[F] On the relativity of slutiness, or how a catholic girl is trying to break free and finally fuck

Slutiness is relative, I think. Let me tell you where I come from, and why I feel like a slut. 

I’m French, and I was raised catholic. Not any catholic, mind you, the very traditional kind, the Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie-X if you’re into this kind of thing. It is so catholic that the leader of the group was excommunicated by the pope for being too conservative. That means they celebrate the tridentine mass, so mass in latin, old style with the priest facing away from the faithful, singing, that kind of thing. 

As you can imagine, their vision of the role of women, and of sexuality, is rather conservative too. My parents, being bona fide members of that catholic splinter group, of course met at church, and have 11 children. I’m the third eldest, the first of six girls.  My parents decided very early on that their girls would receive their education within the group. Fortunately, or not, the Fraternité has some schools. I was enrolled there, in the girls’ boarding school, for many many years. The school was sweet, in the countryside, the teaching was good: all of us got their baccalaureat this summer. The school receives no State funding, so is free to choose its curriculum, within very broad bounds. As a result, our sex education concentrated on the role of women as wives, on the horror of extramarital sex, on the importance of modesty, submission, virtue and virginity. 

Now, why am I telling you this? I’m now in college in Paris, of course at the catholic university. I had to fight my parents a bit for this, because they wanted me to come back home. The string of social events that just happened to include young or not so young men of good standing leads me to believe they would much prefer I went back home and married. 

That  was a shock. My parents aren’t ludites, but I’ve never had a phone or a computer of my own, with which I can browse the web, with which I can read Reddit, with which i can read what you wonderful sinful people do with your bodies. And now I want to sin. 

Mind you, I don’t really believe in God, and certainly not in the God the priest , the nuns and my parents talk about. Nevertheless, 18 years of indoctrination does marvels. I am, of course a virgin. I have, of course, touched myself. And i have always stopped quickly, out of fear I’d be found out, of hell when I was younger, and of shame and disgust with myself. Its not that I don’t want to. Now, I have my iwn room. I can do it. Yet, I haven’t. 

But I will. See, I’m sharing a flat with three other students. The flat belongs to members r of the congregation, which reassured my parents, and their daughter lives there. A pure of heart, soul and body flat. Not. The girl is going through tinder even faster than one of the boy goes through grinder. My room is between theirs. Last night, I had sin in stereo. One girl moaning and squealing on one side, one boy grunting and banging his bed on my wall on the other. 

In the middle, me. Mousy, virgin, small, innocent flat chested ginger me (mum is Irish, hence my passable English). All my teaching was screaming at me: run from this sin, you’ll burn in hell. I didn’t. I touched myself in the dark. For the first time, i was very wet. I imagined myself in their position. I touched, rubbed, scraped, caressed. It was nice, hot, but the nun’s teaching was too strong. Shame stopped me each time I went close to release, only for lust to lake me start again. 

I fell asleep eventually. 

I posted this story on reddit. I got lots of support, some nice conversations and a few dick pics. I have been gently nudged towards openness. So far, I’ve shaved my kitty, gone without bra home and to class, and fingered myself in class. I’m planning to do other suggestions, that is to buy some nicer underwear, a vibrator, to get on birth control by seeing a make gynecologist, to be nude more often in my room, to go without panties, to write on my body. Let’s do that then we’ll see… 

Slutiness is relative I suppose. For me, these things are the absolutely slutiest things in my life. Now, I want more. Much more. I want to be encouraged to enjoy my life. And that’s what I came to tell you. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qhjmbw/f_on_the_relativity_of_slutiness_or_how_a


  1. This is very hot. Once you’re ready, it will not be hard to find someone, boy or girl. Until then, there’s always dildos (recommended if you’re gonna do penetration, to both get mentally used to the feeling, and physically stretching the vagina, so there is no blood or anything on your first time and you just might even enjoy it, unlike most)

    I find situations like this VERY hot, where someone has been repressed their whole life and is finally getting themselves. Not just hot but heartwarming as well. Good on you for overcoming decades of brainwashing.

  2. Bonjour et merci pour ton histoire ! Je ne peux que t’encourager à explorer et découvrir toutes ces choses qui t’intrigue, je me ferai toujours une joie de lire tes découverte.

  3. ive known girls who were brought up by stricked catholic parents and stayed pure until they reached 18 and lived away from home and just went wild and after there first real cock they turned into cock hungry sluts who would fuck man who got his cock out

  4. Hello, guy from italy here. I’m writing just to say that you are doing great girl! I raised in a similar context and i can understand how you feel and how is difficult to be yourself. I was here for naughty stories but i found a struggling confession that truly hit my heart. Well done!

  5. Great job with the BC. Hopefully you find one that works best for you. Don’t forget to educate yourself on the risks of STI/STDs as well!! Also remember to pee after sex! Have fun on your journey, keep us posted! 😉

  6. Keep yourself safe, physically and emotionally, and have fun. The world you’re stepping into has many dangers, but also a lot of joy. We’re all cheering for you to find it. 🙂

  7. So… this isn’t exactly a sexy comment, but I would encourage you to find a (secular) therapist or counselor to talk with about this, in addition to your ongoing explorations.

    I also have de-programmed myself from toxic conservative religious beliefs. I couldn’t have done it without help, and am much happier and well-adjusted today thanks to therapy.

  8. (French here, but I’ll comment in English for everyone’s interest)

    The friekest girls I’ve been with often have such a religious background. Years of pent up sexuality release like a pressure cooker, and it can lead to spectacular results for everyone. One was a Muslim girl from Ethiopia. She had it even worst than you in her upbringing, and they do some nasty stuff to girly parts over there. She was a godess in bed. One was a former catholic like you, shy and repressed. She liked to pretend to be forced, which I happily indulged. Once that happened, she released all her frustration at once and was game for seriously kinky stuff. A gentleman doesn’t tell, but groups, ropes, dildos, vibrators and more were involved at some points. You should try it little mouse.

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