A Nationwide Drought Means Family Bathtime [Incest][M/FFF]


There is a nationwide, *extreme* drought warning. Do your best to *preserve* water in any way possible. This means drink only as much as you need. Collect rainwater. Keep bathing to a minimum. This message will repeat.


This was playing *all* day on the radio, for the past month. For just about everyone in the nation, this month has been *hell*. At first, hardly anyone took it seriously. My sisters and I sure didn’t. We drank gallons of water straight from the tap, let our showers run long and hot, and watered the lawn like it was nothing. We thought absolutely nothing about preservation. This was about a week in, when suddenly the water *stopped*.

My mother, god bless her soul, was prepared for our ineptitude. She had gallons upon gallons saved in the basement, along with an industrial filter. She was as smart as she was frugal. She reused everything she could. If she made hot dogs, guess what became our soup? If she brushed her teeth, flushed the toilet, or took a shower, you know damn well that water was getting cycled through the filter to be what we drank. Any measly ration of H2O would find new life *somewhere* in the household.

After a while though, water was too tight for even showers, however short we could make them. This is when mom finally decided individual showers were an *extreme* waste.

“We are all bathing together, no ‘*if, ands, or buts’*.” She said sharply. “I expect all three of you here at 7PM sharp for our family bathing session. My two sisters and I looked at each other in bewilderment. She was dead serious about this.

Mom was the first to be in the bathroom. Eliza, mom, was a short, busty woman. Her bobbed blond hair sat at her shoulders. People would have described her as a ‘karen’ before the drought days, in looks at least. For her body, I’d honestly never paid attention to her curves until she was explicitly wrapped in nothing but a towel. In fact, all of us were wrapped in towels, mine on my waist, my two sisters around their chests. Patiently, she waited for us to remove them and step into the bath.

“It’s my king size bath, so there will be *plenty* of room for all of us.” she promised. “This is for our own good. No need to be shy about any of this.” Regardless of what mom said, it’s not like *her* towel was off. It was obviously going to be awkward to take off our towels in front of each other, my sister’s and I had never seen each other in anything smaller than a decent bathing suit, and our mother hadn’t seen us since we were very small. Now that we were all mature, we had *real* bodies, bodies we were unsure of how to show to our own damn family. The four of us stood there, in our towels wondering who would be the first to go in. We did our best to avert eye contact with each other, awkwardly waiting for one of us to make a move.

“I’ll do it, whatever.” Clarie said. Clarie had long blond hair, and a tight, thin body. She was always a bit of a tease to the boys in school, so it wasn’t that surprising when she was the first to get naked. “Jack just *better* keep his eyes to himself.” She sneered.

Claire dropped her towel, her back facing me, as I got a quick flash of her tight little butt. She held her arms over her small chest as it dropped, and quickly dipped her whole body into the water. The ends of her hair floated on the water as she kept her arms to her chest, covering her breasts. The water only reached to the bottom of her tits, and her knees stuck out as she sat there. She sighed heavily.

“Well done Claire!” Mom said, doing a little golf clap. “However, everyone needs to get in before the water gets cold. Who’s next?”

Emily adjusted her glasses and sighed. She took after mom a bit more as she was a bigger girl, a bit chubby. Her hair reached about mom’s length, and her curves almost matched. Her chest was bigger than Claries by at least two cup sizes, though her bottom was where she was really gifted. She for sure had the biggest of the family. “I’ll- I’ll go in next. Nothing we haven’t seen before, right Claire?” she said.

“Uhh, not for Jack.” Claire replied in a huff. “Eyes to yourself..!”

Emily moved her glasses to the side of the sink, then unwrapped her towel. I caught sight of her breasts, but my eyes couldn’t help but move my eyes lower, transfixed on her fat ass walking into the tub. It jiggled with every little step.

I’ll be honest, I was *never* really interested in my sisters in any way. Sure, I understood they were attractive, but it never really hit me how I’d been living with two sexy girls under the same roof until seeing them bare naked. Now this drought almost seemed like a blessing.

“Well done Emily!” Mom continued as she got into the tub. She also sits, her knees sticking out of the water, arms doing a worse job than Claire’s to cover her breasts.

“So…” Mom started. It *was* her idea for all of us to bathe together, she couldn’t back out now. “Mommy’s turn.” She tossed her towel to the side, exposing her body.

Mom was short and curvy. Her large breasts bounced as the towel came off, her tits easily bigger than both of my sisters. Like Emily, she had bright pink nipples and areolas. She had a bit of a belly, her crotch had some bush to it. Her behind was thick, a perfect fat ass. She fit the definition of MILF pretty accurately.

I watched her butt sway as she walked to the bath and got in with my sisters. She was not being as modest as them, leaving her tits to hang freely and sink a bit into the warm water. There were now three closest women in my life, all naked in a bathtub waiting for me. I would have had a raging erection if it wasn’t still so awkward

“Well Jack.” She spoke up. “It’s time to get in, the water’s getting cold already.


“Uh- Oh. Okay mom.” I say, my nerves now getting to me. It was great watching them undress, sure, but to do it myself… I take my hand to the wrapped towel.

Emily’s face flushed, embarrassed to have to see her brother’s bare body. Claire on the other hand looks almost intrigued. I unwrap the towel, and drop it to the floor with the pile. I expose my softie hanging between my legs. I scratch the back of my head as I hear my sisters giggle a bit. Emily had her hands over her eyes, barely peeking. Though I noticed Claire and mom, their eyes transfixed on my hanging dick. I didn’t want to say anything, but I think they liked what they saw.

“I- Okay, very good Jack.” She says, finally breaking eye contact with my dick. “Eh-hem. In the tub with us, we’re going to start.”

I get into the warm bath water with the girls, getting myself comfortable. Even if the tub was large, fitting four people into it was a bit of a task. I sat next to my mom, our shoulders and thighs touching. I was directly across Emily, our legs bumping into each other.

“So- now what?” I asked.

“We wash ourselves silly. Did you forget why we’re sharing this tub?” Mom said. She began to wash herself, taking some soap and scrubbing herself down. She rubbed her chest, then lifted one of her heavy tits and started to clean underneath, then the next.
Her elbow bumped into my shoulder a bit, space was really tight.

Claire did the same, getting some soap and rubbing the back of her neck. I got a good look at her small tits. She had cute little nipples, everything on her chest was smaller than Emily and Mom. She noticed me peeking, crossing her arms. “Perv! Don’t fucking look at me!”

Emily laughed nervously a bit. “It’s going to be hard not to look at each other Claire… We’re all naked here, don’t focus too much on it…”

Claire huffed and puffed, but went back to washing herself, her elbow bumping into Emily. “Watch it please!”

Emily started next, taking some warm soapy water and pouring it over her chest and tits. She glanced at me as she squeezed one of her big boobs, she knew I couldn’t help looking at them. From her I caught a sneaky little smile on her flushed cheeks.

“Okay, I need to wash my- uh, myself down there.” Emily said. “I’m going to get up for a second.”

She gripped the side of the bathtub and slowly lifted herself up, her whole body out of the bath now. Her big ass was right next to my head now, her wet butt cheek almost touching my face. My head turned, getting a good look. Fuck, it was big. “Excuse me Jack, I need to do this real quick.” She put one of her legs up on the rim of the bathtub to spread herself a bit, her butt turning to face me directly. I caught a good look at her asshole and pussy, both pretty and pink. She leaned back a little, her fat behind bumping directly into my face. “Oh, fuck sorry Jack. Space is so tight… C-can you back up a bit?”

“No he can’t, there’s hardly any space!” Claire complained. “How are we supposed to actually bathe like this? Emily can hardly wash her cooch without smothering Jack.”

Emily sat back into the water, flushed. “S-sorry Jack.”

Mom thought for a second, realizing the predicament. “Since we’re a bit tight on space, we can help each other okay. Each of you take some soap and help the other wash up. Emily, you can help Claire, I’ll get Jack.” She sounded so confident in this, as if we weren’t going to have to touch our family members naked bodies.

“Okay, that works.” Claire shrugged. Listening to mom, Emily takes some soap and begins to rub Claire’s shoulders and back.

Then, mom turns to me with soap in her hands. “Jack, let me scrub your chest.”
Flushed, I turn to face her, her warm wet hands kneading my chest. My eyes can’t help but glance at her chest, her big wet tits sitting in the water.

“*Jack*, eyes up here. Let me get under your arms now.”

Mom is thorough with washing me, getting all the parts above water squeaky clean.

“Thanks mom.”

“Mmhm. Now, time for down there.” She says, glancing down under the water. The soapy water makes things hazy, but it looks like she just eyed my cock.

“Uh, I can get that.” I say.

“Nonsense, there’s hardly any space for you to clean yourself.” Mom says, her hands moving down my body to my legs. Without any warning, her hands reach down grabbing into my inner thighs, moving right to my ballsack. She grabs them, getting a good feel. “We have to wash in here now.” She started to scrub my balls with her palm, her fingers teasing my taint. Mom was washing deep in my crotch.

Fuck! I was not expecting her to touch me anywhere down here. Not that I minded, her hands felt so nice. My cock couldn’t help but get hard, slowly rising, the tip poking out of the water. “Oh, Jack, come on now.” Mom teased. “It’s just a bath, nothing to get excited over.”

Emily and Claire both looked over, taking a look at my stiff dick. Emily’s face became flushed while staring, while Claire looked at it intently. “Looks like our *big* brother lives up to his title.” She laughed. I was embarrassed, but my dick was loving the attention.

“Girls, we’re not here to tease, just to wash up okay?” Mom said, straight faced. Her hand was still focused on my balls, but her palm slowly started to make it’s way up my shaft. “You wash under your foreskin, don’t you Jack?” I nodded, feeling the pleasure of her warm hands going up my erection.

Mom’s hand made its way to my head, my sisters both paused what they were doing to watch. With her one hand, she pulled back my foreskin, and took some soapy water in her other. Like a soft and gentle handjob, mom started to stroke, up and down my shaft. I shivered and moaned a bit as she stroked me. “Don’t be so dramatic, it’s just a wash.” She said, not breaking eye contact from my dick. I started to shake. God I was so close to an orgasm, was mom really going to make me-

“Looks clean to me!” She pulled her hands away, leaving my cock twitching. Fuck, I could have used that. “Okay, ready for me?” Mom shifted herself so her back was facing me. “Get my back.”

I lathered up my hands and started to give mom a massage with my soapy hands, washing her back and neck. Her skin was slick and soft, she was very nice to touch. “Mmm, that’s great honey. Make sure to get my chest too.”

Instead of turning around though, mom started to push herself backwards onto me until her ass was in between my legs, and pushing up against my still hard dick. She leaned her back onto my chest, her head on my shoulder. “Don’t mind me, it’s just so damn cramped in here. We have to use up all the space we can.”

From behind, my soapy hands started to feel up her chest. Mom closed her eyes and just let me feel her up, getting herself relaxed. I was nervous at first, to touch her tits, but gradually I worked my way down from the top of her neck to her breasts. Her tits were huge and soft. I was hardly cleaning her, just taking the opportunity to grope her tits. I gently squeezed at her nipples, hearing a soft moan from her. “J-jack… Are you sure this is getting me clean?” She teased, but didn’t protest when I continued. I worked my hands up and down her breasts, grabbing them from underneath and letting them drop, feeling their weight. My cock was throbbing against her ass, my hips moving ever so slightly on its own, trying to grind on her.

“That’s enough of that, thank you Jack.” She said as she started to straighten herself out. Damn, she was teasing the hell out of me. “I’m going to get my own ‘downstairs’ so don’t worry about it. I might need to adjust myself, let me just…” Mom lifted her ass out of the water and pushed herself back again, this time my her ass was directly *on* my cock, still rock solid. Her ass practically wrapped around my shaft, my pole getting lost between her thick cheeks. “Hope this isn’t uncomfortable, let me just clean myself and I’ll be done.”

Mom started to rock back and forth as she ‘washed’ her pussy, but I could swear her fingers were just going in circles around her clit. Meanwhile, my dick was perfectly in between her cheeks, sliding up and down. “Feel free to wash my butt, Jack.” She said, nonchalantly. She knew what she was doing to me, she had to. I took her up on her offer, my hands grabbing at her thick backside. I started to thrust now, my dick still gliding in between her cheeks. My hands spread her, and I take a good look at her butthole, prodding it with my thumb. I’m fucking her cheeks now, with a loud *slap* every thrust in. Mom is helping, moving her ass up and down, guiding it as I fuck her cheeks.

*slap, slap, slap, slap*

“Fuck! Mom!” I say, squeezing her ass on my cock as I erupt. I moan loud, my cum spurting from my head and landing on Mom’s butt. My head gets dizzy with my orgasm, and I sink a little back into the tub. Mom shakes her ass just a little, giggling a bit.
“I didn’t want to encourage this behavior during family bath time… But, you deserved a bit of a reward for taking it so well.”

I sink into the bathtub just a bit, letting myself enjoy the orgasmic glow.

“Is this what family bath time is gonna be every time?” I hear Claire say, a smile on her face. “Cuz I want to wash with Jack next time.”

“I-I wouldn’t mind a turn with him either.” Emily said blushing. “Will I get a chance?”

Mom scrubbed her butt, cleaning the fresh load off herself. “Of course, we’re doing this every day.~”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qamdzx/a_nationwide_drought_means_family_bathtime


  1. Hi, here’s a story I wrote for /r/DirtyWritingPrompts. Feel free to give critique and let me know what you liked.

  2. WOW. What a great fucking piece of work. *Need* to read more adventures of Jack, Emily, Claire, and mother in the bathtub.

  3. I thought it was cute. Totally unrealistic but I loved it. Half way through I realized this aging male had his first hard on in weeks. I, too, would like to have the sisters help him bathe again.

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