My Sugar Daddy hire me out [Group]

Back when I was in college, I had a sugar daddy. He liked to have me as a waitress/eye candy when he had friends or clients over. Sometimes I had to dance and strip as entertainment; sometimes, it was a little ‘extra’. A couple of times, he hired me out to his friends.

One time it was just him and one friend. After dinner, I danced for them, then as I gave his friend a lap dance, he then asked my sugar daddy if he could hire me for a private party he was having. They dickered over a price for a while until my sugar daddy was happy. After that, the two of them fucked me.

The following weekend I turned up at the address. The party was for a bunch of private military contractors that had just gotten back home. I don’t actually know how many were there, though I am pretty sure it was more than ten. I didn’t even get through my first song before one of them pulled me to the couch and spun me around, and pushed me down knees on the floor, face down on the couch, kneeling on it. A few seconds later, he entered me from behind, and it started. I was dragged and spun and moved all around that room as guys took their turns, flipping me on my back, spreading my legs by holding my ankles, then draping me over the coffee table, then flat on my stomach on the floor, and on and on, until eventually one picked me up and carried me into the bedroom, dumped me on the bed and dropped his pants and took his turn. When he climbed onto me, I saw that there was a line of guys, drinking, watching and waiting their turn. The only one who didn’t fuck me was my sugar daddy’s friend. He kept an eye on the proceedings to make sure no one tried anything – like anal as back then I didn’t do anal or just did something to hurt me.

By the time the line was done I was so exhausted and sore and bruised. They weren’t careful or gentle; I was handled pretty roughly. They just kept on going on and on. By the time they finished, their cum was everywhere; on my stomach, breasts, face, in my hair, on my ass, the insides of my thighs and my pussy were literally coated in it.

They let me go home after midnight – the friend drove me home. I wasn’t in a state to drive. I was a mess; it took me a couple of days to recover. But I got handsomely paid for it – an additional 10K to what my sugar daddy usually paid me for a month.



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