Tales from Starship Rimshot. THE GOSPEL OF SACRED JIZZ

**When the humans of Vega Prime heard, saw, tasted, touched and smelled the religious beliefs of the humans of Altarus V, almost one-fourth of the adult population took sacred vows and moved into monasteries.** The polyamorous civilization of Vega Prime already cherished and openly discussed all forms of human sexuality. (Children were often shyly embarrassed when their parents talked about oral sex at the dinner table.) As in some cities of ancient Rome and some 20th Century towns in Bhutan, erect phalluses decorated buildings and shop windows, erections rose tall in public squares, and sculptured vulva were seen most everywhere. Artistic renderings of both male and female genitalia were considered symbols of prosperity and good fortune.

Therefore, when the handsome priests and curvaceous **beautiful priestesses of Altarus V arrived entirely nude beneath shimmering iridescent robes, and preached the Gospel of Sacred Jizz**, few people resisted the new religion. Being told The Oneness, the Eternal Cosmos Itself, and all Gods and Goddesses blessed the lusty lifestyles of Vega Prime, the citizens of Vega Prime were predisposed sacred fucking, and the Gospel of Sacred Jizz was tasty icing on their philosophic cake.

The Gospel of Sacred Jizz, like all religious texts, was written by creative and articulate minds, to serve specific purposes. Creation Itself, the Eternal Cosmos and all the Gods and Goddesses did indeed inspire and cause sacred texts to be written. But, not one All-Knowing Deity ever said in any human language: **“Suck cock and swallow sacred semen to receive Divine Blessings.”** Those words were human words. Thought up by humans. Made sacred by humans. Mostly, male humans over the age of fifty. On many planets, the girls went along with the ideas because they also felt pleasure with the religious doctrines. The doctrine also included the words: “Worship, kiss and lick the sacred vaginal folds.”

**The most popular meditation for girls was the** ***Holy Doctrine of Sacred Jizz*****:**

Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. Master Roscoe allows us to use our naked, aroused sexual orgasms to worship the Oneness. To worship the Grand Articifer of the Universe, to worship the ancient gods, the Lords of the Watchtowers, in the East, in the South, in the West and in the North. We worship the Creator and the Elementals made by the Creator.

All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream.

Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. ~ All this, we worship with sacred jizz and the holy vaginal fluid. The nectar of the lotus. The liquid light kisses the diamond wand, the diamond wand held tight in the sacramental chalice. The cock in the mouth, the cock in the vagina. The vagina puffy and wet, the cock tingling, spurting holy cream. Jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

**We masturbate with the Master, we masturbate for world peace.**

Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

Master Roscoe jacks it with us.

Master Roscoe opens a door to the infinite. Opens the door. **Master Roscoe reminds us**

of the failures of past centuries, and encourages us **to grow a pair of balls, to grow a pair,**

and invent new ways of life, ways of life not chained, gagged

and made worthless by the dogma of people long dead.

Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

Master Roscoe jacks it with us. **We watch his sacred ejaculate splash the faces of beautiful women.** We watch his sacred ejaculate burst upon their tongues. We watch his sacred ejaculate gush upon their erect nipples. Master Roscoe jacks it with us. And we orgasm with him. The combined orgasmic joy of 598 sacred followers raises the spiritual awareness of all humankind.

Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz. Master Roscoe jacks it with us.

**We love to see The Master’s sacred ejaculate. The holy, white cream.** The salty seed of holiness. Watch The Master’s powerful hand squeeze and stroke the holy scepter. We see the Master’s cock-head swell full, as he releases the sacred ejaculate.
Worship the cock-head and the sacred ejaculate. Worship the Oneness. Worship the cock.

We masturbate with the Master, we masturbate for world peace.

Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

Master Roscoe jacks it with us.

Let us come together. Let us come with each other. I will accept nothing less than Eternal Truth. I will accept nothing less than Free Will, nothing less than a life of joy, love, kindness and creation. I accept only the Oneness.

**Let us come together. Let us come with each other. 490 vaginae, and 108 erections orgasm at the same time.** The orgasms of the Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright reach across all humankind, across all nations, across all man-made evil, the evil of aggressive religions, the evil of aggressive leaders of nations, the evil of greed made mandatory by economic slavery.

I take the Master’s semen into my mouth. I take the Master’s holy ideas into my mind. **I take my sacred life and my holy orgasms into my own hands.** I allow no one to make me an economic slave. I allow no one to use my life, my mind, my energy nor my physical body to serve evil purposes, to serve the purposes of greed, of vanity, to serve the power of the self-obsessed.

**I take the Master’s semen into my mouth. And I swallow.**

I swallow with immense joy, I swallow Free Will, the Freedom of Speech, the Freedom of Action, the Freedom of Human Joy made holy by personal choice, no longer a slave to failed religions, and failed ideologies, and the people who

push failed religions and failed ideologies.

I am a free human being. **I take the Master’s semen into my mouth. And I swallow. I swallow because I am a free human being. I love the salty taste of Truth.** I will accept nothing less than Eternal Truth. I will accept nothing less than Free Will, nothing less than a life of joy, love, kindness and creation. I accept only the Oneness.

We masturbate with the Master, we masturbate for world peace.

Jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz.

Master Roscoe jacks it with us.

I accept only the Oneness.

[Jizz, Jizz, Jizz. Beautiful Sacred Jizz. video](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/d39dd8b11e18e0c75a/jizz-jizz-jizz-beautiful-sacred-jizz-mp4)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qbytrj/tales_from_starship_rimshot_the_gospel_of_sacred