Unspoken deal [MF]

I was the first in my group of friends to get a car, I would drive everyone everywhere just for the sake of that driving freedom.

My girlfriend had an after school part time job, couple that with her studies, hanging out with friends and we really only hung out once or twice a week, other than me picking her up from work after every shift. Me being a horny teenager and getting a taste of honey, driving her home from work always involved parking in a dim lit corner of an alley near a park, and a blowjob.

It became kind of like Pavlov’s dog both for me and for her. While driving to pick her up I was rock hard waiting in the parking lot, times when she was in a hurry to go straight home, she had her head in my lap before I put the car in reverse and backed out of the parking stall.
We dated about 6 months and in that time, well teens talk. “Blowjob for ride” was never a condition or demand… I was a horny teenager with a car that loved driving., but “ Blowjob for ride” had become well known, dare I say legendary.

After our breakup, It didn’t take long and I had a late night request for a ride. Jodi was in my peripheral group of friends, I knew her but we really didn’t hang out. She was absolutely cute, athletic playing on the volleyball and basketball teams, and the smartest person I knew. But she was very reserved and shy, almost unapproachable.

I picked Jodi up from her friend lindsay’s house. I waited outside for a long time watching the girls silhouettes from behind the large window pane set in Lindsay”s front door. What the heck are they chatting about for soooo long I wondered.
Finally the door opened, Lindsay literally pushed Jodi out the front door and slammed it shut behind her. Ok, something was definitely going on.

It seemed like a long time that I stared at Jodi through the passengers window as she just stood on the front steps. Then I could see something in her “ click” and she confidently walked up to the car… for some reason I instantly got nervous, my hands began to sweat as I gripped the steering wheel. I quickly wiped my hands on my pants and grabbed the steering wheel as Jodi opened the passengers door.

“ Hi, thanks so much for the ride!!“ she said with a big smile and in a way that made me feel like we had been good friends forever.

“ Hey, it’s not a problem, call me anytime “ I replied, and I meant it, she was gorgeous!!

I had always seen her focused, rushing to the gym, or thinking of school work.. always focused. But to see her relaxed and smiling and friendly…” Wow!!”

“So where are we headed ?” I joked acting like her personal chauffeur.

“ I just live on Oak Station, “

This was only a few blocks away….

“ I don’t have to be home right away” Jodi quickly added.

Was it pavlov‘s dog, or being stunned by her beauty or realizing she wanted to just hang out, I’m not sure but I was getting an immediate erection, and quickly put the car into gear and started driving.

My hormones flooded my mind and a brazen confidence grew..

I headed in the direction of the park, as we chatted… We both had nervous laughter and were overly laughing at each other’s jokes. Then we drove a lap through the park until i was absolutely flooded with hormones… I exited the park, took an immediate right and down the backroad to my familiar dim lit spot.

I put the car in park, turned off the engine and headlights, and shifted my position in my seat to face her.

“ you can throw your bag in the back seat “ i said, noticing she had both arms wrapped around it on her lap..

“ ok” , she replied trembling, her voice shook, with nerves and excitement.

I honestly don’t know who made the first move, as she leaned to put her bag in the backseat… we started kissing… I also don’t know if the loud THUD!! I heard was the sound of her bag dropping into the backseat or my heart pounding out of my chest, or hers!

She kissed me frantically!! I could barely keep up, in fact I couldn’t… her hands rubbed my face and my hair…I desperately tried to match her rhythm… I felt like I was being mobbed…I grabbed the back of her hair and I think that’s the first breath she took as she let out a moan, my other hand grabbed her soft breast, and she let out another moan.

She broke her kiss and frantically pulled her shirt over head, I can’t even tell you what bra she was wearing.. I know she was wearing one, I felt it… did it come off with the shirt? Was I just so out of pace I didn’t catch her taking that off too? I didn’t know what the fuck was happening… well I knew, but the frenzy of things had me all discombobulated!!

I ripped my shirt over my head too… still desperate to match her pace… and yes I literally ripped my shirt… I reached both my hands over my shoulders, grabbed the back of my shirt and tried pulling it off… I forgot about the buttons on my polo and my shirt tore on the seam across my back… after getting another grip I pulled again and nearly ripped my ears off !!!

We were both shirtless and she wildly kissed my mouth, face, neckface, mouthneck… facemouth…I waited for my opening to jump in but all my mind could think of is “ we’re going to bang heads or someone is getting a broken nose”…

So I plunged my hand into her pants and as vigorously as I could rubbed my whole hand between her legs… she was so wet…my fingers slipped between her folds and I pressed soooo hard against her and jackhammered up and down…she rolled back in her seat… spread her legs.. and lifted her pelvis… the louder her moaned the faster I went… her moans were a combination of screaming and moaning… getting higher and higher pitched… I realized I was holding my breath and rubbing her so hard and so fast I thought for sure it would hurt…. As she reached another pitch I somehow found another gear and was near supersonic speed on wettest pussy I ever felt. She thrust her pelvis higher and made a sound That was so loud and high pitched to this day I wonder how all the glass in my car didn’t shatter…then she dropped into the seat limp and mumbling inaudibly.

I realized I was on both knees on my seat… and was still holding my breath… I exhaled soooo deeply I was certain I was just as exhausted as she was and plopped down on my seat as well….I flopped my head back on the seat… my left arm was vibrating… and I laughed… I don’t know why. Worried my laughter might embarrass her I said “ that was the hottest fucking thing ever!!!”

“ haaaaahaaaaaa oh my god, that was insane” Jodi said, still catching her breath.

I had forgotten all about my erection, and after a minute or so I was fully aware.. my cock was actually twitching in my jeans… I could feel a trickle of warm silky fluid run down my thigh… I knew I didn’t orgasm as my balls felt like they were ready to explode….I slyly tried to look down at myself and could see a wet spot on my jeans…. As I pondered wtf had happened I looked back at Jodi and she had caught my sly move and also seen the budge in my pants… not sure about the wet spot.

“Fck it”… and I lifted my pelvis, unbuttoned my jeans… pulled my pants down and my cock stood straight in the air… I could feel and hear Jodi fumbling in her seat trying to muster the energy to move… I didn’t look at her… then she leaned over and took my cock in her mouth…

Her first plunge was slow and soft and deep… she took as much of me as she could and just held it in her mouth… I could feel her tongue sliding back and forth on my shaft… my head pressed and squeezed at the back of her mouth… and she started moaning on my cock…my whole body was vibrating from her moans… my cock twitched and throbbed in her mouth… I wanted to buck my hips… she held me deep in her mouth… until finally doing a slow stroke up to my tip and back down… 1 stroke….. 2 strokes… 3 stroke i fckn blew a massive blast that popped her mouth off my cock… I don’t know if I caught her off guard, or I hit a gag reflex or ? But her head popped off my cock and I released so hard, no joke I almost shit my pants… this guttural moan released with the blast … Jodi just held my cock in her hand clearly unprepared… a splatter of cum fell from the sky and landed on my steering wheel then dripped onto my jeans… Jodi caught herself and her hand started jerking my cock coaxing more… And there was more!!
I don’t know how many blasts I shot… but cum was on my steering wheel, inside the crotch of my pulled down jeans… my belly.. my thighs.. and my seat….

With a sigh I came back slightly to reality and heard Jodi sniffle… I looked at her and her eyes were watery and red, and I thought
“ oooh no… what did I do ? What went wrong…. Why the fick is she crying …”

“ it went up my nose ….” Jodi said, trying to stifle another sniffle.

“ oh, I’m so sry “ I said, and I was, as it didn’t look very comfortable at all

“ no… it’s ok”…. Jodi giggled, “ do you have any tissue or napkins ?”

“Aaaaaah…. Here use this” and I handed her my ripped shirt.

For a moment things felt awkward. Until the sound of Jodi blowing her nose into my ripped shirt filled the car…

“ shit, I’m so sorry” I was, but couldn’t help but laugh as I said it.

“ it’s ok, but wow that stings !!” Jodi giggled back

We cleaned up the best we could,.

It was my first glimpse of her breasts, pink nipples and soft, because I felt them, but firm and ample ( not sure about size, but more than a handful)…I playfully reached over for one last squeeze. I slid my thumb across her pink nipple… she just smiled and let me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qfqk9o/unspoken_deal_mf


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