[MF] Never dance with the devil.. (part I)

NOTES: includes gang violence, drugs, alcohol, possible blood, and NonCon. But this is a very realistic RP, so no tentical, weird anime shit, nothing. NOT for the faint of heart, it is based off events that are probably happening right now (at least the first half).

His name was Baby Esterly. Yes, you heard that correctly, B-A-B-Y. His friends and others made up some random name because he was always being made fun or for it, it was Tommy. But his mother always stuck to his government name, Baby. His father left when he was little, it was common when your born on the south side of Chicago. He was raised by his mother, he had nothing but respect for her. She had a bit of a drug froblem though. She was always doing lines, or had a pipe in her hand but a hard working individual, putting food on the table. Eventually she wiped the table and put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober her sons heart got darker. She lost all her jobs by the time her son was 15. (PS. This is not leading to incest) he had a 4.6 GPA, he wanted to go to the United States Military Academy and to become a Army Officer under Special operations. His mother always said that he’s gonna go to Harvard, or Yale and take the hardest classes and be something great, but now he was the man of the house, he had to put food on the table.

Eventually he got involved in some gang, not a good one either. He dropped out at 15 and started selling trees. He went from wanting to be a Army Officer Combat Medic to wanting to fill out the Scarface fantasy, doing cocaine and fucking movie stars. At that point it was on a daily basis that he himself would buy bags of cocaine, and fuck young girls every day, looking for hit and run women. By 17 he came to the inevitable realization that he’s not making much money doing all this shit, he needed to get serious, he knew money didnt buy respect, he put the bag down knowing he was at his lowest, he also started to get a lot more serious with the gang, he went from doing coke to selling it. And at the time it was when the CIA was supplying drugs from peru and weapons from Nicaraguas to the streets because of their budget, he always blamed the government for this, his quote could’ve been “im not guilty, they’re guilty, politicians, law makers.. They dont make Uzi’s in Chicago. How do you think this shit is being distributed” he ad all this potential to be something amazing and he was so smart, but he knew it was too late for that. He had a croupted mind at that age.

By 18 he built a huge reputation in his gang that he could hustle and steal. But he got caught ONE time and he didn’t hesitate to rat on his gang. So when he got out and hanged out with other criminals they didn’t think he was real and he knew it. He started to become more violent. Robbing, butchering, starting fights with random people, it didn’t matter, he knew that in the eyes of his gang he wasn’t trusted. They told him that as well. They said that any n*gga that wears a red shit can rep a blood but that dosent mean they are one, they told him he needs to prove himself. One of them suggested raping a bitch to prove he was cold hearted, his dreams about money a chains made him agree.

He met with about 4 others at 2:45A.M. he was ready he was exited to put a end to his new reputation of being a rat. They waited near a ally way, smoking blunts in the car and laughing while it was raining. Eventully till 4AM-*ish* we see some bitch coming home from work, and entering the ally way, she was beautiful, she was the type that he would contemplate marriage with. They slowly get out of the car and follow her, and they approached her that took her to the ground, tying her up and pushing her around, they proceeded to rip you up and rape you violently, I was meant to go first but we all used you. They used all her holes, stretching her and hitting her, he stomped on her jaw till it was damn near broken. They yelled “shut the fuck up,stop moving around!” After 30 minutes of using you, you just gave up and lied there in a puddle of rain and cum, lying their, empty and scared. After they were done, one of them pulls out a brand new .22, he says “nows your chance to be hard Tommy.” Baby was shaking, he never killed someone, he robbed, sold, fought, but never took a life, none the less a innocent one. He looking at her in the eyes as she was tore up, scared and wet. He pointed the gun at her.. then at the one moment he remembered how his mother came home late just to put food on the table, he finally realized after all these years that he was evil. He knew that Jesus died for somebody’s sins, but it wasn’t his. One of them said “do i-” as his eyes flashed before whist eyes, within a second he shoots all 4 of them. He dropped the weapon slowly as he’s shaking, then he picks it up as he breathes heavily, looking at their bodies. He puts the weapon in his pants and quickly attempts to clothe you, but he leaves you tied. He now knew that this was the end of his life unless he ran. He picks her up in his arms and he caries her out to the El Camino, and he throws you in the car. Womdering why he’s saving her. He speeds off at night and just starts driving. At 100mph he starts to drive to his house and he grabs all his saving and quickly writes a note to his mother saying “im alive” he leaves $1k on that note. He runs back to the car and start to drive again. She could leave the car when he was gone because she was still tied. At 110mph he starts to drive northwest. In jail he remembers a convorsation he had with a cell mate who was much older than him. (This was past tense convorsation, after talking about what they did to get in jail)

Baby: “y’know, maybe i can get a second chance. Start over, I mean I’ve always wanted to go to Alaska, I heard its beautiful. Living as a cool frontiersman.. my mom always used to watch those shows *chuckles*

Cell mate: “yeah sorry kid..thats the one thing you can never do”

That convorsation meant a lot to him, because he knew that, that was his life now. Now it was time to prove his cell mate wrong. He drives for 6 hours before running out of gas, she it his still tied up in the backseat, staring into nothingness. He stops at a gas station, he knows that she isn’t gonna escape, I mean she’s half naked and ties up, what can she do? Run? He went into the store, I got a bottle of Whiskey, looks at it then puts it back, maybe he knew that if he dosnet go down for what he did then he can clean up his life. He gets a small bottle of chocolate milk, then and a case of water, small bag of jelly beans, and a hot dog. He pays, and goes back to the car. He’s baffled because he usually doesn’t pay. He puts a the hot dog and some jelly beans on your lap but doesn’t say anything. He drives a little bit to the nearest hotel before realizing your still tied. At this point they’re in Montana-Idaho-ish boarder. He parks at the hotel and he gets out, its 5pm now. How the fuck is he gonna get you in? He grabs a knife thats in the car. And he reaches back and cuts off your leg tie. He gets out and opens the door for you, after now speaking for 10-13 ish hours he finally says “get out” he takes the food off your lap and he sets it too the side. She gets out quickly and stands in front of him. He buttons your blouse and pulls out a shoelace and uses it as your belt loop, he ties once he’s done and he does this all every discreetly as this is all happening in the middle of the parking lot at 5pm. “Can you talk?” He askes quietly. She mumbles some words softly but its unable to hear, her throat still burns. She has a few scrapes on her shirt and pants but overall she’s good. And a few face scratches. He gets her scarf and wraps it around her and tucks it in her blouse. Runs his fingers though her hair and moves it behind her ear. He grab the knife and cuts the tie off her arms. “We are gonna walk in there..im gonna get us a room..im gonn- do you want 2 beds? I’ll get us two.. Anyway, I will bring up the food as well, you can eat and sleep.. good?” she nods her head. he starts to walk in with the snacks as she follows. They get a room for the day. They take a elevator for the room (im not getting into specifics. Gonna skip a few steps) were in the room and your eating on the bed, im on the other one drinking some water. I pull out a small capsule full of pure, clean cocaine. I put about ΒΌ of it in a new bottle of water then I shape the water with the lid on. Then I hand you it. “This will help your pain…the pain in your head too.”

Well, im gonna end it here folks. Sorry if its not entirely grammatically correct, its late.

Take care, brush ya hair.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/q9i259/mf_never_dance_with_the_devil_part_i