The flight attendant and the soldier [MF]

Hi all, long-time listener, first time caller. This is an experience I had a few days ago. Me: 34/M, slim and toned, 6’1” with Italian features. Location: cloudy Zaventem/Brussels, Belgium, near the airport perimeter fencing. The following events occur between 2 IBIS hotels arranged as a complex. One 5-story block with budget rooms/aircrew and another separate 10-story block with nicer rooms. Both blocks with a shared restaurant, separated by a parking lot. It’s 12 PM and I’ve just checked into the hotel for my return flight to the USA the following day. I’m actually flying a day later than I have planned, due to weather. My stuff situated, I decide I’m going to go drink away the combined stresses of my flight and returning to my military unit for our deployment, which is roughly a week away. I’ve come overseas for a hardcore-music party and to see a football match, which I have done in earnest. This is one last “hurrah”, and nobody besides family knows I am here.

I shower, throw in some hair gel, put on some black sneakers, black shorts, and a gray hoodie. Relaxation mode: unlocked! I exit my side of IBIS and cross the parking lot to the restaurant/bar. I walk in, and that’s when I see her. They’re sitting by a window in a room adjacent to the bar counter itself. She’s brunette, not very tall, but slim and looks to be in her mid-early 20’s. She’s sitting with a blonde, roughly the same age, but not attractive to me personally. Are they on vacation? Are they just meeting for a quick coffee? I want to find out, but I know this means I also have to strike up a conversation. I know every word leaving my mouth will feel like nails on a chalkboard, I’ve never been good with random conversation. I need liquid courage. I head to the bar & order a large Stella. Beer in-hand, I walk over to the room with the tables and chairs. The table directly next to them is open, I take it.

I’m mentally preparing, sipping my beer, and listening to music. My beer halfway gone, I decide it’s time. I take out my earbuds and listen to them talk, I quickly recognize they’re speaking Polish. “Where are you both from?” I ask (in English). The brunette responds, despite the fact that her blonde friend is seated between us: “Poland, but we both live in Brussels.” The conversation shifts to work in short order, and I find-out they’re both flight attendants. I also find-out that the brunette FA has a flight to work that evening, my heart sinks. I finish my beer as we chat back-and-forth and suddenly they stand up to leave. The brunette wishes me safe travels and says it was nice talking to me. Do I push myself out of my comfort zone and try to get her number, knowing she’ll soon be busy? Or do I let this chance slip and continue to get drunk? Before I even realize what I’m doing, the words escape. “Hey, do you have WhatsApp?”, I ask. By now, they’re almost out of the bar area and into the lobby. The brunette FA turns around and hesitantly says “Yes?”, almost as-if it was a weird question to ask. She walks over and I hand her my phone. She does the rest and saves her number. We exchange names & part ways. I’m sure I’ll never see her again.

It’s about 1 PM now, 20 minutes have passed since we parted ways. I’m already back in my room, thinking about what I want to eat. It’s .5 miles from IBIS to a second hotel, supposedly with FANTASTIC burgers. I decide to make the trek, and I sit myself at the bar of this second hotel, placing my food order. I decide to message the brunette while I wait, and we chat about minuscule stuff. I ask if she wants to hang out, despite her flight. She says she can’t, she’s got to prepare. Disappointing, but expected. It has been about 45 minutes since we’ve gone our separate ways.

I’m now focusing on my upcoming meal when I hear the “ding” of a received text. It’s her. “Are you still near? I have 20 minutes”… I reply “Yes. Meet me in the budget lobby”. Fuck, I think. I’m a half-mile away waiting for food… Still buzzed from my beer and no breakfast, I act fast. I tell the bartender there’s an emergency, I have to return later. I pay, I run. I cover the distance in about 3-4 minutes. I walk through the lobby door and there she is. Wearing all black, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing thigh-high black boots. She smiles, we hug. I’m nervous, but motion towards to elevators. She follows me. We make small talk and exit the elevator, walking down the hall to my 4th-floor room. We go inside. I sit on the bed, she pushes a little chair over and sits down next to the bed. We’re within kissing distance, but start talking about our musical tastes. This helps me with my anxiety, even though we both know what we’re here for. I still can’t help being anxious. After about 2 minutes, I lean in. She’s mid-conversation, but the interruption makes it hotter for me. Our lips meet, softly at first, but soon our tongues are down eachother’s throats.

As we kiss, I pull her off of the chair and onto my lap, she’s got her legs wrapped around my waist. Still kissing, I stand, picking her up. I set her onto the bed, she’s now on her back. She slides her boots off, I in turn take my sneakers off. Footwear flies onto the hardwood floors. I climb on top and my lips move down to her neck, I start sucking gently. My hand slides down and I start rubbing her through her pants & panties. She moans softly, and as I continue sucking her neck, I undo her pants buttons. The feeling of the buttons popping free is amazing. My hand goes in, she’s already soaking. I gently enter a finger inside of her, she moans even more. I’m rock-solid at this point, so I remove my hand and stand up on my knees. The bed is uneven so I have to focus. She’s looking up at me with a smile. She raises her legs and I pull her pants off, revealing small, black panties with a red flower pattern. I pull them off, too, and dive-in face first. She’s not clean shaven, there’s stubble, and she smells fantastic. I bury my face into her and send my tongue in to do battle.

I find her clit and my tongue does its work. She’s still got her shirt on, I don’t worry about that yet. She’s moaning, gripping the sheets with her arms spread out. I’m watching as I lick, enjoying every contortion of her face. 3-ish minutes into this, I can’t stand it anymore. I’m able to reach my backpack next to the end of the bed for my condoms. I pull off my shorts and boxers with one hand, my mouth’s flow somehow uninterrupted. Quickly using both hands to open the packet, I successfully get the condom open and on. I’ve avoided the awkwardness of stopping everything to open a condom, I’m proud of myself. I’m now over her and on my knees. She opens one eye and smiles up at me as I put her legs on my shoulders. I can still smell her fresh scent on my lips. Before I know it, I’m inside her. She’s gripping the sheets again and I start thrusting. She’s extremely loud, and in the back of my mind I’m glad, hoping the neighbors can hear. Looking into her eyes, I lean down and my lips meet hers as I thrust. She’s moaning into my mouth and I’m loving every second of it.

She says she wants to get ontop, I oblige. We de-couple and before she straddles me, I unbutton her shirt, taking her black lace bra off to revel her perky breasts. After hers is off, my shirt too hits the floor. With a sinister grin on her face, she’s now on top and I’m back inside before I know it. At first, she’s riding me like a a jockey on a horse, but as the intensity increases, she places her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her, gripping hard. Thrust after thrust, I FINALLY FUCKING FEEL IT. Mentally and physically, I’ve been working towards this exact moment, and it’s been roughly 8 minutes since the foreplay ended. I grip her tighter than ever, she’s still singing her song. To push myself over the precepice, caveman strength will be required. I can still lose this orgasm, but I’m determined to either pluck it out of the goddam ether or die trying. The feeling you get when your abs are completely drained, you have no stamina left, yet somehow you dig deep enough to get that required second wind and push to the finish line. It’s not a cheap quick orgasm, you’ve had to fucking work for it. We are now both disgusting sweaty messes, and it’s a fantastic type of disgusting. I’m reaching climax, exhausted and against my own physical odds, I thrust once more and I’m there. The only words leaving my lips are… “holy fuck”… The endorphins flood, my head is swimming.

She collapses onto my chest, we’re both staring blankly, still sweating. After a minute or so of heavy breathing and mental recuperation, she looks into my eyes and smiles big, we kiss. She checks her watch, and giggles about us having 5 more minutes to cuddle, which we absolutely use. While she gets dressed, I head to the bathroom and commit mass sperm genocide by flushing the condom, and I get dressed too. We say our goodbyes and she heads downstairs to catch her employee shuttle, joining the rest of the FA’s, the FO and CA that will be working with her that night. I lay back down on the bed, looking at the ceiling trying to process this last 15-20 minutes of chance insanity. Then I remember the burger, and start making my way back to the other hotel.

My stress is finally gone. The burger IS fantastic.



  1. Hot. Polish girls are for some reason the most exotic looking Euros on the planet.

    Good luck on your deployment.

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