Self Bondage Experience: A Dark and Stormy Night [F][Self-Bondage][Outdoors][Predicament][Exhibitionism][Masturbation]

[CW: Self-Bondage, Outdoors, Masturbation, Predicament, Exhibitionism, Dirt, Mud, Fear, Peril]

I was recently asked about interesting experiences I had with self-bondage, while I was talking about it a lot of memories came flooding back and thinking about them had me quite excited. So, I decided alongside my fantasies it would be fun to write these stories up for people to read. Well fun and just a little humiliating having everyone know what a naughty girl I was back then. Please keep in mind though that these are old memories, and I will be telling them with a little artistic licence. These are not guides, they are stories, and you should not try recreating any part of them.

It’s hard to pick one to start with but one of my more interesting experiences was pretty early when I was just getting into bondage and exploring so it seems a good place to start. I was around 18 or 19 at the time and still living with my parents, so not having my own space during the night I would sneak down to the bottom of the garden and play in the old shed. It was old but solid and most importantly big enough to have the space to play. It was rarely used outside of storing gardening tools.

I was still only just starting out, so I didn’t exactly have equipment or toys at that time. Just a collar I’d made out of an old leather belt I’d found and some handcuffs I’d been given as a “joke” on my 18th birthday by a friend. I had some other bits like old washing line rope, wooden pegs and some more belts I used but was all just stuff I’d found and repurposed.

By the time of this story, I had been using the shed for quite a while, mostly just to sit around in cuffs and belts or simple rope harnesses I’d learnt to tie on myself. This night though I wanted to try something different. I’d seen a couple of pictures in a friend’s magazine that had inspired me to try and more complicated scenario.

I had set up what I could and at about 3am when I was sure everyone was asleep, I slowly snuck out from my room and out the back door. After my first few steps outside though I almost turned straight back. It was late November and bitter cold which was extremely noticeable as I was now outside in nothing but my bathrobe. I might have turned back then had I not spent the last few hours teasing and edging myself waiting to be able to sneak out, the excitement for that spurred me on to continue and as I started moving and the initial shock of the cold had passed the feeling of the cold winds blowing up and around my robes become pretty exciting. About halfway down the garden my excitant was peaking, the heavy wind felt like it was fighting to rip my robe off me, I struggled trying to keep it around me, but every gust caused me to flash something to the night. I started to drift off into fantasy, imaging my hands were bound behind my back I crossed my hands behind me and locked my fingers tightly together. Without me resisting the wind didn’t take long to get its way, the robe was whipped open by the next strong gust and the following one left it dragging behind only still hanging on because of my clasped hands. I was very much in the zone at this point so when I got to the shed, I just released my hands and let the robe drop onto the path behind me while I squatted to enter the code on the padlock in the dim light. Once it was open, I quickly got inside and moved a piece of old wood in the corner to find my bag of stuff, I’d hidden earlier.

I knelt down on the floor with the bag, and I took out my makeshift collar and secured it around my neck. I adored the feeling of wearing my collar and after my little naked walk it really made me feel submissive and sexy in a very deep and intense way. I focused on those feeling and realised I had started playing with my nipples and teasing myself again I let myself drift and edged myself a couple of times. It was getting harder to stop and I almost came so I stopped and put my hands behind my head as I’d seen pictures of slaves and submissives kneeling in that position. I took a deep breath and after I had calmed a moment, I carried on getting ready for my session.

I took a couple of belts and wrapped them around my chest one below and one above my breasts, I loved the feeling of them being bound like that. I then took an old gardening fork we had and used some rope to tie on ankle to the handle and the other to the head making a makeshift spreader bar. It was holding my legs apart a bit wider than I had imagined it would, but it felt amazing. Once secure I stood up and took a couple of the wooden clothes pegs and put one on each of nipples, the cold had made them look especially ready to be clamped. I continued by locking the handcuffs around my wrists, I should note here that these were proper handcuffs, there was no safety catch on them and could only be opened with the key. Finally with a little padlock I locked the cuffs above my head to an O ring screw I’d put into the sheds beam earlier. As the lock clicked shut a wave of raw excitement washed over me and I just stood there for a while just enjoying being so helpless and exposed, it felt so amazing. I slowly started to shuffle round struggling with the spreader bar, there was just enough room if I was careful to turn around fully. That was the plan though, the only way to release myself was to spin around till I unscrewed the ring hook and was free to reach the keys.

By about the 3rd turn I was exhausted, it had seemed like a great idea, but I was struggling to turn it anymore and panic was starting to build in me. The weather outside was getting worse and the sounds of movement outside the shed was starting to make how helpless I was feeling just a bit too real, I could feel myself sweating which was making the bitter cold wind blowing in through the cracks of the shed much more tormenting against my skin. My heart was thumping as I struggled to turn the screw. I reached up with my hands to feel around and see if I could move it like that and with a rush of embarrassment, I realised I’d been turning the wrong way. I was annoyed at myself but also there was relief and I slumped against my cuffs trying to calm down and rest for a moment before I started turning the other way. The calm was enough for me to slide back into my masochistic subby zone though, I was still panicking and scared but now that was adding to the excitement. The sounds and especially the tormenting cold wind were working me up to the point I felt like the right gust of wind between my legs could bring me to climax. I moved and adjusted my position trying to catch that wind blowing through the cracks in the shed. I turned and shuffled awkwardly towards the back wall where I could feel the strongest direct gust’s coming from, I moved towards it as far as I could and pushed my body forward wiggling around trying to catch it.

I felt so close, so desperate for just that little extra stimulation, my shuffling and grinding my hips against the air had started to make my tits jiggle and bounce causing the pegs on my nipples to dance and tug further adding to my torment, I writhed and twisted trying to push myself over the edge, but it was never quite enough. Eventually I gave up and once again shuffled back to the middle of the shed to rest a moment. The session had already lasted longer than I had planned, and I was really starting to feel the strain, so I collected myself and started turning again, the right way this time, and slowly but surely the screw came loose, and I was released falling to my knees on the floor. My keys were within reach but before anything else still cuffed and bound I started playing with myself, finally giving myself the stimulation I had been craving and as I felt the powerful climax building about to take me over, I pulled the pegs off my nipples, the pain brought be over the edge hard, white hot pain and ecstasy roaring through my body, it was so intense I felt the shaking of my body might rattle the shed to splinters. By the time I had begun to regain my senses I was just a crumpled wet heap of the floor, twitching at the small aftershocks from every small sensation. It took me a while to fully collect myself slowly untying my ankles and taking the belts from around me and re packing my bag as my brain rebooted. I hid it away again and once I could stand, I peeked outside realising I’d left my robe outside in my excitement. The weather had really turned while I’d be inside though it was now hammering down with rain, I looked around but couldn’t see my robe in the dark.

I stepped out and crouched down almost crawling around looking for it. The rain was beating against my naked body which was still intensely sensitive after how hard I’d cum inside. I decided to just leave it for now. I locked the shed with the padlock and made for the house trying to move as quickly as I could but still making an attempt at sneaking. I was almost at my back door when I heard a slapping sound that made me look back, In the dark I could just make out my robe, my heart sank as I realised it caught in my neighbour’s tree whipping about in the wind. I was cold and aching but all I could think at the time was how I didn’t want to explain how my robe ended up in his tree as if they found it there, I know he would go out of his way to tease me and make it awkward as he was a pretty big asshole. I stood there trying to assess the situation, but it suddenly hit me I was standing naked out in the open in my garden and I had to do something now. I headed back down the garden and over to the closest spot on the fence between out gardens where there was nothing growing. It wasn’t a very high fence but being naked and battered by the elements it felt like pulling myself up over heavy sandpaper. As I went to lower myself on the other side, I misjudged my footing and slipped forward landing hard in the thick mud that had once been a flowerbed and sliding out into his garden. Before I could catch my breath, I was suddenly blinded as his security light came on. I was so thrown by it that I didn’t even get up I just pushed myself back through the mud and pressed myself back against the fence praying I was in the shadows of the bushes around me. I heard his dog start barking inside even over the rain. I even thought I heard him shouting as well, but I couldn’t be sure. All I could do was lay there, naked covered in cold slimy mud, frozen for what felt like hours. In reality it was probably only a couple of minutes but eventually the security light went out and I was returned to the darkness.

I was not safe yet though as I could see through the bush from where I was that the light was now on in the upstairs bedroom. I waited, trying to remain as still as possible waiting for the light to go out, as my eyes adjusted back to the dark I saw something that shook me so much and I almost broke but I fought the panic pushing me to flee until the light went off, then I finally moved my arm to remove the snail that I’d spotted trying to climb my nipple. Once I felt sure the bedroom light wasn’t going to come back on, I slowly started edging myself along the ground staying as close to the fence as I could terrified to trip the security sensor again, but I could only get about 3 meters before my path was blocked by a large bush that was too thick to crawl through. I knew at this point I’d have to move out into the garden to get around it, but I was pretty sure I was still in range of the security light, and I was well out range of the cover the bushes where I lay before had given. I pulled myself up and sat there pressed against the fence with my back to the bush staring up at the house trying to judge if I might be beyond the sensor when I noticed the upstairs curtains moving. It was dark but there was some kind of small light in the room, it was just enough for me to make out the gap in the curtains and the silhouette of someone’s head. I was pretty sure I had been hidden where I was when the light came on, but I knew if that light came on now, I would be completely exposed by it. Again, in what was probably only a moment, hours seemed to pass by, an eternity of helpless waiting, naked as a baby, not knowing if I was being watched, if I had been caught or if I was going to be. A deer in headlights.

I saw the curtains move again and couldn’t see the head between them anymore. A few moments later a light came on in the next room over. It was the bathroom, so the windows were clouded. I took my chance and just bolted around the bush almost running on all 4s, slipping a couple of times but managing to keep moving. The security light didn’t come on and I made it to the tree, standing on my tip toes with a struggle I managed to wrestle my robe free. I didn’t want to try and go back the way I had come but I remembered that at the bottom of the garden there was another low bit of fence I could climb over back into my own garden. The neighbour had let that area grow pretty wild, so I had to fight through brambles and spiky weeds before getting myself over and back into my own garden. My adrenaline was spiking by the time I steadied myself on my own side. I looked at the neighbour’s house, the bathroom light was off again but I couldn’t tell if he’d gone back to peeking out the window. I didn’t care though I stayed as low as I could and rushed up my garden to my back door and crept back in. Thankfully our downstairs bathroom was just as you came through the door. I jumped in and took stock.

Once my eyes adjusted to being in the light again, I saw myself in the mirror and was just a mess. I looked like some kind of cave woman just crawled out the swamp or as I remember thinking I might have been an escaped sex slave who was going to be caught and punished at any moment. The adrenaline had got me quite worked up again, but I knew I had deal with the mess. I cleaned myself up best I could and rang out my robe before sneaking back to my room. I threw my robe in my washing basket and pulled on my pjs, very happy I’d left them warming on the radiator, before crawling into my nice warm bed and curling up into a ball. I thought about what I’d done as I lay there and slowly, I started playing with myself again the excitement and adrenaline was had faded now though and I drifting off to a sleep long before I was anywhere close to cumming.


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