. In her eyes, the perfect girlfriend is an untouched flower in a beautiful garden, a virgin, but her personality spoils that fact for me. If she wasn’t such a bitch, she would be the perfect girlfriend for someone else.

Roxanne bit and softly chewed on her lips while one hand covers her eyes and the other hand held onto my forearm. I could really only get about 3-4 inches in before coming into more resistance, but I think that’s from her not being experienced at all. It’s not like she’s not aroused or anything, she’s soaking wet down there, but I don’t want to hurt her for my enjoyment.

Roxanne pulled me in while I’m humping her, whining and moaning loudly against me. “Leave her for me. She can’t make you happy,” she whispered to my ears and I kissed her cheeks.

“I won’t do that, Roxanne. But, I can do this.”

I snapped my finger and Alana bolted towards our bedroom. I covered Roxanne’s eyes while she struggled to free herself from me.

When Alana came back from the room, she’s wearing something that horrified Roxanne: A strap-on.

“He he. I’ve always wanted to fuck you, Roxanne,” she snickered as she approached. Roxanne tried to get away, crawl away, but I held her down. “So, sweetie, tag in?”

We gave each other a high five, and we switched.

Now, the strap-on has a vibrating insert that goes into Alana’s vagina while at the same time the penis part also vibrates. I’m a bit interested in what her plan is with this.

As soon as Alana entered her, she pushes on the little remote and they both screamed and moaned. “Oh god, I didn’t think it was that good!”

“Alana, get the fuck off me!” Roxanne bellowed. She looked back over to see Bella smiling and giggling at the situation, and she instantly knew she has no allies here.

“Shut up and suck my boyfriend’s cock,” Alana grinned as she started thrusting into her. I took her cheeks and placed my cock into her mouth where I gently thrust in and out while she holds my shaft.

“Oh, Chris sweetie! She feels tight? Doesn’t she feel tight? I mean, I cant actually feel the insides of her pussy, but the vibe won’t go further in.”

“You noticed too,” I said as I rubbed Roxanne’s cheeks, “she’s really tight, so she wasn’t lying about being a virgin.”

Alana reached over and pulled a bit against her dress, “bitch, why are you wearing something like this? Were you thinking that he’d take you out on a candle-lit dinner? Who do you think you are, Laura”

“Laura? What do you mean?” she said alarmingly.

“He he. Just so you know, Chris here is not only my boyfriend, lover, and fuck daddy. He’s also Izz’s boyfriend, lover, and fuck daddy, and apparently Laura’s master or something super kinky.”

“What!? What kind of a sicko freak are you – *mmph*!”

I put my cock back into her mouth. “The kind that’s fucking you right now. So, hush and just enjoy it, virgin.”

To her credit, Roxanne couldn’t deny what her body wanted in that moment. She wanted sex, she craved it, and her mind repressing that desire made her super horny. So horny that she’s letting her nemesis, Alana, fuck her.

“Does this make you gay too? Enjoying another woman having sex with you?”

“Shut up! It… it’s… *mmmph* *gawk gawk ahhh* – I can’t help it, alright!”

Alana leaned in closer to her face, licking my cock while it rest against Roxanne’s lips. They started kissing and suckling my cockhead. “Sweetie, drag your ball across her mouth,” she smiled and I obliged, plopping my sack into her mouth while Alana enjoyed the head. Roxanne mumbled in protest, but this only prompted Alana to slap her on the cheeks lightly.

“Shut up and play with his balls. I hope you brought another set of clothes to wear, bitch, because we’re going to fuck this one up!”

“N-no, I’ll take it off. This is expensive!”

“And you decided to wear this? Wow, you’re such a narcissist!”

Roxanne hid her face behind her hands again, “I-I wanted my first time to be special!”

“So you decided to try and steal my boyfriend instead, puta? Fucking bitch, closet whore!”

Alana pushed herself deeper into Roxanne, causing her to yell out in pain, and then she turned the vibe up a couple of notches while she, herself, moaned. “B-Baby, sweetie, take o-over. I need to rest for a second.”

Alana went back over to Bella where she slid off the strap on and sat herself down. “Thrusting like that is a lot of work, shit!”

I see Bella taking the strap on and giving it a look over, and licking both sides while winking at me. “Tasty,” is what I heard her say.

I turn my attention back to Roxanne, who is trying to catch her breath while still on her back. “Alright, enough vanilla missionary,” I groaned as I grab her hip and hoist her up. I laid down and she straddled me and watched as my cock stared at her from between her legs. I see her lick her lips a bit and look at me, and then back to my dick.

“It’s really big,” she giggled endearingly while she rubs the head a bit, “but… but I want it.”

She leans forward and pops her ass up and grabs my dick and brings it back. Then, I could feel her lips and pussy and then the unmistakable feeling of her tight pussy grabbing ahold of me while it gobbles me down. I grab her ass and groped a handful while she pumps her butt up and down, as far down as she’s willing to go. At first, it was only a couple of inches in, but over time she got deeper and deeper as she got wetter and wetter.

“It feels so good! It feels so fucking good!” she hollered, “fuck! I can’t believe I’ve been missing out! I can’t fucking believe I was saving myself for marriage!”

“Whoa now, there’s nothing wrong with that,” I pointed out but she just shushed me.

“Do you have any idea what a control freak my parents are?! Even now they want me to get married first before sex, but I haven’t found a good guy yet! And now, now that I see you and I fucking want you, you’re in a fucking relationship with her! That *bruha*!”

We look over to see Bella fingering and making out with Alana.

“Why are they making out!? Belle, you’re gay too!?”

Bella broke off from Alana’s kiss, “I’m only gay for Alana,” she clarified and then went back to her kiss.

“With her!? What the fuck!? What kind of fucked up relationship do you three have!?”

“Shut up,” I finally said as I started thrusting up into her, effectively muting her, “you’re too judgmental, maybe that’s why men won’t ask you out.”

She laid against my chest, giving me short moans and tiny whimpers as I held onto her plump ass and pummeled her tiny pussy. “You’re pretty, that’s true, but you’re giving off a very unapproachable vibe.”

“Wh-What do you know! You… you’ve got pretty girls around you. You don’t know what I’m struggling with,” she harped on, playing the victim card.

“Wah Wah, poor me! Poor little Roxanne! Shut up. Roxanne, you need to work on yourself. All your self-hate is showing, alright?” She looked at me with a somewhat hurt face, she probably thought I’d be on her side or something, or maybe I should be a little kinder to her plight.

I twisted her around so that her back is facing against me, making my cock twist around her. I’ll be honest, that felt so good when the head ground against her walls. I held her down against me while I built my temp back, grabbing her tits with my right hand while my left played with her clit.

“You need to be approachable. Some men are intimidated easily. At the same time, you need to be strong too, so some Chad jerkoffs won’t take advantage of you.”

She grew quiet, well as quiet as she can be with a rod continuously fucking her, and simply nodded at my statement. “You need to be confident, but not abrasive in your manner. You need to be intelligent, but not condescending. You need to be loving, but not clingy. Finally, you need to be understanding, but not foolish or too trusting.”

Shit, I’m starting to feel it. Her pussy wall has been constantly clamping down around me and milking me, trying to coax my cum out of me. But I don’t know if she’s on the pill, and I don’t think Bella has any Plan B’s with her. “How many times have you taken the orgasm train?” I asked as I pulled her cheeks over to face me.

“I… I don’t know. I lost c-count after t-t-ten,” she groaned weakly, “it… it feels so good. It feels so good! I c-can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this.”

“It’ll feel better once you’re doing it with someone you love.”

She gave me a scoff, which made me rub her clit even harder which caused her to squirm under my grip. “St-Stop!” she squealed, but I had no intention.

“Chris, sweetie, are you getting close?” Alana asked as she gave another soft moan from under Bella’s finger fucking. I simply nodded, and the pair came over to us. Bella held her hands up over her head while Alana flicked and played with her bean a little. “Rox, you bitch, didn’t we say we’re gonna fuck up this dress of yours?”

Alana took my cock out from Roxanne’s sore and warm pussy, gave it a few slurps, and started jerking me off while lifting up her dress. “What are you doing!? No, don’t! This is dry clean only!”

“Well, you should have taken it off when you were on your back earlier. Speaking of which, go on, Daddy, give us a show.”

That fucking good feeling started from my core, that hot ball traveling down and over my cock as I started shooting ropes and ropes of cum into Roxanne’s dress, staining her light-brown skin with my white cream. I couldn’t help but moan and grab ahold of her breast, squeezing them tightly. I must’ve given her more than a handful of my hot cum. When I was done, Alana patted her dress down and started rubbing it in, forcing my hot wax to spread all over her torso, thigh, and crotch.

“It’s so fucking warm!” she moaned out as I stuck a finger in her mouth, which she gently sucked, “it’s so warm, it feels so good…”

I gently pushed her off my body and went over to the side of her head where I stuck my cock into her mouth, squeezing out the rest of my load from my Urethra. She gladly took my cum into her mouth, letting me see the white goo collecting in her mouth and swallowing it.

“Oh, that’s a kinky first for a virgin,” Alana remarked, “how’s it taste?”

“it tastes… good, a bit gross because it’s a little slimy but… but it tastes good.”

She gave me a few more sucking, licking the underside of my cock, and a few kisses to my head. Then she sighed with contentment as she reached under her dress and licked her fingers.

~ End of Part 30 ~



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