[Prompt inspired] Slime Girl Roommate [FF][MM][FFM]

from r/DirtyWritingPrompts

[WP] reluctantly, she teamed up with her slime girl roommate to pretend to be her guy friend’s pregnant fiancee with his family over vacation. She didn’t expect to find the experience so… erotic.

Part 1

It was supposed to be a study break. A badly needed one. Two weeks in my dorm with no classes, no family responsibilities, and absolutely NO slimy roommate. I’m not being mean. She is literally slime. I can’t believe I didn’t know about slime people before I got to college. My parents aren’t the most worldly people. Raising their family in rural French Canada less than a mile from where they were both born. Hicks, if you will.

Taking away the obnoxious personality, her collection of creepy bobbleheads, and the ever present layer of fluid on her side of the room, I really liked Midori. She was a good roommate and a good friend. My discomfort with her was entirely my fault. I was embarrassed by my ignorance. I actually screamed when I came into the room and saw her for the first time. She promises me she forgives me but I’ll never forget the look of fear and shame on her face as I backed against the wall and started calling for the RA.

Speed past a very awkward first weekend and a compulsory cultural sensitivity training course, and it was finally Fall Break. My family was on vacation so I was staying on campus. This was the first day of solitude. Started it off with a cup of coffee. Delicious. (I couldn’t have it in front of Midori. Something about the fumes and special receptors. I admit I had tuned out at that point.)

I was walking from the common area to my room when she swung out of the room from the freaking ceiling. No matter how many times I see her do this I always flinch. The way she just crawls with her hands and foot (I think) and faces me as she hangs from the top of the hallway. This time, of course, I flinch holding the coffee. And, of course, it spills up out of the cup right on her face. She screams and flops to the floor with a loud flop. I recognized that viscosity as her body hit on the carpeted floor. Rubber. I’ve only seen her like this once before, back during that disastrous frat party. Midori dragged me along and then met up with her boyfriend and ditched me the whole night. When I got back to our room she was crying and squeezing semen out of herself. She was drunk whining “He called it break-up sex. What does that even mean?”

I’ll never forget the rubberiness of pain because it made it really difficult to squeeze out the jizz. She begged me to help and I did. It was fine. I slept great three days later!

Here in the hallway I stood over Midori’s green, old-jello form and squeaked “I’m so sorry. Are you alive?” I reached down to lift her face and see the damage. Her fave was split in half. Dead eyes peering around the sizzling gap where her tiny nose used to be.

“I’m fine.” She said, but her lips didn’t move. “Hey, over here.” I look between my legs. She had formed a new face where her lower back had been. The face was back to its smooth flowing state and the change was spreading out, melting the rubbery shock. Soon she was her regular self, now with her face positioned right under my spread legs. She looked up at me and her cheeps rippled. Her version of blushing. “Um, Kate. Nice panties.”

I squeak again and jump away. “Sorry. Sorry for everything.”

“It is okay, although this hurts.” She raises her arm. Around the elbow are the yellow seared scat where her face had been. “It’ll fall off in a few minutes. But hey, I know how you can make it up to me.”

“How?” I ask. “And why are you back here? Oh wait, those are the same question, arent they?”

Midori jiggled a litte and smiled. “Yup. You’re like completely free all break right?”

“Um, yeah.” I mutter.

“Great! Then you can come with me to Shaun Tomello’s parent’s house for a week!”

“What?! No.” I say, remembering my coffee. The remaining liquid has long stopped steaming. Great.

“Oh come on, Katie Pie.” Midori jiggled with purpose this time. “I know it’s your favorite thing. Meet people’s parents. See if your conceptions of how they were raised match up to reality. Miss psych minor.” Her hands now molded to her hips. I notice she hasn’t bothered to morph a shirt covering her torso. Really pulling out all the stops.

“Okay,” I say, and walk past her back to the common area. “But I’m having a cup of coffee.”

As I walk to the machine she is clapping and jumping. I can hear her bouncing tits. God I was envious. She could have any kind of boobs she needed to fit her purposes. Right now she needed perky boobs that would slap as she applauded. Delightful.

“There is one other thing.” She says, keeping her distance from me across the common area. “You need to pretend to be Shaun’s fiance.”

I face her and ask “Seriously?” She nods. “You are serious. Why? Wait, don’t say it. Because I’m a drama student and this is a perfect opportunity?”

Midori shrink’s the slightest bit as she moves her hands together. They merge into one quivering limb. “I mean, yeah.”

“Do you know how insane that sounds?” I say, and finally sip my coffee. Not hot, but warm and good.

Then her hands reform with a POP as she brightens with a new thought. “Think about it. I’m the talk show host.” She morphs into a Conan Obrien in miniature, just with the same green form. She does a decent Conan impression. “Actress Kate Ouné, her new film is Yadda Yadda.”

She re-morphs into a rather flattering (bustier) me. “Hello Conan. Thanks for having me.”

Back to Conan. “So, Miss Ouné, tell me about your first ever acting role.”

Back to me. I couldn’t help but be entertained. This is how she got everyone hanging on her at parties. She laughs in an exaggeration of my own laugh. “Oh Conan, it’s a fantastic story. And I would tell you,” she morphs back to herself “Except I can’t because I said no to this great opportunity.”

“Okay,” I say and empty my cup. “What’s my character?”

“I’ll tell you in the car. We need to meet Shaun at the train station.”

I sigh and head to my room. I start packing up. Luckily a lot of my essentials are already in my duffel. I consider changing into something more “Shaun’s fiance” and that’s when I realize that under my knee length plaid skirt I’m wearing no panties at all. I blush and finish packing in silence.


Despite having no confidence in what Midori was presenting as “the plan”, I was soon getting off the highway near the train station. “I’m supposed to be nine-months pregnant?” I ask, completely lost.

“Yes, you’re inducing on Thursday. Shaun’s family insists on being present for the actual birth.” Midori explains. She’s in the passenger side slowly gyrating. She’s trying to stretch herself into a long tube. I forget why. “And at the same time Rafi will give birth for real. And we just swap the babies.”

“And how am I supposed to fake giving birth?” I ask, “or being nine months pregnant for that matter?”

“That’s my job.” She says sweetly. “I just need to go inside you and give you the bump. Then I’ll morph into a fetus when I come out.”

“You mean newborn? Or infant. Not fetus.”

“Oh, right,” she says.

I ask her, “do you understand human biology like at all?”

“Sort of,” she admits.

“This is gonna be a disaster,” I mutter, then ask “How are you getting inside?”

“Like this,” she says. The tail tip of her tube body slides over the console in between my legs. I’m still wearing my plaid shirt. I did change into an oversized hoodie. Closest thing to maternity wear I had. I steel myself as the slick wet limb touches my labia. It’s… warm. Right. They are warm bodies. It’s especially slick. She’s lubricated herself for me. I can’t lie, it feels amazing. She’s applying pressure up and down my pussy, adding an extra pound of pressure to my clit. I shudder.

“God damn. You’re good at this.” I say through labored breath.

“Well you’re not the first girl I’ve been with. Or inside of.” she says cheerfully.

“Mm hm” I say, trying to focus on the road. The turn for the train station is coming up.

“Although, never all the way inside. Or past the cervix for that matter.” she says nervously. At my frightened expression she adds, “But don’t worry. We can work… up… to that…” With every utterance she pushes a few more inches inside of me. I had only been with two guys before. One was my cousin Frank back home (nightmare) and a random sound guy from my first college production. They were both smaller than my dildo, and now Midori was reaching inside me farther than any of them. Plus she was warm and slippery. Fuck.

We pulled up to the long-term parking lot. At the entrance, I saw Shaun. He’s a skinny black nerd type, along with a tall overweight brown guy, maybe South American, I assumed was Shaun’s boyfriend Rafi. And beside Rafi was… “Oh shit!” Midori squeaked. “It’s Shaun’s mother! She must have come to pick him up!”

“Wait what does that…?” I begin but Midori is now sliding quickly inside me. It feels incredible. I slow the car down as I try not to scream. Then I feel her poke my cervix. Oh no. She’s definitely thinner as she makes her way inside my womb. It hurts and it just keeps going. She must be so long at this girth.

As the car crawls up to the parking lot entrance, Midori’s head slips between my legs. She whispers “I’m sorry” before her face, too, slips under my skirt and up into my poor abused pussy.

“Oh good heavens!” Shaun’s mother cries as I pull up to the gate. “You let her drive in her condition? Shame on you!”

I let myself be corralled out of the car so Rafi could park it. Shaun and I barely said a word as Phillipa (mom) talked about how cute we were as a couple. Then she talked about the weather and how it’s affecting the ski slopes. Then about twelve other topics before Rafi showed up after parking. I was starting to see how telling this woman anything might be impossible.

The train came soon, thank goodness. And Phillipa needs to rest in her compartment. So the rest of us sat in our own compartment. Shaun thanked me for doing this. I barely knew Shaun outside of a few late night walks to the Tom Hortons. Oh, and he helped me light my first joint. Very nice guy. Rafi didn’t thank me. In fact he seemed annoyed. Shaun took note of this and said “Babe i’m sorry. I know you wanted me to come clean.”

“It’s cool,” Rafi said dryly. “I’ll just be the weird friend who helped raise your baby after your fiancé dumped you. That can be my life.”

“You will always be my world,” Shaun said. “Now let me see our baby. I’ve missed him.”

Rafi cracked a smile and unzipped his big hockey jacket. I was amazed. He had seemed like a chubby mountain before, but removing his jacket to reveal the tshirt below, it was clear that Rafi was very toned. His pecs were solid. The only thing round on him was a very pregnant belly. As someone who worked in drama, I was impressed with the simplicity of the disguise.

Shaun excitedly leaned across the compartment and pulled up the T-shirt to expose the large brown belly. “Hello my love,” Shaun cooed. He rubbed his hands and cheek against the skin.

I was overcome with emotion. The pure paternal love coming from both of these men. I felt something stir in my groin. Was I getting turned on? But then “Oh my glob, you guys are so cute!” Midori’s voice came from my pussy. I lifted my skirt so she could have an unobstructed view. I saw her miniature head protruding from my vagina.

Not only was she spreading my pussy open, but she was actually vibrating with her giddiness. I let out a little scream. All three of them look at me. “Sorry,” I say. Rafi smiles at Midori’s little head.

“Hey, Midori, thank you,” he says. “I really didn’t think it would work but it looks like we have Phillipa fooled.” He looks up at me. “And thank you…” he pauses.

“I’m Kate,” I say, blushing. His smile is really captivating. “So, uh, I guess I don’t know much about you. Are you trans?”

Rafi cocks his head to the side and starts laughing. “Midori, you really didn’t tell her anything, did you?”

Midori shrugs. Her makeshift shoulders protrude as she does so, spreading my opening another couple inches. I gasp. “Oh, sorry,” she says. Then she replies to Rafi, “I didn’t want to scare her off. She’s not really hip to the slime, if you know what I mean.”

Shaun starts to laugh. “Kate had a full meltdown when she saw Midori. Never seen a slime person before in her life.” I blush.

Rafi is nodding thoughtfully. “Well, okay. I’m haf-slime. My mother was a slime and my father was human. So I have a solid exterior but my insides are all slime.”

I nod as if that answers my question. I’m stuck imagining his parents fucking. I’d seen the aftemath of slime/human sex. Usually Midori jiggling happily with semen swirling around inside her. One day she came back to the dorm triumphantly showing off the pockets of white fluid. “I had my first gang-bang!” She cheered. “The whole Chemistry Club!”

“Sorry,” I say, shaking the memory away. “I’m just confused. Your, um, exterior looks like a guy.”

“I am a guy,” Rafi says. “But I’m able to morph my genitals. They’re a portal between inside and outside after all. I can have a dick, a pussy, or three assholes. Whatever my man wants.” He grins mischievously at Shaun who is biting his lip.

I try to comprehend this. Then I have a thought. “So, your mouth too?” I ask.

Rafi’s smile widens. “Oh yeah.” He sticks his tongue out. It’s a normal human tongue. Maybe a little longer than average. He pulls it back, seems to roll it around a bit, then sticks out an anatomically perfect penis. Semi-erect. He waggles it at Shaun, who can’t contain himself. Shaun takes the penis in his mouth and the two begin making out. It’s absolutely incredible to watch and hear. All the lip smacking and moaning of a make-out session combined with the slurping, gagging sounds of a sloppy blowjob.

Midori and I just watch. Midori keeps vibrating with her own excitement. She’s also oozing profusely, although that might be my own juices. I lean back against the seat of the bench. I can feel an orgasm building. Shaun is fully throating his Rafi’s mouth cock now. Rafi is moaning. I see Shaun’s fingers squeeze Rafi’s nipples through his shirt. I can feel it. It’s coming. Soon.

“Eeee!” Midori squeals. I blink and look down at her. Her cheeks are rippling.

“Did you just?” I ask. Her eyes go wide and she makes eye contact with me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I should have asked before I masturbated inside you.”

“It’s fine. I was just surprised,” I say. I lean back against the bench again. Rafi is starting to moan loudly. “Um,” I mutter, “could you keep going?”

“Oh sure!” Midori says, her voice cheerful again. I feel her vibrating in earnest now. I watch Rafi’s face intently.

His eyes fly open, and he stops moaning. Just a guttural sound. Shaun pulls back. Rafi’s cock is extra huge now. It pops out of Shaun’s mouth with an echoing plop. Shaun whispers “Give to me Daddy.” and Rafi’s mouth cock spurts wildly. Ropes cover Shaun’s face.

I feel something pressing against my G-spot and I join Rafi in orgasm. “Fuck” I groan.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qd6g5k/prompt_inspired_slime_girl_roommate_ffmmffm


  1. This was a thoroughly enjoyable story. You do a lot of interesting world building here, especially with the mechanics of how slimes work and even the results of slimes interbreeding with humans. The girl’s personalities come through really well, and this was a really cute slime and some really good interaction. The level of detail suits the story well, and there’s a really friendly and fun sort of energy running through the piece. We focused mostly on the world building and relationships, but the sex does come through, and the simulated pregnancy seems to have a nicely erotic effect. We move away from it relatively quickly, to focus on other stuff, but that just lets the character relationships between the girls and for that matter the boys take center stage again. This was a good and unexpected take on the prompt, placing focus mostly on the surrounding situation. A very well written story. Thanks for responding!

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