New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 68-70) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 68: The Haul

“Oh?” Ember raised an eyebrow. “Look who’s grown a pair since we’ve last met.”

The wolfkin growled put their paws on the hilts of their swords.

*Another fight already?* Beatrice thought as she looked at the lionkin’s threatening grimace. *Use [Daze] on one wolf, and have Olivia take care of the other one,* she strategized and got ready to toggle on her [Sharp Claws]. Maybe it’s time to put some Skill Points into Combat Craft.

The hyena’s kept jittering back and forth between the wagon and the wolfkin, clearly unable to come to a decision whether their job is to continue protecting the wagon or join their boss against the new opponent.

Wouldn’t the boss expect them to be the first to act? But what if it’s a test of whether they’d keep to their original task or abandon their post? But it’s their job to hack and slash intruders! But it’s also their job to follow their boss’s orders without question!

The hyenas got nowhere in their closed logic loop and continued running a ten-foot little spring back and forth, having already trampled a narrow path for the two of them.

Samuel and his giraffekin partner didn’t even bother to stop to look at all the commotion and simply continued hauling the bags.

The lionkin suddenly started laughing in full force, his voice echoing against the massive walls behind them. Even his laughter was menacing though. A jaw filled with razor-sharp teeth, each longer and thicker than Beatrice’s index finger. It also flashed through Beatrice’s mind that there wasn’t a single person present whose entire head wouldn’t fit inside this brute’s gaping maw.

The lionkin smiled from ear to ear and screamed, “I’ve missed you, you little devil!”

He then ran up to Ember with a gleeful smile and with arms spread wide. But no matter how cheerful the lion may have seemed, the half-open jaw of a predator still made it look like the lionkin was running in for a quick snack. Beatrice dashed aside quickly and not a moment too soon as the giant, muscular lionkin would have probably swiped her away without even noticing.

“It’s been a while Bernard—UF!” all the air got squeezed out of Ember’s lungs in one, powerful hug. “Bh-Bernard? Hu—BERNARD!”

“Yes? Oh! My bad, my bad!” Bernard laughed and let Ember go. “I keep forgetting how fragile the frame of our most seasoned killer is.”

“Right,” Ember said and dusted herself off from all the hair that already stuck to her robe.

“When are you coming back?” Bernard asked. “I have contracts piling up, and we could use someone with your set of skills.”

“Not for some time it seems,” Ember answered. “I did warn you that this would be a big one.”

“I know, I know,” Bernard waved his gigantic paw. “It’s just that… Something’s been missing ever since you went to that group.”

“Uhuh. How’s tonight’s haul?”

“Erm,” Bernard looked at Olivia and Beatrice that stood just behind Ember. Out of the two, the lionkin studied Beatrice far longer. From top to bottom. “Th-the commoners aren’t really supposed to know about this place… But more importantly—who is this stunning beauty?”

“It’s fine, they’re with me-eeh?” Bernard moved Ember aside mid-sentence and approached Beatrice.

“Where are my manners?” Bernard asked and took Beatrice’s hand with his giant paw. He then brought Beatrice’s hand to his jaw, but before Beatrice decided if she should slit his neck with her [Sharp Claws], he kissed her hand gently. “My name’s Bernard. A pleasure to meet you!”

“B-Beatrice,” Beatrice stuttered, surprised, trying to get a read on the eccentric beastkin. “L-likewise!”

“Oh, enough you old pervert!” Ember took Bernard’s paw off Beatrice’s tiny hand.

“My apologies,” Bernard said and winked to Beatrice with a light smile.

Beatrice’s heart might have just skipped a beat.

“Right! The haul!” Bernard reminded himself and looked back at the wagon. “Better than usual actually. We were already on our way here when we picked up four more to add to the pile. In surprisingly good condition too. The young foxkin lad looked particularly healthy, so my bet is that he’ll go on some royal’s plate.”

*Huh?* Beatrice wondered if she heard that right.

“Wh-what?” Olivia stuttered.

“Yeah, I didn’t believe it too at first,” Bernard concurred, though he might have missed what exactly was the ninja girl so surprised about. “Most of the beastkin meat is repulsive, but foxkin are an unusual exception, so it is rare to find a body so intact.”

“Oh,” was all that Beatrice could say as it all clicked together in her head. *Oooh…*

## 69: Tongues

*Foxkin on a royal’s plate… Samuel is a butcher… A shut-off, starving city…* Beatrice replayed in her mind everything she learned in the last couple of hours. *A city constantly on the verge of starvation. To the point that they have to limit their population while distracting them with non-stop, cheap thrills…*

As Beatrice came to terms with what she just learned, her feet got a bit wobbly. Light-headed and on the verge of throwing up, it took all her effort just to stand upright.

*Where do they get their supplies from?* Beatrice wondered. *I thought from some outside farms. It has to be! There would be enough bodies to feed an entire city! They’d literally run out of people!*

*“I’m a vegetarian and I will not have any of you eat any meat in front of me!”* Beatrice recalled her bodyguard’s words. The succubus looked at her bodyguard, realizing that even then, despite her often-belittling attitude, she was looking out for their best interest.

Now that Beatrice thought about it, it did seem strange that there would even be any vegetarians in this medieval-like fantasy world, though Beatrice was not particularly educated on the subject. In her past life, she could not imagine depriving herself of the countless cuisines involving seafood, beef, and the like.

*What was it that Samuel said?* Beatrice tried to recall. *No! It was the girl!*

*“I’ve just finished cutting some delicious calves”,* Jenny’s cheerful expression flashed in Beatrice’s mind. She thought that the butcher’s daughter was talking about some young bovine. Beatrice’s stomach churned when she realized what Samuel actually meant.

*She said ‘delicious’! They’re both…* Beatrice looked at the father with disgust, just before he disappeared into the bowels of his storage, carrying another—what was now apparent—bodybag.

Beatrice looked at the carriage—filled with bags—and finally noticed that many of the bags were damp. The blood of the fallen still leaked from some of the recently deceased, collecting into a dark-red puddle under the carriage.

The morbid realization that one of her murder victims would eventually be served on a plate with some sauce, was revolting. Beatrice kept looking at the bags, wondering which one had the foxkin that was so prized by Bernard’s group, or if perhaps that corpse had already been strung up on some meat hook by Samuel.

“Wait,” Olivia was also struggling to catch up to reality. Beatrice looked at the ninja girl, whose face lost all color from disgust. “You mean… The bodies that we left behind… They’re in those bags? Carried in to be—”

“You left those bodies?” Bernard asked Olivia.

Olivia realized she said too much even before the silent wolfkin drew their swords.

“Heh, nice going, dumbass,” Ember chuckled and crossed her arms. “You do remember that you’re not supposed to confess to murder to the city officials, right? What kind of a murderer-for-hire were you?”

“These are city officials?” Olivia asked with contempt.

Beatrice understood the ninja’s scornful disbelief very well. The six beastkin looked more like some thugs for hire—like Olivia—or outright members of some more sinister criminal organization. Combined with the fact that they were literally hauling dead bodies for cannibalistic purposes, it did not make them seem like candidates for representatives of the people.

Then again, considering exactly what impression the powder-snorting king left on Beatrice, she concluded that perhaps it made perfect sense, that these would be the types that the rulers would employ to oversee their city.

The succubus looked up at the wall, where the guards patrolled. It was impossible that they did not know. Even if this section was left to a handful of trusted individuals, there was still a chain of command that had to be involved. There was no way this was some small-time operation.

“Lucky for you, it’s below Bernard’s paygrade to deal with insignificant lowlifes such as yourself,” Ember said to Olivia with an ever-demeaning smile. “Right, Bernard?”

“I suppose she’ll avoid getting her butt spanked tonight,” Bernard said with a laugh, and the wolfkin sheathed their swords. “Are you sure it’s okay for these two to know about this? Can they keep their mouths shut? There’s also another one inside the house, and I hadn’t decided what to do with that one.”

“She’s also a part of our group,” Ember said. “I know how much you like parting tongues from their owners’ mouths, but there’s no need for that this time.”

Beatrice looked at the silent wolfkin and understood that their silence was not fully voluntary. She then looked at the hyenas, neither of whom could still sit or stand in one place for more than five seconds. She saw that there was not even a hint of a tongue waggling in their half-open, saliva-drooling jaws.

It also became increasingly apparent to Beatrice that Ember was by no means below Bernard, and most likely not even on the same standing as him.

*Just what the hell is she?* The succubus asked herself and wondered how this girl—one who seemed to be knowledgeable in many areas that were beyond the knowledge of the commoners—ended up in a sex cult, following the orders of some deranged lunatic, and eventually as a bodyguard for a succubus.

## 70: Widowmaker

“All this time… Those few slices I shared with… Dead men floating downstream…” Olivia kept mumbling quietly.

“Aw, cheer up!” Ember tried to cheer up the ninja insincerely and patted the hunched girl on the back. “It’s not like all the meat in this city comes from corpses. There are also rats, maybe a small birdie, if you’re lucky. And some salted pork does make it into the city from time to time—”

“YOU KNEW!!” Olivia screamed and kicked Ember’s hand away. “You knew all this time!”

“Yes, and?” Ember asked, clearly annoyed as she rubbed her lightly bruised wrist. “I warned you not to eat the meat—you didn’t eat any. What more do you want, you annoying little twat?”

“Fuck you! How can you be a part of something so disgusting!? How long did you know!?”

“On second thought”—Ember turned to Bernard—”I think you better remove this one’s tongue.”

“With pleasure,” the lionkin chuckled and took a step toward Olivia.

“Back off!” Olivia grabbed her kunai and leaped backward to gain solid fifteen feet of distance between herself and the lionkin.

“You think you’re out of reach of my Widowmaker?” Bernard grinned menacingly as he grabbed the hilt of his claymore.

“No one is getting their tongues removed,” Beatrice said and stepped between Olivia and Bernard. She kept a firm tone but did not raise her voice, purposefully, to deescalate the situation. “Not today, anyway.”

“You heard the lady, Bernard,” Ember smiled to her friend.

“Well, now,” Bernard grinned and let go of the hilt of his claymore. “When was the last time someone willingly came in front of my Widowmaker. I suppose if the courageous, big-breasted beauty values her comrade’s tongue that much, I’ll let her keep it for now.”

“Thank you,” Beatrice said, glad to resolve a stupid conflict so easily. Then she looked at Ember and said, “And you—stop provoking her!”

“Alright, alright,” Ember waved off Beatrice’s remark. “If you’re that fond of your new toy, fine. But, my Lady, if that girl keeps it up, she will not just get herself killed—she’ll put you in danger as well.”

“You’ll have to be a little bit more understanding of her shock at the discovery that the citizens here are unwittingly being turned into cannibals,” Beatrice said.

One of the cheap negotiating tricks that Beatrice had learned in her past life—half of it is in the voice. As long as she managed to get her own emotions under control—speaking calmly, even slower and softer than usual, always provided a much better result than engaging in petty shouting contests.

And it was easier for the succubus to get over the repugnant discovery, as at the very least she did not have the misfortune of getting served corpse meat. On the bright side, she no longer felt hungry, despite having eaten nothing but some apples the entire time since she got here.

With things deescalating, Olivia also put away her weapons. Beatrice even thought that she saw the ninja breathe a sigh of relief.

“Though I find it strange that no one noticed this all this time,” Beatrice said. “How long has this been going on?”

Ember and Bernard glanced at each other.

“I’m sure that where you come from, you have marvelous feasts that would make our king jealous, if he hadn’t melted what few brain cells he had left,” Ember said.

“Where does a beauty such as yourself come from?” Bernard asked Beatrice.

“Not now, you horny bastard,” Ember cut off the lionkin. “As for how long… Let me think… Three? No, four. I’ve known about this for four years. But this has probably gone on in one form or another for over ten years, as this place became increasingly isolated. It always starts with cats and dogs in besieged cities.”

“And when was the last time someone ate fresh chicken or pork to know the difference?” Bernard asked. “Any proper meat that we do get here is already half-spoiled anyway, even with what little salt they can spare to try and preserve it.”

“Ugh, can we, please, not talk about this anymore?” Olivia asked. All three looked at the ninja girl.

With the adrenaline from the sudden threat of a fight to the death wearing off, the ninja looked even paler than before.

“Agreed,” Beatrice nodded. “This one evening might be enough to fuel my nightmares for a month.”

“Do you have nightmares?” Ember asked.

“I—” Beatrice froze mid-response. *Do succubi have nightmares?* As far as she knew, succubi are supposed to invade the dreams of others. She even had proof of this in the form of a [Dream Invasion] Skill that was still out of her reach.

But Beatrice had only just become a succubus. Or inherited the system of one. In whatever way Luluna’s god powers worked that created this whole situation. *So, when a succubus sleeps, what do her dreams look like?* Beatrice wondered. *Do succubi even sleep?*

“Let’s find out,” Beatrice said.

Ember questioningly tilted her head and raised an eyebrow.

 You can read more chapters [here]( or [here](
