Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F] Part 24


*** ***Chris*** ***

I ran out the room and was met with an applause from my mother.

“Th’ most ‘exceptional’ lover has come back!” she said aloud as Dean started snickering, “get th’ lasses when we’re done, yeah? I wouldn’t want fair Alana to strip ye of yer gullet!”

“Ma! Ya – *ahem -* I’ll wake her up when we’re about to eat.”

I got over to the kitchen to find Albert and Laura pretty much being lovey-dovey to each other. Laura giggled and leaned against Albert, while he’s got his hands on her hips.

“Move! How much did you two get done?”

Albert blinked as he looked at me, “well I steamed the corn and helped bring the turkey in. Laura did the mash and made the stuffing.”

I sighed with relief. Laura really is a dependable person, there’s no doubt about that. I went over to the stove and I took the potatoes out, unwrapped one and I could feel the skin trying to peel away. Good, it’s ready. I put it away to let it cool. The brisket, thankfully, was done as well and Laura took the foil off.

“Laura, I swear if you weren’t already in a relationship I would sleep with you right now. You’re great at this!”

She blushed as she playfully slapped my face. Albert nudged me but I looked at him and shrugged. I don’t think Laura and I would have worked out as a couple or even as a sexual partner anyway. It felt like she repressed a lot of things and she needed to accept things before she can actually enjoy having intercourse.

“Oh shit… Do we have toppings for the potatoes!?”

I looked in the fridge. We have cheddar cheese, sour cream, a few sprigs of chives and butter. Whew, thank god… but do we have gravy for the mashed potato!?

“Chris, stop worrying! Of course I made gravy, do you think I’m an idiot?” Laura laughed. She’s a smart girl. She started off by frying up bacon, to be used as a topping for the baked potato, and then used the fat left over and poured in some flour and mixed it until a roux is formed, then she poured in some beef stock to make the gravy thick enough.

It’s about dinner time and I went over to fetch the girls. They’re still laying in bed, weakened and asleep.

I gave Alana a kiss and that woke her up. Bella needed a bit more coaxing to rouse her. I kissed her and slipped a finger into her cum soaked pussy and I flicked her sore clit.

“Wake up,” I whispered in her ears. She moaned and opened her eyes then gave me a kiss.

“S-Sorry,” she said with a yawn.

The two grabbed some clothes and went into the shower to freshen up.


Dinner was grand. The turkey was nice and moist, the brisket was well received and the overall camaraderie is high. We laughed and talked and I got to know Bella and Alana a little bit better. As it turns out, Bella hasn’t learned how to do that cute sneeze that girls, and some guys, would do. So instead of a little squeak when she sneezes, she has a rather loud and hair flailing sneeze. We all went quiet when we heard it, then we all started laughing.

Mother cornered me, asking me if I’m using protection or if the girls are on birth control. I assured her that they are, and we are very careful, though that part is mostly a lie. In truth, the girls could stop taking their birth control and I wouldn’t know until I knocked them up.

She also asked me if I take any supplement, seeing as I’m pretty much having intercourse every night. This conversation is so awkward and uncomfortable.

The reason she is so open minded and accepting of what I’m doing is because she was a hippie and quite rebellious in her early days, and apparently my father was quite the stud for her despite him appearing like some sweet old man now. She told me that he wanted more than three kids.

Overall, I learned stuff I didn’t want to learn from her about my dad. Ugh. Why tell me? Go and tell Albert, jeez.


I finally got to lay down after a lot of cleaning As usual, Dean didn’t help and it ends up being Albert and I who’s in the kitchen doing the hard work. But its different now, because we have Bella, Alana and Laura to help.

Bella laid down and she rests her head against my chest, and my hand went to it’s usual resting spot of around her waist. Alana curled up next to me and my other arm went around her shoulder and she held my hand.

When I awoke the next morning, both of their hands are inside my pants but they’re still both asleep. Bella’s hand is on my shaft while Alana’s is on my balls. I carefully took them out and slowly slid off the bed, tip-toed my way out of the room and softly closed the door.

Laura and Albert, apparently, has gone Black Friday shopping. Saleen went with them, presumably to die in the stampede of crazed out shoppers. I hope Albert can protect them both.

The house is somewhat cold, I’m guessing they cut the heat off to save electricity or something. I don’t know why, I mean they can afford to use it but who am I to tell my parents how to use their money.

Dean emerged from his side of the house, shivering as he rubbed his shoulders. “Yo! You’re up early, bro!” he said in his usual noise.

“Turkey and brisket conked me out, but I’m up at this time usually.”

“Yeah, that’s probably the best Thanksgiving I’ve had in years. Jackie’s parents don’t usually celebrate it since they’d rather earn more money since it’s a holiday.”

I moved over to the kitchen where Dean joined me. He made coffee, I brought two sets of bowls out and some cereal and the milk. Thankfully there’s enough for the two of us.

I’m not a coffee drinker, I know it’s weird. The two beverage that someone my age should be drinking a lot is something I don’t like: Alcohol and Coffee. I’m not a prude, I never liked the taste of beer and coffee seems to keep me up at night. I’ll partake in wine and maybe a shot of vodka if I need to, but otherwise ginger ale works for me most of the time.

“So how do you do it?” Dean started, causing me to immediately make a confused face at him. “I mean, you were such a nerd-bait back then but now you’ve got two girlfriends, and presumably you’ve also boned Laura. So, how do you do it?”

“How? I honestly have no clue. I just treat them special, you know, like they’re the most important thing to me.”

He took that at face value, and really that’s all I do with Bella and Alana. I’m honest with them, I don’t, nor will I ever, cheat on either one of them, and I please them in bed. However, something did crawl into my brain during this small exchange. If my dick wasn’t so big, would Bella even consider staying with me? Would Alana? Was their attraction towards me because I’m well endowed?

I wonder if Victor is facing the same dilemma.

I decided that thinking about this will just eat me alive. If they only like me for my dick, that’s fine since it’s still a part of me.

“Another question, how do you last so long?”

Again I’m a bit confused. “Dean it’s all cardio. If you’re having trouble keeping up with Jackie, start working out more and build up your stamina.”

The next thing I realize is Bella and Alana walking up to me, in their thong and tank top, and dragging me back to the room.

“That was rude! I’m having breakfast and I was in the middle of a conversation!”

Bella and Alana stood before me with their arms crossed over their breast. “Why didn’t you cum last night?” Bella started in such an accusatory tone.

“Why didn’t I – what is this question!? You two came, right? Right?”

“Y-yes, we did. Multiple times. Multiple big… big orgasm… But-But why didn’t YOU come?” Bella asked again as her face started glowing red, “you always came for us…”

“Are we not enough? Are you bored of us? Is that it!?” Alana added as she stomped on the ground, “a-are you going to break up with us? P-please, please don’t!”

“What the – no I’m not going to break up with you two! So what if I didn’t cum. As long as I make you two happy, I’m happy.”

Bella shook her head as she tapped her foot on the ground. “No, no that’s not how this relationship works. We cum, and you cum end of story.”

“This isn’t a big deal, alright? I’m not bored. In fact, I always look forward to having sex with you two. Last night was just different because I have food in the oven and I didn’t want to fuck it up and piss of Ramsey over here.”

The wind in Alana’s sail seems to have died down as she, somehow, felt somewhat responsible for last night’s sexual mishap.

“Anyway, we’ll talk later. Right now I need to do something.”


I need to make something right. I need to correct the balance in our relationship.

I got Albert and Laura to sit with me in private, away from Bella and Alana’s prying eyes. As per usual, these two seem to be very close as they’re sitting really close to one another. I wonder how many times Laura has snuck into Albert’s room while Saleen is asleep.

That’s their business, anyway.

“I need a favor. I need you two to take Bella out to go shopping.”

“Shopping for what?” Laura asked, “we pretty much bought what we needed on Monday.”

“Anything, anything at all! I just need her out of the house for an hour.”

Laura smiled wide and thin, “What is this really about, Chris?”

“Yeah, what is this about really? You’re way too eager to have your girlfriend out of the house.” Albert added as he leaned forward.

I sighed, “well, Alana is a little sad that Bella and I had an alone time and she kinda hinted at wanting something like that. So I thought she and I could have our own alone time to balance it out.”

“See? I told you Chris is a caring lover,” Laura giggled as she brushed Albert’s stubble covered chin. Albert kind of looked away shyly while rubbing the back of his neck. “Don’t worry, we’ll think of something, Master.”

She gave me a sly wink.

“Master? What?” Albert wondered aloud as Laura started walking away. He got up to walk after her as she giggled.

“Oh, I’ll tell you later, babe!”


So Laura, Albert and Saleen, somehow, managed to grab Bella’s attention. What’s the bait to their hook? The zoo. Isabella has a great love for animals but, weirdly enough, animals tend to avoid her. It’s not just the usual skittish animals like rabbit and squirrels that avoid her, but I’ve seen stray dogs actively distance themselves from her. She’s not afraid of most animals, she has tried to pet those stray dogs numerous times but they kept running away from her as soon as she got close.

I think they can somehow sense the terrifying aura that she unknowingly gives out. It’s like some anime power or something.

Anyway Alana has been feeling a bit down and I wanted to talk to her. She sat on the bed, wearing a nice floral tank top with a white skirt and she has her hair tied in a ponytail as per usual. I asked her what’s wrong.

“I don’t know. I can’t explain it really well. I just feel… off, like I’m sad but I don’t really know *why* I’m sad.”

She was smiling, but it looked forced. Her usual smile has some teeth in it, but this particular one has her lips tight and her eyes downcast. I got up from the desk chair and walked over and sat next to her, watching her plump tits jiggle as my weight caused a shift in the bed. “I don’t like seeing you like this, Alana.”

“W-Well, I’ve been wondering. Y-you don’t have a pet name for me. You call Izz Baby and Babe and sometimes Sweets, but you only call me by my name. I want a pet name. Anthony didn’t give me one either.”

I gave her a short laugh. “Well, I don’t really know you well enough to give you a pet name yet? Right now, all I know is you’re a good cook. Do you want me to start calling you Chef?”

She shook her head, but I’m feeling like she really deserves one from me. She calls me Daddy, but that’s only when we’re hot and heavy. “Ok, well how come you don’t have a pet name for me then?”

“I call you Daddy,” she said with swiftness.

“But you wouldn’t call me Daddy out in public.”

She thought about it and she nodded her head. “Y-You’re right. How about we just go about and we’ll see what we feel like calling each other.”

“That’s generally how a pet name is made.”

I wasn’t going to push for us to have our one-on-one, but when I looked over I can see a devious smile starting to form on Alana’s face. Her smile, it’s back and it’s even wider than before.

“We’re alone,” she said softly, “Izz is off to the zoo. How did you know she loves the zoo?”

“Of course I know,” I answered as I scratched my nose a bit, “just like I know you like water parks.”

Her hand went to her chest, “Oh? Sweetie, how did you know?!”

Wow, already a pet name. “I asked the person who knows you best: Bella. Of course, I asked Joseph what she’s into when I first met her.”

She swung her leg over and she sat on my lap with her arms resting on my shoulders. “What else do you know about me?”

I rest my hand on her hip as I bunch up her skirt so she wasn’t sitting on it. “I know you like spicy food, but you stopped because Bella can’t handle it. I know you also like sweets, but you also like dark chocolate. I know that you don’t really like needles and you’re afraid of shots, and I know that you really love your job.”

She looked down, blushing and smiling. “I also know your Spanish sucks.”

She looked at me with her mouth open but she’s still smiling but she’s in shock. “What! It-it’s not my fault! Papa wanted me to fit in with the private school girls, so I barely spoke Spanish growing up!”

I gave her a hearty laugh then I hugged her, “I-I know your Spanish sucks so bad, you can barely translate!”

She playfully slapped my chest as she buried her face on my shoulder as she joined my laugh. She then started kissing my neck, gradually going up and our lips locked. My hand went under the back of her shirt, roaming and exploring while hers pulled my head in closer.

“Well, I don’t know a lot about you sweetie,” she said as our lips separated but our face is rather close, “so I’ll be watching you really close now.”

“How close?” I asked as I gave her a kiss.

“Really,” she answered then returned the kiss, “really close”

She took her top off and my hand went and grabbed her tits, and puts one of her brown nipple in my mouth for me to enjoy. Her hand went and starts rubbing my bulge from above my shorts. I switched nipples and I opened my mouth wide and softly bit as much tit-flesh as I can stuff into my mouth, and then I kissed her nipples slowly and softly.

“You – you really like tits don’t you? Not just Izz’s, but mine as well,” she gasped as she looked at me as I bit one. I simply nodded as I went back and enjoy her body.

My hand gradually shifted from fondling her chest to fondling her nice, juicy ass and she looked back and giggled. “You’re an ass man too? That’s good to know.” I let my hand kind of tease her underwear a bit, pulling the strap up and letting it snap back down against her. She would moan a bit whenever the strap flicked against her.

I sighed as I gently push her to her feet, “you talk too much,” I told her as I take my cock out. I push her down and she got on her knees against the bed and she held me within her gentle hands. She gave me a few strokes, letting her other hand kind of play with the head of my dick for a bit and allowing the fluid to form at the tip, which she then spread on the head. She spat on my shaft and her hand went to spread it, looking up at me with a look of amazement.

“I never really looked at your cock, like really looked at it,” she said as she gave me long strokes, “we always fucked fast pace because Izz is there.”

“So enjoy it. Right now, it’s just you and me, alright?”

*** ***Alana*** ***

My heart is beating like crazy. I’ve never felt like this before towards a man, I’ve been in love with Izz for the longest time, but now I’m feeling the same way towards Chris. He’s different than Anthony; he’s in another league, a different class even.

I’ve known I was gay for a while, ever since middle school where I’ve harbored a romantic feeling toward Izz. But I know that, at the time, she wouldn’t reciprocate my feelings. Then, I guess my sexual preference shifted towards men again but I never stopped holding that torch for Izz. Sexual preference, I’m bisexual. Romantic preference, I guess I’m gay. Or, to put it in specifics, I only ever wanted Izz. Then Chris came into my life and that shifted so I’m now 100% bisexual.

His magnificent cock is a bonus, a bonus I intend to fully enjoy for the time that we’re alone. The question in my mind is this: Should I empty him out? Or share with Izz later on?

I’m hungry. Hungry for him and what he has to offer. My mouth closed around his big, thick head and while it fits right I also had to work to get it in my mouth. Izz’s mouth is a bit bigger than mine, so when she gives him a blowjob she can gobble his head up a little easier. Well, with less struggle, I shouldn’t say easier. He fills my mouth up so well and whenever I take him in deep he would groan and wince a little. I’ve managed to train my gag-reflex with that dildo I bought, but having the real thing is very different.

Chris, himself, makes all the difference.

Right now it’s just me and him, and I’m not calling him Daddy like I usually do. It’s just Alana and Chris, and I think he understands that. There’s no kink involved, and no Bella to overshadow me and while I’m thankful for this moment I’m not a complete idiot and wish for him to be mine and mine alone. I want him and I want Izz as well! The proverbial cake eater, I guess.

I’ve found that he enjoys having his dick gobbled down to the hilt, but he really enjoys just letting his head rub around the roof of our mouth and the shaft be massaged by our tongues. Izz likes to deepthroat, that’s her game, but I’ve always liked just enjoying the moment. I like feeling his massive, thick head inside my mouth and my tongue flicking around and playing with it, I also like licking his shaft up and down and playing with his balls and sucking on them as well.

I especially like it when he fills my mouth up with his warm, delicious yogurt.

I guess he’s a bit more sensitive today. He filled my hungry mouth up with short after shot of payload. That hunky, manly, spunk scent filling my nose to the brim get’s me off every time he cums in my mouth. I felt his head twitch again and another load went into my mouth after I had just swallowed the first mouthful, and he fills my mouth up again, and into my stomach it went.

I licked him up and cleaned up the messy cockhead and he just sighed and laughed a little. “I don’t know what you did there, but that was intense,” he said as he rubbed my cheeks and stuck a thumb in my mouth.

“I’m still hungry,” I said to him while giving him the best ‘fuck me’ eyes I know how to, “I want more.”

He understood, he always understood, so he got me down on all fours with him positioned behind me. Chris, as usual, likes to eat his partner’s pussy first and this time is no exception. His rough tongue climbed all over my lips and he teased my tense asshole with gentle pokes and prods. Having him eat me up is something I always enjoy. He spreads my lips with his thumbs and he sticks his tongue in as far as he could get it, and he flicked and brushed the insides. But I want it now, and I want it fierce.

He grabbed my hip with one hand the other other guides his gentle cock in, letting me fully enjoy his raw cock penetrating me. That feeling of being spread wide never get’s old, and he pressed my buttons really well with that thick head of his. Gently he went in, and slowly he went out allowing me to savor his length.

“G-Go faster sweetie,” I asked with a moan and his tempo increased accordingly. His thigh slapped against my ass and the gentle pressure building inside me increased. He didn’t fully enter me, I think he’s afraid of hurting me, but as I asked for more and more he pressed in further.

And that’s when it hit. That intense feeling, more than any one I’ve had before. He’s pressing another button!? Another zone of pleasure I hadn’t felt before!? “Harder. Harder!” I begged and his slaps against me echoed and joined the cacophony of my moans, groans, yells and cusses. I had to bite his pillow to stop myself from screaming like I’m being killed.

I held my breath in, trying to focus on that intensity. It’s different from before, the strength of it and the way that feeling lingered. “More! More!” I asked and he gives and gives, and every time he thrusts in his cock just mashes on that button. That fucking button that’s making my head swirl. That fucking button that’s making me go crazy!

I am fucking loving it.

I turned to my back, rolling around while his cock is still inside me, lifting my leg up so I wouldn’t kick him. I wouldn’t dare to, anyway. “Fuck me, fuck me again, please!” I demanded and he leaned in and slams his hip into me. That revved up my engine and he kept slamming and slamming, like he’s trying to knock out a snack that’s hanging onto the edge of the vending machine. More and more the pleasure point he’s bashing, and more and more the pleasure he’s giving me. I tensed up. My abs contracts and my face went warm and that building pleasure explodes and I’m seeing stars.

“*Oh* sh-sh-shiiit!” I cried out as I grabbed his arm and squeezed. “*Oh… Oh*! F-f-fuuuck!”

And just like how Chris does it, he doesn’t stop. He doesn’t let me enjoy that moment because he’s pushing into me again and again, pressing into that point. He keeps my orgasm going, prolonging it’s maddening effect on me.

*** ***Chris*** ***

Seeing her eye roll backwards, feeling her hands grab my biceps and squeeze, and feeling how her thighs shook under me are signs of a job well done. But I’m not stopping there, no. I have other things to do.

Alana started breathing again, thank god. She looked me over with her glazed eyes and nodded. “More. I want more,” she told me and I’m wondering just how much she wants from me.

Well, I might as well give it my all.

I flipped her to her side and kept my tempo, grabbing her leg and holding it up. She squeaked and stammered out curses while I fucked her, licking and nibbling lightly on her calf and ankle. Again her leg shakes, and I don’t know if she’s trying to get me to stop playing with her leg or if she’s having another orgasm. Her eyes, currently shut rather tightly, is telling me she’s having another orgasm.

“What’s wrong? You’re usually pretty vocal?”

She shook her head and she pressed a finger on my lip. I guess we’re just keeping quiet, huh. I can do that. I can be a mindless, sex robot and just fuck you until you cum over and over. I happen to like your dirty talks and antics, you know! Fine, you want a mind shaking fucking then I’m going to give you a mind shaking fucking!

I push her to her belly, planting myself above her while my legs separates her. I take my dick and push it into her, separating her walls again. Her moans and groans aren’t registering to me right now, I am, after all, just a fuck toy for you to enjoy. I can take out emotions from this. I can be emotionless too. I don’t want to, I don’t like it, but I’ll do it.

She’s reminding me of how Bella and I first stared, well how it began to deteriorate at least, how Bella refuses to talk to me during intercourse. We had sex and she leaves. She shows up the next day, we have sex again and she leaves. That was it.

This whole thing is giving me a bitter taste, I best try to forget it.

I’m looking at her, trying to picture her with how I used to remember her. Goofy, smiling, playful and fun. Right now, I’m not liking this. I’m not liking how this is turning out to be.

She came again, and she looked at me. “I… I want more,” she asks again. Huh, the ‘please’ is gone now. Or maybe she hasn’t said that since we started. I shook my head, I’m really trying to get my head in the game.

But as she begs – no, demands – for more, it’s getting harder and harder to not feel like I’m just being used. Just like 2 years ago…

Immediately I stopped and picked myself up. I stood up, walked over to where my clothes are and placed them on.

“W-What’s wrong?” she asks, and I dare not look at her. I left he room and I slipped on my shoes and I went for a run.

*** ***Alana*** ***

Did I do something wrong? He… he didn’t say a word! Not a word at all! The constant orgasms has turned my legs into jelly, and I called out for him but Chris didn’t want to look at me. No, more like he was forcing himself not to look at me.

Oh no. What have I done! Stupid, stupid Alana!

When I finally got my strength back, I looked for him in the house and he wasn’t there! What did I do wrong?! What!? So I called the only person who probably knows what might be going on in his head.

“Izz… I don’t know what I did wrong. We… we were just having sex and then he got up and took off and now I can’t find him!” I cried on the phone. I would have called his phone but he left it behind.

“Calm down. Tell me exactly what happened.”

So I told her what happened, and when he asked me why I was so quiet. Then I told her I kept asking for more and more, for him to go harder and then she started berating me.

“You idiot! Do you have any idea what you just did!?”

“No, I don’t! I don’t know what I did wrong!” I cried out as I pace the room, “tell me, please, I don’t want to loose him!”

“This is partly my fault. I should have told you this. A couple of months when we first started going out and when our relationship started going sour, he would ask me how I’m feeling. So I started telling him to shut up so I can enjoy the sex. Eventually, that turned into me demanding more and more from him, to fuck me harder and harder because once he reached that erogenous zone that felt so goddamn good, I wanted him to press it more and more.”

God, I really fucked up…

“Are you getting me? You pretty much made him feel like how I made him feel during the most fucked up time in our relationship! Do you know what he told me the first time you two had sex? That he liked that your a talker, and you were so vocal. That’s why I started talking more and more when we’re having sex, because he loves it!”

I hear the door open up and I rush out to see Chris, sweaty and out of breath. He briskly walked over to the kitchen and poured himself some water and drinks it down. I’m following him, trying to talk to him but it looks like he’s in auto-pilot or something.

Then he grabs my hand and drags me back into the room where he threw me into the bed again. He disrobed and, I guess, he’s continuing from where he left.

He’s fucking me, fucking me so good but I’m not enjoying it. I’m not enjoying his blank, facial expression. I’m not enjoying his hands not moving at all and not caressing me or touching my face or my breast. I’m not enjoying how his lips aren’t on mine, or on my nipples or anywhere else.

So I pull him in and I kissed him.

“Sweetie, I’m so sorry,” I told him and I guess he snapped out of it because he broke down while he hugged me. His tears flowed freely and he hugged me so tight, and so warm that I joined him. “I’m so sorry! I’m sorry!”

I forgot that he’s letting me in his relationship. I forgot that he’s giving me his love and emotions freely, and it’s really not mine to demand. I forgot the core principle that a relationship is a mutual give and take. I forgot, and I hope he can forgive me.

~ End of Part 24 ~



  1. The story keeps getting interesting. Good work.

    Was that “Ramsey” comment a Game of Thrones reference?

  2. Fair warning dear writer, you double posted. Unless the problem is in my side, then my apologies

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