The Massage Wand Tester – part 1/3 (F- solo, exhib, voy, con)

Alice was low on cash. Very *very* low. She had moved to London in an attempt to launch her acting career, but it hadn’t gotten very far. A few bit- parts here and there. Soap operas mostly. She had been in a play that had tanked. Cancelled after the very first performance. She had gotten a job in Starbucks to help with the rent but she realised that this month she was still going to be short of £300, even after all the overtime she had done. Her best friend Chrissy had been due to come and visit, and she was going to confess everything to her at that point, the rent situation, the lack of work… it was embarrassing but she knew that Chrissy would loan her the £300 with no questions asked. It was just in her nature. She had an audition coming up the following week for a BBC drama, and she was very hopeful about it. She knew the casting director – they had worked together on another show and she had taken a shine to Alice. If she could only get through this week, get the audition she might really be in with a chance of making it.

But Chrissy had unexpectedly cancelled her trip. When she phoned to explain that she had met a guy (on the train no less!) she had sounded so giddy and distracted that Alice couldn’t bring herself to start getting into the whole story of her own financial woes. The rent was due on Wednesday, the last day of the month. So she had four days to scrape the money together. But how?

In desperation she took to the internet, searching ‘cash in hand work – london’. There were some delivery driver jobs, cleaning work and surveys – nothing that seemed to pay more than a pittance. Something caught her eye on gumtree – ‘product testers wanted – £500 for one hour trying a prototype massage wand.’ The ad sounded far too good to be true but she called the number anyway, reasoning that she had nothing to lose.

“Hello?” said the female voice on the other end.

“Hello, I’m calling about the gumtree ad.”

“Oh… okay. How old are you can I ask?”

“I’m twenty seven”

“Okay that’s great. And do you have any underlying health conditions?”

“Erm… no”

“That’s great, that’s brilliant. So you will have to sign a form saying that you agree to the terms and conditions of becoming one of our product testers, that we are not liable for any injury that may occur during or after testing the product.”


“Yes, so unfortunately- full disclosure- a few of our testers have fainted during the process. So far there have been no long term side effects”

“From a massager?”

This was sounding *incredibly* dodgy. The woman on the phone sounded very matter of fact about it all and she wasn’t sue if that made it worse or better.

“Yes. The massager goes into an intimate area.”

“Ohh… and people have fainted from it?”

“Every participant has been willing and signed the contract. Its entirely up to you. We have another batch of tests being performed tomorrow so would you like the time and address or not?”

The woman on the phone sounded curt now, as though she had had enough of the conversation. Without really thinking about it Alice said yes and noted the information down in her diary.

After she put the phone down she laughed. There was no way in hell that she would be going to test that product tomorrow. She couldn’t really believe that they had gotten anyone else to do it either. In curiosity she searched the internet again ‘London – massage wand tester’

There were only 2 real results – the original ad and a reddit post from R/ London entitled ‘massage wand tester – best day of my life’

The post didn’t go into much detail – it didn’t even mention what the product really was – but the poster had said she got £500 for the experience. A couple of people had replied expressing disbelief, and that was it. Nothing else.

Alice went into her bedroom and took her vibrator out from her underwear drawer. Pulling down her pyjama bottoms, she switched on the vibrator and pressed it against her cunt.


All the vibrator talk had got her a little hot and bothered, and it had been a long while since she had gotten herself off. She had been too busy with work and worrying that she had forgotten how good this could feel. She switched the vibrations to their highest setting and rubbed it against her clit, feeling a wetness travel down her legs. She thought about getting fucked hard as she pressed the vibrator against herself, feeling closer and closer to orgasm, like a light slowly getting brighter and brighter until…


The stupid thing had run out of battery. She had no idea where the charger was. She rummaged around in her drawers but there was no sign of it. Wandering around her flat with just her top on, she searched desperately for some batteries, but it was no use.

Sighing, she decided to get into bed and finish the job herself. The problem was that since she had started on anxiety medication the year before, she had found it incredibly difficult to reach orgasm without a vibrator. She would try for hours, fingering her pussy, watching all kinds of porn, trying different positions, but she could rarely get there. It was very frustrating because she knew that once she climaxed she would finally be able to relax and forget her troubles for a while.

She tried using her left hand this time, finger fucking herself while rubbing her clit with her right. It felt incredible, but wasn’t quite enough. She then tried getting on all fours to fuck herself, but that position became tiring after a while. Then she tried humping her pillow, but that barely made her feel anything at all. Eventually she tried just circling her clit with her fingers, legs wide open on the bed. That got her closest of all but after trying for about 45 minutes, she still hadn’t come.

Feeling extremely frustrated, she decided to take a break. Her eyes travelled over to her diary, with the time and address for the ‘massage wand tester’ job. For the first time that evening, she began to think about it seriously. One hours work. One hour! £500 and maybe an orgasm. It didn’t sound too bad at all.

The rational part of her brain kicked in and she told herself not to be silly. This job sounded very dodgy: she could get hurt, maybe she wouldn’t even get the money. Fuck that, she thought, and she turned around and went to sleep.

She woke up twice in the night, tried and failed to make herself cum then went back to sleep. By the time she woke up that morning she felt rather frenzied. As though compelled by some source outside of herself, she got up, got dressed and headed out the door. She took the tube to Westminster in a sort of daze, telling herself that she wasn’t going to do it. But before she knew it she was pressing the buzzer of an inconspicuous looking building named ‘Research Incorporated’

“Is this Alice Barnes?”


“Come on up. Fifth floor. Marsha our receptionist will meet you there.”

The fifth floor looked like a doctor’s office – white and blue, sterile décor, a waiting area and reception, nothing that would suggest what was really going on. It was all feeling a little too scary, and Alice was about to turn around when she was greeted by a smiling middle aged woman with curly brown hair and freckles.

“Hello! You must be Alice. Pleasure to meet you. I’m Marsha, I’m the receptionist here.”

They shook hands. She was warm and friendly- Alice felt a little reassured.

“Would you like to take a seat?”

Alice obliged, sitting down on the comfortable waiting area couch.

“Tea? Coffee? And we do offer a full continental breakfast as well.”

“I’m okay thank you” Her stomach was in knots – she still wasn’t sure she’d be able to go through with this.

“I’m sorry my love but we do insist that you eat something before the process begins. Its not good to go in on an empty stomach. Did you eat breakfast already?”


“I’ll bring you a tray out. You can see if you feel up to it. In the meantime I’ll just let you read the smallprint and you can sign the forms if you’re willing and able.”

She handed Alice a couple of sheets of A4 paper covered in writing along with a pen, then she bustled out of the room down a corridor, leaving her alone.

She skimmed the pages, reading some of the sentences twice because she couldn’t quite believe them:

*‘During the process you will not physically be touched by another person, but scientists wearing latex gloves will insert the massager into your vagina.’*

*‘You will be harnessed into a machine which will be testing your state of arousal. If at any point you do not want the experiment to continue there is a red button next to your left hand which you can press to stop the process immediately (participants will only receive half of the payment in this instance)’*

*‘Our highly trained team of scientists will be in the room with you to talk you through the process and observe your reactions – they are there in a professional capacity and have taken an oath of confidentiality regarding this experiment’*

*‘In the unlikely event of injury, there is a medical professional on site to attend’*

*‘The process will be filmed for (scientific purposes only) – this is non negotiable and each participant must agree to these terms’*

Utter madness! Again, she almost stood up and headed for the door, but Marsha appeared, carting a tray of food and coffee. There were chocolate croissants, bagels with brie, fresh strawberries and Greek yoghurt, and the most delicious smelling coffee.



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