Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 19

*** ***Chris*** ***

I damn near tipped the chair over. That’s how my day is going to start I guess. Bella and Alana are still sound asleep, and I’m feeling mighty thirsty and I walked out and into the kitchen. There’s two empty glass in the sink. Who the… really? I washed the glass and looked in the fridge.

“Morning,” I hear and I immediately knew who it was.

“Morning, Dean,” I said and he immediately punched my arm, but then he kind of recoiled. Huh, did his punch get weaker or something?

“Damn, bro, you’re been working out?” I shut the fridge door and he got a better look of my shirtless body, “Holy shit, you really have been working out.”

“We’re really starting this now? At this time?” I said in exasperation. Dean and I are only a year apart and looking at him and how much he’s starting to slip up on his body, I’m feeling a bit more confident that I can take him if we start having our fights again.

He laughed and backed down with a dismissive wave. I grabbed a bow and poured myself some cereal and a bit of 2% Milk and dug in.

“Hey, which one is your girlfriend? Is it the Latina? The brunette? Or the prettier brunette?” He pulled up a chair, twirled it around, and sat on it while it’s facing backwards.

“The prettier brunette,” I replied with a mouth full of cereal, “but they’re all pretty, let that be clear.”

“Damn! I didn’t think you’d catch a beauty like her!” he giggled in a hushed tone, “but what’s the status of the other two? Are they available?”

“Dude, you’re fucking married. You’ve got Jackie in your corner!”

“Jackie is… eh… but really, what’s their situation?”

“Fuck off man, they’re too good for you. Don’t step out of your marriage.”

“Bro, you’re gonna treat me like that? Don’t act so high and mighty just cuz you’ve got a leggy bitch!”

I turned to him, “what did you call her?”

“A leggy bitch!”

The next thing I know my hand is around his throat with my thumb over his wind pipe. “Take that back, or you’ll be breathing through a tube.”

He swallowed hard, “Alright, I’m sorry. Take it easy, it’s just a joke.”

I shoved him back, glaring at him. “I don’t give a fuck what you call me, Dean. But you insult my girl, I’ll break both of your legs. Don’t test me, I know how.”

I finished my cereal, staring intensely at him as he fixed up some coffee, cleaned up my bowl and placed it in the drying rack. “Make sure to make enough for everyone, not just yourself.”

Dean scoffed at me, but he started fixing a pot of coffee.

*** ***Alana*** ***

I woke up to the smell of freshly made coffee, but I feel so refreshed! Sex before bed is going to start being a thing once I have a boyfriend!

I looked over to see Bella. I guess I fell asleep once my orgasm dropped off. Man, that’s better than any sleeping pill I’ve taken. I looked around and I couldn’t find Chris anywhere.

But then he comes storming in, a dark cloud hanging over his head. “What’s wrong?” I asked and he just turned to me, angrily but then he softened up.

“Sorry, sorry. Dean is asking me if you and Laura are single.”

“But we are single,” I answered but then he kind of dismissed me.

“He’s married to Jackie. I think he was looking for a hook up.”

That gave a foul taste in my mouth. I don’t have the stomach to entertain a cheater. I’ve met a couple of guys already that wanted me as a side piece. Fucking pieces of garbage.

Well, then again here I am having sex with my best friend’s boyfriend. It’s technically cheating, but I think our situation is a bit harder to categorize. Izz, as far as I know, is fine with me sleeping with Daddy as long as she’s part of the action, and frankly I’m fine with that myself because I can satisfy my bisexual desires.

He’s still angry, still fuming. The angry eyebrows is a dead giveaway. He’s so cute when he’s mad, but I feel like I need to really calm him down. He sat on his chair and he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

I knelt down between his legs and started rubbing the inside of his legs. “I’m not in the mood, Alana,” he said as he clenched and flexed his hands. I snaked my hand into his shorts, grabbing a hold of his soft cock. Even soft it’s still fairly big, and I pressed and squeezed his thick head.

“I said I’m not… *unh*… *ohhh…* fuck, Alana!”

He stood up and whipped his cock out, shoving it into my mouth. I kind of chewed on his soft shaft a bit, not really chew with my teeth but more like I rolled it around the roof of my mouth with my tongue. He hissed at that as he grabbed the side of my head. Now I realize why Izz loves it when Daddy’s cock grows while its in her mouth.

Just the feeling of his shaft slowly harden and grow is a weird feeling, but I can see the appeal of it. Eventually he’s hard as a rock and my mouth couldn’t stop drooling all over it.

“Feel better, Daddy?” I said with an entrancing wink. He grabbed my head and shoved me down his shaft, causing his head to rub against the back of my throat. I gagged and choked on his massive cock, and he held me down for a good second longer until he let me go. “Fuck, Daddy. Warn me next t-”

Again he shoved me and he made me bounce on his cock.

“Fuck!” I growled at him, “Daddy, you prick don’t just shove me down your cock!”

He grabbed me by my hair and stood me up, turned me around and bent me over his desk. “You’re gonna fuck me, Daddy? Everyone’s probably awake right now, and you didn’t lock the door.”

He looked at me and then at the door. He growled as he shoved me over and dashed to the door to press the little button. He walked over to me as I giggled and teased him. Again he grabbed me by my hip and he lined his cock against my brown slit.

“Daddy, you’re gonna fuck me? You’re going to stretch out my little pussy?”

“The fuck do you mean he’s going to fuck you, bitch!?”

I look over to see a furious Izz starting to make her way out of bed. She shoved me over, sat herself on the edge of his table, and she spreads her pussy lips for him.

“No fair, Izz! I made Daddy hard!” I groaned at her while I tugged at her arm, then I hear her moan through gritted teeth while Daddy spreads her pussy walls.

“*Ohhhh,* Fuck! Morning sex is my cup of coffee,” she said while a smile formed across her face. Daddy fucked her nice and rough while I dropped a spit on his shiny cock to help out. Izz pulled me in and she pulled my shirt up and started sucking on my tits while Daddy played with hers.

Then I hear a knock on our door. “Chris, breakfast is ready.” I’m not sure if its Albert or Dean, I think it might be Albert because it sounds a bit deeper than Dean’s voice if I remember correctly.

I sighed in frustration and so did Bella. Daddy pulled himself out and when his head retracted from her it made her flinch a bit and he tucked it into his shorts. Bye, bye my big friend! ‘Till next time!

Izz and I cleaned ourselves up in the restroom, especially any traces of dried up daddy-batter that’s left over from early morning.

*** ***Bella*** ***

I knew Alana was up to no good! Fucking bitch wanted an alone time with Chris. Not on my watch. I need to be more strict with her. I need to reaffirm that Chris is MY boyfriend, and I’m just letting her use him so she doesn’t go and get pregnant by some random asshole that is going to be a pain in our collective asses.

Laura came in to clean up before breakfast too, giving us a greeting. The bathroom is large enough to accommodate three people! Why, though? There’s a mirror that stretches out from one end of the wall to the next, with three marble sinks. I mean, it’s the type you can find in a restaurant or something but not a fucking house!

Laura is practically glowing. She’s giddy with smiles and shit. It’s nice to see her being more confident with herself.

“You’re all smiles this morning,” I said as I applied some lotion on my face, “did you have a nice dream?”

“Something like that. I met up with Albert last night.”

“Oh? Met up as in…?” I let the words float a bit and she shrugged at us and then smiled.

“You fucked him?” Alana blurted out. This girl’s lack of tact is something else.

“Bitch, no! Come on, not on the first meeting.” Laura laughed as she gently pushed Alana. “He’s a bit of the shy, awkward type of guy, but man he’s a good kisser.”

“Damn, Laura’s got a boyfriend before me!” Alana groaned as she tossed her make up into her little bag, “fucking fuck fuck fuck! All the guys I’ve met are complete jerks!”

I glanced at her and sneered. I think she’s still comparing men to Chris and it’s becoming a detriment in her search.

“You guys were… loud,” she mentioned as she started applying some mascara, “I mean… I can hear you guys all the way up to my room, with my door closed.”

Alana and I shared a look and we kind of giggled, “Jealous much?” Alana sneered and Laura only shook her head.

“Don’t get me wrong, Chris’ dick is great. But I feel like he was too big for me. I don’t know, I’m guessing I’m the type of girl that doesn’t really want a monster cock like Chris.”

“Or Victor.” I added with a wink thrown over to Alana.

“So he DOES have a big cock! Damn! And Raissa’s got her hooks on him too! Fuck, she’s a scary bitch that one.”

“Hey come on, she’s a very nice… scary bitch, and no I didn’t hear.” I corrected. Raissa seems like the type of girl you wouldn’t want as an enemy.

“So Laura, how much did you hear?”

“Um, enough,” she grinned. I know she’s hiding something. I can smell it on her.

“Alright, keep your secrets.” I said as I returned to applying my make up.

*** Chris ***

I can hear the girls chatting in the bathroom. Saleen is such a good girl, but I worry about her sometimes. She’s sitting in the room and she’s just doodling. I guess what I’m worried about is she’s not inquisitive or annoying, or hyperactive. I guess I’m kind of comparing her to how I was as a kid.

“Ah, there ye are. Are th’ girls ready?” My mother asked.

“Ma- ahem – mom, they’ll be ready in a bit.”

She sneered at me and she kind of flicked my chin. “Ye can’t hide it, me boy, so don’t ya even try it,” and she cackled away like some Disney villain. Why are the women in my life so god damned complicated?

“You know she only gets like that when you’re around,” I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around to find Albert with a wide smile on his face.

“Well, don’t you look chipper this morning,” I remarked. He is covered in sweat, like he’s been running for the past hour or so but then I remembered it’s fall and it’s damn cold outside.

“We got a home gym?” I asked and he shook his head.

“No, I just carried a log and ran up and down the street.”

“Y- you carried a whole ass log and ran up and down the street? “

He shook his head. I laughed and I pat his shoulder and he didn’t realize why I was doing that.

“S-so what is your and Laura’s deal?”

Oh, now we’re getting somewhere. “She’s a good friend of mine, that’s all. You’re interested in her?”

He nodded sheepishly. I grinned and I took him to his room.

*** ***Alana*** ***

The girls finally got out of the stuffy bathroom. Laura got Saleen and the four of us were about to go out when we got a glimpse of Dean’s wife.

Izz and I went over there, well more like Izz wanted to and I just went over because I fucking like gossip and I live for that shit.

“Hey! We’re about to go to the city, wanna come with?”

Jackie sheepishly nodded, but then I see her husband move in from the corner of my eyes.

“Oh’ we’d like to go!” He said but Izz turned away from him.

“Girls only,” she said, “we need a guide around here.”

“We’re not interested,” Dean said as he grabbed Izz by her left shoulder with his right hand.

Big mistake.

Izz grabbed his hand with her right hand and squeezed. Izz has an abnormally strong grip strength, strong enough that Chris sometimes ask her to open jars for him. She twisted his arm over until he’s down on his knees and begging.

“Girls. Only,” she reiterated, “and don’t fucking touch me. Only Chris can touch me there, understand?”

He nodded and Izz relaxed her grip and smiled at him. “Good! Now Jackie, come on.”

We walked away and I looked back at him and stuck a tongue out.

*** Bella ***

Fucking motherfucker. Don’t fucking touch me with your goddamn filthy hand.

As I led Jackie away, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat good with what I did, but at the same time I’m not sure how Chris will react to this, or his parents.

“Is… is this fine?” Jackie said softly, almost whispering, and I had to slap her ass for her to make a louder noise.

“Dad – *ahem* – Chris said that I reminded him of you, and right now I’m having a hard fucking time of believing him,” I said to her as she recoiled at my voice, “What’s wrong? What the fuck happened to you?”

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes that I need to own up to. A lot of mistakes.”

“Yeah? What’s one of them?”

“Marrying the wrong brother is one of them.”

I looked at her and then gave Alana a nod. We took her over to our SUV and I drove off.

She sighed heavily as she continued, “Chris and I, we were great friends. He’s a bit nerdy so I guess I didn’t see it back then, and I was more tomboyish. I’ve had a thing for Dean since we were freshmen year, but he never looked at me until he asked me out the day before graduation. I was so happy that I forgot about meeting up with Chris after graduation!”

She started crying, but I didn’t stop driving.

“Dean was a great boyfriend! For a year I was so happy. So happy. I was so happy that I didn’t even care about Chris. That I lost my best friend, but I gained a new one. When he and I got married, Chris wasn’t even there, even though I was looking for him and I was asking for him. I asked Dean to call him up but he never did.”

By this time, we’re all engrossed in this story of hers.

“We married young. We didn’t really date that long either. But a year after marrying him, Dean stopped touching me. He stopped kissing me and hugging me and I had to beg for him to have sex with me. Finally, I did something I shouldn’t have. I slept with another man and Dean found out. But instead of divorcing me, he emotionally and mentally abused me. I can’t help it! I have a much higher sex drive than him.”

Fucking pig. Fucking PIG! I’m furious, seething in anger, not because of what Dean is doing to Jackie, but because I was in Dean’s shoes once upon a time, and I’m familiar with the pain I put Chris through.

So we stopped over at the mall and immediately went for ice cream. Laura kindly took us aside and expressed a concern.

“Can we, like, keep it PG-13? Saleen is here and I’d like for her to keep her innocence a little bit more.”

“Oh yeah, of course,” I assured her. I got Mint Chocolate, Alana got Rocky Road, Laura got Cookies and Cream while Saleen enjoyed plain old Chocolate.

Jackie had Vanilla. Eww.

“So, verbal and emotional abuse eh?” I said as I licked my treat, “Chris will be furious when he hears this.”

“Oh! Don’t tell him! Dean will kick his ass if he tries anything!”

Alana and I looked at each other and laughed. “Oh! Chris? Get-get beaten up by that? Oh that’s funny.”

Jackie wore a confused mask. “Wh-why do you say that?”

“Ohhh… I guess your Chris is a lot different than My Chris.”

“Dean was his high school bully,” Jackie revealed and that kind of got a bit of a chuckle out of me.

“Well, Chris had apparently been doing Boxing for almost 10 years. Recently he’s been trying his hand out for MMA but he keeps saying he’s too thin for it.”

“Don’t forget, Bella here was also his bully!” Alana blurted out and I hissed at her.

I tapped her on the forehead for that. “You want to revoke your cuddle sessions?”

“C-Cuddle sessions? You don’t meant…”

“Let’s just say that Chris is too much of a man for me to handle, and sometimes I need… help with him.”

She blushed, what a smart girl. You really did marry the wrong brother. I grinned as an idea popped up in my head.

“Do you want to watch?”

*** ***Chris*** ***

The girls are out, and Dean has been in a prissy mood all morning. Albert and I decided to play some video games. He’s always been better at me, especially at fighting games.

“You’ve been working out too, haven’t you?” He asked as he picked his fighter, “are you still boxing?”

“Yeah I started again, and I have been working out, thanks for noticing. I’m trying to get bigger but I just can’t for some reason. I’ve been eating a lot but it’s not turning into muscle.”

“We’ll try and change your diet up, see if that works.”

We played a couple of rounds and finally I just couldn’t stand loosing so much so I gave up.

“I’m glad you found someone,” he remarked, “especially when you moved out, y’know, I was worried you’d be alone.”

“Still having trouble with dating?”

He nodded grimly. I sighed and then said aloud, “Laura is a nice girl. She’s beautiful and kind, and don’t worry about Saleen. She’s not looking for a step father or a wallet or anything, ok? So don’t think about her like that. She just wants to find someone to love her and for her to love.”

“Anything else I should know about her?”

I grinned. Should I tell him about her kink? Nah, I’ll let her do that. “Just an FYI, we slept together once. Act shocked if she tells you.”

“What? But you have a girlfriend though!” He almost yelled at me, but I calmed him down.

“Bella gave them a hall pass. Honestly I think it was so she could regain confidence or anything because she hadn’t had sex ever since her ex left them.”

He sat back as he absorbed the information, nodding in appreciation. “Thanks. I’ll talk to her a bit more when she gets back. She is beautiful, though.”

“Albert, you don’t know the half of it.”

*** ***Alana*** ***

Now she wants this bitch to watch us? What the fuck, Izz, this is our special time! Wait, Laura won’t join us? Our main bitch? Our compadre? Our cunt homie?

“Laura wants to fuck Albert,” Izz whispered to me with a wink and a nudge.

“Nuh-uh, someone like Albert is not her type,” I whispered back while keeping an eye on Laura. But Izz was adamant about it.

This bitch! What the fuck! How dare you? We’re supposed to be together in this sex-embargo and now you’re betraying me?! Fuck you, Laura!

But… but I’m happy you have potentially found someone, you bitch.

“Izz, what the fuck are you thinking by having her watch?” I whispered softly, “would he even agree to this?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” She smiled wickedly. What’s her plan? What’s her game?

Oh, but we get to fuck again tonight! Yes!

Focus, girl, we need warmer clothes and some bra. My Latina body is not used to this cold. Well, they get snow over in Argentina but I’m Peruvian. God damn my nipples are chaffing!

*** Bella ***

Jackie has this real bad habit of looking at the floor while walking. I grabbed her and held her at arms length. I can’t stand looking at her acting like some lost lamb. She needs to find her fucking voice, or so help me GOD!

“Look up while you walk. Puff out your chest, keep your back straight. For God’s sake, have some self respect woman!”

“How? How can I?! I’m an adulterer, ok! I don’t deserve anything but less than how he’s treating me.”

I slapped her. I’m not proud of myself but I slapped her.

“Chris and my relationship wasn’t always great. In fact, it was a lot like yours. I treated him like shit! Like complete garbage! I treated him like a walking dildo for me to use and nothing more! But he had enough self respect to try and leave me, and if it weren’t for a friends help I wouldn’t have this loving man hugging me every day.”

Jackie wept as she held her red cheeks. “But how can I leave my husband? I have nothing! I have no money, and everything I own is tied to him!”

“You own you! Don’t give up on yourself! You cheated, yeah that wasn’t the best route to take with how your marriage is turning out and instead of talking to your husband and working it out, you chose the most selfish and destructive route. But now he’s abusing you. Leave him! He didn’t force you to cheat, and you’re not forcing him to be an abusive dick either. You don’t have to stay with him!”

“But… but…”

“No buts! I’ll tell you what, if you managed to find the ovaries to actually divorce Dean I’ll personally drive over here and pick you up. Now, we’re here to buy some underwear and clothes, and I have a feeling you need some… maintenance down there.”

Jackie swallowed hard as she covered her crotch.

*** ***Chris*** ***

The girls came back with several bags of what I suspect as clothes, as if their baggage weren’t heavy enough. They each gave me a glare, like I wronged them, and I’m actually surprised they have Jackie with them.

“Uncle Chris, Uncle Chris!” Saleen ran up to me while holding an ice cream cone. They went out for ice cream and they didn’t tell me!? I’m hurt!

Wait, why would they get ice cream in this weather anyway?!

“Oh, Saleen! Did you have fun!”

“Yup! Mommy talked about Alb… Albu… Albert. Um, Auntie Bella is saying about sharing! Sharing is caring, that’s what my teacher tells me, but Auntie Allie didn’t want to share.”

“Oh? Auntie Allie didn’t want to share? Share what, Saleen?”

She then stabbed me with her finger, “You!

Uh oh. Share me? Bella is already sharing me with Alana. What the hell happened on that shopping trip?

I gave Saleen a tussle of her wild, brown hair and I went off towards my room. Bella is sitting on the bed, folding a lot of underwear, mainly thongs and G-strings and even a lingerie or two. I think I saw a teddy too, and even a crotch-less, backless panty!

Did they raid a porn shop? With little Saleen? Oh, I pity her innocence! Gone, and she was so young too!

“What, uh, what did you guys do?” I started as I slowly made my way towards her.

“Oh nothing, just the usual. How life is going, how much fun it is to be a single mother. How hard Alana and I are going to fuck you tonight.”

“I’m sorry, care to repeat that?”

She gave me this unnerving look. I’m usually the dominant one when we’re having sex, well lately I have but something tells me I won’t be. I made my way out of the room only to find Alana with a really creepy smile.

“Hmmm, I’ll see you tonight… *Papi*,” she said. She never calls me Papi before, not even once because she said that since a lot of Hispanic ladies say it that it kind of lost its sexiness for her. She slipped into our room where I heard her giggle.

Laura! Laura can help me!

I went into her room and she’s got a bed full of lingeries and racy underwear too! Well what do I care, it’s probably not for me anyway.

“Chris! Um, c-can I help you?” She stumbled on her words.

“Laura! What are those two planning! You gotta tell me!”

She shook her head. “I’ve betrayed Bella enough already!”

“Laura! Tell me or else I won’t tell you what kind of kink Albert is into!”

That caught her attention. I saw the little battle she’s waging in her head. Should she betray her friend’s trust or should she give them up for some spicy information? She moaned at me and pleaded with her eyes.

I’ve been on edge all day and until the middle of the night. I’m ready. These two losers won’t know what hit them! I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, no one makes a fool out of Christian!

So I managed to bribe Laura into ratting out her friends. “Albert really likes dirty talk and kind of tease him a bit with your ass. He also likes low-cut v necks shirts, so if you have one wear it.”

She grinned at me. Good luck, big bro!

Anyway, if these two losers think they can pull one on me, they got another thing coming. So they’re planning on making me wear some sort of edible condom or something, some new product where my cum is like seasoning on it or some shit. There’s no way I’m wearing an edible condom!

So I’m trying to look for the damn thing. I looked through Bella’s bag and through my bag. Nothing. Bupkis. Maybe Alana’s luggage? I went over to her room and looked through her bag. She didn’t even unpack! Again, there’s nothing.

Maybe it’s in the pocket of Bella’s clothes! I searched it again and found absolutely nothing!

Then I hear the door close behind me.

“Naughty, naughty,” I hear Bella’s words creep over my shoulders. “You couldn’t possibly be looking for edible condoms were you?”

“My, my. Did he seriously believe edible condoms are a thing? Ay, *Papi,* you’re so… gullible!”

Double-crossed! Why, Laura? Why?!

“See, Daddy needs to be punished now. He’s been a bad boy,” Bella teased while she walked towards my left.

“Oh yeah, I think so too. *Pap*i has been a bad boy!”

“What… what are you two thinking? What are you two trying to do?”

The door opened again and Jackie walked in. She has a bit more color on her face and she’s wearing a small smile.

“Jackie! Quick, call Albert! Tell him… Jackie? Jacks?”

Instead of running out to fetch Albert, she pulled up my chair and planted herself on it, crossed her legs, and then crossed her arms over her chest.

“J-Jacks? Um, d-don’t tell me…”

Alana was the first to strike! Shit! She’s shorter than I am and since I’m so used to looking up on account of Bella’s and my height difference, she took advantage of it and she went low. She climbed over my back and wrapped her arms over mine and then her legs too.

“Punishment! It’s time for Daddy’s punishment!”

“Why’d you stop calling me *Papi*?” I inquired, trying to break up whatever’s happening

“I like calling you Daddy better. Now shut up and receive judgment!”

Bella took off her shirt, squeezing and rubbing her tits while she walked towards me. She placed an erect nipple into my mouth and I couldn’t help but flick it with my tongue and then suck on it, then I opened my mouth and took as much of her tit meat into it. Alana finally let go of my back and then she reached over and started unzipping my jeans. My hands immediately went for Bella’s other breast and began fondling and squeezing it.

Then I hear a short gasp.

Alana’s got my entire manhood in her hands. It’s still soft, but it’s apparent to my viewer that it’s fairly large. I mean, I’m 5 inches soft and I’m only growing larger. But I think I’m forgetting something.

Well, that something currently has her legs spread open and two fingers in her slit. She’s got her long skirt up and bunched up with her freshly shaved pussy poking through some crotch-less panties and lacy thigh highs.

“She hasn’t had sex in 2 years,” Bella whispered into my ears, “she’s so lonely, Daddy, oh so lonely.”

“But… but she’s married! She’s my sister-in-law for fuck’s sake!” I protested but Bella only pursed her lips.

“Oh, Daddy. She just wants to watch. She just wanted to see how a real man fucks.” Alana said in turn as she licked her entire palm and used it to grease up my rod. Bella has started pinching and poking my glans while Alana’s other hand went to my balls.

“A real man doesn’t just use his cock to please his woman. He uses his entire body to do it. In turn, a real woman shouldn’t shame her partner and respond in kind to pleasure taken with pleasure given.”

Bella then slowly walked over to where Jackie is sitting and then tilted her chin up with her finger.

“What I mean is, size can only do so much. Enthusiasm, a connection with your partner, and a willingness to explore and experiment can get you farther.”

Alana only nodded as she squeezed my balls, causing me to groan. She moved until she’s kneeling in front of me, looking up expectantly at me.

These girls. Why are they doing this? And in front of Jackie no less! What if Dean finds out? What then? I mean, I don’t give a shit when it comes to him, but he’s still my brother and this is really stepping out of bounds!

“P-Please show me,” she squeaked. What happened to the girl I fell in love with so long ago? What happened to her? What happened to the rough skateboarder that refuses to wear elbow pads, or to the girl that played basketball just as well as the boys did?

All I see is a girl, broken down and afraid.

I grabbed Bella by the back of her neck as soon as she got within reach. “What the fuck are we doing right now?! Tell me now because I’m seriously ticked off.”

She just smiled at me, “a lady never tells.”

“I see…” I said understandably.

I pushed Alana away and grabbed Bella by the throat while I pushed her towards the bed and then into it. I spread her leg open and dove right in, lapping up her wet crotch with reckless abandon.

“T- that’s right! See! See how he doesn’t just shove his cock into my – *Ahhh hmmm* – m-mouth! Chris likes to make sure his girls come first.”

I looked over to see Alana standing behind Jackie with her hand slithering down towards her crotch. “Let me help you with that.”

Then I heard a deep moan from Jackie.

I licked the sides of Bella’s pussy, all of her lips, and even the insides I made sure to pay attention to it. I puckered up and started sucking on her clit, slowly first and then gradually increasing the pace. When I felt like her breathing quickened, I placed a finger in and screwed it in as it glided forward and back.

“S-so good! Chris is not af-afraid of going down on me or Alana,” Bella continued, “so w-we make sure to – *ohhh* fuck – do the same for him.”

“Chris! I-I’m sorry, Chris,” Jackie cried out as Alana rubbed her clit while groping her chest, “I’m sorry I didn’t show up that night! I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you for a year! I’m sorry we drifted apart, even though we’re family!”

“I was confused. I was so confused that night and I have to live with my choice. I’m sorry for everything, but I’ll make it better for me and my family.”

Jackie got herself up, came up to me,and gave my forehead a small kiss, then she left our room.

“Good luck to her,” Alana mumbled as she licked her finger, “now, where were we?”

*** ***Bella*** ***

Well, I hope she can fix herself first.

Alana started fondling my tits, pinching my nipples while she licked my neck. Chris is still down there, giving my lower lips some gentle loving, but he would often turn the dial to 11 and suck on my clit real hard. Alana eventually moved her mouth to mine as we started kissing. Holy shit, I just noticed I’ve been making out with Alana too much lately. Maybe I’m turning into a bisexual, but I’m not really attracted to women or Alana. But I get so heated at the moment that Alana and I just start making out.

“I wonder how much cum he’s hiding in his sack,” Alana purred into my ears, “he only came twice last night.”

Oooh, she is right! He only did come twice last night!

I’m hungry. So hungry. I grabbed Chris by his hair and pulled him up to me where he kissed me and he played with my tits. Alana shimmied down and started sucking on his cock and rubbing my pussy at the same time, then I felt his tip enter me.

“Oh, baby,” I moaned into his mouth, “fuck me a little slow tonight, please?”

He looked at me and I’m giving him the best doe eyes I could give while I bit my lower lip. He thrust into me slowly, allowing me to enjoy his entire length, and when he retracted himself the way the ridge of his cock head scraped against my walls got me shaking. “Just like that, baby, just like that.”

He went slow and steady, grinding against me every now and then while he took his head back to the entrance only for it to plunge again. Alana was up by him, rubbing his chest while they kissed.

But then, she came back. Jackie bursts through the door and for a second I heard a few other sounds of protest. Her face has changed. She has the look of the devil on it.

“I gave him a chance,” she started, “I gave him a chance and he didn’t take it. Fuck it! I’m… move over, I need this.”

She started taking off that dress of hers, revealing a nice body. She has a bit of meat on her, but I could tell that she was once athletic once upon a time. Chris held out his hand causing Jackie to stop.

“What happened, first of all,” he said but he didn’t stop fucking me. Instead, he would speed up his thrust and then slow down at random times, causing me to really moan.

“I told him to stop treating me like his god damn maid! He hasn’t touched me in two years! I asked to have sex tonight, and he told me no. So I told him, flat out, either we have sex tonight or I’m going to go over to your room and have sex with you because right now you’re fucking two girls!”

Chris bent at the waist and kissed me and I’m honestly just swimming in my head right now. “What do we do?” he softly asked me while giving small kisses.

“D-do it. Just this once,” I slurred out, “b-but make me cum first, baby?”

I don’t think I needed to ask as his thrust sped up a bit and he would slow down. He could immediately tell that I was enjoying his randomness, and he was there for it. I was already shaking, coming hard especially when there’s another set of eyes looking at my depravity. It didn’t take long for me to start my orgasm, and when it arrived my abs tensed up and I could feel my body wanting to curl. I thought he’d dislodge himself from me there, but no he kept making love to me despite my orgasm ride arriving.

He flipped me over to my stomach, I’m still on the cusp of my orgasm, and started fucking me while he grabbed my waist. I felt his hand slide up my waist and torso, only to end up cupping my breast while he brings me up to standing. I arched my ass backward so he could continue, and I’m starting to get weak so I have to hold onto him. I’m moaning and screaming now, letting his thick cock just ravage me.

And then he started making that noise he does when he’s about to come. He started grunting like some wild boar, faster and faster, and with sharp thrust he fired off his first load into me. I held my breath as I felt his warmth invade me, and again my orgasmic ride arrived.

He slowly let me go, landing on my belly and I couldn’t help but curl up. My body is a twitching mess as I tried to go to my back, but Chris helped me in that regard. “Thank you, baby,” I softly said to him and he went up to me and kissed me again. “Now, show her what was behind Door number 2.”

~ End of Part 19 ~



  1. Fantastic yet again and you even brought out the “papi” that made it for me. Here’s hoping it makes another appearance.

  2. How do you come up with the dialogue?

    Alana’s “cunt home” made me laugh.

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