One Wrong Stop [M-F][Fiction][Public][Rape][Gangbang]

It’s late, the drive back from the concert was long, but it was worth it. It just sucks that getting there took 2 hours, but getting back took 4 with all the traffic. You notice your low fuel light turning on, so you pull off at the next exit. As you drive down the unfamiliar streets, you notice how many of the buildings you’re driving past are shut down and run down. You don’t realize you pulled into a bad part of town.

It takes a few minutes, but you finally see a gas station sign lit up in the distance. You pull in and park at a gas island. You get out of your car and try to use your card to pay for your gas, so you don’t have to go inside. Each attempt ends in your card getting declined. You put your card back in your wallet and look around, there’s no other cars around and no one out. So you lock your car and start walking to the gas station door. You pull on the door, but nothing happens. You give a push and nothing happens again. You look inside at the front desk, but no one is there. You eyes look around the gas station, it’s lit up as if it’s open, but no one is there. You eyes go back to the front desk and you notice a sign on desk.

“**GAS CLERK WILL BE BACK SHORTLY**”, the sign reads, you sigh, but notice another sign next to it. “**RESTROOMS OUTSIDE AROUND THE BACK**”, the other sign reads. The thought of using the restroom wasn’t even in your mind till you read that sign. Suddenly the urge to go use the restroom takes over. Before you take off to the back, you look around again, no cars, and no one around. You walk to the back of the gas station, it’s poorly light once you get to the back. The only source of light is one dim light above the restroom doors. As you walk towards the restrooms, you can help, but look over your shoulder. Hoping no one is using the restroom and that no one is going to pop out of no where.

You approach the restroom doors and you twist the doorknob to the women’s restroom. It doesn’t open, you try again and again, but it won’t open. Your eyes look up and on the door, a piece of paper with the writing, “*Out of Order – Sorry Management*”. You kick the door out of frustration, but then you look over at men’s restroom door. You walk over and grab the door knob, stopping to look back the way you came. You take a deep breath as you turn the door knob. It clicks and as you push the door open, you slowly peek inside, just in case someone is inside.

The men’s restroom is your normal single person restroom, no bathroom stalls, just a toilet in the corner, a urinal on the wall, the sink by the door, and hanging on the wall, a vending machine selling condoms, sex pills, and lubricants. You close the door and click the lock shut behind you as you walk towards the toilet. You pull your shorts and panties down as you sit on the toilet, you start to relieve yourself. When start to hear footsteps coming from where you came from and now you can hear a voices, no, multiple voices. You can hear the voices of a group of men, shouting and yelling, laughing, as they get closer and closer.

You let out of a sigh of relief since you know you locked the door. The voices are just outside the restroom door as you hear the door knob start to turn. The door opens, you realize the lock didn’t work in the first place. Before you can even react, the group of men all walk in. You just sit there on the toilet, your shorts and panties at your ankles as they all stare back at you. You stare back at them, unable to say a word as the door closes behind them.

They looked like a bunch of drunks who just walk around town, begging for money and drinking up any that they get or find. One of them walked forward, he was the tallest, and looked like the strongest. His skin was tanned from being outside all day, he wore an old shirt that barely buttoned correctly, underneath was a sweat stained tank top, his pants were old as well, with a few holes in it, and his shoes were the same old and start to grow holes. He walks over to you in your stunned silence and stands in front of you. Before you can get up and do something, the rest of the men surround you, preventing you from getting up. You sit there, keeping your legs closed, keeping your head down, hoping they’ll just leave.

You hear the sound of zippers opening, clothing being moved, and the sounds of some of the men chuckling. You lift your head slowly and that’s when you see it. This stranger’s cock throbbing in front of your face. Your mouth opens in surprise as you stare at it. You don’t notice the hand reaching behind your head, grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling your face towards his crotch. Your mouth wide open as his cock is forced into your mouth. You can feel his cock in your throat, your hands reach out and press against his stomach and thigh. Any resistance you hoped to put up is stopped as your feel large hands grab your wrists and pull them away. The taste of his cock in your mouth makes you retch, the stench of this unwashed man’s musk fills your nose. Your eyes tear up as you open your mouth wide as you try and catch your breath. Your tongue rubs against the shaft of his cock, forcing you to taste more of him.

He pulls your head more and more toward his crotch as his cock inches it’s way into your throat, making it impossible to breath. You try and stand up, but more hands push you back down on the toilet. You try and scream, but all that comes out is a gargled cough as your mouth opens and closes on his cock. Your chest starts to burn and your vision starts to blur as you start to pass out. Your eyes rolls to the back of your head and your body starts to go limp. He pull your head back as he pulls his cock out of your mouth. A long rope of spit hangs off the tip of his cock attached to your lips. You cough and cough as you’re finally able to breathe. You can’t help, but drool over yourself as you begin to regain consciousness.

You look up at him, your make up running down your face as tears run down your cheeks. Every breath in burns, and you plead to him, “P-please… sir… l-let me g-go…”, you beg of him. He looks down at you with a smile and then at his group of friends. They all start laughing, their laughs echoing against the tile walls of the restroom. “If you didn’t want this to happen little girl, you shouldn’t have been here in the first place.”, he tells you, his voice deep, and his breath stinking of alcohol. He pulls your face towards his crotch again, this time rubbing his cock against your face, smearing his precum mixed in your spit on your face. “Let me wipe those tears baby girl ’cause this night ain’t over yet.”, he says to you as he licks his lips.

Pulling your face back towards his crotch as his cock presses against your lips. You press your lips together attempting to resist him in hopes, he would give up. This does nothing, but annoy him as he pushes your head back forcing you to look up at him. “Baby girl, you are just making tonight harder on yourself.”, he says to you in a condescending tone as he raises his hand and swings it down. Slapping his open palm across your face, filling the room with a loud slap. This slap hurts, you can feel your cheek burning, but it also makes your pussy throb. You look back up at him with puppy eyes as tears fill your eyes, “I’m s-sorry sir… I won’t d-do that again…” you say to him holding back your cries. He reaches his hand down towards your face, you flinch, but stop when you feel him gently caress your cheek. “Be a good girl and it won’t happen again.”, he says to you, his voice sounding more gentle as he looks down at you with a smile. All you can do is nod and open your mouth as he pulls your face back towards his crotch.

His large, fat cock slides in your mouth, his shaft rubbing against your tongue. Soon his length pushes in further and further, the tip of his cock pressing against the back of your throat. You start to gag as he pushes further in, his cock now inching down your throat. You look up at him, fear in your eyes, tears welling up hoping he’ll stop. He’s not looking at you, his head is leaning back as he groans in pleasure. “Fuck this little slut’s throat is so fucking good…”, he says out loud, the other men laugh and silently cheer as they all watch you take his cock down your throat. Many of them have their cocks in their hands as they jerk off as they watch. You get some relief as your feel you pull his cock out of your throat, the tip of his cock nearly sliding out of your mouth. Your relief turns to shock as he starts to bob your head back and forth on his cock. Forcing you his cock down and out of your throat over and over. Tears run down your face as you feel cock scraping your throat each time his forces it in. You can’t help, but drool and slobber as he roughly fucks your throat. Each long string of drool landing in your lap or soaking your white tank top.

He starts to face fuck you faster and harder, with no concern on how you feel. The only thought in his mind is using your throat to make him cum. His moans and groans getting louder, his balls slapping against your chin. The other men start to groan as well, most of them jerking off harder and faster, their hands covered in their leaking precum. You feel the man’s cock begin to swell in your throat and mouth and he starts to say out loud, “F-fuck… I’m going to fucking cum…”. Your eyes open wide as you try and say, “STOP!”, but nothing comes out except a gargled moan. He lets outs out a loud shout as he pulls your face towards his crotch, his cock forcing it’s way down your throat. You feel his cock twitch and throb as he shoots thick, hot ropes of cum down your throat and into your stomach. Your body feels hot as you feel him cum over and over. Your throat twitching around throbbing your cock, your tongue naturally stroking his shaft. Your eyes rolling back in your head as your slide a hand between your legs as your start to feel your pussy throb.

He slowly slides his cock out of your mouth, without even thinking you start to suck trying to milk any cum left in his cock. This makes him smile as he looks down at you, “I knew you were a little slut.”, he says smugly. His cock bouncing in your face once he slides it out of your mouth, your eyes lustfully watching it twitch and throb. Your tongue hanging out of your mouth slightly as your body betrays you. This is cut short as the other men start to grunt and groan, jerking off wildly, as they all start to cum. Shooting their loads in your hair, on your face, and on your clothes and naked lap. You let out a little yelp as you feel their loads hit you in the face and land on your lap.

He lets go of your hair and you back against the toilet, your face a mess covered in tears, drool, and cum. Your tank top and lap covered in drool and cum. You sit there out of breath, your mind a complete haze, and your body limp. The man who raped your throat backs away, out of breath as well, his cock going limp. The other men stand beside you and look over at him. He doesn’t say anything and just gives them a nod. They waste no time and grab you by the arms and start to pull you off the toilet. Pulling you down onto the dirty bathroom floor as they all jump on you. Some of the men grab your wrists and hold them down, other men grab your thighs and hold them down. All these men pin you down on the ground, but you’re too weak to put up a fight.

Their hands start to grope your body, playing with your breasts through your tank top, the others hands touching you all over, and others hands slide between your legs and start to rub your pussy. All you can do is weakly squirm, but it’s no use these men are much stronger than you and keep you pinned down. They start to feel your pussy and one of them shouts out, “Can you fucking believe it?! This bitch is fucking soaked!”, he says shouts. They all start to laugh as they take turns degrading you.

“Worthless cunt came in here to get raped, I bet you.”

“I bet she was so horny for some cock, she was hoping someone would walk in!”

“This is what she wants boys! Let’s give her a real treat tonight!”

They all laugh and cheer as they start to pull and tug at your clothes. Some of the men pull off your shorts, another man pulls off your panties and pulls it to his face. Taking deep inhales as he starts stroking himself to your used panties. The other men notice your soaked white tank top is now see through from all the drool and cum. “This dumb bitch ain’t even wearing a bra!”, he says to his friends. One of them lifts your tank top up exposing your bare tits for them all to see. They all cheer and shout, “Fuck! This bitch got some great fucking tits!” You feel two large, but different hands grab your breasts and squeeze them hard. The men are talking among themselves as they grope, molest, and freely touch your body to their sick desires.

You start to get your strength back as your start to struggle. You try and try to pull your wrists out away from them. You try and kick your legs in hopes of getting them off of you. You start to shout and scream, “Get the FUCK off of me! You fucking pieces of shit!” You struggle more and more, shouting louder and louder. None of this works, but it stops them from talking as they all stare down at you. “Are you all fucking deaf?! Get the fuck off me and let me go! You sick fucks!”, you shout at them again. They all just stare at you in silence, their twisted smiles, turning into annoyed frowns. The man who had just had his cock down your throat walks back over and stands over you.

He lifts his foot up and slams his the heel of his shoe into your stomach. You can’t even get out a shout of pain, all that comes out is a weak yelp. He grinds his heel into your stomach as your squirm in pain, a pain scream escapes your mouth. “Good. Now that your little tantrum is over, let me explain to you what’s going to happen.”, he says to you, his voice calm and stern as he gets down on top of you. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pocket knife. He holds the knife in front of your face and says to you very calmly, “If you try and fight back or scream for help. I’ll kill you. Be a good girl now.”, he says to you. You look at the knife and when he threatens to kill you, you can’t control yourself. You never got a chance to use the restroom and now your body betrays you again as your start to piss yourself out of fear. A small puddle starts to form and the men watch as you humiliate yourself in front of them. They all start to laugh, “This bitch fucking pissed herself!”, one of the men holding your legs says. He puts the knife away and stands back up, “Pull her away from her mess. She knows the deal now.”, he orders the other men.

They waste no time pulling you away from your puddle of piss. Your body loses all it’s fight after your humiliation. Then it starts all over again, the groping and laughing among themselves. You don’t fight back, you just close your eyes, and hope it all ends soon. The men help themselves as they greedily grope your body, their hands running up and down your body. You can hear some of them breathing hard once again as your hear them stroking their cocks. You can hear them spit into their hands as they jerk themselves off, the sickening wet sounds fill your ears.

A new sensation breaks you out of your disassociation, you feel something large get on top of you. You open your eyes and you see a large man sitting between your legs. He sees you looking up at him and he gives you a smile. He grabs your legs and lifts and spreads them. You look up and see his cock, you thought the guy before was big, this man is swinging a monster between his legs. Your mouth drops open and your mind goes blank. He grabs his cock in his large hand and slaps his dick against your stomach. You can see how far it will go inside your body, all the way up near your chest is where his tip rests on your body. You look up at him and he positions himself, his cock pressing against your pussy. Before you can say anything, you feel his fat cock stretching out your tight cunt. You start to drool and grind your teeth as you silently scream in pain, you back arching up off the ground as your body reacts to the pleasure and pain. Inch by inch, he pushes his fat cock inside you. Every inch he pushes inside you, feels like he’s rearranging your insides. Every breath hurts as he goes deeper and deeper.

The other men let go of you as they realize you’re not fighting back anymore. You lay there, arms making fists, but not fighting back. Your legs wrap around his waist, your body betraying you once again. He leans down and grabs your face in his hands and pulls your face towards his. You don’t even think as you open your mouth and stick out your tongue, he pulls your tongue into his mouth as he gives you a sloppy passionate kiss. Pushing his cock the last few inches inside of you. You feel your pussy completely filled and it happens, you start to cum, squirting as you cum. Moaning loudly into his mouth as he kisses you, forcing his tongue inside your mouth, mixing your saliva with his.

The bliss of his sloppy passionate kiss and your pussy being completely filled turn into intense pleasure as he starts to pull his cock out. It feels as if he’s going to pull your insides out with him. You try to scream, but nothing comes out. You stare up at the ceiling and look around as the other men surrounding you look down at you with smiles missing teeth and their cocks in their hands, stroking themselves off to you. As he pulls his cock out to the tip, he forces his full length back inside you. This make you once again lose your ability to breathe. Over and over again his cock scrapes your insides as it forces itself in and out of your tight cunt. Each thrust in causes you to lose your breath, your vision gets blurry and your arms and legs fall limp on the ground. You are completely at his mercy as he ruins your pussy.

This man continues to fuck you like a toy, pounding your pussy over and over. Getting rougher and faster as time goes on, his large balls slapping against your. The only sounds now is your pussy being stirred up by his cock, his balls slapping against your, his grunts and grounds, and your gasps for air. What feels like hours is over in fives minutes, as you feel his cock swell inside you. You know what’s coming, but you have no power to stop it. With one last deep thrust, he empties his balls inside you. You can fill your womb getting filled with his thick, hot load. It takes him a while to stop coming as he fills you up.

He slides his cock out of your pussy, his large meaty cock swinging between his legs as he stands up. You can see it’s covered in your cum and yours as well. You weakly get up and grab his cock and take it in your mouth. Your mind only thinking licking up and cleaning off his cock. You greedily lick his cock and clean it off. He watches you with a smile as you suck him off. He reaches down and puts his hand on top of your head. “Good girl.”, he says to you with his deep voice. This makes your pussy throb and you can only think of getting fucked again.

It doesn’t take long as he’s pushed to the side as the group picks you off the floor, one guy standing behind you, one guy in front of your, two guys holding your legs, and the other two lifting you under your arms. You look around at them and smile, knowing what must be coming. You can feel one of them lower your ass onto their cock, this one was smaller, but your ass has never been used before. You can feel his cock squeeze inside your tight ass. Before you can get use to that sensation, you feel another guy push his cock inside your pussy. You look and see it’s the fat one of the group, you let out a moan as his fat cock stretches you back out. He’s not as large, but his girth makes you moan.

Both men start thrusting their cocks into your holes, both of them stir you up inside. This is too much and you quickly cum again, your body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure rocks your body. Those two don’t stop, pounding your holes your orgasms more intense. You let out loud moans and screams, but now instead of thinking of fighting back you’re wondering who’s going to use you next. You look around the room and see four other men who haven’t had a chance. How long was thing going to last, how many more times were they going to fuck you? You didn’t care, you didn’t want this to stop.

Both men find a rhythm, one pushes inside your pussy and the other pulls out of your ass, back and forth. They grunt and groan as they use your holes, treating you like nothing more than sex toy. It stinks like sweat, piss, and cum, but for some reason this turns you on now too. Held above the floor, you let your head fall back onto the chest of the guy fucking your ass. He looks at you as you look at him, he smiles and leans towards you. You don’t think as you react by opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue. He pulls your tongue into his mouth as sloppily sucks on it, your saliva mixing with his. You don’t realize it, but you start to moan.

“I think she’s finally starting to like us boys.”, the guy pounding your cunt says which gets a couple of cheers from the group. The man kissing you forces his tongue inside your mouth now, swirling and wrestling his tongue with yours. You can taste the alcohol on his breathe, you can smell his sweat. You close your eyes as your body starts to shake as you start to cum again. Pulling your mouth away from his, a string of drooling hanging from your lips connected to his as you let out a loud, moaning, “FUCK!” You moan louder and louder as they continue to rock your body with rough thrusts.

You can tell they’re getting closer, their starting to groan louder, and their thrusts are getting more erratic. “Fucking cum in me! Please!”, you shout at them, your hands gripping the arms of the men holding you up. Both men look at each other and smile, gripping you tight as they both pound your pussy and ass as hard and fast as they can. Grunting like wild beasts in heat. You feel their cocks swelling inside you and with one last deep thrust. They bury their cocks inside you and start pumping their loads deep inside you. You feel their hot cum fill you up and you start to cum again, squirting as your body shakes from the intense orgasm.

Their cocks twitch and throb inside you as they finish cumming. The slide out their cocks and your now gaping holes leak their cum onto the floor. Cum oozes out and drips onto the floor more and more, but they aren’t done. They change your position once again, lowering you as they flip you onto your stomach, letting your feet touch the floor again. Your feet touch the bare tile covered in cum as one of the men positions himself behind you. You feel his hands grab your waist, while another man stands in front of you and grabs you by the hair. You feel another cock slide inside your pussy, but this one slides in with ease. You look up at the man holding you by your hair as he slides his cock in your gaping mouth.

Both men starting to thrust their cocks inside you, one filling your cunt, the other filling your mouth and throat. Your eyes roll back inside your head as the pleasure starts to rock your body. The man fucking your throat is a lot bigger than the man fucking you from the back. His cock is nice and thick and it fills your mouth and throat just right. You don’t even think about it as you start to move your tongue around his cock. You love the taste of his cock, the taste of his sweat on your tongue makes your pussy throb.

This makes the man fucking your pussy happy because you’re tightening up around him as your pussy throbs. “Fuck this bitch is still tight!”, he says with a smile, lifting up his hand as he starts smacking your ass. The sounds of your ass being slapped echoes in the restroom. This new sensation takes you by surprise as you try and scream, but all that comes out of your cock filled mouth are a couple of muffled moans. “Fuck! Keeping spanking this bitch. Her throat is tightening up too!”, he says to his friend. He grips your hair tighter and starts to pull your face towards his crotch harder as he continues to fuck your face.

With the pain of your hair being pulled and your ass getting smacked, you cum again. Your pussy gripping around the cock of the guy pounding your from the back. This proves to be too much for him and he starts to cum. Your throbbing pussy milking him as he pumps rope after rope of cum inside you. The guy fucking your throat cums shortly after, you reach forward out of instinct and grip his thighs and pull him towards you. Making sure you don’t let him pull out too soon as he cums down your throat. Both of their cocks twitch inside you as they finish cumming.

The guy behind you backs off and then a fight breaks out between the last two guys who want their turn. Both of them want a turn before the next. You finish slopping down the last bit of cum out of the guy who was down your throat. Cleaning him off with your tongue and looking up at him with a slutty smile. “Now boys. There’s no need to fight… you can both fuck me. Stick those cocks in this pussy and fill me up.”, you say to them, your mind blank and only thinking of getting fucked. Both of them stare at you blankly for a few seconds before smiling.

Grabbing you by the waist with their hands the press their cocks against your pussy. You let out a loud moan as your feel both their cock squeeze inside you. You try and moan, but you can’t catch your breathe and nothing comes out. They push your forward towards the sink, letting you rest against the sink. You pull yourself up to look in the mirror and finally see yourself. Your face and hair covered in cum, drool, and sweat. You see both men standing behind you as they start to thrust inside you. Having both of their cocks inside you feels more intense than anything else before. They both take turns thrusting in and out, this stirs your insides up and you can’t help, but moan out loud. “Fuck! FUCK! FUCK! YES! STIR THIS SLUT’S PUSSY UP!!!”, you shout as you moan.

They don’t need to here anymore and start pounding away. The sound your pussy makes gets louder and louder as you get wetter. Their balls slap against you loudly. You watch yourself in the mirror, loving the view you’re getting as you get fucked like never before. You look behind and see the men as they grunt and groan as the fuck you. You reach your hand between your legs and start to play with your clit. Your pussy is a mess, leaking cum into your hand as your touch yourself. Biting your lip as you touch your sensitive clit. It doesn’t take them long and they bury their cocks inside you as deep as they can. You can feel them explode inside you and fill you up. Your legs start to shake as you collapse against the sink.

They pull themselves out of you and grab you by the waist and pull you into the middle of the room. They let you fall onto the floor, letting you fall into of cum that leaked out of you earlier. You look up and see the four other men standing up above you, their cocks in their hands. They stroke themselves furiously, grunting and groaning, as they look down at you. You have no energy to speak much less move. You open your mouth and then it happens so quickly. They all start to cum, shooting their hot ropes of cum onto your naked body on the floor. Covering your tits and stomach in cum, some ropes shoot onto your face and into your open mouth. You start to rub your body, rubbing their cum into your skin as one hand reaches up and squeezes your breasts while the other slides between your legs to play with your pussy.

You lay their covered in cum, unable to speak or move as the men all pull up their pants. They all start to leave without saying anything to you. You look at the door as the last man leaving looks back at you and smiles. He holds up a piece of cloth in his hand and shows it to you. It’s your panties, your head falls back onto the floor. The bathroom door closes and now it’s over.


1 comment

  1. Very hot. Why does this shit never happen to me?

    (Two men can’t fuck the same person if they’re both behind her, unless at least one of their cocks is more than a foot long. I keep trying to picture it, but it just can’t happen)

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