Beginning of a erotica trilogy? Tell me if you’re interested.

She gazes into my eyes as she slips a finger between my thighs and up to my throbbing pussy. She began stroking between my clit slowly and teasingly. My lips gap open slightly as I try to resist the building tension beneath me. She kept stroking in a slow pace, but suddenly her fingers stopped. I snapped out of the intoxicating aura and look at her dejectedly.

“Why did you stop?” I said in exasperation. She smirks at my annoyance waiting for me to beg for more. But I couldn’t allow it to happen because it meant I would be her sex slave with no say. My whole autonomy could be lock away for a week if I give in to her little games. She loved power. It is what she wish she had over her husband. She got entangle by a marriage by a man she never loved. However, the bills were getting paid and the dick satisfied her enough for wanting more…

“I want you, but I want you my way” I said as I looked at Vanessa’s piercing dark brown eyes. I couldn’t let her win. I wanted her to beg for me instead. I knew I can fuck her better than her husband who is away on a business trip for two weeks.

“Is that so? You’ve been such a good daddy’s girl for my husband as his assistant I thought maybe I can do you a favor in honor of my husband” Vanessa sneered. I couldn’t help but quiver by the way she licked her teeth with her tongue. She is coming for me. She quenches for my body unapologetically which turned my body ablaze. Vanessa’s hauntingly beautiful eyes gazes at my jawline, neck, and my breast. I want her badly to grab hold of it and kissed them passionately intoxicated by my aura. I yearn for her touch. I quickly pulled away and began walking away from her down the corridor. But I was stopped midway by her domineering hand grab on my armed and was pulled into a embrace. Our lips interlock aggressively and passionately. I allowed myself to be taken away in that moment by the hands of a she devil.


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