Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F] Part 18


*** ***Chris*** ***

Thanksgiving is coming, and we’ve decided to spend it over at my parent’s place. They moved away about 6 or 7 years ago to about a 5-hour drive from us north. They liked it there better, they like the cool, crisp air and the snow. They liked the quiet and they liked the neighborhood.

The girls normally spend it with their parents but as luck would have it none of them could host. Alana’s father has a girlfriend and she wants them to be more romantic or something. Bella’s parents are on their third honeymoon or something, and Laura’s parents are out traveling the world.

So, naturally, that leaves me.

“Well, we better pack cold then,” I told them and the girls are very much looking forward to this.

Especially Bella.

She’s been wanting to meet my parents for some time now, particularly when her general attitude turned for the better and she started taking our relationship more seriously.

She brought mostly dresses and more elegant attire. Basically, 90% of her current wardrobe is out. Frantically, she bought more and more appropriate clothing.

“Why not wear your secretary clothes instead?” I asked.

She looked at me and she slapped me across the arm.

“God damn it! Why the hell didn’t I think of that!?”

*** ***Bella*** ***

What do I do? What the fuck do I do? I have no idea what to wear, and all of my clothes are too slutty to be wearing around my boyfriend’s parents! I’ve never met them before! I mean, he’s told me about them but I’ve never met them before!

I took the girls with me. Thankfully, Alana is off today and Laura really has nothing better to do on a weekday, so we went to the mall. I went over to a boutique with some nice clothes and I noticed a particularly familiar face behind the registers.

“Hey, can I see that picture?” I asked the clerks and they handed me a photo. I squinted at it, looked at it really hard, and finally, I noticed the picture. “Is that… Lanie!? What the hell, how did she get banned from this store!?”

“Oh, do you know her? This happened a few years back. She was [caught having sex]( with her husband in the changing stalls,” the clerk said with a shrug.

“Well I’ll be damned,” I muttered to myself as I hand the photo back. “Well, I can see that happening actually.”

I got a couple of cute dresses in case we go out while we’re over at his parent’s house. Alana and Laura got a couple as well, with Laura buying a lacy dress and Alana a black bodycon lacy dress that fits her so perfectly. Unfortunately because of how I’m built I purchased a red dress that clings tightly against my figure. I couldn’t buy any of the cuter dresses because it’s either too small for me or my shoulders are too wide for them.

*** ***Chris*** ***

So we drove for about five hours. Me, Bella, Alana, Laura and Saleen. I think Alana took a sleeping pill or something because she was out the entire time, only finally waking up when we’re near.

Finally, we come upon my parent’s home. I haven’t seen it in a while, and frankly, it feels new to me. It’s not my childhood home, but most of my childhood stuff is in a room designated for me.

It’s a nice country-style home with about 12 rooms. There are five rooms on both ends of the first floor, and the second floor has the master bedroom, another bigger room and some of the entertainment suite. Honestly, I never really go up there because most of the stuff I’m interested in is on the first floor.

Alana slugged me on the arm, “For fuck’s sake! Chris, you’re fuckin’ rich too!?”

“No! No, Ow! I’m not rich, my parents are rich,” I reasoned but she wasn’t having it.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what a rich kid would say!”

Bella pulled on my sleeves a little bit. “Babe, what do your parents do?” she innocently asked. I’m pretty sure I told her, but I must have not or I may have a few years ago.

“My father works in pharmaceuticals, and my mom is the Dean of Medicine in a nearby hospital.”

Now it was Alana’s turn to tug at my arm, “are they still working?”

“I think so. They’re only in their 50’s so they’re still young.”

The driveway is rather large to accommodate a large number of vehicles. My parents saw us and my father and mother came up to meet us.

Bill, my father, greets us with wide-open arms which I received and he pats me on the back. He’s rather short, shorter than I am, with graying hair and a robust salt and pepper beard. He has the infamous Dad-bod and he doesn’t try to hide it.

My mother is, perhaps, my most favorite person in the world.

“Ah, Chrissy me wean (child)!” came the voice of an Irish woman who made me a happy child. I couldn’t contain myself as I embraced her then she held me at arm’s length and she said, “ya never bother visitin’ us? Ya can’t even be asked to call!”

I don’t know what came over me. I honestly have no idea. “*Ach*, ma! Don’t be slagging (poke fun) me now, ya knows I call ye plenty enough!”

“*Ach*, ya bloody eejit! I’m feelin’ all lured (delighted) though, yer here for, erm,” my mother loved doing this. She straightened her body up, she’s fairly tall and slender, then she kind of puffed up her chest, and then she said, in the most American accent she can muster, “Thanksgiving,” and then she started laughing really loud and infectious. Well, infectious to me because I’m laughing myself.

“Um, honey?” my dad said in the tiniest of voice like he’s feeling a sort of shame hammering away at him.

Then I realized it. I fucking realized it, and it was far too late. Oh god, why… why, god, why!?

“Ma… I… th’ Lasses (girls), they still standin’ behind me?”

“Aye, son, indeed they are,” she said in a serious tone as she leaned over to the side and she gave them a little wave like she’s Princess fucking Diana or something.

“Fer how long?” I dared to ask, though I know the answer to it.

“Th’ entire time, son,” she continued while snickering and giggling.

I closed my eyes and I pinched the bridge of my nose. I took a deep breath and looked at my grinning mother. “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Ye couldn’t even stop me from makin’ ah complete eejit of meself!? Yer havin’ ah grand time arent’cha Ma!? Ah grand feckin’ time!”

I’m furious. Gods damned furious. I’ve never shown this to anyone else but my family! It’s so fucking embarrassing! Every time I talk with my mother I automatically switch to talking like I was born in the shores of Ireland! Why?

I dashed over to them. I dare not look them in the face. My honor is stained. I grabbed their bags, All of their bags. I could feel their stares of judgment on the back of my skull, and I feel nothing but shame! Forgive me, let me die, please!

I brought their bags in and my mother couldn’t help but tease me. She didn’t even help me with the bags.

I dropped the bags off at the rooms where I’m assigning them at. Obviously, Bella and I are staying in my old room, all the way to the end of the hall. When I got done dropping off the bags, the girls finally got into the house. I bid them follow me, I feel like a god damn butler, and I showed them their proper room and where the bathroom is located at.

Bella smiled at me wickedly. “Oh, can ya now sweets? Take me arms then, laddy and lead th’ way!” she said in the most non-Irish sounding accent I’ve heard.

“Babe, please…stop,” is all I can say as I’m starting to turn red again. I’m actually more embarrassed that she thinks she sounds Irish.

My room is, more or less, the same as my old room. There are posters of my favorite band, System of a Down, plastered on the wall as well as many books lining the shelves. My old computer sits on my desk, and I even thought about booting it up to play some of my old games but I decided against it. Knowing how nosy Bella is, she’ll be trying to find old porn in my computer.

Bella sat on my bed, admiring how bouncy it is. “Typical teenager room,” she remarked and I could only agree with her.

She’s sitting back, resting against her hands as she’s letting her eyes wander around. I slipped my hand under her back and pulled her in close, kissing her gently. “Not a good idea, mister,” she grinned at me as she pressed a finger against my lips, “maybe later. What if your parents catch us?”

I rolled my eyes as I retrieved my hand from the small of her back. I’ve never known her to dismiss my advances. In fact, I’ve had to deny HER sex many times! Wait, does she want to make a good impression on my parents? Is she… behaving?

Bella left the room for a bit, telling me she’s going with Alana to Laura’s room. I wonder what they’re planning. A few minutes passed and I got a text from Dad that dinner is ready and to get the girls.

We sat around a round table, with possibly my most favorite food: Pot roast. One of the reasons why I love this is because it’s probably the only dish that my Mother can cook well, and every time I smell it I know I’m going to have a good day.

I’m salivating as mom served me a helping of mashed potatoes and the roast. I didn’t even notice the Caesar Salad and roast chicken breast sitting there, all I wanted was the damn pot roast.

“Dean and Albert should be coming by soon. I swear, they live closer to us than you do yet they’re here so late,” Dad said with a shake of his head.

“So, Chris, yer not planning on introducing yer lady friends to us are ye?” Mother complained as she kicked my shin softly. Her accent softened, still being present but it’s not as obvious as before then she continued, “an’ tell me, which one is yer beour (GF)?”

I swear, one of the carrot bits got into my windpipe. I coughed and hacked and pounded on my chest. “Bella, this is Maeve my mother and Bill, my father. Bella is my girlfriend, my… beour.”

Bella extended her hand and shook my father’s hand, but mother took her time holding hers.

“Laura is one of Bella’s best friends, and Alana is her other best friend,” I continued as the girls nodded towards my parents. But mom seems to be fixated on Bella.

“So, Bella, tell me. Have ya touched his bait and tackle?”

Fuck’s sake, I damn near choked again. I coughed and coughed until finally, I could speak again. “Ma! That…. you… ma!” I couldn’t find the words for my embarrassment, and Bella is pretty damn red.

“Oh wean, don’t be so shy about it! So, lass, how is me boy? Good? Awful? Dead fish?” mother continued as she leaned in closer to Bella.

“He is…. exceptional,” she said softly as she blushed. I glanced over to Alana and she’s grinning like a goddamn idiot, and Laura is so into the whole thing she’s slowly eating her food just so she can stay seated longer.

“Oh! Hear that Bill? Exceptional! Me boy’s an exceptional lover!” mother clapped her hands as she cupped my face and gave my cheeks a squeeze. “I didn’t think me awkward waen would be an exceptional lover!”

Dad is just sitting there with his head on his palm, shaking it slowly.


The girls and I sat around the living room, with them grilling me on why I never told them I’m rich. I hear the door open and I see the douchiest person I know.


He’s wearing his old Letterman jacket from high school and he comes in like we’re supposed to hold a fanfare for him. He’s a good looking guy, the typical high school football jock with a crew cut and he’s fairly well built but it’s a bit obvious he’s not maintaining the same workout regiment he used to.

“Chris! I thought I’d be here before you’d get here bro!” he shouted from the door. I sighed in annoyance especially when he came up to us and stood with his arms on his hips. I guess we’re supposed to be impressed? He looked at us expectantly, especially at me.

“Dean, this is Bella. That’s Laura over there and Alana over by the other side.”

The girls kind of gave him a short wave. I guess they could tell I didn’t like Dean very much. He kind of felt dejected. Then I see her, that same beautiful girl I’ve known since Middle School.


She came up to Dean and held his arm, keeping her eyes low like she’s some housekeeper that’s not supposed to look the guest in the eyes. This is not the same girl I knew once upon a time, and when she glanced up to look at me, she quickly looked away. Like she’s ashamed. I saw a flash of anger on Dean’s face, but then he quickly made his way out to get the bags.

Jackie went off toward the right side of the house. “Jackie? Talk to me for a second,” I called out as I got up and walked to her.

When I reached her, she gave me a weak hello. “Its… it’s been a while, Chris,” she said meekly as she kept her eyes on the ground.

“Jackie, what’s wrong?” I asked and she merely shook her head. “He’s not hurting you is he?”

“No, this is my fault. It’s my fault, ok? Um, let’s not talk about this. I don’t want to ruin Thanksgiving for us.”

She broke off from me and went off towards the end of the hall.

As I made my way back to the living room, I see my older brother, Albert. Instantly I’m elated at seeing him, my third favorite person in the family. In some family, the youngest and the oldest normally doesn’t get along but that’s not the case with Albert. He taught me a lot of things growing up, and he was patient with me and Dean, breaking up many of our fights and being the mediator.

“Albert! I want you to meet my friends! This is Bella, my girlfriend. Alana is over there, and this is Laura.”

They each gave him a very healthy response, but as soon as Albert and Laura looked at each other’s eyes, I knew that they’re in trouble. They looked at each other a bit longer and a smile was forming on Albert’s face. Laura kind of got a look in her eyes like she’s spotted a prey, and even when Albert was walking away she kept her eyes trained at him.

When Laura finally stopped undressing Albert, she looked at me and she blushed.

Oh boy.

*** ***Bella*** ***

Hmm, I don’t like it when he had to go and talk to Jackie like that. She was special to him, I think. I also don’t like how Dean looked at me, sitting so comfortably against Chris. It’s like he told himself “how the hell did he get someone like her?” like Chris does not deserve me or something.

Albert seemed nice. He gave off this feeling of being dependable, despite looking a little like a bodybuilder. I mean, his muscles are obvious and they’re big, but I prefer my men to be similar to Chris or Victor. Albert also gave off that awkwardness that I found somewhat attractive like how Chris was at the beginning of our relationship.

Chris and I laid down on our bed, with my hand drawing circles on his chest.

“Jackie. Was she a girlfriend?” I asked innocently enough, and he gave me this sigh. Like he didn’t want to talk about it. It was a sigh with some pain behind it.

“Jackie was my best friend from Middle School to High School and my first crush,” he started as he gave me this pained look, “and also the first girl to break my heart.”

“Oh. Oh I see,” I said as I laid my arms on his chest, gently rubbing his chin.

“After graduation, I wanted to ask her out. Before that day, I talked to her and I asked her if we could meet up in the parking lot and she agreed. I waited for her for hours, up until midnight, but she never showed up. Not even a call from her or a text. I didn’t find out until many months later that she went off with Dean and moved in with him. It turns out she’s had a crush on him for the longest time and he asked her out the day before, the same day I asked her if she could meet me. That was the last time I talked to her.”

“Wow. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But, why were you so concerned for her?” I continued to ask as I moved my head over his chest, and his right arm wrapped from below me and he folded it over then his hands started playing with my hair.

“Because Jackie was a lot like you, Bella. Headstrong, a bit rebellious, and foul-mouthed. I guess I have a type, ha ha.”

That laugh told me he’s alright. A bit sad, I guess but he’s alright. He started shifting, he sat up turned over.

“Babe, I’ll be back. I need to talk to Laura.”

“About what?” I prodded, “what do you need to talk to her about?”

He smiled at me while he puts on a shirt. “I just need to make something clear with her about Albert.”

“About Albert? What do you mean?”

He just winked at me as he went out the door. Why does he need to make something clear about Albert?

*** ***Chris*** ***

Maybe I’m just imagining it. Maybe I’m all wrong, but Albert is someone that I hold dear close to my heart.

Despite being the eldest, Albert has the least experience with women out of the three of us. He’s always been shy, an introvert like me but he couldn’t tap into his extrovert self when he needed to. He had a very rough breakup with an ex 14 years ago when he was 16 that still haunts him to this day.

But he’s always been kind. He put a lot of energy into the gym, he was a bit of a chunky kid back then but now he’s massive. He has thick arms with well-corded muscles and his back is wide. I’m a little jealous of him, to be honest, I want to be a little bigger but it’s not happening.

I knocked on the door softly and I peeked in to find Laura sitting by the bed with Saleen already fast asleep.

“Laura, do you have a minute?” I asked and she nodded. She looks beautiful, with her nice, smooth legs disappearing into her black shorts and her tank top barely holding her nice breast in. I can tell she’s not wearing a bra either because her erect nipples are clearly poking against the fabric.

“What was that?” I asked and she just kind of shrugged innocently at me.

“What was what?”

“Come on, Laura. I know that look. You were practically ready to pounce him.”

She just smiled and looked away, brushing her hair up and placing it behind her ear. She really is beautiful and it kind of broke my heart when she apologized to me.

“No, don’t apologize Laura. You’re a lovely lady and I don’t intend to get in your way. You’re both adults, what you two do is none of my business. But, I need to tell you something: he’s been burned before. I’m a bit like him, so just take it a bit slow ok?”

She gave me a soft smile and I gave her a forehead kiss. “Be honest with him, he’s an understanding guy.”

As soon as I left her room she left and made her way to the kitchen with the soft pitter-patter of her bare feet disappearing into the dark.

*** ***Bella*** ***

Chris came back after about 5 minutes of me, alone, with my thoughts. When he slowly close the door behind him, he had a look of relief on his face.

“I think Laura wants to fuck Albert,” he said with a laugh.

“Albert isn’t really Laura’s type,” I countered but Chris just looked at me with a sly grin.

“Oh, Albert is Laura’s type,” he confidently reassured me. I’m not really picking up what he’s putting down, but maybe Laura will share with me later on.

He started kissing me, rubbing my shoulders a bit and I gave in to him. I slid my hand down and I could feel his cock begging to be free from the confines of his shorts. I slipped it free and I found it already throbbing for me.

And then, Alana barged in an expectant look on her face.

“God damn it,” I groaned and Alana made her way over and tucked herself in next to Chris.

“Bitch, why?” I demanded and she just shrugged at me.

“I’m lonely,” she said with that pouty look on her face, “I’m also horny.”

“We’re not going to have sex tonight,” I told her, and she and Chris damn near shouted.

“Wait, we’re not?!” Chris gasped and I just glared at him.

“How could you do this to us!” Alana added as she clutched my arms.

“You two? Really? Alana, you make way too noisy, and Chris, you’re supposed to be with me on this!”

“But… can Chris and I have sex?” Alana said with a wink.

“What the – No! Just wait until tomorrow!”

“Ok how about a blowjob then? Can I give him one?”

Chris is rubbing the back of my neck with his fingertips, looking at me for an answer. Really, I’m feeling very horny right now, but I don’t want to give the impression that I’m some loose whore to his parents!

Chris pulled his cover back and he let his soldier dance. Every once in a while it would bump against my arm and I could feel its warmth.

I can’t hold back. I can’t.

I bent over and took him in my mouth and I let out a long, satisfied moan. Alana joined me and she kneeled down while she laid her torso on his lap and she’s rubbing his sack while kissing him.

Her hand and mine stroked his long dick, sending him groaning and gently rubbing my bobbing head. Fuck you, Chris. Fuck you for making me fall in love with you!

I let Alana have her turn and now it’s my turn on his lips. He tastes minty fresh and actually, it’s a bit intoxicating for me. I found myself hungrily kissing him, grabbing his cheeks, and pulling him in deeper into me.

I know it’s a bad idea so I decided not to let him eat me out. Maybe later on when all the mint in his mouth is gone, but for now I’m settling down with him fingering me.

Alana is enjoying slobbering all over his cock, licking him up and down his shaft, even nibbling a bit on his glans.

Chris pushed her away as he sat up. He leads me down by my hand until I’m sitting on my knees next to Alana. He sat before us, spreading his legs open and we went closer until our face is pressed against his thick, throbbing cock and heavy balls. Alana and I licked his shaft, up and down while we played with his balls.

*** ***Alana*** ***

“Do you like my slutty mouth on your cock, Daddy?”

He rubbed my cheeks as I continued to lick his thick shaft. Izz and I shared sucking his head, and we kept painting his log with our tongues while we took turns sucking his balls. I’m rubbing my pussy while sucking him off, dipping my finger into my wet snatch. Fuck, Daddy get’s me so wet every time! It’s like my pussy is craving his cockhead every time I’m near him.

Then he pressed our faces together while he stood up. He started jerking himself and Izz and I took out our tongue for him.

*** ***Chris*** ***

God, they’re so beautiful, both of them. I worked my cock for a minute, enjoying the view of their tongue wagging against my cock.

I felt it coming and I brought Bella in closer first. The first few shots went into her mouth, then the next few I shot into Alana’s waiting tongue. Then I started painting their faces white with my cum.

They giggled, both of them as they licked my seed off each other’s cheeks. I sat back down, feeling drained and Bella decided to suck the head up rather aggressively.

She just looked at me with that viciousness. Her head bobbed up and down while her suction was harsh.

“Fuck, Bella I’m still – “

Within seconds I blew another thick load down her throat as she pushed herself down. “Fuck!” I shouted as I grabbed a fist full of her hair. I felt her throat spasm around me, and every rope of cum she swallowed caused her throat to grind against my head. She slowly came up, very slowly, and that viciousness didn’t disappear from her eyes. When she released me with a distinct Pop I fell back over.

Alana giggled while she played with my sore cock a bit more, sucking up whatever Bella left over. My succubus of a girlfriend finally crawled up to me, face to face, and she just stared at me.

*** ***Bella*** ***

He’s so defenseless right now. How adorable. I know my initial stance is to NOT have sex tonight, but having him feed me his yummy cum has caused me to disregard my prior programming.

I peeled my shorts off me and I proceeded in guiding his sore cock into my pit. “Oooh, baby,” I cooed as he entered me, and that feeling of being full is so magical. I bounced on his cock, listening on the bed protesting against us, and I leaned onto him and planted my arm on his chest.

“Fuck, fuck me, Chris. Fuck me hard. I fucking need it!” I said as I stared deep into his eyes. He swallowed hard as his hands reached over and grabbed a handful of my ass, while he started meeting my bounce with his own firm thrusts.

“You’re such a dirty girl, lying to me about not wanting to have sex,” he said as he pressed my head against his chest.

“Yes! I’m a dirty girl! Punish this dirty girl, Daddy!” I belted out and he just ravaged my throbbing pussy. All the pent-up lust that I’ve been surprising came flooding out as soon as I put his cock into me. “Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck me hard please!”

Alana pushed me over and she placed her pussy on top of Chris. “Don’t forget about me, Daddy! I need my pussy eaten please!”

*** ***Chris*** ***

I’m a failure of a son. I’ve turned my parent’s innocent home into a house of sin and lust.

Alana is getting too comfortable having sex with me. The last time I had sex with her was supposed to be the last time, but here she is riding my face with her beautiful, brown slit. I’m not complaining, I enjoy sex, and Bella kind of brought that out of me. It’s up to Bella to stop her now, but Bella will always be in my heart.

I flicked my tongue against her clit and I made sure to suck on it slow and hard. She would give a little gasp while I played with her clit, and it’s up to her to remove herself.

Bella bounced on my cock, slamming herself down fast and hard. Her and Alana had started making out, grabbing each other’s breast and massaging them.

“Daddy, I want to cum on your cock please!” Alana begged and while Bella didn’t want to get off, she did so hesitantly. I felt Alana’s tight pussy grip me hard, like a damn vice, as she slid down and it didn’t take long before she started bucking wildly against me.

Bella placed her wet slit on my mouth, with her back turned towards Alana. She looked down from between her tits as she groped them while she enjoyed what I’m offering her.

“*Ohhh,* yes Daddy. Suck my clit, please,” she moaned as she pinched her nipples. Her cunt is gyrating against my mouth, letting me enjoy her wetness a bit more. I flicked my tongue against her clit a little bit more until I started sucking it. I started off slow, with a pulsating suction. Then I started sucking harder and harder with my tongue reading her in between. She gasped and moaned, licking her lips while she tended up and jerked.

“C-coming!” She softly blurts out as I felt her quim twitch and throb a little. Alana has been moaning while my cock invaded her tightness, and her pussy spasms has confirmed to me that she’s been coming non stop since straddling me.

“D-Daddy! I’m coming Daddy!” She whined as she grabbed Bella by her shoulder.’”D-Daddy!” She mewled and I felt her whole body shake and tremble. I took advantage of this and started thrusting into her a bit faster, making her mewl even louder. “*O-O-Ohhhh*, so… good. *Ah Hahn*, Daddy don’t stop! Don’t st-stop!!”

She threw her head back as she held her breath, grabbing for Bella as she rocked herself forward. Her arms went and clawed at Bella’s big tits, grabbing at her and squeezing her. “F-f-fuuuuuck….”

Bella pushed her over to her side and planted herself back onto me. She didn’t want to wait and she squat-fucked me vigorously. Her pussy is so tight, so gods damned tight, that I had to grab her for her to slow down.

I sat up and grabbed her by her waist, holding her close to me while her crotch grinds against me. “Mmmmph, Daddy let me cum too, please let me cum!” She said with a shivering voice. She inhaled sharply as I started sucking on her tits, refusing to let her waist go.

“Chris, baby, h-hold me! Hold m-me tight, please,” she whispered into my ears as she hugged me. Her crotch still went about the motion, going back and forth and then in circles. I took her up and carried her, hooking her legs on my arm while she held onto the back of my neck. I swung her lightly, to and fro, and her little gasps and moans were music to my ears.

“Chris! I-I’m c-coming!” She breathes into my ear shakily, “cum inside me, Chris. Please, cum inside me.”

I held her close and tight as her grinding went faster and faster. Her pussy walls spasmed and trembled and as she started her orgasm they clamped down hard around me. She shook in my arms as she held her breath, but so can hear her softly whimpering. Finally, she gave a loud moan as she exhaled.

I didn’t get to come, but she went limp on my arm. I can hear her tiny whimpers while her head lays on my shoulder. I laid her down next to Alana, tucked them in, and sat on the chair while they both slept.

~ End of Part 18~



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