I [F] created an account to tell a r/gonewildstories poster [M] how hot his story was, and ended up getting laid out of it

And also getting a pretty good yoga class and some tantric sex out of it too…
I tried to comment, but my account was less than a day old and it got deleted. So I tried to message/chat him, but that didn’t work for the same reason I guess. After a day, I told him ‘Hey your wedding story was amazing, I wish there were more men in D.C. like you’. And he said
Once I started looking through his profile, I realized we had a lot of fantasies in common. I told him that, and that I didn’t know which one I wanted. A sexy yoga class sounded fun, but so did a massage, and so did general bdsm-y stuff. He suggested that we get drinks to see if we click, and take things from there.
I was super nervous at first, but as he promised, we didn’t talk about sex immediately. He talked about the wedding he had just been to, his trip to new york, his halloween plans. He has a very calming energy about him, something that put me at ease really quickly. Byt the second drink, I was feeling very comfortable and alot less nervous.
There was a pause in our conversation and we loooked at each other, and I was about to change the subject to something more flirty, but he beat me to it. He didn’t beat around the bush though, he just had me restate my kinks, what I was looking for, that kind of thing. It was really refreshing talking about sex like that. So openly, non chalantly, etc. Like its not some taboo thing we should ignore until we’re having it.
And so we discussed what we had messaged about, how i liked the idea of something halfway between a sexy yoga class and a massage, and generally letting him take control. It was hard to describe exactly what i wanted, but he just had me tell him what i liked and what i didn’t like, and said he would take care of the rest. And ultimately that is what i wanted, a chance to just divest control to him.
I asked him about the yoga thing and if it was tantric sex, and he said not quite, but that it did involve some breathing techniques used in tantra. But that otherwise it was a normal yoga class, just with extra hands-on assistance because he’s a pervert– his words, not mine lol.
By the end of that conversation, I was feeling pretty turned on, and agreed to go to his house. Maybe a little too quickly, but he knew i was excited.
He laid out his yoga mat and a few blocks for me and got us a couple more drinks. When I took off my outer layer so i was just in my yoga clothes, I could feel his eyes on me, and it made me a little nervous, but also very turned on. I felt exposed, but in a way that made me feel sexy.
He had me close my eyes first and try to relax. A tough task, but he led me in some breathing exercises and it actually did help. As he said he would, he didn’t waist any time putting his hands on me. It was just my shoulders and neck at first while we breathed together. Then he had me lie down while he put on some soft music. Not enya or anything lol, just random slow vibey kinda songs.
I actually got into the ‘class’, following his soft, deep voice and stretching out and twisting. Then I got into cat/cow pose on my hands and knees. He circled me and i knew he was looking at my ass. It gave me such a thrill. I remember being glad I was wearing black pants because i was worried about getting wet… but he probbably would have enjoyed that :P
I actually wondered if he was really a yoga instructor or if it was just flirting, but it seemed like an actual class with real adjustments and guidance. It was kinda kinky to follow instructions like that, that were not inherently sexual, even though they kinda were just because of the situation. Idk if that makes sense, but it’s like sometimes i like following orders in general, not just ones directly about genitals and stuff. And this was scratching that itch, but it was also a regular-ish yoga class. But with more handsy-ness. On my waist, my legs, my ass. I felt his pelvis against me and i definitely lost my balance once or twice because of him, but mostly because it’s really difficult to feel someone’s boner and not get distracted lol.
After maybe a half hour, the class started to wind down and the poses weren’t as difficult or energetic. For the next t20 minutes or so, we focused on breathing and more restorative poses, and his hands got a little more bold. On my breasts, my inner thighs. I loved it, but it was supr hard trying to keep a straight face. 
He guided me all the way through shivasana, and let me sit there for what felt like forever, but was probably only a few minutes. Then he told me to turn over onto my stomach. And then he started massaging me. And jesus, it was like a switch flipped. I was so turned on and so relaxed, it was such a weird combination. I guess endorphins from the workout, plus dopamine or whatever from being turned on? Whatever it was, I was into it.
I was trying not to moan too loudly because he had roommates and wooden floors, but his hands felt so good. And they weren’t being that coy anymore. He was really into my ass like he said he was, and focused a lot of attention there and between my legs. I could feel how wet i was, and i think he could too because he started focusing on it. But as soon as i started moaning, he pulled away and began teasing me again.
But not just with his fingers, with his voice too. About how good i was for him and how proud he was that i followed his instructions for an entire class. But that i wasn’t allowed to cum yet. He had me turn around and lie on my back, and take off my sports bra. I didn’t even think about it, I got it off as soon as i could. I was looking up at him while he played with my tits and I could see the boner in his shorts. I knew he would tell me no when i reached for it, but i just loved hearing him say it so firmly. 
He told me to close my eyes and resume the breathing we did earlier. Five count inhaling through the nose, and then another five count exhaling through the mouth. But this time he was rubbing me through my yoga pants, and had a hand loose around  my throat… Ladies, this shit was spiritual. I was breathing along with his direction and he was sayingstuff about how i should relax and feel the pleasure radiate from my pussy and down my legs and through my core. He told me how my diaphragm would channel that energy throughout the rest of my body, and how i should just focus on the sensation of his fingers between my legs. I was like trembling at this point, and he asked if I wanted to come. 
Without interrupting my breathing, I just nodded, and he didn’t respond. I was squirming a lot more trying to hold it, and then just as i started inhaling, he told me i could come on my next exhale. And as soon as i opened my mouth to breath out, i started moaning super loud and i felt what he was describing, how the orgasm started on my clit and vibrated throughout my body. I was practically seeing stars and lost track of my breathing, but his hand kept going and the waves just kept on rolling over me repeatedly. Just as I was about to push his hand away, he stopped, but instead of taking his hand away, he just rested it flat against my crotch for a while.
I realized how warm I felt, how much wetter i was, and i just started laughing. Like, hysterically. It wasn’t like anythign was funny, it was just overwhelming, the whole situation. Ugh fuck it was so hot. I’m gonna stop here because this is long as hell, and this was the part i really wanted to write about anyway and try to commit the details to memory. Our night didn’t end there though, so maybe i’ll write a part 2. For now, i’m definitely gonna get out my vibrator and reminisce.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qie4ey/i_f_created_an_account_to_tell_a_rgonewildstories


  1. This is an amazing confession and the best part is that you cannot even finish typing it down because you have to get off after reviving all these experiences… This arousal is quite contagious and I cannot wait for part 2 😈

  2. Phenomenal story! I especially appreciate how the nervousness is communicated without being too overwhelming, and that you knew you were going to get told ‘no’ when you tried touching him, but you did it anyway. So hot!

  3. I really need to learn some of these techniques. Is there a book I can read or something?

  4. I’m happy for you but at the same time I always think it’s funny when girls act surprised they can get laid.

  5. Pretty hypocritical that you created that account to message someone you knew nothing about. Now you are telling people to stop messaging you. Come on now.

  6. I remember reading that guy’s wedding post! aww horny stories bringing folks together, this is great stuff

  7. This sounds like such a lovely experience! I’m glad you both had a lovely time. I’ve met redditors from stories or success posts they’ve written and they have been som EOC my favorite encounters and partners.

    Excited for part 2!❤️

  8. That is exactly the kind of partner I try to be. That focus on giving pleasure, that mix of control and playfulness, the openly desiring without being threatening or creepy.

    I love this guy, he sounds awesome!

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