(M)y Best Friend Surprise (Pt 1)

Kyle was my neighbor and absolute best friend throughout my entire childhood. I think the only time we didn’t see each other every single day was when either of us went on a family vacation (and sometimes we even went on those together). You could say our world’s basically revolved around each other and of course video games. However, that all started to change the summer before our freshman year of High School.

When the previous school year began, neither of us had started puberty… but by the end of our school year both of us started to go through some changes (I seemed to be a little more than Kyle) and our minds followed suit and began to focus on sexual things. We were both slim but not absurdly skinny, brown hair, blue eyes… many people thought we were brothers actually. I just went through a growth spurt so I was about 6 inches taller than Kyle and my voice was much deeper. Kyle was starting to go through some changes but not as much and not as quick as I. Although Kyle never said anything… I thought he was jealous of the fact I went through puberty changes before him.

Since we didn’t have school… Kyle and I were home alone from about 8 AM until my Mom got home from work around 5 PM. Aka… we had a LOT of time on our hands together and alone. Mostly we spent that time watching tv/movies, or playing video games for hours on end.
After a few weeks into the summer… Kyle paused our video game and turned to me and asked, “so do you have hair all over your balls?”. I’m sure I had a dumbfound look on my face when I turned to him, “what?!?! Why the fuck do you care if I have hair on my balls…?” I asked while laughing.

Kyle looked down shyly, “well I just… I… I haven’t had a ton of changes yet and I’m curious where you were at… so I can judge if I’m super far behind you or what… like… I mean your voice has dropped you’re way taller than me, so I just wanted to know shit like, do you have hair on your balls? If so… how much? When did you start growing hairs? Is your cock bigger now than it was?” he said in an almost desperate tone.

“Dude… I don’t fuckin remember when I started growing hair… it was some time last year and yeah… I got a good amount of hair, I actually started using my dad’s beard trimmer to trim it down” I say laughing.

Then I realized Kyle is like my brother, so it wasn’t weird talking to him about it at all as I continue to answer his questions, “and I mean… yeah… I guess my cock is bigger…. I don’t have a replica of my cock from last year” I laugh, “but its way bigger than it was a year ago I’m sure… but I think most of that happens just naturally when you get bigger though you know?!?! It wasn’t like I woke up and looked down and overnight my cock grew huge” I say laughing as Kyle’s mood seemed to lighten up a ton.

“Yeah… I guess you’re right…” he says smirking “but what about your cum… can you cum like they do in pornos with those massive facials and cumshots? I only just now started to cum a little bit, but its mostly from wet dreams… when I beat off, sometimes I cum but I also have those like dry fuckin orgasm but don’t cum still!”. I get a big smirk on my face… “dude…yes! I started cumming all the time back around Christmas I think” I laugh “what’s really nuts is how hard I am all the fuckin time, even right after I cum… I’ll get soft for a little bit but spring right back up in no time… I’m fucking horny and HARD ALL THE TIME” I chuckle, “Fuck I’m hard right now just talking about it!”

Kyle had that look of jealousy all over his face, “you mother fucker!” he laughed, “no fuckin way… you aren’t seeing anyone naked or watching porn or anything… how the fuck are you hard?!?!” he asked in disbelief. I smirk and stand up, “I’m not fuckin lying bro… look…” I say as I point down to the massive bulge that’s formed in my gym shorts. The outline of my thick cock is perfectly clear.

“HOLY FUCK!” he yelled and started laughing… as he stared with his jaw open and started to smirk, “you fuckin bitch! But wait don’t you get… what do they call it… oh yeah… Blue balls if you get hard but don’t cum?” I laugh with him, “I mean… they kind of ache and hurt to touch if you get really close to cumming but have to stop and don’t shoot… but that’s only happened a few times… so its just kinda normal I guess?!?! I don’t know… don’t you get hard all the time? I remember I did last year.” I asked curiously.

Kyle shrugged, “I mean yeah… I guess I do a lot… I don’t know why I’m freaking out so much… but I don’t know… I feel like my cock is half the size of yours… at least it looks that way…” he says with a gulp, while still looking at my cock “I mean… that looks like a fuckin MAN’s cock made for porn.”.

I rolled my eyes kind of brushing off the comment, a little unsure of how to take that from my best friend. “Um… no… it isn’t that big dude…” I say with a chuckle and Kyle quickly responds “No dude… that looks fuckin huge… just like in porn… I’m fuckin serious!”.

Feeling a bit uneasy from the way Kyle was talking to me I just kind of stood there shaking my head but also oddly flattered at the same time. “No dude… those guys got like 9 or 10 inch cocks… I’m only like 7.5 or so” I say, kind of blushing at the fact I’m talking to my best friend about my cock still.

Kyle shruggs his shoulders a bit and raised his eyebrows, “I don’t know dude… I mean… I haven’t seen it yet… but I bet it looks fucking fabulous!” he snickered, “I’m jealous as fuck, not gonna lie!” That REALLY made me blush… I felt my face heat up and know it turned bright red as my heartrate started to pick up.

But what was even more embarrassing was the fact I felt my cock harden up and pulsate in my shorts when he said that. I had no clue why, as I never thought a guy could make me feel horny (let alone my best friend) but that was exactly what was happening.

“So… what does your cum taste like?” he asked like it was a completely normal question. “Uhhh…excuse me… what?” I ask with a confused/scowl look on my face.

Kyle laughed and rolled his eyes, “you gotta be kidding me… you haven’t tasted it to see what it tastes like? You aren’t curious at all?” he said still laughing, “that was one of the first things I did when I woke up from a wet dream… rubbed my finger in it and tasted it… it was kind of salty… but I’ve heard that it tastes different based on what you eat.” I stood there confused for a minute, “like what do you mean? Tastes different based on what you eat?” I ask.

“Like if you eat salty things… it will taste salty… but if you eat sweet things it will taste sweet!” Kyle said with a little excitement in his voice, “and I know you eat candy like… all the fuckin time!” he chuckled, “so… just was curious if your cum tasted sweet?”.

“Uhhhh… that’s crazy… kind of cool I guess…” I say confused at where this conversation is going, “I don’t know… I never thought of tasting it…” I laughed, “so no clue how it tastes…”.

Then an awkward silence filled the room until Kyle said something that nearly knocked me on my ass in disbelief… “So….. can I taste it?”

To Be Continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/q8xzsg/my_best_friend_surprise_pt_1


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