My first creampie with my FWB in a public kitchen while abroad

Several years back, during my last year at uni I went on an abroad program to Italy. Pretty quickly into the the trip I started hooking up with the girl across the hall who was also part of my program. For reasons not really important we decided to just keep it between ourselves, and so fucking became a little adventure. Ofc we preferred our rooms when roommates weren’t around, but often resorted to the stairwells, service closets, and frequented the shared kitchen for our apartment floor. How we never got caught, I have no clue.

Though this is the story of one particular night. We all had decided to go into the city and bar hop, there was a festival going on so it was busy, the town was lively. After a while, half of our group got tired and decided to head back to our building, but the rest of us kept on and went to hit the clubs. We ended up at one playing just classic oldies and we all danced until it closed. I was the only guy at this point so I did the gentlemen’s duty of dancing with each girl, and was passed around throughout the night. My FWB didn’t mind, her and I played it very lowkey when in groups, and it seemed like she almost enjoyed watching me get handed from girl to girl. On the way back I knew she was dying for me to fuck her. Acting more drunk than she was, clinging to me, grabbing at my crotch when no one was looking.

We got back late. I was hungry so i stopped at McDonalds and the girls including my FWB headed back. I ordered my meal and McFlurry with a contentment that only comes with knowing that you are about to fuck. Sure enough, just as I am taking my first bite in our apartment floor’s kitchen I get a txt asking where I was.

She strolled in with that “clubbing all night” look and trying to look less horny than she was. Streaked mascara, messy hair, still in a sequined skirt that showed off her full ass and still wearing a thin tight black turtleneck that I personally loved. She reminded of one of those femme fatales from the movies, curvy (she had a great ass), but not excessively curvy, she was petite, small, her facial features were delicate, she looked sad but tried to make you think it was not sadness but danger. Fuck she was sexy, but at that moment, I was the victor. She wanted me to fuck her. I knew it, I knew i wasnt going to have do anything except unzip my pants. So I enjoyed my Big Mac quietly, hiding my pleasure at the power. She walked around the table, making small talk about whatever, I gave her short responses, and Let her do the talking, choosing to focus on my food and make her squirm as long as I wanted.

Finally, I finished my burger, fries, and drink. By this time she was hanging on me trying to nuzzle into my shoulder. I didn’t speak, but it was time, so I just lifted her head and we began to kiss. I stood, felt her up, and pulled her by her hips driving my crotch into her, grinding my already hard cock in my tight corduroy pants against her panties. I was a lot hornier than I was letting on. She was already letting out little gasps and moan, she kissed me frantically, like I would leave at any moment, I wrapped my hand around her throat and continued to toy with her. Something about watching a woman be teased to the brink is just so fun. I lifted her shirt and sucked her breasts letting her grind on me, let her do all the work, let her thrust forward, her desperately trying to feel my cock through my pants on her pussy. “Please fuck me” she finally gasped. I smiled as I lifted her off the stool and carried her to the kitchen shelf. She bit and sucked on my neck the whole way over with intense ferocity, if there was ever a woman who actually NEEDED to get fucked, it was her that night. I placed her down and in a second I pulled her panties down and she frantically was working to get my dick out. I felt her pussy and OMG it was soaked. I did mot have a condom that night, why? Idk I just didn’t. “I don’t have a condom.” I said cooly, already knowing her response. “Just fuck me” there was longing in her voice. Sidebar, this was our first time without one and no lie gents and ladies this was my first time ever without a rubber. I was excited in addition to the general excitement of immeninet sex, but not overly excited. Finally she got my cock out, after I let her struggle with the belt for a bit, I love watching women take my dick out. Then i went into action. Her pussy was SO wet. I slid in and we both couldn’t help but let out a little moan. I wish I could describe to you how it felt being in a vagina my first time without a condom, what thoughts went through my mind, but in truth I cannot, all I can say is it felt really fucking good and really fucking right. I fucked her slow, we embraced, kissed, I sucked her neck, her tits, gripped her neck, kissed her again, rinse, repeat went about my usual gambit. I sat back and watched as her smiles of pleasure dissipate as she began to gasp and squeak, she moved forward and clung to , me her arms around me gripping tighter, she dug her claws into my back. “Fuck me! Fuck me!” She let out, but i just kept pace. It’ll take more than that for me to break. Suddenly, “Fuck me!” turned to “Please cum. Please cum. Please cum! Please cum!” Each time getting louder and more shrill I knew something was happening, truthfully I had never heard “Please Cum,” and could only make guesses. Ladies and Gentleman, I will take this time to say I am not a presumptuous man, nor am I a scholar, a warrior, or whatever other titles one may earn in this life. I am but a simple gentleman, and a gentleman am I. So being the gentleman I am I asked “inside?” With genuine curiosity, trying to contain excitement and hope. Was this my moment? “Yes!” She let slip out between gasps “Yes!” . She was a big gasper now that I think about.

This was it. My moment, here I stood on the precipice of greatness, Of awakening the primal ancestors of old who sought to spread their seed surviving harsh winters and worse summers. There I stood, suddenly realizing I still wasn’t even near to cumming. As I said, I am no scholar, no philosopher, no aristocrat, but I am gentleman, and a gentleman obliges. “Cum! Cum!” She was still going, all of this happening in seconds mind you. So as a gentleman I raised her from the shelf and holding her by her ass as she held me claws dug deep, I pounded her as I had never pounded anyone before. From the base of my shaft to the tip of my head I slammed my cock deep into her until cows would call me home.

I don’t remember details at this point. Just remember saying “I’m going to cum!” and her echoing “cum!” as we both climaxed. I came deep in her, and both of our moans synced as we climaxed together and they dissipated together in Matched tempo. I placed her back on the shelf as I shoved myself into her letting out every last drop of cum into her pussy. We both collapsed into each other’s arms kissing lightly, tenderly, attempting to recover. We waited for a moment.

“My pussy is going to be sore tomorrow.” She said as she hopped from the shelf. She was always trying to be funny.

“Your welcome” I responded flatly. We got prepped, walked eachother back to our rooms before calling it. That night I slept like a baby.

The next night I went to watch a performance of Mama Mia, and suddenly was consumed by an anxiety that I had actually knocked my FWB up. She told me not to worry, and she did not get pregnant and we continued on until the trip ended.
