Mighty MILF – Chapter One – Part Two [Rough], [Public], [Humiliation]

Breeder X cared for his Sisterhood, but they were just not good at listening to his orders. He supposed that his enthrallment overrode any real command, almost like how a hive would do anything to protect any danger to its queen. Much of Adam’s creation and abilities remained unknown even to him, something he planned to rectify once this was over with.

It was obvious that she wasn’t leaving the building. She was smart, and she knew that he had to come to her. Adam remembered the layout of the city’s underground, with the interconnected catacombs beneath it. He had spent a solid week rooting out the last of the criminal Sisterhood down there and had developed a mental map of its layout. Sure enough, there was a tunnel right underneath her perch.

After entering the nearest tunnel, Adam was quick to zip through the underground labyrinth. The depth underground would mask his movement from Mighty Woman’s super senses. If anything, it would be indistinguishable from the wind whistling through the city proper.

As he came to a halt underneath the building, Adam knew he only really had one shot at grappling her. He’d be flying up blind, and he would need that split second of her confusion to grab on to her before she gathered her wits. But this was his only real chance.

With a burst of power, he shot up. Up through the foundation, and then floor after floor. His speed was so fast, it left minimal damage to the structure itself, leaving neat holes where he flew up. By some amount of luck, when he breached the roof, he was right under Mighty Woman.

As she waited for her true opponent to return, a seemingly endless hoard of women scaled the building and tried to take down Mighty Woman. Not all of them were entirely useless in the fight; some of them may have even given the hero a run for her money back when she was still a sidekick, but most of the Sisterhood’s members would have been little more than henchmen back in her era. For Mighty Woman, the hardest part knocking them unconscious without serious damage.

“They just don’t make them like they used to,” she said as she tossed one of her assailants from the building.

She turned to face off against her next opponent but was quickly met with a blow almost hard enough to dislocate her jaw. Holding up her arms to block the second and third blows, she stared up at the massive figure before her. She must have been nearly eight feet tall, with muscularity that would put a bodybuilder to shame. She wore a tight, black bodysuit, backless and sleeveless, and her dark hair, shaved on the sides, was kept in a long braid. The glass screen over her domino mask lit up with information as the woman wound back for another punch.

“Muscle Girl?” Michelle asked. “Really? You make my name sound creative.”

Mighty Woman moved in for a few quick blows of her own, but before her fist could connect with the villain’s face, something restrained her arm. The brutish woman took the opportunity to crack the hero hard across the face. The blow sent her spinning, giving her a look at what was restraining her: a slender girl dressed in a pink leotard, with long, golden that seemed to be holding back the hero’s arm on its own.

“Medusa?” she asked, getting fed up with the lackluster names. “It sort of makes sense. Why not Rapunzel? If you’re going to steal a name, at least steal one that fits.”

“Then how’s Viper?” a voice behind the hero hissed.

Before Michelle could react, the villainess behind her sunk her teeth into Mighty Woman’s neck. Almost instantly, Michelle could feel the effects of Viper’s venom. Her senses dulled, her strength faded, her legs weakened. She had been careless. Her body could recover from the poison many times faster than any human, but she would still be vulnerable in those few minutes. She needed to act fast.

Setting aside her quips for the moment, Mighty Woman wound back and threw her whole body into a punch. She probably wasn’t stronger than Medusa’s hair in this state, but she didn’t need to be. With a yelp, the blond-haired villainess was pulled into the air and sent crashing into Viper. As the two fell, Michelle decided to turn the hair into her own weapon. She wound it around her arm a few more tines and gripped tightly, then, as Muscle Girl threw another punch, Mighty Woman rolled to the side. She quickly kicked into the air and, while Muscle Girl tried to regain her balance, wrapped Medusa’s golden hair around her neck.

She had them where she wanted them now. Even poisoned, there was no way Mighty Woman could lose to a few F-list crooks like this. Unfortunately, she wasn’t only fighting the Sisterhood. Her senses dulled, she hadn’t heard Breeder X approaching, and she was unable to avoid the powerful hand that wrapped around her throat and pulled her into the air.

Adam barely had a moment to glimpse the trio of Sisterhood members as they tried to regain their balance. He was too focused on making sure Michelle didn’t regain her footing. Although it certainly seemed like she was…weaker? Glancing back at team on the roof, he spotted Viper among them. He was more than a little surprised that her fangs didn’t just break against Mighty Woman’s skin. But given the potency of Viper’s venom, it was the only possible explanation.

“Someone got careless, didn’t they?” Adam’s grip on Michelle’s neck tightened as he held her aloft in the air. Her hands grasped and clawed at his arm, seeking to get free. A single crack in Adam’s confidence formed; he could feel her strength returning even in with her panicked struggling.

With a grunt, Breeder X threw Mighty Woman into the building across the way. Her impact shattered glass and concrete, and before she could collect herself, Adam pounced again. He planted his foot firmly on Michelle’s well-toned belly while grabbing a handful of the heroine’s hair. His cock was inches away from her face, with precum dripping on the woman’s exposed chest. “Open your mouth, so I can make you mine.”

Dazed and confused, Michelle couldn’t even manage to close her mouth at all. Beaten down and pinned to the floor, it hung agape. There was nothing she could do. It would be another minute or two before the poison wore off. Until then, she was entirely at Breeder X’s mercy.

Tugging on the heroine’s hair to pull her head up, Adam thrusted his hips forward. His fat helm pushed into her mouth, her lips giving way to the massive intrusion. The man could all but stifle a moan at the tightness of this MILF’s mouth, Michelle’s mouth forming a perfect seal around his length.

Once the tip was in, Adam took his foot off Michelle’s stomach, instead placing each on either side of her. He grabbed her head with both hands, firmly gripping her as he forced more and more of his cock down her throat. Even with her returning strength, the woman could do little else but futilely push against her adversary’s thighs. Michelle’s body gagged and convulsed at the violation, but Adam didn’t stop until his heavy, dangling balls slapped against Mighty Woman’s chin.

Michelle tried to resist the villain. She struggled against his grip, she beat on his legs, but it was all in vain. Her limbs were heavy and sore, and her mind was dull and unfocused. It was like she was in a pool of molasses, like her brain was submerged in stormy waters. The hero even tried biting down on Breeder’s cock, but it was as steel would be to an ordinary man. The durability of his enormous member was even greater than the rest of his body.

She was forced to give in. Until her strength returned, all Mighty Woman could do was submit. But even after giving up on her resistance, it wasn’t painless. Breeder X’s cock was bigger than any she had ever taken. The sheer size of it was almost enough to dislocate her jaw, and her neck looked as if it might explode by the time he slid his full length down her throat.

Adam made sure to hold Mighty Woman’s head tight. Her nose was smashed against his crotch, and he held her there until he could tell it was too much. Slowly, inch by inch, he withdrew, his shaft covered in the spit of America’s MILF.

Thick strands of saliva mixed with precum connected Adam’s cock with Michelle’s mouth. The woman coughed and wheezed; her body desperate to get some oxygen inside her. Breeder X smeared her face in their combined fluids, obscuring the woman’s sight by covering her mask in the stuff.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Adam taunted. He grabbed the woman’s collar and brought her to the edge of the hole her impact created in the building. All the camera’s focus on Mighty Woman, held by her adversary. “They’re all looking at you, you know. It didn’t have to be this way.” Adam grabbed onto her uniform again, tearing it open just as it had almost repaired itself. Michelle’s massive tits sprung forth again for all the world to see.

Mighty Woman glared up at him in anger. Despite her best attempts to be intimidating, it was hard to frighten anyone with a face covered in spit and precum, and a mouth she still couldn’t fully close. As Breeder X began to drag her across the room, the hero scrambled to her feet and threw a punch his way. With ease, the villain caught her fist with one hand and delivered a swift blow to her stomach. Michelle collapsed again, coughing and wheezing.

“Look on the bright side,” he said. “You won’t babe to endure that anymore once you have my child inside of you.”

“You won’t… get away… with this…” she muttered between heavy breaths.

The villain simply rolled his eyes and held her up for all to see. The people below erupted in chatter. Reporters speculated on whether she was losing on purpose, men whistled and cheered, and women murmured insults. Mighty Woman tried to break free of his grip, but it was useless.

Breeder X continue to tear her uniform. It ripped further and further, the nanofilaments desperately trying to repair the damage fast than it was done to little effect. The opening went past Michelle’s belly button and down to her crotch until that was exposed as well.

Adam ran his fingers against her outer lip, the fabric and texture of his under-suit doing their best to stimulate the weakened hero. Anyone who could zoom in with their camera could clearly see his hands doing this, something he wanted to be made sure of. “You’ve lost, you know. Even if you somehow don’t become my thrall after I pump you full of my load, this will follow you everywhere. After decades of being an upstanding and moral guardian, you will always be attached to this image of my hands all over you.”

Eventually, after struggling against for a while longer, she relented. There was no hope of her escaping Breeder X in this state; each attempt just drained her even more. All she could do was submit to him and wait for the poison to wear off.

Below her, the people were going wild. Cameras flashed non-stop and reporters shouted in an attempt to be head over the crowd. There was no doubt in Michelle’s mind that right now, every television in America, no, in the world, was showing picture and video of Mighty Woman’s public humiliation. The one thing she could find comfort in was that most people, including her husband, wouldn’t be able to tell who she was under the mask.

Still, she did not hang her head in shame. The mature hero was too prideful for that, and she knew that giving in would only demoralize people. Instead, she kept her head eye, a look of defiance on her face. She turned to Breeder X and growled, “Do your worst, villain. There is no shame in defeat at the hands of a man with no honor.”

“Oh, there can be plenty of shame, if that’s what you want. I tried to be the gracious host and offer you a peaceful integration into my future, but you steadfastly refuse. It isn’t nice to reject such hospitality with violence, you know. But then again, I suppose anonymity can do that to someone. It can make them violent, aggressive, safe in that mystery of that mask…”

With his free hand, Adam ran it across Mighty Woman’s face, his fingers tracing the outline of her mask as he did so.

“Such a funny thing, don’t you think? Masks. It’s so easy to not care what you do when no one knows just who you are. You’re a mother, you said? How would your children, your husband, feel if I slipped this cover from your face? How could you look them in the eye knowing what you’re doing?” A finger slipped under the mask, not enough to detach it from Mighty Woman’s face, but more than enough to threaten it. “This is your last chance. Breed with me willingly, or the world sees who you are, and you take my seed regardless.”

A chill ran through Michelle’s body as he spoke. For three decades, Mighty Woman’s identity had been kept secret, even from her own family. The only people who she had ever told her mentor, Mighty Man, and a few members of her era’s Hero Society. Her strength was slowly returning, and the mask had some security measures, but that wouldn’t help against this foe.

Michelle stopped struggling. She let her arms fall to her side and hung her head. Breeder X was right. If she kept fighting right now, she would lose everything. The best option was to submit to him for now and wait until she was strong enough to take him out.

“Alright,” she relented. “Fine. You win. I surrender.”

Drones from various news agencies and private hobbyists had ascended to the level the two super powered beings were at. They wobbled in the air current, cautiously getting closer to the action. It was hard to not focus on Mighty Woman’s chest, given just how much of it there was spilling out of her uniform.

Adam’s fingers left Michelle’s mask, drifting down to a teat and giving it a squeeze. Thin jets of milk sprayed out, once again affirming how the woman was built to be a mother. Adam knew that he needed to demean and debase her to break her, and he needed to do it quickly. “How can a woman like you not take joy in being a new mother? You were destined for this.”

Just what ‘this’ was became apparent a moment later as Adam threw Michelle to the ground hard enough to daze her weakened form. He pounced on her, hands gripping her damaged uniform and pulling, the last of the suit’s resistance spent. The tear finished, leaving the front of Mighty Woman’s outfit torn from collar to crotch.

With a couple meaty slaps, Breeder X brought his shaft down on her exposed skin. Drops of pre splattered across her toned belly before the man pulled back and lined up his shaft with her entrance. Grabbing her hips for support, Adam thrust in, taking the first step to fulfill his vision.

“I’m sorry, John,” Michelle thought to herself as she was violated. “This is the only way I can save everyone.”

The drones hovering around them slowly closed in, and Breeder X did nothing to stop them. In fact, with his somewhat awkward positioning, it was as if he wanted them to get as good a view as was possible. After all, this was the inception, or rather, inception, of his new world. This was something that everyone needed to see.

The beaten hero didn’t even need her heightened senses to hear the crowds below. Outside of the building, and all over the world, the masses mocked and ridiculed and lusted for her. Not all of the voices–perhaps, not even most of them–were cruel in nature. Some pitied her, called it unfair, but those were not the loudest voices. The loudest cheered on the villain. They hurled curses and slurs, and they complained that they could not see or that Breeder X shouldn’t have her all to himself.

Michelle closed her eyes and tried to ignore them, but tuning out the world proved to be quite difficult as the villain’s massive cock was forced inside of her. The inhuman thing, enhanced to be the perfect tool for breeding, spread her walls and slammed into her cervix. Mighty Woman clenched her eyes shut and gritted her teeth. Her fingers tensed, digging into the concrete floor. He was bigger than her husband and the other men she had been with in her younger years, but she could handle it.

Adam’s fingers dug into the woman’s plush thighs; his mind going hazy with lust, a side-effect of his creation. He didn’t know if he had some animal DNA in him, but to say he fell into a deep rut would be an understatement. For lack of a better term, he blacked out during these sessions, his primal mind acting on raw instinct to breed whatever holes were nearby. There were only brief flashes of conscious thought that he had during these periods. But this other mind only relinquished control when it was done.

His body responded as well. His lithe, toned body bulged and expanded, muscles tightening and growing as adrenaline flowed through him. Most noticeably, with his heart hammering away in his chest, his already large cock grew in thickness. The slow, methodical fucking he had moments before soon gave way to a raw, base breeding rut. Breeder X’s fat balls slapped against the MILF’s immaculate ass, their impact rising above the din of onlookers below.

To say that it was rough would be an understatement. Each one of Breeder X’s violent thrusts shook the very foundations of the building. Mighty Woman cried out in pain as he quickened his pace and his grip on her tightened. Anyone else caught in this situation would have been eviscerated before they even knew what was happening, and even the superpowered mother would be covered in bruises once this was all over.

“Breeder… you…” she tried to tell him, but he was too lost in his lust.

Michelle knew that there was only one thing she could do to prevent the inevitable disaster. If the villain continued to pound her like this, the building would collapse, and even then, he might not stop. Lost in this primal urge to breed, he might just wipe out the entire city. With a deep breath, she swallowed her pride. This wouldn’t look good for Mighty Woman, but Michelle would rather have her heroic alter-ego be seen as a depraved whore than allow innocent people to die.

Mustering all her strength, she gripped Breeder X’s arms and thrusted her hips upwards. It was a delicate procedure. With the two of them moving at near-super-sonic speeds, she needed to time things perfectly. This time, when he buried himself inside of her, she met him halfway. His balls smacking against her ass, over and over, as she repeated this process, created sounds like massive explosions, but the building stopped quaking.

She had to admit it felt good. Intense, superpowered intercourse with a man who had strength comparable to her own was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She could easily see how others might get lost in this pleasure, especially as his precum began to soak into her, infecting her with his natural aphrodisiacs. Still, she did not lose herself. She was a dedicated wife and mother, and a hero to everyone; she couldn’t allow herself to fall victim to Breeder X’s charms. Besides, it was hard to feel too much pleasure when the pain was enough to make her eyes water.

Some aspect of Adam hated these blackouts. After all, he’d never know what it was like to fuck some of these women. But there had to be sacrifices for his new world to become a reality. And right now, he was well on his way to pumping Mighty Mom full of the first of many loads.

He didn’t see her appeasement to his urges as anything beyond her wanting more. Breeder X had pure tunnel vision, a singular focus where nothing else mattered. While Mighty Woman may have saved the building, Breeder X saw it as her wanting more.

With one thrust, he bottoms out inside Michelle. Adam’s hands move towards her hips and holds on tight. He picks her up, still impaled on his shaft, and hovers out into the open air. His hips start to act like a piston, pumping in and out of the mother above the crowd. The sheer force of the impact echoed throughout the city streets, leaving little to the imagination of the ferocity of the duos fucking.

Michelle should have been embarrassed when she was thrusted out into the open. Hundreds of people now had front row seats to Mighty Woman’s humiliating defeat. This would define her career for the rest of her life, but that didn’t matter. No matter what else happened, she had to remain focused on ensuring that no one was harmed.

“G-Go!” she managed to shout through the pain and pleasure. “I-I-It’s not…. safe here!”

She hoped that that would be enough. As she spoke, millions around the world were pleasuring themselves to video of her being assaulted; video provided by news sources berating and slandering her just because that’s the most profitable thing to do. But even then, her words should carry some weight. Even in her compromised state, she was Mighty Woman. She had saved countless lives and had once been the greatest and most popular hero in the country.

Unable to do any more to convince them, or to even watch to ensure that they were leaving, she gripped Breeder X even more tightly. This wasn’t going to be easy. Her strength hadn’t returned eno8gh for her to break free, but she could at least keep him in the air. Beyond that, she had to keep him in this mindless state, guide him out of the city, and avoid succumbing to his cock, whether from pain or pleasure.

What Mighty Woman wanted was of little consequence. In this state, there wasn’t much anyone could do to deter Breeder X. Each one of his abilities, from his durability to his strength, was cranked up multiple times to ensure that nothing would stop him from finishing inside someone.

To this bestial Breeder X, he was breeding a woman. Not a hero or anything of the sort. A woman who existed to carry children and little else. Her pleas with the crowd below were just noise to him, a distraction. Every time she opened her mouth, he made sure to deliver a few particularly hard thrusts.

With a sudden move, Breeder X rocketed the two of them onto a nearby building with enough force to send small bits of debris down to the streets, but not enough to punch through the structure. Instead, Mighty Woman’s back rested on the shattered facade, and Breeder X was transfixed by the steady jiggling of her fat teats. Leaning down, he took one in his mouth and give it a hard suck.

If her pleas weren’t enough to force the crowd away, the falling debris was. As Mighty Woman was slammed into the wall, her head crashing into it especially hard, even the most depraved and enraptured men, holding drooling cocks in their hands, were forced to take a step back.

Michelle tried desperately to push the man away. His recklessness was going to get people hurt, and that was something she absolutely could not accept. Dazed, she raised her head in preparation for a headbutt, but before she could strike the villain, he hit her with one of her own. His head crashed into hers, and the force of the blow sent her head back into the small crater it had made just seconds ago.

She slipped. The pain and pleasure, the shock and dizziness, they were becoming too much. Her body went limp, and she stopped flying. Her passive powers, such as her durability, would persist, but with a concussion like this, it would be some time before she could use any of her active or conscious powers. She was left totally at his mercy.

The villain wasted no time in taking this opportunity. His teeth bit down on her sensitive flesh and sucked with the force of a tornado. Warm milk gushed from her nipple, filling his mouth. She cried out in a mixture of agony and ecstasy. It was all too much. Her body seized up and she convulsed, and her juices sprayed across Breeder X as she reached her first orgasm.

The sudden tightness of Mighty Woman’s orgasm sent a bolt through Breeder X. Her body seems like it was trying its damnedest to milk him for all the seed he could spare. His teeth bit down hard on her nipple involuntarily as a direct response. Not to mention the sort of reaction her fluids had on him; just like Mighty Woman, Breeder X had heightened senses. It drove him wild being covered in her bliss, so much so that his manic thrusting broke down the weakened wall into the building proper.

Despite his aggression, Mighty Woman’s body just kept up with its grip, and it brought Breeder X to his limit. With a grunt and a hot exhale on Michelle’s face, he came. He could feel all of his thick, hot seed flow up his shaft before flooding into her. Each jet seemed to keep its volume and force, not starting to subside until the fifth or sixth spurt. Perhaps due to some bestial genetics, his cock swelled one last time, forming a seal as he came down from his orgasm. It still twitched and throbbed, but it didn’t get soft as the last few globs of his seed found their way into Mighty Woman’s womb.

Mighty Woman, despite her best efforts, was overwhelmed by Breeder X’s orgasm. Without fail, every rope of hot, sticky cum fired into her womb, pumping her full of the villain’s seed. As the world watched, the hero threw her head back and moaned, unable to resist the effects of his aphrodisiac-like semen. By the time he was finished, there was a visible bulge in her stomach, just from the sheer volume of cum that had been poured into her womb. Breeder X, still buried deep within her, sat back and sighed. He seemed content with his work, having finally had his way with the hero. Michelle knew that this was her chance.

The villain’s momentary state of euphoria was the perfect opening. Mustering her strength, Mighty Woman shot up from the ground and threw that managed to break the sound barrier before even reaching Breeder X’s face. This blow would have surely finished the villain once and for all, but, as if it were nothing at all, he caught her fist in his hand.

A look of shock came across Mighty Woman’s face. Before she could speak a work, Breeder X twisted her arm. Something cracked; she wasn’t sure what it was. Michelle cried out in pain, but was quickly silenced by a blow to the face that sent her back down to the floor. The lust returning to the villain’s eyes, he wrapped a hand around Mighty Woman’s throat and squeezed, almost to the point of cutting off her breath entirely.

As Michelle wheezed and coughed, Breeder X began again. He wasted no time with a slow build up, immediately beginning his supersonic, pelvis-shattering thrusts. His free hand slid down her body, feeling the lump in her stomach, before stopping at a crotch covered in blond hair. His thumb descended further, pushing past her bush, and pressing against her clit. He peeled back the hood, rested his thumb on it and flashed a wicked grin.

Mighty Woman’s eyes widened. She tried to scream for him to stop, but it was too late. His thumb started to vibrate, becoming faster and faster until it was barely visible. Michelle’s voice caught in her throat. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Within a second, it became too much to bare. She screamed in absolute ecstasy, her juices spraying across the room as a second, prolonged orgasm hit her.

Super-powered sex was something few people would ever truly appreciate. If Adam was anyone else, the force of Michelle’s orgasm would have knocked him away. Hell, maybe even hurt him. The sheer force of it covered almost every inch of the room in droplets of the stuff. But Breeder X held firm, just a little surprised at the force of her orgasm.

“That was one hell of an orgasm, Mighty Woman. Something tells me you haven’t had that in a while, have you?”

It took only a moment of that gloating before Adam went right back with it. After that first orgasm, his more primal urges were a bit more under control. Not much, though, it was like a caged animal frantically clawing at a way out. Even though Mighty Woman’s womb was already stuffed full of his seed, his body still wanted to be beyond a shadow of a doubt that Michelle was impregnated.

Just like the members of the Sisterhood, this base personality viewed Michelle as nothing but a baby maker. She will take his cum and she will bare his child. Breeder X’s enhanced cock even behaved like a dog cock, with its already monstrous girth inflating even more so none of his cum would be spilled and wasted.

But one load isn’t enough. No, if he had the ability to, he would just keep cumming into this womb until her belly looked gravid with all the seed inside it. So, even though his shaft was filling Mighty Woman’s hole to the brim, he still forced his hips to piston into the beaten woman.

To the crowds below, their super-powered throats produced moans and screams that were obvious to anyone above 16 below them. It was just raw, animal fucking going on between the two. Any credibility that Mighty Woman was some upstanding, moral character seemed to evaporate just a little bit more with each pained moan she uttered.

With one last punch to keep her off balance, Adam grabbed Michelle’s hips and spun her around, still impaled on his shaft. Again, he grabbed her hair and bashed her head against the floor of the building, leaving a sizeable crater. As another orgasm was building inside the ‘hero’, he picked up Michelle’s stunned form and carried her to the edge of the building.

The semi-delirious woman was aware of the change of surroundings, and how the world was watching her defilement. Adam made sure that she was seen by anyone who was watching.

“Could…have…avoided…all of this…” Mutters the man pounding away at her with reckless abandon. “Just should have…joined me…”

Each and every one of Breeder X’s hypersonic thrusts sent waves of pleasure through Michelle’s body. Each time his hips slammed into her, sending shockwaves through the city, she cried out in ecstasy. In this ruined state, she couldn’t help but be pushed over the edge every time he bottomed out within her, and each thunderous clap was followed by a spray of her juices, showering down on the onlookers in the street.

“I would… never…” she forced out as her body was racked with orgasm after orgasm. “Justice… never…. it… I never…”

Her heroic speech, which might have been inspiring in different circumstances, was cut short when Adam himself was pushed over the edge. With another thrust, he buried his length within the superhero and released himself. Just as before, his cock swelled at its base, locking him within her, and ropes of cum fired into her womb. Her stomach swelled even more as her womb was pumped full of the villain’s seed. Mighty Woman cried out in pain, tears streaking down her cheeks. Despite all the pleasure, a woman wasn’t meant to be filled so much all at once.

As if to silence her, Breeder X grabbed his victim’s chin and pulled her face to his. If she were in her right mind, Michelle would have refused, but in this state, she gladly accepted the kiss, and soon the two had their tongues wrapped around each other’s. Still pumping her full of his cum, Breeder X drifted away from the building and floated in the open air. He wrapped one arm around her waist, resting his hand on her crotch to continue his clitoral torture. His other hand took hold of her breast and squeezed, spraying a fine stream of milk into the streets below.

The two continued for quite some time. With a steady rhythm now going, and with Michelle’s pussy clenched in a perpetual orgasm, it didn’t take much for Breeder X to climax. If it wasn’t with every thrust, it was with every second or third. Tears of sorrow and shame and ecstasy rolled down her face. She couldn’t control herself at this point. As the entire world watched, she could do nothing but cum.

“Well, if there was any debate on the matter, I think this settles it,” one of the many reporters said. “Cries like that can mean only one thing: a superpowered orgasm. Even if she struggled at first, it’s hard to deny that Mighty MILF is enjoying herself now. It’s hard to believe that one who was once a pillar of justice is now nothing more than a, and pardon my language, superpowered cum-dump.”

“It’s honestly not that hard to believe, Chuck,” replied the anchorman across the state. “The signs of this deviance were always there. For those to young to remember, this isn’t the first time Mighty Woman has been in a compromising situation. Back in her teenaged years, she actually wore a suit even more provocative than the one she just shed.”

Across the screen flashed images of one of the hero’s old uniforms: tight, black, and covering little more than a swimsuit would. If that weren’t bad enough, they were almost exclusively photos taken during wardrobe malfunctions. Most prominently featured was a picture of her, nearly naked after protecting a group of children from an explosion.

“And you can’t even chalk that up to a teenager’s poor decision making,” he continued. “We all remember the incident right before her retirement. She tried to cover it up when we noticed her belly growing, but we all saw it when her breastmilk soaked through her suit. I mean, what kind of terrible hero would let herself lose? What kind of terrible wife would publicly take another man in her? What kind of horrible mother would fly into battle while pregnant and abandon children who are clearly still breastfeeding?”

Somewhere in her mind, though the slapping and smacking and screaming and moaning, Michelle heard all of it. Something in her snapped. Starting her career as a sidekick, and a female one at that, being a hero had always been an uphill battle. She was no stranger to being attacked in the press. Ever since she dissociated from Mighty Man and her cuteness faded, she had been slandered constantly in tabloids and on trashy news stations. She thought she could handle it, and for the most part, she did, but she would not be insulted as a mother and wife.

With a sudden surge of strength, Mighty Woman broke free of her assailant’s grasp and pulled herself off of his swollen cock. She cried out and nearly orgasmed again, but she contained herself. Before the villain could react, Mighty Woman wound back her fist and hit him with a punch hard enough to send him rocketing into the air, but she didn’t stop there. Immediately, she kicked off of the air and rocketed towards him, finally having had enough of his antics.

The harsh blow took Adam by complete surprise. With how much cum he had pumped into her, he was sure that she would be totally under his spell. At yet, here he was, catapulting like a ragdoll through the skyline. He had poured almost three times nearly three times the cum he put into the most resilient member of the Sisterhood, and yet she still managed to send the ruler of Haven City flying.

Then again, he had never used his cum on a real superhuman. The Sisterhood were just suped-up normal people. Mighty Woman was born this way, and always had her super-human anatomy. It was obvious that Breeder X’s creator had designed him to be enthralling to members of the Sisterhood and normal women, with diminishing returns on anyone with powers above that.

Even though Mighty Woman was nearly naked, milk dripping from her heavy breasts, and cum oozing from her streched out pussy, she was fighting with raw ferocity of an Amazon. Adam knew from their previous scuffle she let anger get the better of her and made her style sloppy. That, and given the injuries he had given her during their fucking, Michelle was not fighting at 100%.

And yet, even as Adam blocked a blow he was too slow to dodge, it was clear that she was not pulling her punches anymore. He doubted she would outright kill him, but it was clear Mighty Woman wanted him to live out the rest of his days in a wheelchair.

Once again, her ferocity forced him on the defensive. Adam winced and flinched with each blow blocked, practically feeling his bones fracture and creak. For every blow he was able to counter, Mighty Woman landed another three. Seeing an opening, Adam delivered a powerful headbutt right to his opponent.

The blow stunned Michelle for a moment, but Breeder X’s momentary sense of accomplishment was washed away when she delivered a crippling counter blow right into his solar plexus. Adam doubled over, leaving him wide open for Mighty Woman. With two closed fists, she hammered Adam’s back.

The force of the blow blew out the surrounding windows and shot Breeder X straight to the ground. His impact cratered the street and sent him straight into the catacombs beneath the streets. It was a blow that knocked a lot of wind out of him. He had enough time to groan and roll over onto his back in the rubble before Mighty Woman landed on his stomach with both feet.

At this point, both super humans had lost almost their entire wardrobe. Whether it be through the force of their fight or damaged in the rutting session, at this point there were just two battered, bruised, and injured naked people in the rubble.

As the dust settled around them, all Breeder X could see before him was Mighty Woman, her figure silhouetted by the flashes of cameras behind her. Eyes glowing faintly with power and rage, she slowly ascended, alleviating the pressure on the villain’s stomach. With a voice as loud as thunder and as chilling as a blizzard, she told him, “Last chance, Breeder X. Surrender.”

But the villain would not listen. He was a man built for one thing: breeding. His plans had not been long lived, and his dream had not been brought to fruition, but he would not give up. Seeing an opportunity, he shot up from the ground and reached towards Mighty Woman, hand vibrating so quickly is was invisible. Maybe, he thought, if he could just bring her to orgasm one more time, victory would be his.

“I warned you,” the hero said calmly.

In an instant, she returned to the ground, toes pointed together to deliver a devastating blow. Breeder X howled in pain as his source of pride, as well as the source of his true power, were all but completely eviscerated. In time, they would heal, but until then, he was left a whimpering mess, cupping his groin.

The battle won, Mighty Woman bent down and grabbed the man by his neck. Still angered, but triumphant, she rose from the catacombs, cameras flashing all around her. With a light huff, she tossed the beaten man to the ground and landed before him. However, what would have once been a great victory for her, and what would still be one for most heroes, would only be used to berate her in the media.

Headlines tomorrow would not read of a heroic return for the hero. They would not tell of her fierce battle that left no casualties and only some damage. No, they would tell of her swollen stomach, of the superpowered semen running down her thighs, of the milk dribbling from her aching nipples. The civilians in this crowd were grateful. They cheered and applauded and praised her, but the opinions of others would be swayed by attention-grabbing articles that sought to tear down the name of Mighty Woman for their own gain.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qecnaa/mighty_milf_chapter_one_part_two_rough_public

1 comment

  1. I actually want to know the rest of the story of this. This sounds like such a good story, not anymore with sex in it but just a genuine movie about a wife trying to raise a super hero kid awhile keeping it a secret from her husband that it’s not his but the villains

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