Foreign Exchange – Part 9 (f/f, m/f)

Allison – 41
“Where the hell is he, Allison?”

It’s Michelle this time. I’m getting stuck of hearing that question so I snap back with a little more anger than I intend, “Fuck if I know. He’s not a dog that comes running whenever I whistle.” I should never have agreed to this.

It’s after 8:00 when we hear him pull into the driveway. That exhaust noise is unmistakably him. Alex swaggers in a couple minutes later and drops his bag of gear on the floor before heading straight down to the basement, ignoring us in the living room.

I march down there and find him digging around in the cooler looking for a beer. “You guys drank my beers too?” he asks when he only finds white claws and lemonades.

I don’t have an answer so I go in the offensive. “We’ve been waiting for over an hour for you to get here.”

“What’re you talking about? I told you I was going climbing.”

“The gym closed almost three hours ago. Where have you been? I called six times.”

“My phone is on silent, no distractions while I’m belaying. Also, I didn’t know I had a curfew.” He says defiantly and heads back upstairs empty handed.

“Everyone is here. Kylie’s story about last night had everyone desperate for a turn with you. They wanted to make a competition out of it to see who got you tonight.” This turns out to be a terrible thing to say.

“Y’all think I’m just gonna service you whenever you want? That you get to decide who I have sex with and when? What am I, a prize winning horse that’s being put out to stud?”

“Isn’t that what every guy wants?” asks Sara.

“Would you want that?” he replies.

It’s a fair question. Nobody tries to answer so Alex answers it for them.

“If the roles were reversed and I brought three friends over here because I told them how tight Kylie was and they figured it’s their turn now then you’d be disgusted.”

“Well, to be fair, nobody’s gonna call Kylie tight after what you did to her.” Michelle’s joke cuts the tension and everyone laughs, including Alex and Kylie.

“Fair enough,” he says, “but for now y’all need to relax. Everyone enjoys the chase, right? Just let it happen.” He turns and goes back into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

All four of the women in the living room are understandably disappointed. They came hoping to, well, cum. What they got was definitely not that.

“And clean up the basement.” Alex says as he walks towards his room. “Dad knows I don’t drink that shit and I don’t want to listen to a lecture about turning you ladies into degenerates.”


I can finally breathe normally again. I’ve just closed the door to my room, separating myself from a pride of lionesses who didn’t realize how strong they are. If Stephanie hadn’t thrown herself at me at the gym I’d have been hard in an instant and there’s no way they would have believed me. Then I’d have had sex with one of them, it would have been cool, but not Earth shattering like it was for Kylie and then I’d never get a shot at the other two. Playing the long game takes patience and apparently a lot of luck too.

I can still smell Stephanie’s juices on myself. It’s turning me on and I can’t afford to not have a clear head. I decide to finish this sandwich, take a cold shower and then figure out my next steps.


“This is bullshit.” Kylie is saying. “Somebody is supposed to be getting fucked right now and instead we’re all down here picking up cans and wiping girl cum off a leather sectional.”

It’s a good thing Alex said something though, neither Allison or I had thought that much about the basement today but when we came down it reeked of sex and there were empties on most of the surfaces.

Sara got the blankets we used last night into the washer and Michelle and I were wiping the couch down with damp towels. Allison had a bag to collect the cans in and Kylie had…a bad attitude. She seemed to be taking it worst of all even though she was still walking funny. I sure hope Alex doesn’t make us wait for too long.

Then I realize something. He said that the chase was part of the fun. He did NOT say that he had to do the chasing.

We finish cleaning the room and spray a heavy amount of fabreeze on the carpet to kill any scent we might have missed. Hopefully by the time Allison’s parents get home tomorrow night everything will be normal.

The other three girls decide to leave after the cleanup is done. Michelle says something about a concert at some club her brother goes to. They’re all dressed to the nines, so why waste the effort when it’s still really early on a Saturday night.

Fortunately Allison didn’t dress up nearly as much and isn’t interested in going out tonight. That gives me an excuse to stay with her. If Alex isn’t going to put out tonight, at least she will. And maybe I can use that to my advantage.

Alex – 44

Michelle, Sara and Kylie are all gone by the time I get out of the shower. I’m a little disappointed when I walk out to the kitchen with my plate and the full beer that was on my nightstand from last night. I’m only wearing compression shorts right now and I was hoping that tantalizing the girls would encourage them to do something crazy. I certainly wouldn’t object to seeing the first act of the show I caught the end of last night.

Instead it’s just Allison and Ingrid watching TV together. I pull a frosty mug out of the freezer and pour the warm beer into it and then go sit in a recliner next to the girls.

Ingrid’s arm is around Allison’s shoulders and her hand is on Allison’s tit. She’s didn’t even flinch when I came in. Allison doesn’t look super comfortable right now, but she’s paying more attention to the TV than me. Her hand is resting between Ingrid’s thighs, a fraction of an inch from where I could be if I wasn’t trying to bone two other girls after Ingrid, while still leaving the option over for a repeat performance with all of them.

I break the silence and ask “Are y’all together?”

Allison blushes but Ingrid gives her breast a playful squeeze and then answers. “Kind of, we’re both bisexual” Allison grimaces at being outed officially “and we’re attracted to each other. So hooking up was natural. I can’t speak for her, but I have feelings for your sister.” Ingrid turns for a kiss.

It’s not a horny, come fuck me kiss either. This one is romantic and packed with emotion. Allison turns into it and kisses back. “I’ve got feelings for you too she says.”

This is sweet, “I’m happy for you guys then. And I’m not going to tell anyone if that’s what you’re worried about Allison.”

They look back at me, there’s definitely relief in Allison’s eyes. I’m guessing she wanted someone to know, but wasn’t ready to tell anyone herself. Or maybe I’m full of shit, how could I understand what goes on in the head of a teenage bisexual woman?

They start kissing again, I’m trying to watch whatever they were watching but they’re in season four of some shit I’ve never even heard of. Plus the soft sounds of a couple girls making out are impossible to ignore.

I excuse myself after five minutes or so. I should have left as soon as they started. I’m definitely getting hard now and since I planned on teasing them I’ve got no way to hide it. I feel guilty about it because she’s my sister, but she’s also so damn hot.

Ingrid -45

“I told you that would work.” Allison says. I’d asked her what she thought about turning the chaser into the chased after the other girls left and she thought it was brilliant. Then she suggested making out in front of him to really get him hot and bothered. I don’t think she expected things to get so real there in the middle, but I was ready to tell her that I do have feelings for her and I’m thrilled to hear her say that back.

“Yes, you did. Now lean back and let me finish what I started.” I slide down to her chest and bury my face between her spectacular tits. They’re huge but also amazingly soft and they hang perfectly when she’s on top of me. Her areolas are the size of quarters and puff out just the tiniest bit from each breast and they surround these tiny, sensitive nipples that make her squeal when I squeeze them or give them a playful bite. I could spend days playing with them.

But Allison is too turned on right now. She needs me to move further down and I’m just as happy between her legs. I give her boobs one last squeeze and kiss before licking my way down across her belly button and beyond. We’re still in the living room so instead of taking her shorts off I just pull the crotch aside and get to work. She’s already wet and grinds herself against my mouth as soon as my lips touch her sweet flower.

She squirms against my tongue as I slide a couple fingers into her soft, wet cunt. I’m going for broke right now. She’s been kind of left out for the last couple days while I’ve been lusting after her brother. I twirl my fingers around inside her, making sure to brush her g-spot as much as I can.

After mere minutes I can feel her body tense. Her pussy clenches against my fingers and her hands haven’t left the back of my head since I pulled her shorts aside. She moans, loudly, and clamps her legs against my ears.

As her orgasm wanes, I pull myself out from between her legs. I give her a quick kiss and then get to my feet.

She asks what the rush is. I tell her that I plan to go tease Alex a little because I’m sure he’s jerking off at the thought what he saw last night.

“Wait,” she says. “There’s something you should know. It’ll probably help.”

Allison -46

Ingrid isn’t prepared for what I’m about to say, and I didn’t want to tell her tonight. But she’s determined to fuck Alex and I want her to be happy

“Alex knows this, but I don’t think he knows that I know…” I take a long pause before continuing
“….I’m not his sister.” The words hang in the air for a while before she responds.

“What do you mean? You guys are so close?” She asks.

“Legally, we’re family. But I’m adopted. I noticed that my parents and him all have blue eyes. Mine are brown. It came up in science class a few years ago that two blue eyed parents cannot have brown eyed kids. After I realized that, I checked my birth certificate. It was easy enough to get it from my mom. I needed it for my learner’s permit anyway.”

“But where are your parents? Your blood parents, I mean?” Ingrid asks

“I don’t know. I can’t remember them. But I went snooping after I saw my birth certificate and found the adoption certificate too. I was only two, but he was six. He should remember that I belonged to other parents first. You might need to remind him though, he’s had a pained look on his face all day and he might not have made the leap all the way yet. But once you tell him, the thought of you and I together should drive him crazy.”

“That’s why I’ve let things get so wild. I’d never have eaten breakfast naked in front of a biological brother, but since we’re not I thought it’d be funny to make him uncomfortable.”

“I’m pretty sure it worked, too. He was staring at me a lot this morning.”

“Who could blame him?” Ingrid asks. “You’re the hottest girl in the house.”

“There’s something else. Last night, I told him to pick a girl and I’d send her up for him to have sex with. That’s what I was doing when you were telling the story of his massage. The cost of the booze he bought for us was supposed to be a shot at one of you after you’d had some drinks in you.”

“I hoped he’d pick Kylie first. Not only is she a slut, but we experimented together once. Neither of us liked it back then and I knew that if I started something with you and the other girls she’d leave. I also knew she’d definitely put out, so maybe she’d distract him from trying to hook up with you.’

“He didn’t even consider it, though. He picked you without even seeing the others. I told him no because I wanted you to myself. I was afraid that he’d take you away from me. But now, I see that I can’t keep you away from him. I don’t want to. If he’ll make you happy then I’ll have to find a way to share you with him.”

Ingrid is starting to tear up. “Stop that.” I say. “Your makeup is already smudged from going down on me. You don’t need mascara trails running down your cheeks too.”

She’s speechless. Good. I kiss her passionately. “I think I’m in love with you Ingrid.” I can’t believe i just said that.

“I know.” Ingrid replies. If she actually just quoted Han Solo she’s going to be perfect for Alex.

“I love you too, Allie.’

We hug, then kiss one last time. I’ve got one last thing for her. I reach into my panties and dip two fingers into my pussy. They come out covered in my grool. I offer them to her and she sucks greedily, but she’s got a confused look on her face.

“Now go fuck my brother. Let him taste me on your lips. There’s only one girl that taste could have come from. You’ve seen him looking at us. If he figures out what the taste is it’ll drive him crazy and you’ll be in complete control.”

Alex -47

I’m going crazy. I can’t stop thinking about my sister and Ingrid making out on the couch. I know I shouldn’t be thinking of her like this but she’s just so… hot! Ingrid is amazing too, but I’ve been noticing Allison in her skimpy shirts and tiny shorts for years. I tried my hardest to not look, and I definitely never stared.

She only turned 18 a couple months ago. Before that it wasn’t just incest, it was also a felony.

There’s a knock at my door. I open it and find empty hallway. Then I realize it’s the other door. The one that leads to the bathroom Ingrid and I share.

She opens it herself. The light from her room illuminates her from behind. Seeing her silhouette is so erotic. Any thought I have of retaining control is gone. The gentle curve of her waist that flares out to become hips. Those amazing hips that she pressed against me two nights ago. I can just make out her labia in the gap between her thighs. I might be imagining but I think I see a drop of her sweet nectar glinting in the light.

“I wanted to come say goodnight properly.” she says as she steps forward into my room. She’s inches away from me. Her scent is intoxicating but I can’t figure out what she smells like. It’s familiar but distinct.

Her arms are around my neck. I can feel her body against mine. I’m still wearing nothing but compression shorts and wherever my skin touches hers a fire is kindled.

“Allison wanted me to give you a message.” she says. This confuses me even more, what does my sister have to tell me through this exquisite woman that she can’t say herself.

Her lips meet mine. Again there’s something familiar in the way she tastes. It’s so close, but so different from what I think it is. Like my favorite food, but it’s been prepared by a new chef who perfected the recipe.

I’m tasting my sister! The realization sets in and I’m repulsed, but also I’m more turned on than I think I’ve ever been.

Ingrid breaks our kiss. “Allison wanted me to tell you that she’s adopted. Remind you actually, since she thinks you already knew but had forgotten somehow.”

My mind is going to explode. If Allison told Ingrid to tell me this, after she and Ingrid declared their feelings for one another that has to mean…

“You wanted to be desired.” Ingrid says before kissing me again. “I desire you.”

I can hardly maintain my balance. No amount of drugs or alcohol has ever made my head swim like this. Ingrid reaches down and grabs my cock through my shorts. It’s harder than ever before. ‘I want you, but not tonight. Tonight is for her. She told me she loves me before sending me in here to please you, but I think that hurt her more than she wants to admit. So tonight I’m going back to her. But not yet.”

I still have no idea what to do. It doesn’t matter, Ingrid’s in charge anyway. She pushes me back onto the bed and pulls my shorts down to my knees “Be quick” she tells me, “I need to get back.”

Her mouth closes around the head of my dick. I’m falling, even though I’m already lying down. It’s the most intense feeling I’ve ever experienced. This isn’t about finding a warm hole to put my dick into. There’s emotion being communicated now. I can’t read the words yet, but I understand.

It feels like a matter of seconds before I erupt into her mouth. No warning, just a rush of pleasure crashing over me like a tidal wave.

Ingrid swallows. There’s a tiny trickle running down from the corner of her mouth. She rubs it into her lips like a balm.

“I’m going back to her room now.” she says. “It’s only fair that she get to taste you too.”



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