incest with sister part 5

Hello guys, welcome to part 5 if you haven’t read previous parts then click here. Let’s have a quick recap. I used to roam naked in house and around her too. Started Jerking in of her which she knew so she wears loose clothes. This is where things got levelled up.

She know that I get hard seeing her in loose clothes and tight ass in small shorts. I think she seems okay with it now.

Daily same things happened so I was quite used to that. Now I don’t jerk till the end. Move around house naked with my dick hard and sits like that in front of her and get her view.

Sometime I just sit near her and try to get things which are kept across her so that my dick can touch her. As it touches she push me back again. That keeps happening all the day.

Sometime if she is sleeping I just walk near her face so that she can have a clear view of my boner.

So when I jerk I keep talking with my sister. That helps a little in masterbation. I talk generally like about school and other stuff. But this bored me soon.

So one day, when I was again hard and about to masterbate I started taking about things happening.

I asked. “how long this will happen like this, I couldn’t bear this anymore”.

She replied ” it’s you the one, who likes to do such things, you only wanted this, so enjoy”.

I paused for a min and then told her ” It isn’t fun anymore, I use to jerk seeing your body. I can’t do daily imagining, you just make me hard everyday by your clothes and then let me do it on my own, it’s very difficult to do.”

She replied ” why is it difficult?”.

I said ” I use to do seeing you and little bit touching, now it’s only me”.

She asked me not to masterbate anymore then.

I replied ” it isn’t easy as seen, if I am hard I need to cum else it feels very weird”.

And then cummed soon. So couldn’t continue the conversation.

I came back again washing my dick and hand. Then simply sat near her. With my balls still wet.

Next day, it was a special day. It was my birthday. And was Sunday too so our parents were home. I don’t have to get naked and masterbate. That was relaxing day.

I got many presents from friend and parents.

But next day, was again same I was naked again and controlling not to hard. That day my sis again wore most loose t-shirt of her and loose short, her hip cleavage was visible sometimes when she turns around. She is making me hard but I tried to control the most I can.

But got her soon. I went to another room and took deep breath to calm my boner. That helped a little but not much. After sometime I came back to watch tv, she was still there and made me hard. She told me if you want to do then do it.

I don’t mind what you do. While masterbating I talked about my birthday, everyone got me present but you didn’t.

She replied “You expect present from me after all this”.

I relied ” that doesn’t have any connection with it. I apologized too and more paying for that”.

Then she asked what you want.

I answered ” freedom from it”.

She declined it and said you will never be free.

I couldn’t say anything but then she told me okay my present will be that I will get some releif from this. Now I don’t have to do things I usually do.

I don’t need to imagine and do all this things.

She said ” there you go, you can take help of this and do what you want to”.

