Blonde ambition: Double-teamed on Halloween [MFM]

I love Halloween and dreaming up a good costume for parties. There seems to be a looser, unrestrained vibe to a party where everyone’s dressed to portray different personas. This is about one year where I thought my costume-creating efforts weren’t up to my usual standards, but my party experience turned out to be off-the-charts incredible and a sexual first.

I’d scored a work-placement opportunity in the Bay are while I was finishing my degree. I ended up finding a place in a shared house with three other women who were also working students. We developed a great living chemistry, creating an environment that allowed us to focus on our work experiences but also to chill out and cut loose when we needed.

I developed my strongest bond with Emma, who was more out-going, like me. We liked to laugh and we were usually the first to initiate something and get the party started. It was Emma who suggested having a Halloween party, since it was falling on a Saturday night that year. The rest of us quickly agreed and the party planning was put into motion.

The week before the party was fairly busy for me work-wise but between the four of us we managed to scrounge up decorations and party supplies. Emma, who had been living in the house for a couple of years, loved dressing up and she had a decent supply of costume wear.

We were chilling out with a drink after work one evening when Emma asked me if I had a plan for my costume.

“Honestly, I haven’t had time to think about it,” I replied. “I was hoping to hit some vintage shops and get some inspiration.”

“I think I’ve got a good option for you,” said Emma. “Come into my room and I’ll show you.”

We walked into her room and Emma rummaged through her closet, coming out with a white dress she tossed onto the bed. She dug into her closet again and pulled out a box. She popped the lid, exposing a variety of costume items like hats, wigs and gloves. She pulled out a blonde wig and set it beside the dress. She returned to the closet one last time and pulled out a pair of white, strappy heels. I was curious as to what she was thinking.

“With your build and looks, I think you’d make a pretty decent Marilyn Monroe,” said Emma with a happy smile.

I’m not really that busty or curvy so I must have looked skeptical as I looked back at Emma with a quizzical smile.

“Trust me,” she said enthusiastically. “Let’s try these things on and you’ll see I’m right.”

I stripped down to my bra and panties and stepped into the dress, feeling the silky fabric slide along my skin. Surprisingly it clung perfectly to my body, with Emma helping me zip up the back. The low-cut, shoulderless top accentuated my cleavage and while it had the vintage look for my costume it was shorter than Marilyn’s iconic dress, with the hem falling only a few inches below my ass.

Emma grabbed the blonde wig and fitted it onto my head. I adjusted it to make it a bit more comfortable as Emma grabbed the white heels.

“Slip these on, sexy,” she said.

I bent down and slid the shoes on, fastening the straps. I stood and Emma led me over to the full length mirror in the corner of her room. I took in my reflection, amazed by the transformation.

“Hot damn,” exclaimed Emma. “I think we’ve found your costume. You look fantastic. With a push-up bra, the right make-up and false eyelashes you’ll be a full-on sex bomb.”

I did a twirl in front of the mirror and smiled at Emma. I was definitely happy with my look and relieved that my costume creation task had been solved so simply.

“Thanks so much, Emma,” I said happily. “This works out great. What about you? What’s your costume?”

“I’m all set up with a fantastic witch costume,” she replied. “I know, so basic, but I found this fantastic hat I got from a theatrical props sale and I’m adding a couple of twists to sex it up a bit. We’re going to be the hottest babes at the party.”

The remainder of the week flew by. We woke up on Saturday and the four of us decorated the house from top to bottom. We managed to incorporate a spooky vibe into every room using fake cobwebs and swapped out most of the lightbulbs with dimmer, coloured bulbs.

An hour before our guests were expected I went into my room and got into my costume. I put on a lacy, white push-up bra which made my C-cup tits look more like D-cups and gave me impressive cleavage. I paired the bra with a translucent, lacy white thong that barely covered my smoothly shaven vulva, my landing strip peeking out from the top.

I sat down in front of my mirror and applied my make-up, including a set of long fake eyelashes and bright, red lipstick. The finishing touch was to add Marilyn’s iconic beauty mark to my left cheek. I pulled on the blonde wig and checked myself in the mirror. I was incredibly happy with the transformation and I made a sexy face.

“A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows she has none,” I intoned with a sultry wink as I got into character using one of the Monroe quotes I’d researched online.

I stepped into my dress and then slid on my white stiletto heels. I walked across to Emma’s room so I could get her help zipping up the back of my dress. I knocked and when she told me to come in I opened the door and did an exaggerated, sexy sashay into her room.

“Holy shit,” said Emma as she turned to watch me enter. “You look incredibly hot. Fantastic job with the make-up – you nailed the look.”

“Thanks,” I replied. “But holy shit right back at you. You look wicked. And sexy. Maybe deliciously wicked?” I said with a laugh.

Emma was sporting her prized witch’s hat. Her long, naturally dark hair flowed out from beneath the hat’s brim, framing her face – pale with foundation but punctuated by the dark make-up accentuating her eyes and her black lipstick. Earrings featuring black spiders dangled from her lobes. But as good as her face looked I was betting most eyes would be drawn to the cleavage spilling out of her black bustier, down to her shapely ass barely covered by black panties, and then following her long, lean, fishnet-stocking-clad legs which disappeared into her thigh-high stiletto boots.

“I think you’ve added more than a couple twists to complement that hat,” I said admiringly. “You’ll need your broom to ward off all your horny admirers.”

Emma smiled in appreciation as she struck a pose. She helped me zip up my dress and then we made our way out into the living room, which was soon filled with loud whistles, cheering and laughter as all the roommates admired and praised each others’ costumes. We fixed ourselves a pre-party cocktail and toasted to a fun-filled evening.

90 minutes later the house was filled with costumed guests, chatting, laughing, eating and drinking. I had slowly made my way through the crowd, greeting friends and being introduced to new faces. One guest that stood out was Duncan, a work colleague of my roommate, Kim. He was dressed as the film character, Braveheart and he had the Scottish brogue to match, seeing as he was an intern visiting from Glasgow. He was also quite handsome and charming and I was instantly drawn to him. I felt a mutual attraction but we were separated after a brief chat as more introductions ensued.

Truth be told, I was getting more than my fair share of attention from many of the male party guests, who seemed to be drawn to my platinum-blonde persona. They all seemed as if they wanted to spend as much time with me as possible. I did note that Emma was also getting a lot of attention and had managed to attract one of her crushes, dressed in an Iron Man costume. They looked to be getting very friendly over in a corner, his hands occasionally grazing her ass as they talked and laughed.

Even though I was a hostess the constant male attention meant that I was being offered a great many drinks and soon I had a pleasant buzz going. Eventually I managed to reconnect with Duncan, who reinforced his charm and whose body language made it clear that he was into me. We were having a carefree discussion, joined by another one of his colleagues, Dan, who was sporting an impressive pirate costume. He was also pretty good looking and as we chatted I could see both of them running their eyes over my body. I couldn’t blame them since my brief dress was doing an admirable job of highlighting my cleavage and clinging to my curves.

At one point Dan asked if we were interested in getting a little high. My eyes lit up as I definitely like to indulge in a little weed when I’m unwinding. I looked at Duncan and he seemed to be interested. I suggested we could go to my room to light up, just to minimize the spread of smoke in the main area. Both guys’ eyes widened at my suggestion and they readily agreed. I led them down the hallway and into my room.

I made myself comfortable on the edge of my bed and invited Duncan to sit down next to me. Dan took a seat in my desk chair and extracted a joint and a lighter from inside one of his pockets. He sparked the joint, took a hit and then passed it over to me. I inhaled, savouring the feeling as the smoke nestled in my lungs, anticipating the transformative effect of the THC. I passed the joint over to Duncan and we all chatted lightly. They complimented the house, our decorating efforts, and I ran down the story of how all us girls ended up living together.

As we consumed the joint I was feeling increasingly loose and relaxed. Duncan looked at me and told me how much he like my costume and how I’d really nailed Marilyn Monroe’s look. I thanked him and returned the compliment, telling him he’d done a great job with his Braveheart look. I also mentioned to Dan that I thought his costume was really well done and very authentic. It turned out we were all wearing items that had been sourced from vintage shops.

“Speaking of costume authenticity,” said Duncan with a smile. “I guess there’s no air grate in here that will give us a tantalizing rise of your dress, is there?”

Both Dan and I laughed at Duncan’s lewd comment but I was also a little aroused. Although, at this point, anything he said in his Scottish brogue was arousing me.

“That is part of the look,” I said with a laugh. “But what about you? I’ve heard the authentic way to sport a kilt is to wear nothing underneath.”

Duncan shot me a mischievous grin.

“I’m an authentic Scot, through and through,” he said with smile as he stared into my eyes.

“Should we just take your word for it?” I said staring back at him.

Dan laughed at my brazen challenge toward Duncan.

Duncan shot Dan a grin and then looked back at me.

“I might be open to proving it to you,” he said with a smile “If, I can get a kiss from the beautiful Marilyn Monroe. And if she raises her skirt and gives us a twirl.”

My party-buzzed brain’s assessment of his proposal seemed to see nothing but upside. I got to kiss this hot guy and he was going to lift up his kilt? I seemed to be ignoring the fact that I’d be flashing my thong-clad pussy and bare ass to two guys I’d just met.

“As Marilyn once said, ‘The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up.,’” I said softly as I leaned into him.

Duncan’s lips met mine and we shared a soft kiss. One of his hands rested on my waist and as the kiss continued he pulled me toward him gently. I was enthralled and aroused but eventually he pulled away.

“Fantastic,” said Duncan as he looked into my eyes.

“Looked like a movie star kiss to me,” laughed Dan.

“And now comes the twirl, to complete the look,” said Duncan with a grin.

I looked at him with a mix of defiance and arousal as I stood up from the bed. I positioned myself in the centre of the room and replicated the stance Marilyn had struck in the film. I grabbed the hem of my dress with both hands, spread my arms wide and lifted them up until I felt the cooler air hit my buttocks. I slowly did a sexy twirl as I heard Duncan and Dan whistle and hoot in appreciation.

I let my dress fall and faced Duncan, who had an immense smile on his face.

“That was amazing,” said Dan. “I think you’ve outdone Marilyn with a body like yours.”

“Thanks, Dan,” I said as I looked back at him, giving him a Marilyn kiss face. “Now it’s Braveheart’s turn. What’s under that kilt?”

Duncan stood up from the bed. He locked his gaze with mine as he bent slightly to grab the bottom of his kilt. As he straightened up I dropped my gaze below his waist. He was a true Scot all right. I was gazing at his impressively long and thick penis, framed by a neatly trimmed thatch of pubic hair

“Impressive caber you’ve got there, Scotsman” I said in admiration as I continued to stare, feeling my arousal build.

My appraisal of Duncan’s cock was interrupted as he let his kilt fall. My gaze returned to his face, which was sporting a confident smile.

“You seem to have an appreciation for Scottish things,” he said.

“I do appreciate immersing myself in authentic cultural experiences,” I replied. “And you seem to be the real deal.”

“Would that earn me another kiss?” Duncan said with a grin.

“I suppose that would be OK,” I said, feeling eager anticipation at being touched by Duncan again.

He stepped toward me and took me in his arms as he leaned in to kiss me. My body tingled in response as we kissed softly at first, gradually evolving into deeper, hungrier kisses as we explored each other with our tongues. Duncan’s hands glided across my back and gently gripped my ass as our make-out session became more enthusiastic. He started kissing his way down my neck and across the top of my exposed breasts as I sighed in delight.

I glanced over at Dan. He was smiling broadly as he watched us and I noted that under his loose pants was an impressive bulge. I surmised that this pirate was also commando under his garb. I was turned on by his obvious arousal and since I tend to go all-out when I’m a little drunk and high I decided to float a proposition.

“You look like you’re at full mast over there, Dan” I said with a mischievous smile. “Why don’t you follow your pirate prerogative? Come over here and board me with Braveheart.”

Dan’s face lit up and the bulge in his pants twitched in response to my proposal. Duncan paused as he heard me speaking. He looked over at Dan, who had got up from his chair and was walking toward us, and then looked at me, assessing my provocative smile.

“Marilyn also said ‘Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature.’,” I said in a soft, sultry tone.

Duncan’s face wore an expression of surprise, wonderment and then a delighted smile. I turned and greeted Dan as he joined us in the centre of the room, leaning in to kiss him. Duncan returned to kissing my neck and the exposed swell of my breasts.

Things ramped up quickly as the two men explored my body with their hands as I took turns kissing them. Dan had lowered the zip of my dress and deftly unfastened the clasp of my bra as Duncan lifted my dress and massaged my bare ass. Dan leaned down to capture my nipple between his lips, nibbling and sucking as I moaned in delight. Duncan kissed me deeply as he massaged my other breast, gently pinching the nipple until it was as hard and sensitive as the one currently being sucked by Dan.

I wasn’t a passive participant in the three-way I had initiated. I had one hand under Duncan’s kilt and was stroking his cock, marvelling at the heat and hardness as I felt him swell under my touch. My other hand was rubbing Dan’s hard cock over his pants. Duncan moved his hand down below my dress and began to rub my pussy, sliding a finger beneath my thong, spreading my pussy lips open and thrusting deep inside. I shuddered with pleasure and went from wet to positively dripping as hands and mouths manipulated and pleasured my body.

“We should move this over to the bed,” said Duncan as continued to stroke my pussy.

“Mmm hmm, yeah,” I murmured deliriously.

Dan pulled my dress down and I stepped out of as it pooled around my feet. My bra ended up on the floor as well before the men guided me to the bed. Duncan laid me across the mattress sideways and positioned himself between my legs. Dan took the other side of the bed, up by my head.

“Fucking gorgeous,” said Duncan in his alluring brogue as stood above me, admiring my naked body before kneeling down between my legs and kissing his way up my thighs.

Dan climbed onto the bed beside me and began to kiss me. His hands and mouth continued to explore my body as I felt the heat of Duncan’s breath as he pulled my thong to the side, burying his tongue between my wet and swollen labia.

I sighed as Duncan’s tongue opened me up, licking and stimulating me, while Dan’s mouth and hands explored my breasts, my nipples now turgid, highly sensitive pleasure points. I reached down and slipped my hand into Dan’s pants, wrapping my fingers around his stiff cock. He sucked my nipples with an increased enthusiasm as I felt him swell and harden as I stroked him.

My body tingled with carnal ecstasy as both men explored my body. My euphoria increased as Duncan began to flicker his tongue over my clit while he slid two fingers inside my pussy and began stroking my g-spot.

“Oh, god!” I gasped. “So good! Don’t stop!”

Duncan got the message and continued to lick, suck and stroke my pussy skilfully until I was quivering in delight. My core began to tremble and moments later I erupted, crying out in pleasure as my orgasm washed over me, my pussy pulsing and squeezing around Duncan’s thrusting digits. He didn’t let up, prolonging my orgasmic peak as I continued to tremble in elation, before he finally relented, slowly withdrawing his fingers as he languorously licked along my wet and swollen labia.

“That’s one sweet-tasting pussy,” Duncan said as he stood. “Do you want it fucked now?”

“God yes, I want your cocks inside me,” I said hungrily.

Duncan smiled as he opened his costume’s sporran, pulling out a couple of condoms and placing them on the bed. He removed his shirt, revealing a muscular torso and then unfastened his kilt, his impressively thick and hard cock looming above me. He tore open a packet and rolled on the condom.

“Shame we don’t have more,” he said as he spread my legs wider and rubbed his cock head along my wet slit and across my clit.

“I have a box of them in my night stand drawer,” I gasped as Duncan slowly slid inside me, his cock spreading and filling me as I moaned lustily.

Duncan grinned widely at my revelation and then began to fuck me with long, slow, deep thrusts. My eyes closed momentarily as I savoured the sensation of Duncan’s thick cock slow-stroking my pussy. I looked up at Dan as I continued to stroke his cock and told him to take his clothes off. He eagerly complied and I was treated to the sight of another impressive cock.

“Let’s all make each other feel good,” said Duncan with a grin as he grabbed my ankles and spread me even wider as he continued to fuck me. “Stroke your clit for us. I want to watch you come while I fuck you. And you should let Dan feed you his cock.”

I looked up at Dan with a smile and then opened my mouth in invitation. Seconds later I had my lips wrapped around his shaft, sucking him deeply and swirling my tongue across his bulbous cock head, tasting his precome. He groaned in appreciation as I enthusiastically used my mouth on him even as I shifted part of my focus to my clit and Duncan’s thrusting cock filling my pussy.

“God, you feel good,” said Duncan as he fucked me. “And you look incredible with two cocks inside you. That’s it, stroke your clit. Play with your nipples. Show us how hard you can come.”

Duncan seemed to like to direct and in the midst of my unquenchable lust I was happy to follow his script. I stroked my clit slowly while I tweaked and pinched my nipples with my other hand. We found our mutually libidinous rhythm and I was deliriously riding the wave as I was being pleasured by two cocks simultaneously. It didn’t take long before I increased the pressure on my clit, chasing the spiralling sensations until I erupted, my pussy clenching Duncan’s thrusting cock as I came rapturously, moaning as I sucked Dan deeply.

“Fuck, yeah!” groaned Duncan. “Your pussy feels incredible.”

He slowed his stroking and released my ankles, letting my legs fall back to the bed.
“That didn’t take long,” he said with a cocky grin.

“As long as you keep fucking me I’ll come quick and I’ll come often,” I replied brazenly.

“Shall we switch things up?” he said with a smile. “I’d love to feel those lips around my cock.”

I happily agreed. I was eager to get Duncan’s cock in my mouth. And Dan seemed more than happy to get a chance to fuck me. Duncan slowly pulled out of my pussy and removed his condom. I released Dan from my mouth and watched him move to the opposite side of the bed and grab the other condom packet.

“Why don’t you get on your knees?” said Duncan.

I flipped over and looked up at him as he stood in front of me. I looked back over my should and saw Dan positioning his condom-clad cock behind my pussy. I looked back up at Duncan, reaching out to stroke his cock and then pulled him toward me, teasing the tip with my tongue and licking along his shaft before I wrapped my lips around him, slowly bobbing my head as I swallowed his length. Moments later I felt my pussy stretch open as Dan slid inside and began to fuck me.

Dan’s fucking was more energetic than Duncan’s slow and deliberate pace. His hands gripped my hips as he filled my pussy with hard, steady thrusts, which felt incredible. I matched each swallow of Duncan’s cock with the rhythm of Dan’s fucking and for the next few minutes I was being spit roasted in perfect unison. Then I felt Dan’s grip on my hips tighten as he picked up the pace and began to rail me with an increased intensity. His fervid fucking was driving my mouth deeper onto Duncan’s cock. I almost had to take my mouth off of Duncan but Dan slammed himself into me and stayed deep.

“Oh fuck, what an incredible pussy!” He groaned as I felt him swell and pulse as he came inside me.

As his orgasm subsided he slowly pulled out of me, breathing heavily as he stepped back. I took the opportunity to refocus my efforts on Duncan. I looked up at him as I swallowed him as deeply as I could.

“Fuck, your mouth is incredible,” he gasped. “I’m getting close. Where do you want me to come?”

I reached up with one hand and grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper into my mouth as I looked up at him trying to convey my desire. He seemed to get my message. I was sucking his cock with ardent need, my mouth sliding up and down his shaft enthusiastically.

“Fuck, here it comes!” Duncan groaned.

I moaned in response and was rewarded with Duncan’s first spurt of thick come flooding across my tongue as I felt him throb inside my mouth. I sucked and swallowed as his cock pulsed, filling my mouth with his load. He finally pulled away, too sensitive to withstand the continued touch of my tongue.

I smiled up at him, licking my lips and he beamed back at me in satisfaction.

“Definitely some star-quality cock sucking,” he said with a grin.

Meanwhile, Dan had returned to the action and was behind me, covering my ass with kisses, and licking my tingling pussy. I sighed in pleasure as he spread me open with his tongue. I watched Duncan grab his beer and take a drink before he walked around to the other side of the bed. I dropped my face into the mattress as Dan continued to eat and finger my pussy. I heard my night stand drawer open and realized that my stash of condoms was about to be put to good use.

The stimulation of my pussy paused momentarily and I lifted my head from the mattress. Dan was now standing in front of me with a re-energized erection. Duncan had taken his position behind me, massaging my ass and stroking my pussy with his fingers. I reached out and grabbed Dan’s cock, pulling him closer.

“You can come in my mouth, too,” I said as I wrapped my lips around him and engulfed his shaft.

As I sucked Dan I felt warm breath on my pussy and then Duncan’s tongue spreading me open. He continued to eat me, making my pussy tingle blissfully. I transferred my pleasure into my efforts on Dan and soon he was groaning in appreciation as I slid my lips up and down his hard shaft.

After a few minutes Duncan removed his tongue and I felt his cock slide inside me. I sighed, thankful for his impressively rapid resurgence as he began to fuck me. This round he was being a bit more forceful and I found myself being pushed onto Dan’s cock with each forceful thrust from Duncan. The added stimulus pushed Dan over the edge. I felt him swell in my mouth and then hot streams of come flooding across my tongue as I eagerly swallowed my second load of the night.

“Fuck, that was incredible,” gasped Dan as I released him from my mouth.

I didn’t have time to reflect on my second successful blow job as Duncan began to fuck me with a heightened intensity. My head dropped down to the mattress as I revelled in every hard stroke of Duncan’s cock. My pussy throbbed as he fucked me energetically.

“Stroke your clit for me,” Duncan commanded. “I want you to come with me.”

I reached back without hesitation, stroking my clit as Duncan continued to fuck me vigorously. I was hovering on the precipice of my next orgasm and it wasn’t long before I fell over the edge.

“Oh god, I’m going to come,” I said in a quavering voice as I rubbed my clit furiously.

Duncan continued to hammer his cock into me as I exploded in orgasmic release, waves of euphoria washing over my body.

“Fuck, yeah!” groaned Duncan as he hammered his cock into me.

Hot on the heels of my orgasm I felt Duncan’s cock swelling and pulsing inside my pussy as he filled his condom with another flood of hot come. I collapsed onto my mattress, spent as my latest orgasmic wave subsided. Duncan was still buried inside me as he breathed heavily but he eventually pulled out, leaving me without a cock inside me for the first time in the past hour.

I looked over at Dan, who was putting his costume back on. He flashed me a grin and then came across the room to give me a quick kiss.

“Fantastic party. You’re one hell of a hostess. I hope I get invited back again,” he said before slipping out the door.

I rolled over onto my back and looked up at Duncan, admiring his naked body. He smiled back at me and climbed onto the bed, looming over me as he gave me a deep kiss.

“I’d love to keep enjoying your incredible body,” he said softly “and your obvious proclivity for sexual exploration. But I’m afraid I’ve got a commitment tomorrow I can’t put off.”

“Too bad,” I replied with a grin. “I was enjoying how skilled you are with your caber.”

Duncan laughed and we kissed a little more before we reluctantly got up and donned our costumes. I gave Duncan a final goodbye kiss as he left my room. I ducked into the bathroom and re-adjusted my wig and adjusted my make-up, my mascara a little runny and my lipstick smeared after so much cock sucking.

The party had wound down a bit while I’d been enjoying my sexual marathon but there were still a few guests socializing with my roomies. Kim came over to me asked where I’d disappeared to.

“Just enjoying some weed with your friend, Duncan, and his buddy, Dan,” I replied.

“Really,” said Kim with a wide smile. “Duncan looked pretty happy before he left. Maybe you’re taking a page out of Emma’s book?”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “What’s she been up to?”

“I’m pretty sure she’s in her room getting railed by Iron Man right now,” said Kim with a grin. “They were all over each other in the hallway earlier.”

“Wow, good for her,” I said. “Duncan does seem to be a great guy, and he’s pretty hot,” I said with a saucy grin as I walked off in search of a drink.

I knew Kim and the rest of my roommates would be grilling me later. At that moment I was still trying to absorb my audacious initiation of a threesome and the blissful sexual buzz that still enveloped my body.

I did end up hooking up with Duncan a few more times after that night, and he continued to be an adventurous sexual partner but we didn’t have any more threesomes. But our experience has made me an avid enthusiast of Halloween parties and their libidinous potential.



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