Naked outside with an Erection! [M]

Evening Surprise (M)

Walking home naked last night (m26) England

I constantly want to be naked outside. Now this is an awkard fetish as i also don’t want to get arrested or caught ha.

So, recently if i have been at the pub (England this is) or out for the evening and i’m walking home alone, i like to strip naked. Now luckily the way to my house can consist of back passages. These are still public footpaths but are quiet covered by trees, hedges and fences.
I’ll strip naked, to just my shoes, and carry my clothes on my shoulder so i’m literally butt naked. This adds to the excitement!
I’ll also pull back my foreskin (non circumsized obviously) so i’m literally all out and i’ll have an erection!
It feels so free and natural.
I have a fairly normal body & my dick is around 7” erect to give you an idea.
I love the idea of a women looking out the window or walking along the path & seeing me.
So, yesterday, i was walking home, slightly drunk, down the back path, bollock naked, taking a video of myself naked, baring in mind as it was 11.00 ish it was pitch black so the flash was on. I suddenly notice about 40yds down the path a figure!
I think, fuck! It is pitch black, i’ve got my flash on, pointing at my erect dick, they must have defiantly seen it!
Anyway, i turn my flash off, and think of my next steps. Not knowing if the person is male or female and what i do.
Luckily, albeit this path is covered by hedges both sides, there is an opening to my right and a path to a main road (no coverings this way & fully out in the open), i think fuck it, better than walking past this person and dart down here and crouch down & hide. I was so embarrassed, but ridiculously horny from the near experience. My dick was already erect but this just made my harder! Luckily the person just walked past and i honestly don’t know if they saw me. I would be amazed if they hadn’t previously as it was pitch black & i had my flash pointing at my dick, but the thought had all my blood pulsing to my dick right now!!
I waited about 2 mins until i walked back to the path, i was so excited/nervous about nearly getting caught!
Imagine if they (hopefuuly a female obviously) caught me and i didn’t have chance to hide. What would i say, or would i say anything at all? Would i have the balls to? No pun intended haha

Curious. Ladies if you came across me what would you do or maybe say ? Please be honest as i need to know just in case haha! Quite happy if you DM me👍🏻
