[M/F][M/F/M] Midnight – Episode 2(p.1) [Forced/NonCon][Abduction][BDSM]

The warmth of sunlight shone upon her face and the sweet aroma of funnel cakes and kettle corn was wafting thick through the air. In one hand she wielded her annoyingly specialized drink, a sugar free oat milk chocolate hazelnut frappe with extra whipped cream. She had already posted a photo of it. The other swung along in tandem, clutched to her Mother’s. They were at the Boardwalk but Hannah couldn’t say precisely where. Children were laughing and playing, running through the walkways. Amusement park rides were all operating around her. She felt happy to be there with her Mother, but sad that she knew it would be ending soon.

“I’m going to miss you! I just can’t believe how fast you grew up!” Her Mother mourned. “I know that a lot happens in college, so… I just want you to be safe.”

“Well, I’ll miss you too. You can’t keep saying that you know, I’m officially an adult. I mean, in like a few months.” Hannah answered with confidence.

“Oh I’ll be saying it forever. The time really flies. You know sweetie… you’re so beautiful, you’ve taken such good care of yourself. All the tedious effort and countless hours you put in to being your best self – I just want to make sure you give that gift to someone deserving.”

“Oh, god. Mom–” Hannah interjected with annoyance.

“No, no, you need to hear it. At least once more. Don’t walk alone late at night. Lock your doors. Al–”

“Always tell someone where you’re going. Don’t get into a car with strangers and never leave your drink unattended.” Hannah completed the lecture alongside her mom, after hearing it so many times.


“And… try to have fun?” Hannah shrugged, grinning mischievously. Her mom took a playful swipe at her.

“And… always use condoms!” Her mother concluded, to Hannah’s chagrin.

Hannah coughed on her frappe, then pulled the straw out between her lips and started spraying whipped cream at her mother. She tried to hold her hands up to shield herself from the spray – but they wouldn’t budge. Confusion gripped her, and she tried to run, but her legs wouldn’t move either. Then the boardwalk was gone, and a swirling darkness rose up from the depths, plunged her conscious mind into a confusion of sound and shadows. The warmth left her, replaced by a pounding in her ears. More than her legs struggled then – she concentrated on her breath. Her mouth wouldn’t open, and her eyelids felt so heavy she couldn’t spare the effort to open them.

“Well how the fuck you know you didn’t use too much? She looks pretty fuckin’ small to me! You know people react to that shit!” A deep, growling voice was bellowing. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew it was Logan.

“God-damn, she’s gonna be fine a’ight? What’s got you so worked up any-” Another voice spoke, but Hannah couldn’t concentrate on the words as much as she tried. Sleep dragged her away once more.

Hannah awoke again to the feeling of her leggings being tugged off, peeled over the ample curve of her hips. Once they had been stripped free of her smooth legs, a cold set upon her. She concentrated on her breathing again. She could hear them both very clearly, like they were right next to her. A large, powerful hand spread over her abdomen and caressed her silky skin for a moment. She realized her shirt wasn’t there either, then.

“Boy you sure can pick ‘em, whoo-ey, this girl’s hot as fuck buddy!” Chris’ voice sounded perfectly amused.

“Hey, uh, the fuck we gon’ do with the god damn puppy?”

“She’s perfect.” Logan muttered quietly, hesitating.

“I don’t know, dumbass. You weren’t supposed to buy the damn thing.”

“’Ey you just said, this girl is a sucker for a cute dog, so I fuckin’ got one alright. What made you so fuckin’ sure of that anyway?” Chris complained in return.

“Something she posted.”

“God damn buddy, how long you been followin’ her socials?”

“Fuck off.”

“Well look god-damnit, if she some kinda special fuckin’ trophy for you then YOU can handle the damn-” Chris was arguing with Logan, but Hannah’s eyes burned with tiredness, her lids felt so heavy she couldn’t open them. Hannah drifted into the warm grasp of oblivion for a while longer.

The next time Hannah awoke, she was unable to say if it had been five minutes or five hours. Her eyelids didn’t feel as heavy, and light seeped through her lashes to help make out a blurry image of the room around her. Fluorescent overhead lights beamed down harshly, exposed beams and pipes ran along the unfinished wooden walls. The ceiling was missing – just wooden slats and crossbeams beneath the floor; she was definitely in a basement. A large leather chair was positioned several feet away facing her, and a bedside table sat very near. Her body felt stiff, and her limbs still couldn’t move. She felt sheets beneath her skin. She laid there focusing on her breathing for several minutes, the room still shifting into focus as her eyes opened. She looked up above her head to see the metal frame of a bed – and her wrists cuffed to it, locked with a long chain in-between them holding her hands above her head. She looked down to see her toned milky body, stripped down to her purple panties and bra. Her knees were bent and her thighs spread wide, all the way to the edges of the full-size mattress. Her ankles were tied to the horizontal frame of the bed. She couldn’t close her legs, even a little. As Hannah took in the harsh realities of her surroundings, a door swung open somewhere, and she could hear voices again.

“Look… man, a deal is a deal. I know you like her, but I ain’t had much pussy either a’ight?” Chris’ voice rang out first.

“No damn it… I’ve been having to watch this bitch, it’s my truck, it was my-” Logan countered, but was interrupted.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Seriously bro, we talked about this, and you know I fuckin’ don’t want to-”

“Don’t want to be fair?”

“Alright well fuck you, then. Ok, you wanna have that talk? Last time we shared a girl and you went first, I couldn’t feel fuckin’ nothin’ after. Call it sensitivity or whatever, but you go slammin’ that fuckin’ baseball bat o’ meat around and girls just don’t feel the same again.”

“That’s bullshit, it’s not that big, you just think that’s a flatter-”

“It don’t matter. You agreed. Right?”

Logan grunted.

“Right?” Chris repeated.

“Right.” Logan conceded reluctantly.

The footsteps grew louder as the two approached. Hannah was still out of her wits, but she could see the men clearly when they walked around the corner. Standing beneath the overhead light, they cast a long and ominous shadow across the bed she lay on. She never suspected Chris and Logan of being the type to do this to her, whatever ‘this’ was. How could people be so cruel to a harmless stranger? That was when Hannah started to panic, yanking her wrists against her handcuffs, trying to tug her ankles free. All she could do was wiggle mightily, and when she was frustrated enough with that she tried to scream – only to find a strip of duct tape clamped over her mouth. She started panting, afraid she might pass out again. Hannah couldn’t remember ever feeling so helpless. She tried her best to scream anyway, over and over, her eyes squeezing shut and tears rolling from the corners of her eyes.

Chris and Logan stood at the foot of the bed looking down at Hannah. Chris had no sympathy in his eyes, and Logan simply gave her a hard stare. “Oh, look whose awake!” Chris said as he grinned, and if Hannah tried to give him a pleading gaze, he wasn’t looking. His eyes were on her body. Her muffled cries of anguish seeming to him about as significant as elevator music. She wondered if it might all suddenly end, a horrific nightmare where a person wakes up before anything bad actually happens to them. But she wasn’t waking. They had all the power, and she had nothing. She lamented in defeat for a moment, but just as she stilled her heart, she heard the tell-tale clatter of metal scraping across metal. Hannah lifted her head, just in time to watch Chris start unbuckling his pants. Of course she knew what that meant, like the inevitable ticking of a roller coaster en-route to crest. He tossed away his cap to leave the short messy shock of brown hair behind, and opened up his plaid shirt. He was wiry and lean, muscular but not big in any way. He had tattoos scattered down his arms, and a chameleon on his right pectoral was eye-catching in shades of green and black.

Logan stepped up beside the bed and leaned over Hannah. She shouted against the barrier of duct tape across her lips when she saw him, but little noise emerged, and nobody listened. The thick calloused digits gripped the back of her bra and unclasped it, tearing it from her body and exposing her youthfully buoyant, large breasts capped with diminutive pink dime nipples. Hannah’s purple panties were high-waisted, the straps thin on the sides. They ripped easily when Logan yanked on them, the snapping elastic stinging against her skin and the destroyed cloth dragged away between her legs. She was completely exposed, and no amount of struggling made any difference beyond tiring her muscles and bruising her wrists. She cried fruitlessly for help, watching as the two men silently admired her like a new car. Tears blurred Hannah’s vision and she worried she was on the verge of a panic or heart attack. She’d had neither, but imagined this must be what it was like.

“Time for your before and after, doll.” Logan jeered as he slid his phone out from his pocket, stood tall over the top of her, then snapped several photos. He took a knee at her bedside, then wiped his over-sized thumb across her teary eyes to clear her vision. “It’s alright. Be a good girl now and you won’t get hurt… too much.” Logan winked, then turned the phone around and held it in front of her face. Hannah stared at herself on the screen of Logan’s phone. Her extra-long brown curls were splayed out beneath her, cheeks flushed and eyes rimmed red from her struggle. She had that coveted hourglass figure, wide hips and bountiful breasts; slim-thick, as Marcel liked to call her. The bed she was tied to looked clean and plain, gray sheets and pillow cases but no blanket. She had no body piercings or tattoos, and she was freshly shaved all over. The puffy lips of her vulva revealed only a peek of pink, due to her legs being forced wide apart on the bed frame. Before she could study it any more, Logan pulled the phone away and stepped back.

“That’s before.” Logan taunted her with a little sense of foreboding. He crossed the room and sat in the leather chair facing her; watching her.

The sound of a zipper unfurling caught Hannah’s attention, just in time to see Chris pushing his jeans down to the ground and his tighty-whities along with them. He stepped out of the messy puddle of clothing, nude except for his watch and his socks. He didn’t take his socks off – if she wasn’t so terrified, Hannah knew she would have hated that. But then he stood up and walked towards her, and her heart seized in her chest. He wasn’t a big guy, but he was a strong one. Chiseled, lean, just a little chest hair, trimmed pubes. To Hannah’s eyes, Chris’ circumcised cock was huge – bigger than Marcel’s and any boy that she’d seen in high school, though it wasn’t a ‘porn dick’. His hand wrapped around the shaft and tugged gently, already swollen in size from seeing her naked body. He was getting closer. Hannah screamed, but it only made her throat sore, failed to produce any results.

“Mmm that’s right darlin’” Chris sneered as he stood by the bedside, then climbed onto the mattress by her feet. “You’re so fuckin’ hot. We was nice to you, coulda been nice back. Gonna’ be nice now arent’cha?” Chris crawled up between Hannah’s legs on his knees, until he sat between her thighs looking down over her with a shit-eating grin like a fat kid in a cake store on his birthday. Hannah stared back at him, her eyes wide, paralyzed as he touched her. He grabbed her jaw, forcefully, getting a good look at the girl and making sure she saw him too – his grip felt like iron prongs, cruel and painful. When he was satisfied he released her and his hands began traveling downward. His hands overflowed as they cupped Hannah’s heavy breasts. His fingers dug into her, squeezing until the flesh dimpled between each knuckle, molded perfectly to Chris’ hands. He pinched her nipples between forefinger and thumb until Hannah’s eyes watered. Her body twisted left and right in protest and a squeal died in her taped mouth. Her panic had reached a crescendo, but for all her desperation and final vestiges of dignity, she couldn’t see any way out. She stared up at Chris’ face, there was a cruelty there she hadn’t noticed before. A selfishness.

Chris relented his grip on Hannah’s breasts, but then his fingers were upon her. Three of them, rough and thick, petting the puffy lips of her tiny young cunt. One of his fingers dared a little further, pressing up against the exposed silky slit of pink, stroking it gently up and down, parting Hannah around his fingertip. His middle digit curled up inside of her soft pink canal and his other fingers started rubbing firmly, impatiently. All the while, Hannah could see Chris gently and steadily pumping his cock in his closed fist, an obscene spectacle that would end only when he stopped rubbing her and climbed up between her legs instead. He slapped his cock against her mons, giving Hannah an eyeful of his veiny dick, rock-hard and pulsating, even drooling a little. She exhaled a reluctant groan to the stimulation, a warmth and slickness blooming inside of her from his insistent rubbing that she couldn’t will away. It made her almost sick, like her body betrayed her to give Chris what he wanted. Hannah’s heart raced in her chest. She’d had dirty dreams before – couldn’t this have been one? Could she wake up right before the actual deed? She could feel the heat of Chris’ body against her, between her legs. She heard Logan say they weren’t going to hurt her, but she didn’t think she believed it, or even if that was a good thing if it was true. It didn’t mean that they would let her go. Hannah’s mind raced, her heart pounded, and her eyes squeezed shut.

Hannah didn’t see Chris positioning himself between her knees, but she heard it when he spit, felt it when he rubbed it against her, glazing her smooth cunt with a wet shine. Her eyelids snapped open again and her breath seized in her throat when she felt the hot mushroom-head of Chris’ cock spreading the lips of her pussy, then steadily boring up inside of the slick velvet walls, stretching her canal wide around him and forcing deeper until the soft sack of his balls squashed against her plump ass. Hannah screamed as best as she could, inspired by pain and objection, but that wasn’t much when she couldn’t open her mouth. Chris, conversely, seemed utterly pleased. “U-uuhhh.” He staggered his way through a moan, stared down between Hannah’s legs to enjoy the sight of his dick vanished from sight, completely engulfed inside the young girl. The sweltering heat struck him first, then he savored for a moment the erratic squeezes and twitches of her tight cunt slowly acclimating to his girth. Hannah panted through her nostrils and tugged hard on her handcuffs, suffering from Chris’ sudden penetration, and begrudging how good it started to feel just to have a man throbbing inside of her. She laid still in shock and disbelief that this was happening to her. But belief had nothing to do with it, whatever she thought, she could still feel Chris’ cock stretching her pussy wide, hot, pulsating, drooling pre-cum inside of her.

“F-fuck me Jesus if that ain’t the sweetest fuckin’ pussy I ever had. Oh, we’re gonna have a lot of fun with you…” Chris sputtered out as he stared down at her. His hands gripped her knees and shoved her legs wider, then drew his hips back and started to buck into Hannah with steady, deep and jarring thrusts. Hannah shrieked again, her body thrashing what little it could. It meant nothing – any way she twisted, Chris stayed inside of her, every jerk of his thrusts punctuated with the fleshy clap of his heavy sack bouncing off Hannah’s fat ass, the tip of his cock just barely meeting her cervix. A long cry was muffled from behind the tape covering Hannah’s mouth, her body starting to jiggle softly, her hefty tits swaying up and down in rhythm. She hated that she could feel Chris’ fat rod starting to slide inside of her easier as she drenched him with arousal. She hated that it was making her toes curl, her eyes rolling up a little. Hannah couldn’t remember ever being fucked like that. No – raped, that’s what she meant.

“What was that?” Chris said between puffing breaths, his skin hot and hair damp from perspiration. “Uhf. Mm, ahh, fuck. Fuck.” Chris kept whispering a litany of inane commentary in-between moans of pleasure, his head canting backwards and his thrusts growing harder, faster. Normally he could last, but the way Hannah’s pink folds hugged his cock, stuck to him a little bit each time he withdrew, Chris was only barely holding on. “Thought you – nnh – said something, let’s see…” Chris taunted and leaned into Hannah, reaching over to rip the duct tape off her mouth and discarding it.

For the first time since waking up, Hannah gained a modicum of freedom. Her lips stung where the tape was ripped free, and she tried to think of how best to use it – but instead kept thinking about the way Chris’ cock curved upwards, bumped along that nucleus of nerve ending each time he pushed inside her. “H-Help…! Uuunnh…” The first words out of her mouth sounded pathetic and disingenuous, like someone made her say it. Her breaths were ragged and short, her face flushed pink and her mouth hanging open. She swallowed hard. “Please, let me–” she couldn’t finish out the last sentence. A sensation both pleasurable and uncomfortable, but wholly overwhelming stole the breath from her lungs. Chris gazed down at her contorting face in amusement; he pressed his thumb down firmly against Hannah’s hidden little clit and started to rub quickly. She couldn’t help but bellow a stuttered moan in response, high-pitched and whinging. A blush crept up her neck, bloomed upon her cheeks in new shades of red all across the spectrum. The louder she moaned – the more she enjoyed it – the worse Hannah felt. But it was impossible to not feel it, with Chris’ steadily increasing speed that plateaued at a rapid, intense pace. “Oo-ohh. F-ffuck! Please s-stop… Uuuhhnn!” Hannah cried out with tears rolling down the corners of her eyes, staining her temples. Her moans joined Chris’ grunts of pleasure, intertwined with an escalating, vulgar sound of wet squelching that complimented the slap of his balls each time he bottomed out inside of Hannah. The basement transformed into an obscene chorus, the song of Hannah’s molestation. She could tug on her binds, she could scream at the top of her lungs maybe – but when it came down to it, the only thing Hannah was really capable of was laying there and being fucked. She knew she was absolutely drenching Chris’ cock inside of her, was ashamed of it even, but that intense pleasure only mounted, unstoppable. The overwhelming pressure on Hannah’s swollen little jewel stopped, and a sudden sharp pain in her cheek brought her back to the cruel reality of her situation. Her head snapped to one side and a cry of pain escaped her lips after Chris back-handed her hard across the face.

“Dumb whore,” Chris scolded Hannah, “You was s’posed to say, ‘please let me CUM’. Look how much you lovin’ that dick you slut.” he laughed a little, then grabbed Hannah by her jaw when she stared at him – breathless, but defiant. “Don’tcha worry. Chris here’s gonna teach you how to use a whore’s mouth.” he added with malice. His fingers clenched tight into her jaw – her mouth opened, followed by a groan of pain. Chris leaned forward, then spit right between her parted lips. Hannah barely had time to cringe before he abruptly shoved two fingers into her mouth. Hannah wore a stunned expression at the sudden violence, her cheek stinging and blooming into a deeper shade of red. His fingers tasted like sex, and she could scarcely moan a complaint around them, thick as they were. “Suck on ‘em slut. Or I need to teach you ‘gain?” Chris’ other hand raised threateningly to strike her other cheek. She didn’t have a lot of time to make the decision, but in the end Hannah’s pouty pink lips wrapped around Chris’ fingers; she started to suck, her eyes welling with tears, and he lowered his hand.

He grabbed her waist to hold her firmly in place, then started grunting loudly as he bucked his hips into her in long, hard strokes. The bed rattled and Hannah moaned loudly around his fingers without warning, her eyes rolled up in her head and her lips fell open, hot breath washing over Chris’ hand as she panted and moaned again and again. Her hot, dripping wet cunt started squeezing reactively around Chris’ girth amid the relentless pounding, and aware of it or not, Hannah’s hips slowly rocked back against him while he fucked her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling a carnal pleasure like this, which was horribly confusing under the circumstances. Yet the primitiveness of it… A pressure seemed to build between her thighs, a burning in the pit of her stomach. “Ho-oohhh… ohhh…” Hannah started to whine with desperation, her toes curling and her eyes fluttering to close.

Chris might have loved lording his power over her, but the sensation of those soft, hot velour lips wrapped around him so snugly, her hips pressing back against him and Hannah’s arousal dripping down his scrotum, there was definitely something he loved more. “Gnnh. Ugh. Fuck.” Chris spat, his thrusts becoming suddenly sporadic. His grip on her waist tightened and his fingers curled into her mouth; Hannah started to suck on them again in response. Then his back bowed inward, and his pulsating cock felt even harder inside of her for a moment as he rammed it in her balls-deep, only withdrawing a little ways each time. Chris hissed a long breath and shoved himself as deep as Hannah’s slick hole could take him, the tip of his cock squashed into her cervix as he started to exhale raspy moans in quick succession. His shaft throbbed and twitched angrily for a moment, and then hot globs of Chris’ cum flooded into Hannah’s pussy spurting over and over inside of her until hot, viscous semen ebbed out around the lips of Hannah’s cunt, rolling down and settling somewhere between the cheeks of her ass. “Ahhhhhh…” Chris exhaled loudly, ecstasy and relief mingled together extolled in a moment of sheer bliss for him, just cumming deep into the fertile young girl regardless of any potential consequence.

Hannah knew what happened, but not what to think of it. It was the first time she had actual semen inside of her – she could feel it, hot and a little slimy dripping down her taint. She was horrified – but also undeniably, acutely aroused. Her brows flattened and knitted together, her weepy brown eyes staring up at his face in surprise. The stranger that was in the process of tenderly humping his cum a little deeper into her little pink slit, fingers jammed into her mouth. It was almost too profane to imagine, yet too satisfying to explain. Her body trembled with need, frozen at the cusp of ecstasy and whimpering tremulous moans beneath her breath. Her tight silken folds milked Chris of every drop, until he finally stopped moving and exhaled a long sigh, drawing his fingers from her mouth and planting his hands onto his thighs, catching his breath as his cock softened inside of her. He slowly withdrew, leaving Hannah a sensation of odd vacancy. She felt a torrent of his seed drool out of her, and then sighed with a moment of relief. It was over…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qhxfjx/mfmfm_midnight_episode_2p1